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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19679950 No.19679950 [Reply] [Original]

I am nearly 15 pounds overweight
Should I abandon my relationship with pasta?

>> No.19679959

Try eating less and exercising more, you fucking retard.

>> No.19679963

What about the pasta though?

>> No.19679970

>What about the pasta though?
Nobody gives a fuck about the pasta, you motherfucking retard.

>> No.19679972

If you take in more calories than you burn, you're going to gain weight. Burn more than you take in, you'll lose it. It doesn't matter what you eat, this is how weight loss/gain works. If you only eat 2000 calories of butter a day and burn 2100 calories a day, you're going to lose weight. You can still eat pasta, but you're going to have to eat fewer calories or burn more calories to swing yourself to the other side of the calories equation and lose weight. It's generally easier to eat fewer calories than burn a lot more.

>> No.19679977

i am reading scott adams new book reframe your brain and its pretty good
im sad the dilberito didn't work out. and neither did his marriage to that smoke show piano player goddamn she was hot as fuck

>> No.19679978

>Should I abandon my relationship with pasta?
Try setting limits, first.
Actually weight your pasta, count calories, and limit the amount you eat accordingly.

>> No.19679981

>Try eating less and exercising more
Kek. OP is a fucking retard. Do you think he will understand any of the big words you used? He didn't understand my small words.

>> No.19679995

Scott Adams is one of those midwits who thinks he's the smartest guy in every room. He's like the "everyone is stupid except me" come to life. Even when I agree with him, I can't fucking stand him and his supercilious attitude.

>> No.19680006

who hurt you?

>> No.19680008

He was a mensa member for years anon
Do you have a mensa level IQ?

>> No.19680009

He is the quintesential boomer. Right down to being married 5 times and becoming a millionaire with some stupid low effort shit.

>> No.19680010

>It doesn't matter what you eat, this is how weight loss/gain works.
Not that I disagree about the principle, but some food can make it easier for you stick to your limits.

Classic example being vegetable : It's have very few calories, but it can fill you up.

Or if you eat sweet food, when your blood sugar drops after few hours, you'll end up more likely to eat more.

>> No.19680011

>He was a mensa member for years anon
>Do you have a mensa level IQ?
Wait. So he's not a mensa member now? Does that mean he somehow became retarded?

>> No.19680013

It's okay, not the best. If the rest of your diet is good then it's not much to worry about. You could switch to whole grain pasta though, it's more filling and could help you lose a little weight. It takes longer to cook though, have to keep tasting it until it's not gritty anymore, can't trust the package directions.

What else is your diet like? Obviously if you drink soda or juice, eat chips, cake, cookies, candy, you should cut that out first and see what changes.

>> No.19680014
File: 28 KB, 640x480, sddefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh , looks like the calories in calories out brigade has been triggered
They wont stop until the thread is ruined

>> No.19680026

>What else is your diet like?
I try to avoid processed foods , no sweets , some fruit , lots of meat
Some potatoes and rice , lots of beans
I really am a sucker for meat and carb combinations

>> No.19680032

>Does that mean he somehow became retarded?
He quit after he became famous.
He used to host meetings at his house but people got weird

>> No.19680033

Having a high IQ doesn't magically make you some kind of expert on everything you sound off on.

For sure. You're going to be a lot hungrier and more likely to eat more after eating 500 calories of potato chips vs 500 calories of chicken breast.

>> No.19680034

>Oh , looks like the calories in calories out brigade has been triggered
>They wont stop until the thread is ruined
Fatty, fatty,
two by four,
couldn't fit into the bathroom stall,
had to shit on the floor.
Fatty, fatty,
two by four...

>> No.19680039

>Having a high IQ doesn't magically make you some kind of expert on everything you sound off on.
well it kind of does, it allowed you to see bullshit where others do not

>> No.19680043

lentil pasta

>> No.19680047 [DELETED] 

>well it kind of does, it allowed you to see bullshit where others do not
Having a high IQ doesn't automatically grant you infinite knowledge and wisdom.
They have to spend time in schools to acquire that shit just like the plebs.

>> No.19680055

You can take an online test and join mensa. It literally the most reddit tier thing ever you can brag about.

>> No.19680057 [DELETED] 

>They have to spend time in schools to acquire that shit just like the plebs
Not really
Most schools are just political indoctrination now anyway.
Even in the specialty fields , you dont learn your career until you are in the workforce.
College is way over rated , I wish I had skipped it

>> No.19680061

>You can take an online test and join mensa
False, you must attend a proctored exam

>> No.19680066

>False, you must attend a proctored exam
Becoming a member of mensa is as easy as becoming an ordained minister.

