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19674247 No.19674247 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make tamales without the laborious process of rolling them up? Fuck, Kent Rollins has this good recipe for making Tamales and I've done it every time, it's fucking delish and better than any tamale I've bought at a store, even here in Ch-icaa-go, aka Mexico #3.

Is there a way to take the masa/pork broth mix and the pork shreddings themselves and make a meal that doesn't require 4 people wrapping fucking shit for an hour? Kent has a Tamale pie video but he just kinda makes some kind of caserole without any of the above and just throws some masa dollops on top before making. Not what I'm looking for. I want to take the ingredients of a tamale and cook it without having to roll shit. Is this even possible?

>> No.19674269
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Just put the meat in the masa and make tamale onigiri. Or fry them

>> No.19674575

>do you make tamales without the laborious process
Hell no I won't even consider that Europeon idea
Fuck that GARBAGE
making tamales correctly includes all the labor as it shows in the final product, it's partially the love and consideration for fulfilling the elaborate affair of making something healthy for your family to eat ....I would not go as far as to use the word offended only because it's lost it's actuall meaning
Keep cutting corners and keep asking why it just isn't the same like any idiot would since the answer is more than obvious
In case I haven't made myself clear fuck the nonsense enjoy and savor the process which I imagine you expect to enjoying eating your own homemade tamales and rejoice that your well-being has been served with the love and care meant for those around you as well as yourself
Reminder success comes without shortcuts

>> No.19674581
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x2560, shit...literal SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta side with you here anon.
I've made chicken tamales and strawberry tamales before. Once you get into the flow, it goes pretty fast.
I've made other things with masa, mostly fried "Pucks" that I'd then slather with meat, chili (or just spiced stewed tomatoes,) and cheese; But those are another thing altogether.
WORST fucking thing in the world is those canned "tamales"

>> No.19675178

>How do you make tamales without making tamales
You can't, either get good at rolling or invite some friends over

>> No.19675223
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am i supposed to eat the corn husk like a burrito wrapper? or do i squeeze out the filling like a gogurt?

>> No.19675465

>How do you make tamales without the laborious process of rolling them up?
you buy a tamale making machine, or don't make tamales.

>> No.19675766

I made tamales once with a bunch of mexicans at a hostel, they said it was amazing how a gringo could get it right.
It's little better than dogfood desu, 90% of mexican food is just slop and even worse it's slop with a ton of unnecessary work, I'd rather have barbecue slop because at least it's a fraction of the work and is still better than mexican shit.
I'll make tacos every once in awhile because they're rather quick, but that's about it.

>> No.19675771

>Reminder success comes without shortcuts
every mexican I've know takes shortcuts and does shit work, it's why they finish work so fast and oftentimes you have to redo all their work anyways.

>> No.19675779

>Every tamale you can buy is 95% corn meal, they're dry and there's almost no filling
Good luck finding that one old lady in town who sells them for 50 cents a piece and makes them 1,000 at a time so they aren't shit. My town is like 3/4 mexican and I still can't find a not shit tamale in town.

>> No.19675783

I've seen a video of some lady with an icing spatula speed rolling tamales. She'd spread a layer, leave the spatula stuck to the husk on her hand, throw some filling on then spin the spatula so everything rolled up, pinch the bottom and slide it out. She was probably doing ten a minute.

>> No.19675986

I had a tamale making machine but she went back to Mexico.

>> No.19676247
File: 53 KB, 612x408, here's your %22burrito%22 bowl sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a meal that doesn't require 4 people wrapping fucking shit for an hour?
Wypipo can't comprehend food unless it's served to them in a trough LOL
Eat up pigboy! Oink oink!

>> No.19676330

>Not spending an hour with three of your bros wrapping tamales and telling stories
Fucking gringos don't know how to have fun

>> No.19676339

Eh, some do
You can get pretty smashed and still stay capable of making these, they're time-consuming, not difficult

>> No.19676544

I made around 200 banana leaf tamales in an afternoon for the service of a hotel I was working at during my time in Oaxaca, it is like working at a bakery, you need to set up your working area and find your rhythm, yo do not need to think, which is why I assume old ladies use the time to gossip

>> No.19676630

Lmfao I know this is turd world shit

>> No.19676702

Post pics.

>> No.19676711
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NTA but here have a (You)

>> No.19676713

The cult of home ownership means everyone has to work one or more full time jobs and there's no family around to spend half the day cooking.

>> No.19676722

Lol. We weren’t allowed to wear clothes while working. They always thought we would steal fucking tamales or the ingredients.

>> No.19676827

you think any of those third world housewives pay (((rent)))? knows what a fucking (((mortgage))) is? lol their land may be shit but at least they own it

>> No.19676839

stop spamming shitty mexican food nobody cares about except for you brown people

>> No.19676852

It was years ago

>> No.19676872

>without the laborious process of rolling them up?
Dude you don't even roll tamales

>> No.19677055

Really? In Oaxaca? Tamales are not gold. Probably you were with shitty employers.

>> No.19677068

Tamales are great.

>> No.19677088

My first boss was a Mexican running a landscaping crew. No fucking clue why he hired me as a pasty white teen. He was the kung fu master at looking busy and tricking gringos. Best education I could have had

>> No.19677096

There is only one old lady in all of North America. Abuela Tamale. She exists to keep hope of the perfect tamale alive. She's like the American version of Jesus. Her treat tastes way better though

>> No.19678545

w-were the old ladies naked too? *sweats*

>> No.19678637

mexican food is a meme. dont believe their lies op. ITs classic brown person spice and fat mishmash with cringy shit like tamales. Only worthwile idea is smoking peppers
also simping for mexicans ITT is pathetic.