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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19672345 No.19672345 [Reply] [Original]

Rice is the shittiest food on earth

>> No.19672460

Can you bring your own plates, or do you absolutely have to eat off the floor like an animal?

>> No.19672472
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No, shit is the shittiest food on earth.

>> No.19672480
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>> No.19672484 [DELETED] 

Fucking why. Someone just walked there with their bare feet

>> No.19672518

nah, try eating it off a plate for once

>> No.19672519

pretty sure its some ritual only done in temples. the rest the time they have the courtesy of eating off a banana leaf instead of the ground

>> No.19672538 [DELETED] 

Yeah well my ritual is banging 18 year old that's with huge tits in my temple(home)

>> No.19672543

>makes a complete protein when paired with beans
Nah OP is a faggot.

>> No.19672544


>> No.19672564

plant protein is trash, potatoes with meat is better in every way.

>> No.19672571
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>> No.19672579

Just eat bread like a normal human

>> No.19673037

counterpoint: rice is good

>> No.19673050
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>> No.19673056 [DELETED] 

I still can't believe they're (Trudeau) letting droves of these fucking animals into our beautiful country... we're fucked leafbros, send thots and prayers.

>> No.19673065

The indian diet is literally just rice, beans, potatoes, flour and sugar and everyone wonders why they’re basically bed ridden after 50

>> No.19673072

cultural momentum, like how many white people refuse to clean their butts

>> No.19673080

most of their calories are from ghee/oil

>> No.19673092

Ghee is okay if you fast or ketofag, but they always use seed oils because it’s cheaper and India no longer exports it’s own rice due to high demand leading to shortages in its own country

>> No.19674281

you forgot about the onions, bro

>> No.19674306

Every day I eat a curry I thank the 1965 brahim immigrant who invented western indian cuisine and not "authentic" indian shit.

>> No.19674312

Lol. Wow.

>> No.19674315

I work in a grocery store and the boxes we get of basmati rice stink like shit, it's mad that even their cardboard reeks.

>> No.19674314

There’s something so revolting about how non chalantly she eats off the floor.

>> No.19674323

Most successful Redditor

>> No.19674335



>> No.19674371

I hope this is fake, but the details about smelling like shit even after you shower make me think it's real

>> No.19674387

It’s real.

>> No.19674404

Why is she fucking pawing at it like that? Is she trying to get the most sidewalk flavor in it as possible?

>> No.19674412

Yeah ikr. She spends like 5 seconds doing that. It’s gross but I can’t look away.

>> No.19674702
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>> No.19674754

It was the shit burps for me

>> No.19674755

you can see someone had just poured a ladle of some kind of thin liquid over the rice, she's mixing it together

>> No.19674768

A seed is for something new. Why would there be a seed germinating after you already did the evil thing? People don't think things through before they publish something that may live on for years.

>> No.19674780

>Why would there be a seed germinating after you already did the evil thing?
The evil thing is the seed. And it just germinates after. I guess. I don't entirely understand what you're saying. I think you might just be nitpicking. Are you bored? I'm bored. And lonely. And really sick. And not much is helping.

>> No.19674838

>turdferguson :D

>> No.19674887

Got into making steamed sweet rice/sticky rice lately. It’s amazing

>> No.19674888

Why is that HIGH CASTE QUEEN eating off the floor?

>> No.19674890

Footfags paradise

>> No.19674892

I married an Asian qt and that cunt eats rice three times a day. I'm disgusted by the sight of it these days. I can't touch the shit anymore. There's zero taste, zero nutrition ... It's shit

>> No.19674901

Proof skin colour doesn’t determine how much of a subhuman you are

>> No.19674904

>paragraphs of a guy just eating shit
What am I supposed to go EWW NASTY or something? Shock value wise this is tame. Just the other day I saw a person on /gif/ admit to licking his mother's cunt as she slept and described the taste on this very website. This is nothing.

>> No.19674906

It's kinda like Brazil, India is a shit country in general so of course everybody is just at the bottom.

