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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19674785 No.19674785 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate these things and the smug, pathetic elitism surrounding them.
You're not special for using one of these overrated piles of garbage or wasting 3 hours "reseasoning" it after every meal. You're just applying heat to food, it's not fucking alchemy.

>> No.19674789
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I think someones feeling alittle lactose intolerant today

>> No.19674816

Your train of thought projects lots of insecurity. It's good that you open up.

>> No.19674824

Maybe Uber Eats is more suited for you, we will continue cooking in cast irons

>> No.19674829

>no serious counterarguments
Thanks for proving I'm right. You can't come up with serious coherent reasons why you use cast ironslop. You do it because it's culty. "It's better because... it just is!!!"

Pretending to be a jannie?

>> No.19674852

Silence whilst I apply my phimosis cream

>> No.19674860

>angry about pans

>> No.19674878

Top kek

>> No.19674895

With good cause.

>> No.19674896

Bro you got filtered by a fucking pan.

>> No.19674900

>No argument
I accept your concession.

>> No.19674908

>he thinks cast iron needs to be maintained and regularly seasoned
just clean it out while still hot and leave to dry

>> No.19674911

Buyer's remorse?

>> No.19675308

De Buyers remorse?

>> No.19675329

whats a cast iron for ? why cant u just use steel?

>> No.19675343

Because castironfags are a cult and don't actually know why they buy the seasoningjew.

>> No.19675364

>you're just applying heat to food, it's not fucking alchemy
That is LITERALLY the entire fucking mindset behind why cast iron has become so popular over the last 10-15 years.

>> No.19675365

I see someone's peepee is still smarting after getting repeatedly bitch slapped in the other thread.

>> No.19675369

What other thread fag? I see you're some unstable butthurt schizo seething and sharting himself over getting BTFO by imaginary hobgoblins, apparently. That's gotta suck.

>> No.19675372

The best way to season your pan is to dump Lawry's seasoned salt in it. Make sure it is at least one inch deep in the pan then let it sit for 7 hours. Then dump all of the seasoned salt in the trash.
Your pan is now seasoned, and you will never have to season your food ever again.

>> No.19675375

It's funny, because if you simply understand a few basic facts about this historic and extremely cheap traditional cookware, you're good. People incapable of understanding just rage.

It's not an ideal marterial for just about anything. Heat is slow to spread because because iron conducts heat much poorer than copper (for example). But for a lot of things, heat conductance is overrated. You want something that is the opposite of responsive, you want heat stability despite changing inputs, whether to the bottom or top of the pan.

Also, iron is a shitty cooking surface. You need "seasoning" to make it work. You also need the correct amount of oil, the right type of oil, and knowledge of how different protiens, from eggs to ribetes, naturally release after cooking a certain amount of time.

You also need to know these pans can be reactive. They can respond to acids (long simmering tomatoes, vinegars, etc) and dishsoaps in a negative way. They're basically only cool with high-temp oils, cooking shit straight-up, and just a scrape/rinse/recoat of high-temp oil for cleaning.

Remember these pans are $20 and a part of American history. In my opinion, if you can't cook on cast iron, you can't cook. You should struggle at first because the surface has many pros and cons. I struggled. But you should be able to take a $12 cast iron and cook breakfast over a campfire without too much trouble. Think of your kitchen troubles as a learning experience.

>> No.19675378
File: 39 KB, 765x529, pepe kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer suffering mentality kys niggerfaggot

>> No.19675389

>part of American history
cool like jew worship and mass immigration

>cast iron and cook breakfast over a campfire without too much trouble
yeah I bet you're so manly lugging your retarded pan around in the woods cooking your lonely solo camp breakfast

I'll use pans that work and don't require loopholes to jump through to achieve basic functionality, thanks.

>> No.19675401

Listen, guys, I get that they like to train you for /pol/ on /ck/. I personally just think you should re-evaluate your lives. Have a great day.

>> No.19675421

The utter cope of a retard blocking out an entire afternoon trying to figure out chemical physics to use his frying pan.

No thanks, I'll just stick with something that works.

>> No.19675422

Lol, it really is the same autistic retard.

