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19680082 No.19680082 [Reply] [Original]

It's got some potential long-term health concerns. You're basically going high on fats and low on carbs, which can mess with your nutrient intake and pile on saturated fats. That's a red flag for heart health right there. Plus, it's super strict, making it a real pain to stick to, especially when you're out with friends. While it might help shed some pounds in the short run or manage certain health issues, it's not exactly the poster child for a sustainable, all-around healthy lifestyle.

>> No.19680115

Keto is a homosexual redditor diet for hairloss.

>> No.19680118

I don't think keto is the best diet. I think there are multiple reasons we're meant to consume carbs, and the only issue with carbs is the massive amount of unhealthy refined carbs most people consume these days.

>That's a red flag for heart health right there.
I'm not sure about this. I've seen people have bad blood test results, and major improvements to normal levels by not changing their saturated fat intake but just consuming less sugar. The huge amounts of sugar people are consuming just seem to cause so many problems, and it gets added to everything.

>> No.19680498

>we're meant to consume carbs
that's one hell of an assumption there anon.

>> No.19680504

>not exclusively eating meat like nature intended

>> No.19680510

The carbschizo strikes again

>> No.19680522

I don't think it is. Carbs benefit our muscles by providing quick energy. We have tastebuds for sweetness. We have enzymes in our saliva to help break down starch. Why would we have these things if carbs are inherently bad all the time? We clearly evolved to consume some amount of them. True carnivores don't have these things.

The issue just seems to be junk food being full of refined carbs which provide lots of calories but not much actual nutrition, and that causes weight gain. Just like cheap refined vegetable oils. Neither of those things seem to be very good for you, and people are eating a lot of them.

>> No.19680637

You can go high on fats and protein and do it with sardines instead of meat.
Is it unhealthy then?

>> No.19680665

Although I find the carnivore arguments ridiculous I can’t outright dismiss the reality that countries where meat consumption is high produces very tall and healthy people as opposed to vegetarian countries like India. I’m not saying we shouldn’t eat carbs. But maybe we should eat more meat than we actually do.

>> No.19680677

>>we're meant to consume carbs
sugar and natural leaves and fruits i guess, but rarely. when people say carbs, they are referring to like bread, grains, pasta, crackers and that stuff. those things dont exist in nature.

>> No.19680684

Ok who asked?

>> No.19680693

Dr. Greger asked.

>> No.19680695

>muh diet
"Miracle" Diets are retarded garbage that popped up on the 19th century.

If you wanna go healthy, you should be learning from history. Eat like healthy people have eaten throughout history - that is, balanced. And most of all, exercise. That's literally it. Some types of diet are healthier of course. But as long as you avoid eating too much industrialized garbage and exercise you will gain health.

>> No.19680699

sardines isnt meat? is this what u smelly vegans think?

>> No.19680725

Probably. Saying carbs are okay doesn't mean you're saying meat is bad. The demonization of eggs and milk also probably isn't good either. Plant foods just don't satiate or provide as much nutrition most of the time. Like rice and beans might provide complete protein and you might get enough to not have a deficiency, but that doesn't mean it's the optimal amount either.

>> No.19680782

Keto should be used as a means to end, nothing more. If you're fat and want to slim down fast with minimal physical effort, then go for it. The problem is it's pretty expensive buying raw, uncured meat. Vegetables with a low glycemic load (e.g. green bell peppers) are cheap, but provide minimal nutrients. Hit your goal weight and then focus on making healthier choices and being more active.

>> No.19680978

Does it really cause hair loss though? I'm over 250lbs and barely more than 6 feet tall, I really want to lose 50-70lbs and have been thinking about keto for a long time. I know others who had success with it

>> No.19680985

I didn't lose any hair for the brief time I did it. Your hair should be the least of your worries, though. If you get pattern baldness, then that's just your genes. Buy a pair of Wahl clippers and shave your head if you don't like it.

>> No.19681007

Objectively incorrect 2/10 bait. Have a you.

>> No.19681037

>Does it really cause hair loss though?
No. Hair follicles are one of the few cells in the human body that require glucose to function, but the liver converts glycerol (a component of fat storage) into glucose, so your serum glucose levels don't actually drop below normal levels. In fact, the opposite is true, the longer you stay in ketosis the less the other cells will use glucose. It's possible to get into a situation where there aren't enough glucose consumers in your body to burn the glucose that's created from the glycerol that's freed up by converting the fat to ketones, with the result that your serum blood sugar actually goes above the normal range. It's uncertain how bad this situation actually is, because its cause is utterly different from the normal causes of high blood sugar, but it certainly implies that prolonged ketosis is unlikely to starve hair follicles of their needed glucose.

>> No.19681065

Aren't there plenty of non-meat keto friendly foods?

>> No.19681069

There was that youtuber who recently started a carnie diet then suddenly stopped without explanation.
I bet he had a mini stroke or something.