>> No.19680080

Higher education is a other bureocratic filter in a job market thats already incredibly saturated. Most good positions dont even take cvs and you need to be introduced by someone already inside. That kinda nepotism requires status and social networking. If you didn't figure it out while in school you weren't smart and you wasted your money.

>> No.19680098

You must provide proof of your IQ, no online test will be accepted.
There is no one in Mensa that does not have a high IQ
Not one member

>> No.19680125

>There is no one in Mensa that does not have a high IQ
>Not one member
They let that one crippled homo be a member of mensa. I think his name was Steve Chickenhawkingson. He acquired syphilis after one of his rape victims was discovered to be syphilis positive, and was eventually doomed to be a cripple forever. Because he couldn't take penicillin because then he would've had to admit that he was a serial child molester.
But at least he was a member of mensa and wrote A Brief History of Time.

>> No.19680149

what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.19680155

Just goes to show how much of a meme it is since most of his members are reddit mods and equally stunted losers

>> No.19680164

>since most of his members are reddit mods and equally stunted losers

>> No.19680272

no yur the fatty

>> No.19680728

I have never heard of this
Does it have glycemic index?

>> No.19680738

Christ you're a fucking moron

>> No.19680771

Trying to spout some right wing bullshit paranoia makes you the fucking moron here

>> No.19680786

lol, imagine being left wing and thinking someone else is a moron
lmao even

>> No.19681954

So what about pasta then
Is it healthy?

>> No.19683652

Ok , so tonight I had pinto beans in broth and 2 chicken thigs
Is this healthier than if I had pasta with my chickens?

>> No.19685121

Imagine thinking only people who agree with you politically are smart

>> No.19685364

I do and I agree with anon. Iq is a joke.

>> No.19685368

>Iq is a joke
What exactly do you mean by this?
Do you think an 80 IQ anon is just as capable of complex thought as a 140 IQ anon?

>> No.19685437
File: 1.70 MB, 480x608, 1661221803925798.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scott Adams is one of those midwits who
If you have a Mensa IQ, you are by definition not a midwit

>> No.19685457

I think moving blocks around doesn't make you intelligent, just a good shape rotator, and then IQ tests only measure how well you agree with the test designer (there are no objective answers). Sure, being a good shape rotator sometimes correspond with other mental abilities, and the retarded are almost always poor ones, but a lot of separate properties often correlate. If douglas adams was so smart, why can't he draw after 30 years?

>> No.19685688
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>I think moving blocks around doesn't make you intelligent, just a good shape rotator
IQ tests are the single biggest predictor of success in life of any metric ever invented so far.
You may not like it, but IQ is heritable and incredibly important.

>> No.19685724

>Life success
Stop equating words to metrics. Intelligence requires direction and breadth of character, or you are just autistic. I wouldn't care if it was called SRQ (shape rotator quotient), but it's laying claim to the ancient word intelligence.

>> No.19685753

>Are pasta healthy
Normal pasta is processed grain, aka quick carbs devoid of much in the way of micronutrients and without much protein either. If you eat it, you best eat a decent amount of diverse veggies for the fibre and micronutrients, something to provide fats and protein as well. Tomato sauce doesn't count for much in that regard btw. but if you have sauce with diverse vegetables, some meat or cheese, then the pasta, you have a pretty healthy meal. Full grain pasta can help, but frankly I hate the taste of it and if you eat more vegetables instead it comes out to roughly the same.
>Weight loss
CICO man
If you can do it, in a healthy way (see above), while including pasta, you do you. If you can't, then don't eat pasta. The biggest problem with weight loss is that eating a caloric deficit is not pleasant, but how you can still achieve it is individual.

>> No.19685793


>> No.19686040

>one person is acting like a degenerate piece of shit
>the other person is enjoying a blow job

>> No.19686055

I had no idea his mum was such a milf

>> No.19686058
File: 16 KB, 246x205, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is angry because the man she loves is having a lighthearted moment
Old women hate that
They are only happy when a man is working on something of direct benefit to the woman.
It does not start out like this, but it damn sure ends this way

>> No.19686516

He could be taking out the trash
or rubbing her feet
or listening to her neurotic worrying

>> No.19686554


Yeah, pasta can be part of a healthy dietary pattern that leads to weight loss. Check out the Mediterranean diet, it's a great plan for people who like carbs.