>> No.19675429

>wanting to pay the nonstick jew
>tolerating the chemicals of nonstick
>tolerating the ever-decreasing ""nonstick"" feature all while having to baby the pan
>paying the stainless jew
>scraping the shit out of your stainless
>dealing with the abysmal heat retention of stainless
>paying the copper jew
>babying your copper all the time
>constantly refinishing your copper
>lightly wipe your grandfather's heirloom, american made cast iron
hmmmmm, yeah I also have a hard time deciding how much I hate myself

fucking zoomers

>> No.19675434

only people incapable of critical thought use these pans. they are just mindlessly following what some e-celeb told them without thinking about it. the best are the morons who will use these pans to cook tomato sauce and other acidic foods. they literally end with flakes of "seasoning" (burn rancid oil and other food remains) in their sauce, but they don't care because some dude from youtube told them that it is all good.
americans are the most brainwashed population on earth, they are conditioned to trust without question anything coming from a figure of authority. this is just another consequence of that.

>> No.19675438

Link your "other thread" faggot, I want to see what got you so asspained you had to carry your baggage into this one, lol.

>> No.19675443

>be a retarded cultist who uses the cast iron meme even though he can't explain why
>"the youtuber I follow just says it's better!"
>is shocked when multiple people call him on his ignorance
>"help help i'm being stalked!"
The amazing mental gymnastics of the cast iron NPC.

>> No.19675458

I cook or bake with olive oil most of the time, and it greatly reduces whatever maintenance you need to do to the pan. I've only ever done the deep salt-scrubbing think two times in the 17 years I've been using the same cast-iron pan for a lot of things. Butter was a bit more troublesome on high temperatures.

I will say what the cast iron excels at is spreading the heat out very evenly, and I can use it for hours on slow cooked dishes without any problems.

Also I don't have indoor birds but if you do then you can't use any teflon pans indoor since it'll kill them so cast-iron is a good alternative.

>> No.19675463


>> No.19675464

Cast iron works, you just seem to be too stupid to figure it out. Also, you are destination oriented rather than journey oriented. If there was a magic button I could push to get perfect results every time from some cooking AI/oven/stove, I'd still elect to learn cast iron. And I did. You didn't, now you're raging on the internet like a faggot. Congrats. Again, re-evaluate your life.

I have all the good shit to cook with with as well. I have all of the stuff you probably would want to buy. But a lot of the time it's dropping a two person ribeye into a smoking hot $25 Lodge.

>> No.19675475

>cmooon jump through hoops and spend all day babying this overrated piece of garbage! you HAVE to to justify my blind retarded impulse purchase after watching le cowboy man on youtube!

>> No.19675479


What actual hoops and babying do you have to jump through with a cast-iron pan I'm genuinly confused.

Do you not clean your fucking pans

>> No.19675481
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>> No.19675484

>20 seconds
Boom I'm done, my real working pan that works is now clean.

>sorry mom I can't go to your birthday party, I have to stay home and season my pan
>*grabs roll of towels*
>*preheats oven*
>*sticks head inside*

>> No.19675495

>I will say what the cast iron excels at is spreading the heat out very evenly
Not really but it doesn’t suck at it either.

>> No.19675503

>I will say what the cast iron excels at is spreading the heat out very evenly
this is the level of understanding of the average cast iron user

>> No.19675506

You are too incompetent to understand how stupid you sound. If you don't care about a delicate pan sauce why the absolute fuck break out the All Clad. A nightmare of cleaning. If you have a 2lb ribeye, seasoned up, room temp, let that fucker rip in preferably its own trimmed fat but I will accept avocado oil, in your $25 Lodge, maybe finish with butter and thyme (not delicate, for the record), scrape it out, rinse for 30 sec, paper towel rub with 1tbs avocado, hang it back up.

Are you out of your fucking mind? The All Clads are for precision, not brute force. Most
>open wine
>steak on
>some salad appears
>shit make a dressing
>let's eat
is cast iron, not All Clad. You want precision and responsiveness when you need exact control, delicate foods, delicate sauces.

>> No.19675507

I had to deal with what you said the first few days I got my first cast iron pans. Now I don’t even have to wash them most of the times.

>> No.19675517
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Harro Chang

>> No.19675527
File: 23 KB, 329x224, 7AB1AF1F-78EA-476C-A308-BBFFCE5BC3BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder really who is the (((Chink))), see picrel

>> No.19675530

>he says, using Lodge CHINESE pans and posting from an IPHONE
Ching Chong Bing Bong *oriental riff.wav*

>> No.19675533

You really think you have to season your pan everytime you fucking use it what the fuck is wrong with you.

