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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 910x607, CORN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19695495 No.19695495 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for posting corn

>> No.19695637
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>> No.19696403
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Can I post my corn..whole?

>> No.19696414
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Is corn soup allowed?

>> No.19696420
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How do you know where to slice if you're grilling the corn and then slicing it? I never seem to do it right.

>> No.19696432

Corn that isn't on a cob is trash

>> No.19696478
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>> No.19696522

Solid soup anon good post

>> No.19696542
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It's got the JUICE!
Jus' wait until dis lil' Nigga finds out about ELOTE?

>> No.19696557


>> No.19696677

I fucking love corn.

How can you tell if corn is going to be sweet or not before you buy it? Other produce you can usually tell by look or feel if it's going to taste good but with corn I have no idea if it's going to be sweet or not before I actually eat it.

>inb4 "just take a bite in the store"

>> No.19696706
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>> No.19696726

im making fresh corn cornbread tomorrow, ask me anything (about the cornbread)

>> No.19696739
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How could I resist?

>> No.19696741

just sharing, but if you buy whole corn cobs but are only using the kernels, keep the rest of your cob, and stow it in the freezer. Then, when you make a veg stock or chicken stock, add some left over cobs. The corn will add sweetness to the broth, and its still full of starch and pectin to thicken it too.

>> No.19696744

What’s your recipe?

>> No.19696749
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>> No.19696751

sweet or savory?

>> No.19696752

There is a varietal of corn that’s specifically called Sweet Corn
Otherwise, if you’re buying while cobs from the bin want corn with round shiny kernels, nothing that looks wrinkly or visibly dry, and if you press on the kernes with your mail they should be juicy

>> No.19696789

Yeah I make sure to get sweet corn and it can still turn out to be not so sweet. It just depends on how long it's been since it was harvested; even sweet corn eventually has its sugars converted into starch, it just takes longer.

>nothing that looks wrinkly or visibly dry
Yeah but often the corn is still in its husk and to inspect the cobs would require peeling it there in the store which isn't socially acceptable.

>and if you press on the kernes with your mail they should be juicy
so really the only way to tell before buying is to give the corn a blemish in the store?

>> No.19696792

it's all fun and games until you feel a kernel between your teeth

>> No.19696796

sweet baby, sweet. going to blend up some stevia leaves and see if i can use that to sweeten it for zero calories

>> No.19696859

Sweet cornbread is the way to go desu.

>zero calories
well first of all the corn, eggs, and fat in the cornbread will still have calories, so you probably meant low calories, but why zero calorie sweeteners anon?

>> No.19696885

>sweeten it for zero calories
>the sweetening agent has zero calories

Not sure how you interpreted what I said as cornbread having zero calories but I hope that clears things up for you.

I experiment a lot in the kitchen, in particular with baking. Ive baked with gluten free flours, home milled flours, sprouted wheat flours, sourdough starters, have made really rich breads like brioche, etc, and now I want to try something new. Cornbread seems like a good first attempt at using stevia because even if it turns out not sweet enough i can always just pour some maple syrup over top. Plus corn is naturally sweet so it will help sweeten the bread in tandem with the stevia

Ive never tried stevia before and I hear its the best zero calorie sweetening agent

>> No.19696899
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>> No.19696916

You shouldn't stack your corn like that, it will Megazord up on you

>> No.19696921
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remember the big ear of corn on All-That?

>> No.19697174

Yep, husk it in the store and test a kernel. Tats what my grandma does and it turns out great every time
Fuck societal norms, corn is the true anarchist’s vegetable

>> No.19697180

Peaches n cream corn is the best

>> No.19697204


Sweet cornbread is disgusting.

-The South

>> No.19697775
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Corn is better than rice.

>> No.19697788

Sure, but those aren’t comparable things
That’s like saying potatoes are better than apples

>> No.19697796
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>getting lost in corn maze as a kid

>> No.19697816

Crammed corn is the best way to start my day. It really helps get the ol neurons firing and my partner loves it as well. Ya just can’t beat it!

