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File: 2.78 MB, 4000x3000, 20230908_145239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19686498 No.19686498 [Reply] [Original]

i asked for a meal and god blessed me with a feast

>> No.19686503

You were touched by his noodley appendage anon!

>> No.19686577
File: 124 KB, 720x1467, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upvoted and golded this post.

>> No.19686608

nice Carbonara

>> No.19686667

I liked your other thread better.

>> No.19686674

Wow you got triggered easily

>> No.19686696
File: 1.92 MB, 3558x3364, Science IS Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Pastafarian
But why is it that almost all the greatest physicists come to a point where they say they can't deny there is a creator?

>> No.19686703

says the teenage atheist

>> No.19686713

This looks like slop

>> No.19686757

So if you detect in the slightest that someone might be an atheist you get triggered?

>> No.19686765

all those men lived in a time where being a vocal atheist was certain death

>> No.19686772

yo lemme borrow a spaghetti

>> No.19686845

why do you keep repeating triggered like some 2013 era anti-sjw? I thought your kind went away when they realized being hopelessly condescending convinced no one. how's about expanding your vocabulary, bub?

>> No.19686854

Its just that the word seems so apt in this case, you do truly seem triggered , even by the word triggered

>> No.19686858

And as far as being condescending , you did just call me a teenage atheist

>> No.19686876

seems pretty apt given that you only repeat memes from a decade ago. can you switch it up and post some lolumadbro.jpg or some jimmy russels memes since you can only resort to ad hominem attacks anyway?

>> No.19686900

why are you booty bothered

>> No.19686901

not bothered at all, just pointing it out

>> No.19686907

>you can only resort to ad hominem attacks anyway?
Anon, show me one ad hominem ?
The only one here is you calling me a teenage atheist

>> No.19686910

That's factually Untrue.
>Fedora COPE intensifies

>> No.19686983

How is it untrue?
Or are you making fun of me for spouting facts?

>> No.19687003
File: 238 KB, 1000x874, 1640831797758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the higher physicists lived after 1900.
NOBODY was killed for being an atheist then.
WHY would you lie?

>> No.19687009

calm down neil breen
they all had to acknowledge a god of some sort or there would be lynchings

>> No.19687011

>Most of the higher physicists lived after 1900.
then why do most of the people in your meme predate that?

>> No.19687021

picture on the internet

>> No.19687045

Not ONLY is this off topic for a food board, but people weren't lynching atheists in the 18th century either.
I posted :
>why is it that almost all the greatest physicists come to a point...
Also an infographic is not a meme, FAGGOT.
I'm not trying to convert anyone either.
either you come to it yourself, or you don't.

>> No.19687081

why are you so angry?
we are all just talking here anon
you complain about ad hominem attacks but call me a faggot.
come on anon, lets take it down a notch in this spaghetti thread

>> No.19687128

I was raised as an atheist but I eventually started believing in god, not because anybody convinced me too but through thinking a lot about metaphysics. I don't believe that christ was the son of god, but I respect belief in him as an expression of something else, that christians may not even know they are manifesting.

Atheism is just as dogmatic as religion. They reject the existence of the divine even though, by definition, you would not be able to prove it exist. "The only things that exist are the things I can prove exist" is a very narrow and incorrect belief. It's even a bit of as sad way of trying to exert some control and authority over the mystery of existence. But the reality is that we only know about a small facet of reality, may things, including divinity are unknown to us. But we can still infer that they may exist, and even use logical arguments to realize that the fact of the existence of our universe implies that other things probably exist too.

>> No.19687154
File: 115 KB, 1041x810, ABLOOOOOOOOO!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you complain about ad hominem attacks but call me a faggot.
THIS is why..
I never complained about that at all--You were attempting to put words in my mouth, AGAIN.
I'm not angry, you are just used to being a disingenuous liar to "Win" arguements. It's tantamount to using the gambit "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" to a bachelor.
Fix yourself.

>> No.19687190

>I think for myself
The same people who say this regurgitate everything that black physicist guy blurts out.

>> No.19687376

Except the ones in the Soviet Union who were often heavily discriminated against or outright killed for professing a faith.

>> No.19687445

cant believe my thread was hijacked by retards wtf

>> No.19688820


>> No.19689657

>I never complained about that at all--You were attempting to put words in my mouth
So this is not you?>>19686876