You treat your pan with oil once every few YEARS so the maintenance is super easy and dirt slides out with hot water you goddamn retard.

>> No.19675542

Oh yeah that sounds awesome, let me just eat decades of accumulated crud and carbon deposits.
>I wiped it with a paper towel!

>> No.19675544

It's literally $20 who gives a fuck bless those gooks

>> No.19675549

>paying the chinese $20 for the privilege of spending your afternoon reseasoning an inferior material pan for the benefit of eating all the carbonized carcinogenic garbage that's accumulated over it for years

Cast iron cultism in a nutshell.

>> No.19675553

YWNBAGC (you will never be a good cook)

>> No.19675556

Hmmm, I'm hearing cope but I'm not hearing any arguments. But what does one expect from a cultist who only uses a pan because the eceleb with the cowboy hat told him to?

>> No.19675562

Again, if you ever, ever, spend an afertnoon reseasoning a pan,

YWNBAGC and most likely, YWNBAW. But you already know both, that's why you're here.

>> No.19675565

>bringing up /pol/ randomly

>> No.19675567

Can you be a Chinese chef without learning the wok, despite an incredible amount of disadvantages?

>> No.19675573
File: 101 KB, 900x900, 1676871499151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, folks! I'm /ck/'s surrogate dad. They didn't have a close relationship with their real father, so now that they're living on their own trying to establish some baseline of "manliness", they're so impressionable that when I come along to fill void and tell them a battered hunk of "Real American" scrap iron is the best thing to cook their bacon and eggs on, they hop right to placing orders from my Cowboy Cuck's Official Cast Iron Care Guide(tm)! And don't forget to use code CULT40 for a bottle of my official Cowboy-approved Seasoning Oil! Only four hours a day in the oven after every meal and you'll be cooking like the Youtube pros!

>> No.19675575

>having reddit on their mind
>diagnosis YWNBAW unfortunakely 41% fatal

>> No.19675577

>having YWNBAW on the mind
>having /pol/ on the mind and bringing it up at the first sign of disagreement
Yup, it's a tranny

>> No.19675578

>Can you be a Chinese chef without learning the wok, despite an incredible amount of disadvantages?
Only if you are Chinese. I mean... how are you expecting to be Chinese without being Chinese???

>> No.19675583

i have an inkling this guy is a massive fudge packer

>> No.19675586

You are attempting irony, but the true irony is being able to cook well in current year over open flame with 1800s technology is actually much more than anything you can do. You've said it yourselves upthread.

>> No.19675590

You probably buy firewood and don't even mill your own grain

>> No.19675591

Cope harder, faggot.

>> No.19675592

I've been using the same 3 steel pans since my grand dad gave them to me the day I moved out of home. Every few weeks, when things start to stick, I re-season them in under 10 minutes after I clean up. They're great for just about everything and my wok can do the slidey egg thing chinese tiktok is obsessed with.

Then I got a cast iron pan as a gift and the fucker is NEVER non-stick. I've followed every method I could find and the results are always middling, usually on the shit side; basically the equivalent of an unseasoned steel pan. I've met others who use them and seen them cook with the exact same results. I have watched as a freshly seasoned pan reduces whole fried eggs to burned scramble, purely due to needing to scrape off half the fucking egg when they flip it. Bacon is torn into ragged strips unless CONSTANTLY moved and pried loose.

You're not crazy, OP. These people would have been religious zealots and cultists in a different time, and now all they have is consumerism to couch their fanaticism in. If not cast iron pans, then a certain type of knife, well-manicured beard, specific brand of tool, make of car etc.

>> No.19675603

I bet this bitch goes glamping and eats MREs warmed in his cast iron paperweight and calls himself a bushcrafter.

>> No.19675618

children cook hotdogs over and open flame. adults cook over coals. and its pretty much the same as modern cooking except for baking.

>> No.19675619

I'm losing track here. I can cook with cast iron, OP can't. Can you cook with cast iron? A simple yes or no will suffice.

>> No.19675622
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My Lodge came seasoned with soybean oil, I read it in the manual. Does that mean I'm getting soyed out from the cast iron?

