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19691493 No.19691493 [Reply] [Original]

What is the safest, cleanest water I can drink?

>> No.19691496 [DELETED] 

Jews poison the water with mind control chemicals. Only drink filtered rainwater.

>> No.19691503

Will a brita filter not get all the chemicals out?

>> No.19691526

You can buy distilled water at most stores. It's used for clothing irons, radiators, etc. Drinking it as-is is bad for you because it will pull electrolytes out of your body, but it's the perfect starting point for if you want to have full control over what's in your water. Add your own mix of salts and have fun!

>> No.19691528

If you drank 100% pure H2O, 0 additives, what would happen? Would it be like breathing pure alcohol.

>> No.19691532

You'd die of hyponatremia and hypokalemia due to lack of crucial, water-soluble mineral salts.

>> No.19691539

can it filter out salt from salt water? a lot of chemicals are water-soluble.

>> No.19691542

You are glowing

>> No.19691547

I'm literally an ESL, if you want to label me and triumphantly chug some distilled water

>> No.19691556

He's right though. You or course will not die immediately from drinking distilled water but a certain amount of minerals is necessary.

>> No.19691560

From what other food sources could you obtain the requisite minerals, or can't you?

>> No.19691568

I drink tap water. We don't chemically treat it here.

>> No.19691570

it would be extremely hydrating

>> No.19691573

Fresh water is textbook antisemitism.

>> No.19691574

I've read a medical study what happens if you drink distilled water. Basically, it pulls minerals out of your tissue, starting with the mucous membranes in your mouth all the way down to your GI tract.
While the minerals in the tissue can be replenished it's simply better to add the minerals already to the water to prevent this.
If you don't have access to good tap water and don't trust spring water - there are brands that sell distilled water with added minerals (e.g. Smart Water in the UK) - waste of money in my personal opinion, but whatever works for people.

>> No.19691579

water straight from the source of a spring

>> No.19691617

This but pee directly from a penis

>> No.19691626
File: 2.27 MB, 1200x700, 5p4rkl1n9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ONLY thing a Brita filter is good for is turning
Into Kettel One.
The SAFEST water you can drink is RO water from a good well. Distilled is the Cleanest, and the hype about dying from it is almost 100% bullshit. You'll get plenty of minerals from the food you eat. I say almost, because if you are water fasting, or on some kind of drug your body is now dependent on,(like Lisonopril,) you can deplete them rapidly and be at risk for hyponatremia and hypokalemia as another anon posted.
I pinch of salt, a pinch of no salt™ and a pinch of baking soda per Gallon will remedy that.
you also don't need to spend an arm and a leg on a RO system.
Throw in a 3 gallon tank for ease of use.

>> No.19691629
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Wrong pic,

>> No.19691778

I've been drinking tap water for a few years now. I haven't checked the city rules for water and at this point I'm too nervous.

>> No.19691810

>turning shitty k into a better vodka with a brita filter
Had a lot interesting nights doing this in college

>> No.19691844

Enjoy your copepods (real thing, look it up).

>> No.19691895

Aren't these those water crabs New Yorkers claim make their pizza taste the best?

>> No.19691937

Surely the EPA's Clean Water Act has been updated to keep up with times. Hope your city doesn't still have lead pipes in use lol

>> No.19693154

For you.

>> No.19693170

I only drink WFI

>> No.19693197

Wrong, dumbass. The cleanest possible water isn't the safest. Pure water sucks up other materials, so drinking it would deplete your electrolytes and minerals.

>> No.19693202

Is your ass too poor to buy a home filtration system?

>> No.19693209

brita does jack shit dude

brita is basically the zog approved water filtering lol

>> No.19693242

Dick stilled water.

>> No.19693300
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The well water from the cabin in the Idaho mountains I live in

>> No.19693340

Why would I want it?

>> No.19693344

You’d spit it out immediately, it tastes horrible. Pure h2o is used in semi conductor manufacturing, an old joke was to tell a new guy “you’ve got to taste pure water” and watch them retch

>> No.19693376

>thing i don't understand nor do i care to LE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
low IQ thought pattern

>> No.19693384

so basically i shouldn't be buying packs of distilled water from costco

>> No.19693396

What is the safest, cleanest salts I can drink?

>> No.19693712

well water is so nasty. had it myself at my old house. oddly enough tasted better when you heated it up. tasted like dirt tea

>> No.19693718

>You’d spit it out immediately, it tastes horrible. Pure h2o is used in semi conductor manufacturing, an old joke was to tell a new guy “you’ve got to taste pure water” and watch them retch
There really is nothing worse than pure water. It will make you sick and kill you.
If your water doesn't have fluoride and other chemicals in it, you will get sick and die. Also, you need to get another COVID-19 booster and wear a mask.