>> No.19681101

Yes. You could even do keto as a vegan, though it'd be more difficult.

>> No.19681114

Which YouTuber

>> No.19681134

You'd probably like him.

>> No.19681346

Vegan and keto is virtually impossible. Your diet is basically avocado + leafy vegetables and oils. Most plants have more carbs than fat so that's why keto is mostly an animal based diet.

>> No.19681351

You can get processed plant protein without the carbs. Textured vegetable protein, veggie burgers, tofu, etc.

>> No.19681359

>veggie burgers
Most have legumes in them which are too high in carb to be considered keto.
>tofu, tvp
Soybeans are also technically not keto because they're legumes although I guess they'd be okay in low amounts. The majority of your diet will still be high fat low carb fruits like avocado and coconut, oils and leafy veggies.

>> No.19681460

Lost all my hair after about 4 days of ketosis. Hairloss meme diet.

>> No.19681479

>Soybeans are also technically not keto because they're legumes
They're processed to remove most of the starch so you just end up with the protein. A serving of tofu or an Impossible burger only has a few grams of carbs. It would be difficult if you're doing a strict 20g carb limit like some keto dieters, but easier if you had the 50g limit some others do.

>> No.19681505

I've only eaten meat, eggs, and beef liver for the past 6 weeks. Lost over 40lbs.

>> No.19681537

I did keto for 8 months and never had any problems with my hair or anything. I imagine people who do don't supplement their micronutrients like I did. A common multi-vitamin, magnesium, potassium and occasionally calcium were what I took every day.

>> No.19681539

They say you shouldn't operate heavy machinery or play with hair clippers during keto fog.

>> No.19681544

Just eat less, lardass

>> No.19681630

I bet he just got bored

>> No.19681952

1) shouldn't have masturbated so much
2) shouldn't have been eating your own cum
3) shouldn't have been playing around with hair clippers

>> No.19683397
File: 81 KB, 867x293, 1684348348511783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts meat
>carboschizo rambling about keto

>> No.19683639

>Soybeans are also technically not keto because they're legumes
Being a legume has nothing to do with being keto

>> No.19684400

To add to this anon's post, soy carries a high enough glycemic load to subvert keto.

>> No.19684419

I read something about tribal people just killing someone who had severe schizophrenia. Grains do cause some serious problems for some people but I don't think they can be blamed entirely for that.

>> No.19684455

The most obvious argument against the Ketogenic Diet is the fact that ketosis is a metabolic disease caused by insufficient glucose. No animal exists in ketosis naturally. In fact, the more carnivorous an animal is, the more resistant they are to ketosis. It's a high-stress condition the body suffers through and isn't meant to remain in.

>> No.19684642

"ketosis is the default metabolic state for wild carnivorous animals and our palaeolithic ancestors."

>> No.19684646

Schizophrenia is genetic.

>> No.19684670

>It's a high-stress condition the body suffers through and isn't meant to remain in.
Post BMI

>> No.19684690

Spot the fatass. Redditors are vegan fags.

>> No.19684708

Great, you only read the first thing that popped up on Google. That’s from a site called ”ketosupplements”, btw.
However, T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies say that no wild animal lives permanently in ketosis. Some omnivores such as bears go into ketosis only in prolonged starvation or a diabetic state. Predatory animals on the other hand are resistant to ketosis and instead have upregulated gluconeogenesis pathways.

>> No.19684718

You’re a fatso who needs to go on a fad diet to lose weight. People with self-control will be able to manage their weight by exercising and not eating excessively. Suppose a gluttonous fuck like you will never be able to conceive of that.

>> No.19684994

You sound like a faggot twig. And carbs are garbage that will make you fat if you dont have those wiered twig genes. And i am sure i make more sport in a week then you in your whole life.

>> No.19685013

I only ate steaks and hamburgers (bun was just two thin slices of bread with butter) for two weeks, and I gained 10 pounds. Weight loss is more about how much you eat than what you eat.

>> No.19685045

>I read something about tribal people just killing someone who had severe schizophrenia
Based, that's how you keep a healthy population. I've never read about tribal people trooning out either.

>> No.19685046

Fat is healthy retard.

>> No.19685065

Yes, I’m very slim because I do wall climbing and run and cycle long distances. No, carbs won’t make you fat if you can control yourself and refrain from consuming them in excess. You wouldn’t know anything about that because you’re a glutton.

>> No.19685714

ok so dont do it.

If it wasn't for obese jerks jacking up healthcare costs making my taxes go up I wouldn't care about your diet at all. The government should not be involved in healthcare at all. Stuff your face and have a heart attack, not my problem.

>> No.19685961

The full quote from that keto supplement website is
>Lions will hunt, feast on their kill and then fast for three to five days. This is a very effective way of getting into ketosis. This suggests that ketosis is the default metabolic state for wild carnivorous animals and our palaeolithic ancestors.
The suggestion is not validated with any evidence

>> No.19685968

we are made of saturated fats