>> No.19675628

So you're saying
>bring high-value, copper core cookery
>to a campsite and put them on coals
>rateher than use an indestructible cheap pan
>that has traditionally been used for just that
Is this correct? A simple yes or no suffices as well.

>> No.19675630

>this dude thinks knowing how to use one piece of old technology makes him a medieval peasant

>> No.19675632

In all fairness, OP is also unable to cook with stainless steel.

>> No.19675635

It's a direct question: can you cook with cast iron or not? Yes or no? Any other answer and you are confirmed 41%.

>> No.19675637


>> No.19675642

Stainless was actually a little hard for me, but you can really nail more delicate flavors rather than have the seasoning fuck it up. Kind of like a grill, you don't grill for delicacy.

>> No.19675645

So you're fine in my book. Just stop being an asshole to those who enjoy it.

>> No.19675653

Anybody can cook with a pan, you put heat under it and toss food in to it

>> No.19675655

OP clearly can't though.

>> No.19675656

You think "cook" means "technically edible". I think "cook" means "a meal that is well executed". I can tell you heat + a pan + my aunts = your definition.

>> No.19675659

Ah, sounds like a you problem

>> No.19675660


Very amusing

>> No.19675667

>t. I love extremely hard, overcooked scrambled eggs with no salt or pepper and somehow you fuck up Jimmy Deans sausage links leaving them cold and unsafe in the center
Clearly me

>> No.19675670

>Glad to hear, eat up
That's me

>> No.19675673

YWNBAW, eat up, please join them

>> No.19675676

im saying you can cook with sticks and rocks. the only thing you really need for camp cooking is a pot and any cheap piece of shit will work fine. also can easily find a burner and steel pan that weigh less and take up the same space as cast iron so the only thing you really need cast iron for is being a hipster fag.
again, except for baking.

>> No.19675678

Sorry bucko but I don't flip shit like a child when my scwambled eggies aren't fwuffy enuff

>> No.19675687

>only thing you really need for camp cooking is a pot and any cheap piece of shit will work fine
What the fuck are you trannies on today? Are you putting a walmart nonstick on a campfire wtf you people really are monsters.

>flip shit like a child when my scwambled eggies aren't fwuffy enuff
If you cant cook eggs and you can't cook precooked sausage, you can't cook. You can't cook. There's another thing you can never do and it has to being a .....

>> No.19675688

>>scraping the shit out of your stainless
At least stainless pans come with a smooth cooking surface so you *can* scrape them while cooking, if you burn food in it, unlike bumpy cast iron that just gets food stuck in the bumps if you burn it.

>> No.19675691

Did excess iron intake give you schizophrenia?

>> No.19675694

>If you cant cook eggs and you can't cook precooked sausage, you can't cook. You can't cook.
>nooooo are those scrambled eggs... firm?!
>what the fuck you expect me to put my own salt and pepper on these?
>oh my god is that a bit of pink in the center of the sausage?
>I knew camping without my 50 foot trailer was a mistake

>> No.19675701

Yes, obviously, just reference the abslotely insave and delusional cast iron defenders and the hyper-rational, thoughtful, non-transgender, non-emotional and frankly clinical scientific responses of the anything-but-something-that-has-worked-for-non-faggots-for-centuries responses.

>> No.19675706

You have a scary amount of your personality invested in to a piece of cookware

>> No.19675708

I'm not really sure what you're saying here, but I'm pretty sure the cast iron schizo in this thread is the same guy that I laughed at the other day for using Inspect Element to "prove" he wasn't samefagging, except he didn't understand he had to leave at least one (You) in his screenshot. He edited out all the (You)s and claimed he hadn't been samefagging, and then he got upset when I laughed in his face.

>> No.19675709

If you can't cook bacon, sausage, and eggs over an open flame you cannot cook. Is this really in controversy? Weigh in /ck/. To me it's the uktimate basic test.

>> No.19675714

>oh and by 'cook' I mean prepare exactly how my baby self wants it

>> No.19675723


This is him: >>19671474

Definitely underage.

>> No.19675732

It's actually the opposite. It's that I could prepare a competent breakfast literally anywhere on planet Earth using literally anything available, and I've actually done it. Cost/benefit doesn't get much better than cast iron pans or Taiwanese woks, which are both $20 and can be ditched at a minute's notice (for example bear incoming).

