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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19683797 No.19683797 [Reply] [Original]

If there was a /ck/ meetup at a park would you be brave enough to use the grilling facilities at a park?

>> No.19683807

>he's never heard of aluminum foil

>> No.19683812
File: 541 KB, 1280x1280, apivmkat9__94030.1631507972[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would bring my own mini hibachi and squat over it cooking for myself. I would also call it "hitachi" while leering at women

>> No.19683817

penis kinker?
like it puts a kink in your dong?

>> No.19683848

>grilling facilities at a park?
never, also
>eating anything at a 4chan meetup

>> No.19683862

There are no public grilling facilities at parks in first world countries, just bring your own

>> No.19683871

Its a funny kind of socialism when you have free healthcare but no public restrooms.

>> No.19683885

no, but I'd bring some cinder blocks and expanded steel and cook up some barbecue for you lot

>> No.19683892


>> No.19683894
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I would only eat food from a 4chan anon that looks like this.

>> No.19683898

Your pride will be your downfall

>> No.19683901

I don't think it worked, anon

>> No.19683928

>would you be brave enough to use the grilling facilities at a park?
Yes, but take the same precautions you would when using any public toilet, put down a layer of toilet paper to sit on, so you don't get the AIDS.

>> No.19683935

>would you be brave enough to use the grilling facilities at a park?
Yeah probably. The fire burns off all the fecal matter.

>> No.19683936

I'm a bisexual man and I always liked fat girls but now I'm starting to develop a taste for fat men too. And I don't even mean like Bears, I mean filthy fucking coomer neets. How does one recover from this?

>> No.19683940

It did.

>> No.19683963

based on the demographics of my country, no.

>> No.19683986

>If there was a /ck/ meetup at a park would you be brave enough to use the grilling facilities at a park?

>/ck/ meetup
Oh fuck no, I would never want to meet you dumbshites IRL.

>brave enough to use the grilling facilities at a park?
Absolutely, done it plenty of times in the past, BUT in conservative areas where there aren't homeless and niggas out the ass. You just need to scrub shit off, spray with oil, and let the fire burn it all to hell. And if helplessly rusted, apply a layer of foil with holes poked into it for safety.

>> No.19683987

It really doesn't--but yes, it is still considered polite to do a "courtesy burn" after taking a smelly shit, as a favor to the next guy.

>> No.19684015

Yeah, but some people can't afford to bring their own grills to shit in, so they just end up shitting on the trails instead. Socialism or not, it would be a lot more hygienic for the govt to provide public grills for the defecation of indigents and teenagers.

>> No.19684020

>I would bring my own mini hibachi and squat over it
Based, that looks a lot better than the public grills. They say that squatting while shitting is healthy, and I don't want to have to bring my Squatty Potty to the park just to drop a dook in a public grill.

>> No.19684021

incineration is used to dispose of medical waste. I'm sure a good fire would burn off the poopoo and peepee.

>> No.19684023

>crusted on shit and piss

>> No.19684027 [DELETED] 

You're not preparing food on the medical waste incinerator afterwards. Admit it, you just like the taste of black barbecued fecal remnants. You do you!

>> No.19684036 [DELETED] 

This, it's the perfect way to infuse your food with a little toxic aluminum, while still allowing the sweet spicy poop smoke to flavor your dogs & burgers.

>> No.19684054

if youre lusting after fat men like that then you are tol far gone. sure a cute tranny? alright its feminine. a femboy? its got fem in the name. but the big hoss? bro

>> No.19684060

Bunch of fat spergs sitting around a charcoal grill discussing their favorite Sardine brands, couldn’t miss it

>> No.19684103
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/ck/ should cross post with /out/ for meetups
prove me wrong

>> No.19684165

>aluminum leeching into his food

Normally would not care but at BBQ temperatures it’s dangerous brother.