>> No.19693720

>seething about the vaccine out of nowhere

>> No.19693726

Not all well water tastes the same dummy, it depends on the groundwater quality where you're at. mine is really good, my neighbors are all on the same well and everyone loves it. My area has a lot of springs that come right out of the side of the mountain that pipes are installed in and people come for miles to fill up jugs of it. But in some places the water is hard and needs to be softened which is probably what you had, my parents have a well with pretty hard water and it tastes bad, probably because they never keep up with putting salt in the water softener.

>> No.19693730

You don't need to put salt in water to make it taste good, dummy. What you SHOULD be using are monosodium glutamate tablets.

>> No.19693756

You have to buy the hydrogen and oxygen separately and mix them yourself.

>> No.19693907

Bath salts

>> No.19693911

Ever try shower sugars?

>> No.19693924
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Tap water is considered heavy or hard water becasue it's filled with chemicals and additives to make it safe to drink but those same chemicals and additives have long term effects on your health such as heavy metal poisoning and fluorosis which is the hardening of calcium crystals on the brain (specifically the pineal gland) leading to diseases like alzeihmers, cancers, brain fog and rapid ageing from an imbalanced release of hormones coming from your thyroid (literal NPC meme); the only way to protect yourself against this is to take a 1mL of pure soluble iodine in soft or clear water (bottled or natural spring water). This will bring back the natural release of hormones from your thyroid in conjunction with your pineal gland, and together with NAC (optional) can help to begin to breakdown the hardened crystalized calcium on your brain.
I am not a doctor I'm just a schizo who's been taking this since covid lockdowns and I feel amazing, I maintain a full REM sleep every night and feel refreshed and alert when I wake up. DISCLAIMER: Just please don't too more than 2mL of iodine a day becasue it can kill you so take this process slowly over gradual time.

>> No.19693944

Based iodiner. Magnesium is a great supplement as well.

Speaking of well get a well.

>> No.19694262

Mountain Valley Water

>> No.19694401
File: 91 KB, 1000x667, superior-plumbing-and-drains-top-5-reasons-you-should-get-a-water-filtration-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative, when I go to my parents, they have remarkably chlorinated tapwater and brita makes is clean.
On that note, the cleanest would be distilled, but for at-home use, a filtration system with reverse osmosis, UV filters and whatnot under the sink would be your best bet.

>> No.19694432

>all these retards who think you get hyponatremia if you drink distilled water

You get almost all your electrolytes from food, idiots. You'd have to force yourself to drink a bucket of distilled water for it to affect your levels.

>> No.19695537


>> No.19695543

this. its all just marketing to sell their overpriced mineral water when distilled water is so much cheaper. I just had a glass of distilled water, it was delicious and I feel fi

>> No.19695997

>so basically i shouldn't be buying packs of distilled water from costco
I'd stick with quality non-chlorinated spring water, tastes better too.
As others have written - you CAN replenish electrolytes via food but why wash out minerals from your tissue to potentially replenish it later (but only if you have a balanced diet) when you just can drink regular water.
Also, don't underestimate the de-mineralization effect of distilled water on your teeth.

>> No.19696227

Get a distillation unit and remineralize with salts and magnesium.

>> No.19696343


>> No.19696366
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We hadda Donations bar out INNAWOODS at a festival field. Everyone who had been to the festivals before, knew about it,(we had ~8 festivals during the season,) and would bring a bottle for the Bar, and when the donation jar got big enough, we'd run into town and buy a 1/4 keg of beer, and several gallon jugs/boxes of wine-(and snax and sodas--AND ICE)
A brita filter was a permanent fixture from spring opening to Fall close, just for this purpose.
It probably helped a lot that the biggest festival was only about 5-600 people for a week.

>> No.19696703

zero water filters are far and away the best for home use, and as someone who grew up on natural spring water it’s the closest I can get to it now. here is testing proof

>> No.19696938

Water Sommelier says natural spring water and he says the best water filter is Aquasana

>> No.19696943

>Only drink filtered rainwater
isn't that illegal?

>> No.19697027


>> No.19697036

your stupidity is incandescent

>> No.19697049

For you

>> No.19697080

What does RO mean? Reverse Osmosis

>> No.19697085

Well that would make sense now wouldn’t it

>> No.19697437
File: 160 KB, 760x507, illegal_in_communist_states_of_america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the safest, cleanest water I can drink?

>> No.19697439

distilled rain water through a carbon filter

>> No.19697445

correct, and it tastes like shit

>> No.19697564

Actually worse than local groundwater because chemicals can travel in rainclouds cross-states.

>> No.19698375

reverse osmosis water is not safe to drink you retard, it lacks electrolytes which means it will absorb them from your blood, shit can make you violently ill

>> No.19699022

deuterium depleted water
endogenous water from dry fasting
distilled water

>> No.19699026

>endogenous water from dry fasting
fat-only pseudofasting to metabolic watermaxx

>> No.19699054

i dont live in a polluted shithole so I dont have that problem