>> No.19675745

>retard doesn't know how to cook properly so he just throws all his slop in a cast iron
>it's black so he can't see all the carbon gunk, must be fine!

>> No.19675746
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, rockeggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only need a pot to boil water and cook rice and soup and such.
everything you would cook in a pan can be cooked on a rock or with a stick through it. if you cant cook eggs without a pan you cant cook

>> No.19675748

>competent breakfast

>> No.19675756

I have no idea what you're talking about you faggot.

>and by 'cook' I mean prepare exactly how my baby self wants it
Scrambled eggs, by most definitions, should never be browned. Sausage interiors should never be cold. What am I missing?

You cannot fry an egg without a pan. And I'm not waking up and making soup and rice in the wilderness you fucking chink.

Please explain your definition instead of tribal thinking from the sidelines.

>> No.19675763

>let me check these eggs on my mohs hardness scale to ensure you've properly firmed my eggs
>otherwise yes I will cry and shit myself

>> No.19675768

>I have no idea what you're talking about you faggot.

Scroll down... >>19675723

>> No.19675776

Oops, I think I incorrectly (you)d there, sorry about that.

>t. I like to hang out on cooking forums and eat shitty food
Very impressive. You should sell your services-- oh wait you already do.

>> No.19675784

My firm gets a tax writeoff for doing pro bono work with people who have been served over-cooked eggs from a cast iron. You can get in on a class action

>> No.19675792

Absolutely I am willing to deposit another 2 sheckels for the cause

>> No.19675795

Yep, still seething. So where's that video of you whipping up an omelette in a stainless steel pan without using oil? You did claim that it's easy, so it shouldn't take you longer than 45 secs to do. In the time you've spent shitting up the board with your autism you could have impressed us all with your mad skills many times over.

>> No.19675827

Unironically a skill issue, but luckily for you Teflon pans exist and are easily usable for many cooking tasks.

>> No.19675846

Time to make some guACK

>> No.19675868
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>wasting 3 hours "reseasoning" it after every meal
What the fuck? You just wipe it down and put it away. It takes less time than washing.

>> No.19675881

>YESSS irongoy, eat the carbon buildup. Eat all the layers of crud and detritus built up in your pan for years.

>> No.19675884
File: 26 KB, 400x386, IMG_3020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lol

>> No.19675899

If you wipe it down like you're supposed to, the seasoning incrementally polymerizes as you continue to cook with it. Furthermore, cast iron holds more heat and it heats evenly across the pan. You get less 'hot spots' and more of an even cooking space.

>> No.19675955

>if you burn it.
have you considered not being a retard?>>19675745
cooking in cast iron is the opposite of throwing slop in a pan, that's literally all nonstick has going for it is braindead retard slop ""cuisine""

>> No.19675981

You'd be surprised. There's one autistic retard that hangs around on /ck/ that -with only a modicum of prodding - will brag about how often he burns his food and how he has optimized his pan selection for optimum scrapeability. It may be OP for all I know, his comment about having to reason after every use was of the autistic scraper's common whines. At any rate, mere mention of the possibility that he might be solving the wrong problem would send him into a multi-thread rage, he would shit up the board for days.

>> No.19675982

Yeah, just let eons of indiscriminate waste material build upon your pan, leeching into every future meal you make. Sounds great. Mmm, chef, give me the pan that was never cleaned with the anonymous carcinogens leaking out!

>> No.19675988

Don't care about your retarded celebrity cult. Figures you'd obsess over shit like that too since you're already in the cast iron cult. Not one single proper defense of your nonsense, because you know you just bought it because the ecelebs told you. B-but nooo it must be some board bogeyman stalking me... Poor NPC retards.

>> No.19675995
File: 146 KB, 1024x689, 13613074054_de06b246f8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grilled cheeses do be hitting different outta one of these badboys fr fr. Sounds like a skill issue op, no cap.

Pic rel, it's you.

>> No.19676011

>spend hours seasoning cast iron pan
>use it
>food gets stuck to it
>have to rub off the seasoning to get it clean
>season it again
>use it
>food gets stuck to it
>have to rub off the seasoning to get it clean
>season it again

>> No.19676013

Somebody's mommy made him cook his own tendies this morning.

>> No.19676019

If you're so upset about seasoning, then just use enameled cast iron like I do.

>> No.19676039

no, you see, they don't clean the pan, they let the stuck food become seasoning for the next cook! tasty!