>> No.19684179

Yeah but where I live the only blacks are Nigerian and they drive G-wagons

>> No.19684209

You’re a fuckin rich guy huh

>> No.19684251

there use to be, there use to be in every single white park. but then the dark times came, and the negros took them away

>> No.19684268 [DELETED] 

I'm buying my inlaws house that was in a bad neighborhood in the 70s but now it's worth a couple of mil
Paying family rates but fuck I gotta plan income taxes like you wouldn't believe
The jews live in the neighborhood next door, it's funny, when there's money, segregation happens automagically
I'm happy knowing that I have Nigerian neighbors DESU

>> No.19684273

>4chan meetup
I brought some tasty high protein brownies :)

>> No.19684276

I'm buying my inlaws house that was in a bad neighborhood in the 70s but now it's worth a couple of mil
Paying family rates but fuck I gotta plan property taxes like you wouldn't believe
The jews live in the neighborhood next door, it's funny, when there's money, segregation happens automagically
I'm happy knowing that I have Nigerian neighbors DESU

>> No.19684593

incorrect since there is heat to distill and evaporate the fume.


>> No.19684594

>I'm buying my inlaws house that was in a bad neighborhood in the 70s but now it's worth a couple of mil
your investment will tank in 3.
you should sell in less than 2 to gain profit.

>> No.19684600
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No. I would be worried about spray paints and oil. I would bring my own like Anon >>19683812said.

>> No.19684604

I'd be more worried about some co/ck/ including his jizz in the marinade

>> No.19684606

Done it plenty of times here in Seattle and would gladly do it again. They're just shitty little grates and the fun of it is bringing your own coals and starter. I could do it at home 10x easier but there's just something about doing it in public like that that just makes the vibe that much better.

>> No.19684616

>shitty little grates
You have no idea. (Or in Seattle, maybe you do.)

>> No.19684621

I have a nice grill at home but the ones at the parks really aren't bad after you clean them off and set a good fire. We usually see at least one fenthead on the walk over but it's not an issue at this point.

>> No.19684641

I do a lot of outdoor gatherings with big friend groups and we all bring our own gear. Some people have portable cooking equipment. One of my friends bought a whole stainless steal buffet set with burners. I had a full on restaurant griddle for a while. Collectively with a good friend group you can basically set up a two hundred capacity restaurant. We have a lot of battles and a lot of booze. Couple professional chefs, lot of home cooks, plenty of grillmasters and drunks. It's a good time. I help plan and grill, make some sloppas to share. Importantly I always make sure there's good proteins coming because people tend to try and bring carbs.

We might use some of these grills if we had them around. For certain they would be washed twice and sterilized before immolated for half an hour. Birds shit on them. That's hard to get over but if you douse charcoal in a gallon of lighter fluid and launch a bottle rocket at it people will appreciate purification by fire.

>> No.19684649

Did anons not learn from the brownies incident?

>> No.19684653

Some people add mesquite chips to their grill to enhance the smoky flavor. Others use fire-blackened bird feces and petroleum fumes.

>> No.19684662
File: 498 KB, 700x525, victoria-park-camperdown-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 there are coin-op gas BBQs in almost every public park in Sydney. and I for one have many wonderful memories enjoying picnics and BBQs with my friends over the holidays

>> No.19684663

Surprised they haven't taken them away as an anti-homeless measure.

>> No.19684675

Oh wow they make you pay money to cook your food in the bum urinals?

>> No.19684676

You have to let the fluid cookoff for several hours before the bird shit is safe to grill on.

>> No.19684693 [DELETED] 

That's awfully time consuming. Could you just dehydrate some bird shit at home and bring it with you to sprinkle on the coals? As long as it gets mixed in with the cigarette butts and dried loogies, it's all the same, right?

>> No.19684707

He's trolling, it would be incredibly dangerous to grill on those, the public gas dispensers are SOLELY for the purpose of inhalant abuse.

>> No.19684712


>> No.19684722
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very glib anon. disrespectful and glib.

>> No.19684728

Vagrant urine MMMMHHHHMMMMM the best

>> No.19684737
File: 125 KB, 643x483, park-grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19684770

Why in the seven moons of Pluto would I ever go to a /ck/ meetup, let alone eat anything from there? No offense to you fellas, but I'd have a better chance of survival eating roadkill.

>> No.19684771

I'd use the opportunity to groom people's kids expose myself to the elderly.

