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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19678969 No.19678969 [Reply] [Original]

my breakfast :3

>> No.19678986
File: 111 KB, 960x771, soylent-squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and these

>> No.19679092

Are you a 12 year old girl?

>> No.19680187

higher doses make me jittery >.<

>> No.19680284

>taking drugs against adhd
>while drinking copious amounts of caffeine
>while consuming absolutely no nutrients
It's like you WANT to go to therapy in five years after your attempted suicide attempt
Start cooking decent meals with non-processed ingredients, you dolt.

>> No.19680303
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I work 12 hour shifts and the one thing I'll eat at work is very similar. Reign white gummy bear and a pack of crackers(captains wafers).

>> No.19680348

I didn't even know there was anything other than the orange 40mg ones.
you are a bitch lol.

>> No.19680351


>> No.19680367


>> No.19680394

Are you a cute girl
If so, I will cook im exchange for hugs
If not, I will teach in exchange for friendship

>> No.19680427

why are adderal users so proud of being adderall users? almost as bad as girls who start smoking weed.

>> No.19680433

They think its a nerd cred thing to take legal meth for their marvel movie marathons

>> No.19680486

Attention. With women, the answer is ALWAYS "attention".

>> No.19680753

How do i get on adderall bros

>> No.19680763


>> No.19680776

Be 8-16 years old and stupid as shit, unable to perform basic tasks at school. Have dumb shit parents who don’t even think of trying to correct your behavior, but instead listen to the doctor who get’s paid for every new prescription he hands out.
Oh, and live in America obviously. Can’t believe ADHD is still classified as a disorder, what a joke reality.

>> No.19680779

t. failed normalfag who didn't even had adhd as excuse

>> No.19680885

Here’s another retard who’s proud of being stupid as shit

>> No.19680889

Oooohhh, you're a boomer. That explains a lot.

>> No.19680910


>> No.19680916

Have one last (you) for the road, boomer.
Enjoy the last few decades of your life, hopefully knowing that everything you did will be all but forgotten within just mere years.

>> No.19680964

I have never had a suicidal thought in my life and I've been eating this way for half a decade
its too much!!! x3 >.<
it was part of my breakfast. it was my Adderall breakfast.
too late :3
if you're in the USA tell a psychiatrist you can't focus on jack shit. or buy it off the darkweb
I went to Harvard

>> No.19680976

Offer still stands
If you want me to also teach you I'm gonna need something extra in the form of headpats

>> No.19680996

I can make basic stuff but I do need someone to teach me how to filet a fish...

>> No.19681005

>I can make basic stuff
Unwrapping crackers is not a cooking skill, anon...

>> No.19681016

I used to have a similar diet but my gf flushed most my adderall down the drain, leaving only 3 days worth. Fucking whore needed her neck rung. I had the worst headaches which stopped me from smacking her silly

>> No.19681047

I know how to dice an onion and mince garlic... I can whip up a meal no problem

>> No.19681052

I ate the white cheddar one during my shift today

>> No.19681062

Then why subject yourself to >>19678969???
At least make yourself a sandwich, a boal of oatmeal and berries or some soup (or allow me to make you something)...

>> No.19681242

I try to limit to ~1400 calories a day and crackers breakfast goes kinda crazy

>> No.19681296

Ah yes, what a surprise that this guy is on some ADHD medication. Perfectly explains why he has zero friends and posts here like it's his blog.

>> No.19681706

are you a recovering pig or something also lol cant cook and has adhd definitely a 18-20 year old tranny

>> No.19681718

Why did white monster become the tranny drink

>> No.19681731

don't you need to take amphetamines on an empty stomach to increase absorption and why the zero sugar? It is disgusting, get a regular one or a Red Bull like a normal person???

>> No.19681742

My pysch won't prescribe me adderall because it's too hard to get. :(

>> No.19681743

Fuck off. It's people like you that caused this shortage.