>> No.19676043

>anonymous carcinogens
that would be nonstick
nobody is advocating to NEVER clean your cast iron, you fucking idiot. i wipe, rinse, and bake it after every use. it's literally that easy and you're retarded.

>> No.19676049

wrong. ptfe is not a carcinogen, that's why it works in the first place, it doesn't react with almost anything. burnt fat however IS a proven carcinogen, but you just let it seep into your food and swallow it all because some e-celeb told you so

>> No.19676054
File: 50 KB, 408x384, seething.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads really show how useless cooks most anons on /ck/ are when they seethe endlessly over not being able to use a basic cooking tool. After it's seasoned it's literally no more work to use than any other pan.

>> No.19676087

>cast iron pan
>rough interior

>> No.19676108
File: 494 KB, 1856x2048, PomeranianHavingaLaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm going to cook something in cast iron right now just to make you mad

>> No.19676112

It's amazing how many gullible NPC retards buy cast iron pans because ecelebs told them to, and when tasked to defend their purchase they can't say anything about them at all. They think it's got to be "better" because it's "american scrap iron" and "all the ecelebs use it" but in reality it's just overrated overworked trash and cargo cult thinking.

>> No.19676113

>bringing up jews and immigration and reddit randomly

>> No.19676117

What do you cook with?

>> No.19676120

>see the word jew
>immediate ADL programming kicks in
>screech "/pol/" nonstop for 10 hours

>> No.19676126

0.2% of the population, 90% of the space in your head

>> No.19676128
File: 724 KB, 703x700, IMG_3367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we just not going to talk about enameled cast iron? Because I think it's a good solution to your autistic problem with seasoning.
That's a good question, he hasn't mentioned any alternatives.

>> No.19676130

>posts about cast iron
>virgin turns into the white race defense force

>> No.19676133

>0.2% of the population
>33% of white house staff

>> No.19676145

But it literally is better. Cast iron retains more heat and delivers a more even crust than stainless or non-stick.

>> No.19676146

>ptfe is not a carcinogen
nobody said it was
the binding and adherent chemicals are, which is why the second you scratch the PTFE you are subjecting your food to carcinogens.
it all gets back to the points around care and easy of use.

>> No.19676150

>get mad because black people are more likely to be unsuccessful
>get mad because jews are more likely to be successful
lol, if only everyone could be as mediocre as you

>> No.19676152

>repeats the mantra talking points
Total nonsense. Doesn't bear up in any real world practice. Culty behavior, "My pan is better because... IT JUST IS!" "It retains more heat! Even though they're constantly outputting heat! It's more even!" Gibberish. Never in my life have I had a steak cook "unevenly" because I didn't use the precious sacred cow cast iron. There's nothing real to it. It's literally just a religion.

>> No.19676157

>they're 33% of the white house because they work hard and are smart of course
>nepotism? that's antisemitic. ADL!

>> No.19676163

>0.2% of the population
>20% of the Nobel prizes
>40% of American CEOs
>90% of Hollywood and news media

>> No.19676170

I understand you hate ecelebs and people that follow them but seething endlessly because you're unable to use cast iron doesn't make you any better than them.

>> No.19676171

Nice, I like cast iron pans because they reinforce patience. Thanks for putting out some good knowledge for beginners.
May your iron stay seasoned

>> No.19676174

>I love wasting my time over superstition.

>> No.19676175

enameled cast iron is fine for pots like dutch ovens or cocottes, but it is not a good material for a pan. the cast iron is irrelevant there, you may as well make the pan out of aluminum instead because it is lighter and has much better thermal conductivity. and that's exactly what ceramic pans are.

>> No.19676178

Jews tend to have higher IQs than white people. It's no wonder they're more successful.

>> No.19676181

They spend their youth educating themselves and have a culture that supports and even demands it. You spent your youth playing video games and watching cartoons and looking for the easy way out. You aren't the same.

>> No.19676184

However the increase in IQ does not correlate with their dominance of these institutions. Do you agree that Nepotism plays a part of jews becoming dominant in these positions?

>> No.19676189

>Do you agree that Nepotism plays a part of jews becoming dominant in these positions?

>> No.19676196

Why not?

>> No.19676213

Actually, it does. To the same degree that a difference in average IQ has left africans in western nation in an absolute travesy of a position. Small differences in average IQ can lead to tremendous differences.