>> No.19684778

the are cleaned with rain water so they probably cleaner than that average co/ck/s cast iron pan

>> No.19684781

they are electric

>> No.19684793 [DELETED] 

I don't shit in my cast iron pan. Not anymore at least.

>> No.19684804

ive eaten plenty of food at bdsm and furry kink potluck meetups but i wouldnt dare eat anything you lot would cook

>> No.19684811

Dude, people are not climbing onto these public grills in the middle of public parks and defecating onto them. That's simply ridiculous. Far too many people are posting here as if that was an established fact.
Obviously if you show up with your food and gear and there's evidence someone shat there, you're going to immediately leave the park and make other arrangements. But I've yet to read any articles of this occurring, nor any anecdotes in this thread. No one here seems to have encountered it. You're just assuming this must happen because people are gross and we can't have nice things.
I've been to park barbecues in North fucking Portland and have never encountered anything worse than litter, and even in shitty neighborhoods Portlanders are pretty good about keeping parks clean.
Unless there's an actual homeless camp nearby, parks are tidy. Even the homeless garbage stays right around their little camps.

>> No.19684866

this. you might have to watch for bird pooh or something but otherwise it's just not that feral. plus you can always put a grate over the top of it or cook in trays or foil. big whoop

>> No.19684957 [DELETED] 

This. Nobody in Seattle would EVER make a point of defacing public taxpayer-funded property for views on Tiktok. Also, back in June there were ZERO trending videos of kids twerking on park grills while spraying purple Grimace Shake diarrhea. That is FAKE NEWS.


>> No.19684970

Yes, recording video of yourself committing crimes of indecency and vandalism on posting them on your own social media accounts would be incredibly stupid and obvious and lead to immediate consequences and public shaming for being so stupid to bust yourself. That's exactly why no such thing has happened. But it's fun to write out your twisted little fantasies rather than carrying them out IRL. But you had me going for a moment. I genuinely expected your video to somehow be a news story of Seattle teens making viral twerk/diarrhea videos on public park grills. For a split second I was about to believe our world had sunk so low.
Not yet.

>> No.19685021

spotted the turd worlder

>> No.19685029

The ones in Victoria and Redfern parks are gas anon. You have to clickety clack to get them to light

>> No.19685159
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>Redfern park
Yeah nah not going anywhere near that m8

>> No.19685182

Reffern Park is a lot nicer than people want to give it credit for, and it keeps getting "nicer" as the poors get driven out of the inner suburbs. It's not trashy, has nice facilities and sports field, nice playground. I had a Christmas picnic there a couple years ago with about 30 people and we boozed and BBQ'd until late night and everything was fucking sweet. The cops left us alone and we played soccer with the local kids.

Only problem was some thurdies who wanted to bully us out of the BBQ so they could cook their 4-day-old shish kebabs but we held fast, and good times were had by all.

>> No.19685315
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Not my problem

>> No.19685406

stop watching porn

>> No.19685559

Stop eating people

>> No.19686338

I'm not doing either of these things.

>> No.19686354

I love drinking piss

>> No.19686403

LOL I've had that image saved for a decade at least. Just now realizing those are Dollar Store steaks.

>> No.19686412

That's based. Your own or just in general? Animal piss? Health reasons or just a sex thing?

>> No.19686528
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They're perfectly safe, the extreme heat from the charcoal kills off any bacteria and such.

>> No.19686530
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>> No.19686539

i got pin worms eating some fat slobs bbq once
dirty fucker must've been diggin in his asshole before plating shit up

>> No.19687109

So you would eat everybody's food?

>> No.19687147

>let the fire burn it all to hell

This. I’ve used public grills. After I built bonfires inside them.

>> No.19687152
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>> No.19687239

Here's the thing. I've been to several "meetups at the park". Nobody meets up at the park because they're doing well in life. Put another way, (almost) everybody meeting up at the park is doing poorly in life.

Next, let's cover who hangs out in parks while the previous batch of fucks aren't. Hint: HIV+ drug addicts. So, basically, get the entire thing white hot. Let it subside a bit and place a previously prepared, doubled aluminum pan with your entree directly on top to warm. Let it come up to simmer.