>> No.19697825
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Arepas > tacos

I am sorry amerimexilards but it had to be said. Tortillas are the inferior corn byproduct in every single way

>> No.19698648

Potatoes are vegetables and apples fruits. Corn and rice are both grains.

>> No.19698733


>> No.19699416

Nobody asked

>> No.19699465

looks more like corn chowder with carrots and potatoes, no?

>> No.19699470

We have these, too

>> No.19699486

peel it back like 1/3rd of the way in the store/shop/whereverand look for white kernels. white corn is the sweeest corn you can get but the kernels can be smaller.
try a can of white sweet corn sometime it will change how you pick your fresh ears

>> No.19699850

>white corn is sweeter
I’m pretty sure this is a myth. It’s no sweeter than yellow corn.

>> No.19699931
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>grow (dwarf) corn in garden, 40 stalks, 12 of which grew two cobs
>raccoons rip down the plants and steal all of it in one night

>> No.19699964

Update: the cornbread was just okay. And it was GREEN which wasnt the most appetizing colour

Not entirely sure how I feel about stevia as a sweetener

>> No.19699967

corn has zero nutritional value btw
literally the kind of shit that's considered animal feed by china hence why they import it en masse

>> No.19699968

Stevia probably isn’t a 1:1 substitute for regular sugar. You probably needed to add more or less than the amount of regular sugar than the original recipe.
Or just use regular sugar c’mon

>> No.19699976

Nice try idiot. Corn has carbohydrates which are a macronutrient, and those carbs are in the form of starch and sugars which have essential roles in the body, and fiber which is good for you.

And anyway idiot, you don’t have starch by itself for a meal like an autist. You pair it with a protein and some other nutrient rich-foods. Only diptards like yourself would think of eating literally one food for your entire diet and nothing else then cry about the lack of nutrition.

>> No.19699986

if corn is nutritional why do I shit it out whole and undigested?

>> No.19699995

Stevia is like 30-300 times sweeter than sugar depending on how processed it is. I used a generous amount of stevia relative to the amount of sugar the recipe called for.

The problem wasnt that I didnt use an appropriate amount, its that it's simply not sweet like sugar- it's an acquired taste and I don't know if I am interested in acquiring it. The prospects of cutting out sugar is highly appealing though, since its not really good for you

I think the solution to using a product like stevia in sweets is to use it in conjunction with fruits, which have their own natural sugars. Also, I used stevia leaves which I powdered myself. A refined stevia powder would likely taste better and.. not make everything green

>> No.19701724

The thrcorn

>> No.19701732
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>> No.19701736

Post the recipe please

>> No.19701749

>Only diptards like yourself would think of eating literally one food for your entire diet and nothing else then cry about the lack of nutrition
autistic people struggle with nuance . Its always black or white

>> No.19701795

t. ketoschizo

>> No.19702846
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Good thread OP

>> No.19704298
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I cut my corn off the cob so I don't have to floss after.

>> No.19704656

Eternal corn thread.

>> No.19704748
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this is true, but you really don't have to worry about it unless you are In China where it will IMMEDIATELY and viciously attack buildings to avenge it's Corn-Kind and release their captured spirits.

>> No.19704767

which is a form of corn soup, yes?

>> No.19704901

Corn this time of year is going to be very sweet. Peak corn season started a week ago and should run for a couple months.

In addition to what >>19696752 said, look at the silk. The darker and more matted it is, the longer it's been off the stalk, and the less fresh it will be. If the silk is removed go to a different store.

>> No.19704913
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>> No.19705085

but chowder implies a tasteful thickness, no?

>> No.19705507
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I had a Michelin star chef tell me once, the defining ingredient in chowder is BACON.
But in looking into it further, that seems to not be the case.
It's not cream...
It's not potatoes..
So, WHAT makes chowder, Chowder?

>> No.19705617

I have no idea what you're talking but, but corn tortillas suck.

>> No.19706525

Why don't you stop being ignorant you fucking faggot?

>> No.19706611

based and helpfulpilled

>> No.19706805
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i luv korn