>> No.19681744

It's 3:15 am here and I'm making linguini with clam sauce

>> No.19681767

happy days!

>> No.19681770

you can go to an ADHD forum and ask does anyone living in x area know of some psychiatrists who prescribe adderall easily.

>> No.19681891


>> No.19681950

don't be mean I have at least 3 friends
280 at my heaviest, currently 220, goal 180 (tried other diets like keto and shit but calorie restriction has worked the best so far)
I alternate between pink and white monster like frank ocean
calorie restriction plus full sugar HFCS slop is even more zogged than sugar free. Bang's root beer is good though
get Vyvanse, that shit ruled. I only switched because my insurance stopped covering it

>> No.19681996

:/ 280 pounds on adderall its literally over my man wish u the best, the cutesie male/trans thing u have going on is just a really bad look imo especially since u were unironically 300 pounds obese male before, u will never get rid of that part of your personality/how people treated u fat tax for life when u lose weight u will have loose skin lol

>> No.19682002

>currently 220
>cute girl

>> No.19682129

280 was pre Adderall, got down to 240 before getting a script
I'm cowmoding!!

>> No.19682947

>get vyannse
I was switched to that and thankfully my insurance covers it. It should become available as a generic soon if not already. Either way I don't like how long it lasts for me. It makes it harder for me to sleep sometimes, and I still have an irregular sleeping pattern. Adderall felt more manageable.

>> No.19682955

So, you don't really need nutrients to survive then? It's all just min-maxing bullshit? People eating empty calories for decades are still alive.

>> No.19682998


Isn't there a massive shortage of adhd pills going on right now?

>> No.19683014

aren't those retarded ball jars super expensive

>> No.19683022

Depends, are they expensive enough to maintain the desired economic income for the producers? If not, they'll destroy supplies just like the french government buys and destroys wine to maintain prices.

>> No.19683030

Yes. The telemed thing that doctors were allowed to do because of covid made it easier for a lot of people to get prescribed adhd medication, especially those who don't actually have adhd, and adderall is the most popular one and also cheap. I've also heard the argument that a lot of parents finally saw how their kids act to learning in person and had them see a pysch.
The FDA limits how much adderall, and other schedule II drugs as far as I know, can be made and last I heard they weren't going to increase the limit.

That's not what's going on in this case.

>> No.19683052

Its not a woman. This is a tranny who probably takes the programmer socks meme seriously

>> No.19683094

Read up on scurvy, idiot.

>> No.19683120

So guzzle some sugar spiked orange juice once a blue moon. Solved.

>> No.19683128

I hope you're just shitposting and I'm not talking to an average American

>> No.19683133

Come up with something which isn't solved by one of the most common and otherwise unhealthy food in existence. Even picky spergs enjoy orange juice if it doesn't have pulp.

>> No.19683178
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These niggas eatin dexatrim

>> No.19683180

What? Am I talking to an AI?

>> No.19683190

Oh that sounds like a fun idea. Yes, let's say that you are so you'll never know if your (you)'s are just being fed into some AI bullshit. Will your replies decrease or increase if you believe such a thing is happening here?

>> No.19683192

im drinkin ice water from the exact big mason jar

>> No.19683195

Holy shit, I AM talking to an AI.
This shit's rad.
Let's test something: hydraulic engine.

>> No.19683198


>> No.19683199

You have diverted course from a genuine discussion, nothing of value can be learned here anymore. Bye.

>> No.19683208


>> No.19683258


>> No.19684293

im actually a femboy. I program in Rust btw

>> No.19684497

>genuine discussion

>> No.19684519

why would you need more then 15? you so adhd that you forget a priori notions of space and time?

im a 175 lbs male and 15 is often too much for me unless I got like 2 3 hour tests in a day. often I function on 1 or 2 doses of 5mg.

>> No.19684780

There is no such thing as ADHD. Just move more.

>> No.19684785

There is no such thing as old age, just don't die.

