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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19690232 No.19690232 [Reply] [Original]

What are some table food that’s good for pets

>> No.19690236


>> No.19690295

The knowledge is innate.

>> No.19690306

She's fucking the dog isn't she

>> No.19690320

My dog loves McDoubles

>> No.19690324

That’s a given. In answer to OP tho, raw liver.

>> No.19690629

if you're eating anything you wouldnt give your dog...
if your dog wont eat anything youre eating...

either way. reassess you're dietary choices.

>asking for vetrinary advice on /ck/

legitimately, cook yourself up a nice meal. then share with dog.
pretty much everything is safe

actually a few times i saw a dog chewing on the leg OF a table, not good if you actually sit down at a table.

Cats on the other hand...
what DO cats eat?

>> No.19690742


Dogs should not eat human amounts of salt, and no onions or raisins.

You can cook up an unseasoned version or seperate off a portion before adding the salt.

A mix of veggies, ground beef, liver, rice, etc. Dog would love it.

>> No.19690745

why do w*men do that shit with their eyebrows

>> No.19690795

salt is proportionate to the size of the one partaking of it, always.
correct. 150~Lb human does not get the same as 80Lb dog

>> No.19690876

Single white women shouldn't be allowed to own dogs. They screech about rape and consent all the time and yet they turn around pull this shit with dogs every day.

>> No.19690898

So many poor fellows itt that are jealous of a dog. Lmao. She's just feeding it some food. I do the same with my dog. It's just a fun/nice thing to do for the good boy/girl.

>> No.19691081

I can't stop thinking about my little sister's bare bottom.

>> No.19691093

great to know that you're thoughts are merely reflections of others.
your desire is anti-thesis of someone elses anxiety.
chase after wants, wants farther away.
run from fears, fears nearer to you.

this is the basic idea.
no worry. bear this is mind

>> No.19691104
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>> No.19691108

I feed him donuts, pizza, quesadilla... Marshmallows, tuna, salmon, sardines, ramen noodle, dark meat teriyaki chicken, man n cheese.

I make sure none of it has dog killers like raisin and onion

>> No.19691113

Small bits of cheese

>> No.19691123

you just know

>> No.19691127
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>man n cheese

>> No.19691151

You won't get through to these freaks, Anon. Too much internet has made them mentally ill.

>> No.19691171
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Here's what I give mine.
Usually a combination of broccoli, carrots, cabbage, white rice and chicken breast. I dump it all in the instant pot with some water, 3mins high pressure, natural release.
Sometimes I'll cook them and egg.

>> No.19691179
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One of mine will not eat raw liver. If I get liver I'll cook some up for her, and the others get raw.

>> No.19691184

your pisssss

No, but seriously, pop a frozen grape in their mouth and take a bubble bath.

>> No.19691202
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>> No.19691204
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thou simply possess the knowledge

>> No.19691205
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>Have a really fantastic rotty/boxer cross
>Affectionate, loyal, lazy as fuck
>Would always get bits off the barbeque as we were cooking
>Flecks of steak
>Little bits of lamb chop
>Only found out after he died that onions are a dog killer
I mean, he lived to seven, it's not like it was instant. But fucking hell it's hard to find out you killed through kindness. He fucking loved the onions. He'd catch them in the air as you flicked them to him.

>> No.19691207

My heterosexual under aged male(female)dog kisses me on the lips. It's making me question my gender. What do

>> No.19691218

One could reasonably infer the facts of the situation

>> No.19691281

I have a German Shepherd, I have to bring him inside at night now because white women keep sneaking into my yard at night to suck his dick.

>> No.19691292

Sorry for your loss. Before feeding anything to my dog I search "can dogs eat x". Dogs can really eat a lot of basic things in moderation, especially if it's simple ingredients. Dogs can't eat gooseberries by the way.

Once my dog ate an entire tin of raisin bread pudding. I thankfully got him to vomit all of it out. I never buy raisin or grape products ever again.

>> No.19691404

My dog loved poached eggs

>> No.19691431

Dude I have no idea and I feel like it's one of those things everyone secretly hates and is turned off by but no one has the balls to tell them. I hate that it's become so widespread

>> No.19691436


>> No.19691441

Chicken meat, broccoli, carrots. So I boil some chicken like drums with the bone and toss in some of those veg, let it cool, separate the meat from the bone, and serve with some rice noodle or rice in portions. It's like a chicken noodle soup for them. This is like a once a month dinner, usually they just get kibble and rice and a few sticks of carrots a day for snacks. Sometimes I'll give them some chicken or ground turkey while cooking that I haven't seasoned yet. If it's a piece of steak, I make sure to wash off any salt cause they're pretty old dogs now.

>> No.19691453
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Depends on the critter.
Our old chow chow ate tripe pretty often.
Our cats go mad for whole raw sardines.

>> No.19691559

it's ok to kill dogs

>> No.19691600

it's more about the fact that she's feeding it with a fork and then using that same fork

absolutely disgusting

>> No.19691602

Mom often gives her do some kefir if she's drinking it. Never had troubles with it afterwards.

>> No.19691604
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Quit being a pussy anon

>> No.19691680

pig fucker