>> No.19676220

Actually it doesn't. Do you agree that Nepotism plays a part of jews becoming dominant in these positions?

>> No.19676237

Actually, it does. You've just never studied it once in your life, you just believe /pol/ pamphlets and translate your personal insecurity into looking for excuses for why other people do better than you.

>> No.19676240

Do you agree that Nepotism plays a part of jews becoming dominant in these positions?

>> No.19676246

>Badgering, bullying posture
>desperately reaching for a "gotcha"
Yeah, I don't play childish games with disingenuous, mentally stunted assholes.

>> No.19676254

It's a simple question but I can tell you're afraid to provide the answer

>> No.19676261

>Yeah, I don't play childish games with disingenuous, mentally stunted assholes.
It's interesting when you do the same thing you accuse others of doing.

>> No.19676274

I'm not obligated to show you any respect when you make it abundantly clear you aren't deserving of any. You approached this with racist, propagandistic attitudes that completely fly in the face of all evidence, and then try to engage in such clear-cut disingenuous nonsense demanding people accept your loaded proposition to continue the conservation. Yeah, sorry, that shit doesn't fly against thinking men. You lose all entitlement to respect when you start acting like a bullying shitposter trying to force his point through sheer rhetoric and gaming.

>> No.19676282

You know the answer to that simple question blows your 'le smart jews' argument out of the water kek

>> No.19676290

You're a child who's ill-equipped to have an intelligent conversation with an adult on IQ distributions and career prevalence. Posting "kek" and other buzzwords doesn't win you anything but disgrace. You prove yourself again: All you can do is turn everything into a shitpost war with no actual education on the issues. You've gotten enough replies, I won't indulge in your childish ignorance and insecurity any longer. "The jews" aren't responsible for your personal life failings.

>> No.19676293

Look at how much seething you're doing because you refuse to answer a question you know justifies every expulsion of jews throughout all history

>> No.19676348

He's just seething about ecelebs because the other CI thread - the one where he fucked around and found out - started with somebody learning something useful from one. He's just lashing out in autistic rage.

>> No.19676525
File: 108 KB, 857x1200, 68a3e081253c1b1b11d363dc87191686_69b3e5569fd996ca9acb22d803f5c3e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews surrounding a meeting table
>rubbing their hands together menacingly
>"yes, we've finally made them buy and enjoy CAST IRON!"

>> No.19676632

>Yep, still seething.
I assume you're talking about yourself, after lashing out at random people in the thread you thought were me.

>So where's that video of you whipping up an omelette in a stainless steel pan without using oil?
I'm not making a fucking video for your whiny ass. Get over it.

> You did claim that it's easy,
Correct. Because it is.

>so it shouldn't take you longer than 45 secs to do.
Instead of reposting the same webm of someone else cooking eggs in cast iron, I think you need to post your own videos before making these insane demands of random strangers. You think that a 45 second webm takes 45 seconds to make? Fucking dumb child. Clearly you have no idea what you're doing or talking about, in or out of the kitchen.

You need to make your own webm's and learn what you're even asking me to do.

What's that? You don't want to do work for someone who doesn't like you and doesn't have a right to demand you to produce fucking videos for him, who may not even return to the thread to see them? Should have thought of that before demanding that I do the same bullshit for you, faggot.

>> No.19676636

The best may be no more reliable filter for whether someone should be allowed in a kitchen than a cast iron or carbon steel pan.

>> No.19676760

>wasting 3 hours "reseasoning" it after every meal.
I dont like teflon pans, I have to sand it and re-apply the primer and teflon layer after every meal and let it cure.

>> No.19676763

>and re-apply the primer and teflon layer
Fun factoid: DuPont does not allow pregnant female factory workers in their Teflon plant because the chemical is so toxic that it would basically guarantee horrendous birth defects and miscarriages.

>> No.19676792

tefflon bad no matter what :)

>> No.19676812
File: 22 KB, 561x476, 1669636144012189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, daddy! I never thought I'd see you again!

>> No.19676921

>Because it is
Prove or GTFO back to R*ddit you autistic manchild.

>> No.19677066

Ignore the nonsense. Just use the pan, rinse clean when done and reheat to dry. The seasoning builds up with use. Faggots who need to manually build up layers are retarded.