Trust me, 90% think you pulled off a magic trick. The 10% that know appreciate you never exposing their food to HIV+ or literally shit.

>> No.19687249

My grill is inside a park with a fire station and a police station just a couple of blocks away
You need Nigerian neighbors

>> No.19687256

>You need Nigerian neighbors

>> No.19687259

You say piss crust, I say zesty seasoning

>> No.19687260 [DELETED] 

Underlying every single post in this thread is the fact that you can't safely grill at the park, unless you insulate your food from the grill so much that you might as well be cooking in a microwave, or unless you arrive 4 hours in advance to begin some kind of CSI decontamination procedure. The only reason to grill in the park is because you want to be in the park itself... and who actually wants to be in a park? It's just homeless, teenagers, and dog walkers. In current year, the entire concept of park-grilling is urbanite cope, probably being shilled by those Germans where it's now illegal to grill at your apartment building.

>> No.19687263

They get so fat that their belly buttons become self-lubricating. LITERALLY built for HWC

>> No.19687266
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>> No.19687278

Coast up the thread a bit, my blacks speak French and their French is God damn exquisite

>> No.19687279

Ive used them plenty of times. Either tin foil layer or just make sure you clean it off well, followed by a continuous raging fireball, fueled by lighter fluid for like 3 minutes to kill of the germs.
Why are people so squeemish these days? Pussy bitches

>> No.19687286

I don't know whether to violently agree with you or not... But the working poor reclaim these spaces when necessary and the druggies fear these people more than any other, maybe 10x. The working poor need the space and need distance from the apartment.

>> No.19687287

>my blacks

>> No.19687295

Growing up I used to hang out all the time in parks around my town being a dumb teenager hanging with friends, playing kickball, hackysack etc. It was very common to see groups of people and families come and grill on the park grills and hang out.
It doesnt seem to happen much anymore, or maybe I just dont notice. 2006 seems so long ago now..

>> No.19687296

No, I'm not a fan of eating hobo poop.

>> No.19687305

Naive. My friends and I used to piss all over the place when we were stupid niggerbrained kids. Door knobs, car door handles, benches, floors, gas pumps, nothing was sacred. All for a bit of devious glee as we fed off of each other's energy in a war of escalation. We're white too, so imagine the sort of depravity that's cooked up in a delinquent nigger's mind. The thing about them is that they go through life with a chip on their shoulder, so they think (using that term very loosely) that retaliation against civilization is not only justified, but required. Just think of all the times you've seen disgusting, trashed public bathrooms and realize that people are currently the most isolated and anti-social that they have ever been in history. Nothing is sacred. (Also, yes, I am still ashamed of myself.)

>> No.19687824
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>> No.19687861

i would be wary of eating food from strangers.
anyone have the screenshot of the /k/ meet up and some dude brought special brownies with a "surprise" in them?

>> No.19688031

wait until you realize you just did that because you wanted an excuse to look at each other's dicks

>> No.19688035

They're all free here (Adelaide)

>> No.19688042

The newer ones are free but older ones took a $2 coin. Maybe they don't anymore, idunno

>> No.19688046

>use public barbecue
Every time I see a public barbecue, I just think to myself, "i would never use one of those." I think that every time. I live in Australia btw, which isn't exactly a low-trust society, but it's getting worse and worse. I just assume someone's done some foul shit to it like pissing on it or whatever. People are dirty.

>> No.19688325

anons i will make some hot doges tonight, do you cut the weiners or you let them grill like in the OP picrel? mines always explode and rip themselves open, should i cut them somehow so the pressure gets released?

>> No.19688335

we had nigerian family friends growing up
thanksgiving at their place was great desu

>> No.19688348

Just poke a few holes.

>> No.19688364

Last time I grilled at the park, the guy next to us was cooking steaks on a big cast iron skillet that he brought and set on top of the grill. Not a bad idea, I thought.

>> No.19688372

Seeing as it’s Australia, I expect them all to be switched over to electric soon to save the climate or whatever.

>> No.19688375

this movie is real and i''m the guy in the dark

>> No.19688419

same, me and a buddy at like 12 or so would walk to the park at night and piss down the slide or on the merry-go-round amongst other shit
also this