Try these tips:
>don't use pasta sauce from a jar you buy in the store. Make your own arrabiata sauce from canned peeled san marzano tomatoes, garlic, chili, olive oil, and basil. Once you get a handle on basic italian pasta sauces and technique, making your own pastas with whatever you have on hand will come naturally, and you can add stuff like spinach and it'll still taste good.
>use whole wheat pasta. Everyone needs more fiber, and the slower release of carbs into your body will help with insulin resistance issues while helping you feel full.
>don't go crazy with the cheese. A little fresh parm is nbd.
>Try not to make pasta the entire meal, unless you have a very rustic sauce with lots of veggies. Pasta and a green salad, some lean protein, some legumes, don't just eat grains and call it a dinner.

>> No.19686911

>some lean protein
Not a good idea, fatty meats are actually healthier and far more satisfying.
Animal fat in your diet is a good thing not a bad thing

>> No.19686920

Oh boy here come the angry marios

>> No.19687984


The balance of peer-reviewed evidence indicates that diets high in saturated fats are inferior in terms of health outcomes. Go for leaner cuts and lighter meats, get your fats from healthier sources like olive oil and nuts.

>> No.19687992
File: 19 KB, 616x349, Dr-Kroger-monk-22451650-616-349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lighter meats
lmao nice outing yourself as a fucking retard

>> No.19688057

just eat it in mass amounts and throw up after youll be happier than ever, anon

>> No.19688114


Lighter as in like, less calorie dense. Chicken breast over pork belly etc

>> No.19688132


>> No.19688234

that was just his opinion and an easy one to have that made everyone happy

>> No.19688504

I cut out all glutens and pastas and refined sugars and goyslop about a week before my gallbladder removal surgery. I felt so good during that I just kept maintaining the diet, been about a month since the surgery. I have chickpea pasta when it’s on sale if I want pasta; cooks faster and fills me up longer than semolina but texture not as good and obviously way more expensive.
tl;dr you can’t cut out the pasta and replace it with something else, you need to reevaluate your carbohydrates as a whole

>> No.19688505

sounds like a sex toy

>> No.19689666
File: 74 KB, 544x816, 5f23faca51d33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should make the Dilberdildo for fat office secretaries and HR ladies.

>> No.19690904

make it so

>> No.19691740

Beans and chicken
Chicken and beans

>> No.19691872

You know how many trannies with programmer socks i've heard bragging about iq? Take a guess on how succesful they are.

Iq test just means you might be good in math. Turns out a lot of high paying jobs still require math, either that or end up as an autistic tranny coder wannabe with anime pfp

>> No.19692709

I eat a lot of pasta before I do big cardio days or activities. Like carb loading before a marathon. This works and your issue is you don't do this at all. You just fucking eat. Cut that shit out and use food to help you instead of just satisfy your fucking fee fees. What the fuck are you doing tomorrow? Eat for that. Eat what you're supposed to during that day too. Learn to eat lighter and healthier meals you still find tasty. Clean up most of your diet around your day and when you need to hit it hard with carbs, fats, and proteins do that. But if you think you can just sit around and fucking eat you're just not getting it. And you're not really enjoying food either. Just feeding one of the easiest addictions to overcome.

Touch grass, fatass.

>> No.19692801

>If you take in more calories than you burn, you're going to gain weight
While true, nobody actually knows all of the factors in the equation.

>> No.19692802

My favourite thing about him is his complete meltdown after realising he'd been completely wrong about the whole Covid thing the entire time.

>> No.19693083

you dont know any smart people

>> No.19693287

Who here’s trying to prove they’re smart again?

>> No.19693343

No. Just retards with high IQ which proliferate on tech

>> No.19693764

You dont know anyone with a high IQ

>> No.19694790

I know you

>> No.19695103

Mensa does diversity quotas so it really doesnt mean much

>> No.19695181

I do and I can confirm that Scott Adams is a fucking retard.

>> No.19695305

what did you gain from telling that lie?

>> No.19695312

did you pay your monthly mensa to make that post?

>> No.19695396

I dont understand the question.
Why would keeping up with dues effect my ability to post on 4chan?

>> No.19695405

right, you dont need a mensa membership to post on 4chan, but you are not recognized as one of superior IQ without having paid such.
Paying makes you smart, because you paid, which is quite the intellectual move

>> No.19695422

You are babbling

>> No.19695425

now now, you understand the point (I hope).

>> No.19695430

I must say , I prefer direct language

>> No.19695436

It’s still not a very good predictor. Making it not incredible important.

>> No.19695444

You could lose some weight for sure by giving up pasta and other carbs too, like potato, bread and rice.

>> No.19696689

trips of truth

>> No.19696705

I don't think you've ever been even remotely close to the STEM field. I've already seen the highest iq dumbass retards the world has to offer in the course of my career. Now its overun with trannies who buy reddit ideology wholesale