>> No.19674984

Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The poo went to the loo under the moon;
The little anon laughed
To see such fun,
And the dish ran away with the spoon

>> No.19675597

>no its can't be that

>> No.19675639

lol fucking expats

>> No.19675666

Rice is poor people food

>> No.19675717
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Forgot pic

>> No.19675920

The liquid was so thin and watery, there’s no way the rice wasn’t soaked already. That was so gross to look at. Like interestly gross. Like it’s so disgusting. Imagine yourself doing this on the kitchen floor or a sidewalk.

>> No.19675941
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have fun with your elliot rodger muttstrosities

>> No.19675972

just reverse one-child policy that shit and abort/abandon any non-girls

>> No.19675985

Superpower 2023 right? Man I hate indians.

>> No.19676018

She killed the unicorn bro

>> No.19676115

Lmao. OP is seething from getting btfo in the rice cooker thread.


>> No.19677286

Your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.19677944

Rice is fucking pointless

>> No.19677962

I'm not a big fan of rice, but I like brown rice a lot more. White rice is basically just pure starch. Brown rice at least has more texture and a bit more flavor because it contains some fat in the bran that has some aromatic compounds.

>> No.19677970

Never had good rice before. Textbook definition of a ricelet.

>> No.19677975

She's a lady taking her time not shoveling it into her maw like a burger braphog

>> No.19677993
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imagine what she'd do to eat off a plate

>> No.19678012

performing the act plants the seed. the evil does not end with the act - it takes root within you, growing with that seed.

>> No.19678060

poob... funny

>> No.19678092

Black, tap-dancing baby jesus what the fuck.

>> No.19678124

nobody cares about what epic liveleaks webms you've seen, you sound 15

>> No.19679544

why is she mushing it together so much? it's already mixed, you're just turning it into mush

>> No.19679552

I think we should kill redditors

>> No.19679631
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If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.19679640

Hindus and their outright rejection of western germ theory will never not be funny. Genuinely subhuman.

>> No.19679644

Germ theory is a red herring. It runs alongside terrain theory, that being the idea that things outside your body or pathogenic infection can determine health. It makes sense that showering every day and wearing clean clothes will help stave off infections, right? That's terrain theory. There's overlap between the two, but all in all germ theory by itself has been a big red herring. Stop taking pills and start taking care of yourself.

Oops wait that idea doesn't make any money for big pharma!

>> No.19679649

Only one in need of pills is you, Poojeet.

>> No.19679650

Bro I just implied that showering and keeping clean is good for you, and yet you called me a Pajeet? Lmao

>> No.19679694

I fucking love rice

>> No.19679743
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>> No.19680512

too bad brown rice is full of arsenic. you continue eating that, you basically submit yourself towards an early cancer diagnosis, guaranteed.
OP is right, rice is just trash. blows my mind that "people" actually spend money on rice cookers for this sort of thing

>> No.19680520

Seethe, muttoid. Rice has akways been human-food since its discovery. Grains on the other hand were used for animal feed until your Agricorps csotured the US FDA and hijacked the West with muh cereal pyramid shit that led to your obesity pandemic.

>> No.19680528

>too bad brown rice is full of arsenic.
I thought that mostly depends on where the rice was grown. Some places have arsenic in the soil because it was used as a pesticide, but that doesn't apply to everywhere. That's more of an issue with the soil than the rice though, and it doesn't stop brown rice from tasting better. I'm not saying arsenic in rice shouldn't be a concern though.

>> No.19680538

>Grains on the other hand
Rice is a grain.

>pyramid shit that led to your obesity pandemic.
Pyramid tells you to limit added fat and sugar and nobody followed that advice.

>> No.19680542

>Why would there be a seed germinating after you already did the evil thing?
Because then you are more likely to do it again, and worse. You have broken the mental barrier that existed before you did it the first time.
>People don't think things through before they publish something that may live on for years.

>> No.19680557

Go eat from the same plate as a tuberculosis patient then. Let's see how you fare.

>> No.19680568
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>Rice is the shittiest food on earth
American brothers... we live like gods, dont we

>> No.19680628

Is that nigga literally eating off the floor?