>> No.19684791

There's no such thing as being gay. Just stop sucking dick.

>> No.19684797

CoreCore breakfast

>> No.19684814


>> No.19684840

Anyone know what the fat orange ones were? I think they were delayed but they were still strong as fuck, really fucked up my dopamine receptors for a while with them.

>> No.19684851

You're the milk-drinking, pizza eating, videogame-playing faggot who always posts his stupid fucking dinners. You didn't go to Harvard in your wildest dreams. The fact that your retarded daily threads generate any interest at all is a testament to the rapidly declining quality of /ck/ and this website in general.
There's nothing more pathetic than using an anonymous imageboard as your daily blog/social media equivalent. You clearly are social poison with no one IRL to give a fuck about you or your life.

>> No.19684880

imagine being this fat lmao

>> No.19685413

you're malding because you're lactose intolerant and didn't go to an ivy league. I got to hang out with David Hogg in my political activism course. stay mad I'm one of the premiere minds keeping /ck/ alive.

>> No.19685681

nta but you're funny. never stop posting your meals on /ck/

>> No.19685899

Absolutely worthless.

>> No.19686014

Being an amphetamine addict isn't cool, Anon.

>> No.19686018

ADHD isn't real.

>> No.19686038

ty :3
works great for me!
It's legally prescribed! For my ADHD! It helps me write excellent code

>> No.19686044

Serious question: are you an Asian woman under 5' 5" with a boyfriend much taller than you?

>> No.19686051

What kind of cuck posting is this

>> No.19686066

don't hate the playa

>> No.19686078

it's the faggots at the FDA arbitrarily reducing the production limits of Adderall and generics that caused the shortage. they should learn to let people enjoy things
yes, how did you know?

>> No.19686079

I asked that because tiny Asian women usually act exactly like OP. They also exclusively date tall Aryans that are way out of their league.

>> No.19686081

You have no experience with any women

>> No.19686109

True :(

>> No.19686134

thank you for validating my gender!

>> No.19686284

i wouldn't bet on being the guy that smokes a cigar every day and lives to be 100

>> No.19686291
File: 50 KB, 300x284, 1679644899214328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink Monster you'll BE a monster.

I bought one yesterday and compared my cock to it, surprisingly relieved to know my cock is massive.

>> No.19686569

Huh, didn't realize they sold 200ml versions of Monster.

>> No.19686747

I will because he's just a drug addict.

Fuck you too junkie bitch.

>> No.19686857

Pretend he's a girl and sink your sausage into his pancake faggot

>> No.19688576

sounds like someone's cranky they can't get their Adderall! audit the fed.

>> No.19688869

the new keebler elf redesign is terrifying

>> No.19688883

you are on the verge of trooning. everything about your photo says so.

>> No.19689405

my 3 year HRT anniversary was last month actually :3

>> No.19689869

Attention seeking/10 sage in all fields

>> No.19689961

post bum

>> No.19690670

ok I'll bump the thread on your behalf then :3
last time I did in one of these threads I got a 72 hour ban from all boards >.<

>> No.19690694

imgur link butt

>> No.19690815

anon!! make rice for yourself at least, it's very easy! and it's more filling than crackers, but you can easily make it tastier!
>buy big bag of rice (dunno how much i'm not looking that shit up but you don't need to eat a lot of rice to be full, so the price is worth it)
>stovetop recipe cus i don't have a rice maker
>2 cups water per 1 cups rice, add salt to water
>let water boil
>immediately after water has boiled, add rice
>immediately turn heat to low
>leave to simmer for 15 min
>you can eat immediately, but for softer rice take off the heat after simmering and leave to sit for 5 min
hope this helps!

>> No.19691208

Waaait a minute
OP, you're not an actual girl? I have been lied to?
I demand butt pics as compensation

>> No.19691219

what would happen if you only drank cow milk. How long would you be able to live

>> No.19691222

The RP is strong in this thread