>> No.19680633

This, and the part where he said his family didn’t notice.. they definitely fucking noticed but they were just being polite and didn’t want to embarrass the guy, clearly. Fucking vile

>> No.19680638

picking up the fecal matter on the floor.

>> No.19680642

they dont want to eat off a plate u idiot. they literally say they dont wash their hands because colonization. (the store owner that the health inspector found a restaurant full of feces everywhere in the uk)

>> No.19680649

genuinely not reading that what the fuck

>> No.19680667

its kino. try it.

>> No.19682540

Men will do this and then wonder why their wife cheats on them

>> No.19682548

I swear that retards on this fucking board just spin a series of game show wheels when they post

>> No.19682603

Chubby Indian girls... My beloved...

>> No.19683051
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>> No.19683573

I'd make her eat off my floor iykwim

>> No.19683584
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We need another plague.

>> No.19683615
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Scatfags are so far gone that total incineration wouldn't rid the world of their taint.

>> No.19683776

we all deserve extinction

>> No.19684301

>7 people upvoted this

>> No.19684303

>it's okay when Japan does it :o

>> No.19684370

God, I wish that rice were me.

>> No.19684544

Japan people dont eat off the floor.

>> No.19684550

Turd Ferguson 4 president.

>> No.19684558

yes potatoes, the vastly superior starch

>> No.19685381

Read the replies I tagged, maybe you'll get a better understanding what I implied.

>> No.19685388
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>> No.19685397

White people wipe their asses with paper unlike 90% of the world which uses their hand.

>> No.19685417

>white people like to smear the shit deeper into their ass crevice

>> No.19685498

Doesn't happen, you're brown.

>> No.19685718

>Bro, just marry an asian, they are so tight an submissive

>> No.19686480

konichiwa, dude

>> No.19686497

Asian women make the most souless wives, I prefer blondes they’re just such genuinely happier people

>> No.19686510

how do I hit on blondes
The hair color bumps them up like 3 points for me, so even an okay 5 turns into a stunning 8 and I get tongue tied

>> No.19686522

>using a point system to validate women
>can’t actually talk to hot women
Enjoy your Martha Stewart waifu pillow loser

>> No.19687184
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What is happening here

>> No.19687236

the shit burps...

>> No.19687365
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>> No.19687876

>im so desensitized to scat because I have seen so much gore/scat/awful shit
that's not nearly the flex you think it is

>> No.19688045

Gaining 35 pounds isn't an excuse to cheat.

>> No.19688052

ironically they're too tight to the point that you cant actually fuck them properly and they're way WAY more controlling and manipulative than white girls
anyone that thinks asians are submissive has never dated an asian
t.have dated lots of asians

>> No.19688056

>busy working 60h a week to pay the bills so slut wife can sit at home and do nothing all day
>wife doesnt have dinner ready on the table when he gets home
>wonders why he eats shit food, doesnt have time for the gym and drinks to cope with having a shit wife
lol ok dude

>> No.19688071

Sir! Sir please I am confuse! Is this the earing street or the shitting street?

>> No.19688093

i didnt know chris-chan posted on /gif/

>> No.19688094

>he doesn't want a cute hapa daughter to facialabuse

>> No.19688435

What is this shit. I feel like the whole internet is turning into /pol/tard infested garbages. The fuck you are talking about Interracial marriage in fucking COOKING board. Get the fuck outta here.
Japanese Rice is Good. The Curry Dish is a top notch. I always love ordering them.

>> No.19688613

Having a girlfriend/wife isn't an excuse to get fat.

>cope about whose fault it is
Doesn't matter. Everyone knows what happens when someone, or both, in a relationship gets fat.

>but I work too much, I don't have time to eat less

>> No.19688662

>quality self care

>> No.19689797

The don't eat it you faggot. And stop seething.

>> No.19689817

This person's vote is equal to yours.

>> No.19690462

Indians are like cockroaches in human form, truly the worst race imaginable

>> No.19690827

Plate nothing. How about bringing a spoon?

>> No.19691221

damn I know what I'm jacking off to today

>> No.19691406

So why did Indians become safe racism targets?

>> No.19691627
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