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File: 143 KB, 1501x1047, smash burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19671580 No.19671580 [Reply] [Original]

How did the smash burger meme catch on? Do people really prefer drier paper thin bites of meat rather than a big thick juicy bite of a burger?

>> No.19671586
File: 147 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. I like my burgers juicy and substantial.

>> No.19671588

OP is a faggot.

>> No.19671598

it's called the mallard reaction, you wouldn't get it

>> No.19671664

The mallard reaction occurs with thicker burgers too.

>> No.19671680

You're a quack.

>> No.19671692

Adam Kuban from seriouseats shilled it to sell his book

>> No.19671701
File: 3.64 MB, 720x1280, 1687658533389.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this mallard reaction. :D

>> No.19671702

not to the same degree. a thick burger often tastes more like meatloaf than a burger.

of course you can get the best of both with a flood burger, but that requires preparation in advance so no one makes them.

>> No.19671758

>is that something popular that I don't understand??

>> No.19671766

Look at him attempt to get love and affection back from a mindless beast who knows him as nothing but a food dispenser

>> No.19671793

Thats a duck not your gf, anon

>> No.19671804

Doesn't mean she was never my girlfriend. How do you think I became so jaded

>> No.19671823
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>> No.19671857
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>> No.19671867

Never had one until I saw Mr. Beast burger show up on doordash like a year ago. Never even heard of Mr beast but I tried it. Absolute garbage. The burger, fries, toppings etc. Worst so-called burger ever. I will never eat another smash burger willingly

>> No.19671880

>Mr. Beast burger
>Absolute garbage.
seems obvious

>> No.19671896

I had never heard of the burgers or the guy so I thought I'd try something new. One of the biggest wastes of money ever

>> No.19671898

It might be a strategy from chain restaurants to sneak more sneed oils and so'y protein breading into the burger to reduce meat costs.

>> No.19671902

I wish I could comment but the truth is I've never had a proper smash burger.

Places like Shake Shack have them right? There's one about an hr away from me, if I'm near there I may try it

>> No.19671907

They were different and new for most people and no fast food place has juicy burgers

>> No.19672066
File: 178 KB, 1440x1446, 1657283009941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like muscovy

>> No.19672075

Kami and I are best friends. Ducks can be friends.

>> No.19672082

my brother in law made "smash burger" on the griddle, but my sister just fuckin mixed the ground meat with breadcrumbs and bbq sauce buncha spices and turned them into tiny patties. And the griddle was right next to the patio door, on the little fucking 4x6 deck (with 2 other grills, but he's too dumb to even use one at the time), so everyone was in the fucking way.

>> No.19672132

My issue with a thick burger is when you bite in it splatters, retains way too much moisture then soaks the rest of the condiments

>> No.19672141

That's a muscovy duck

>> No.19672150
File: 11 KB, 345x146, mettbrötchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roasting the meat at all

>> No.19672151

I miss feeding the park ducks :(
Somebody pulled an Alex Jones on them.

>> No.19672201
File: 1.37 MB, 1800x3100, 20230529_145023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked and misread the thing. All domestic ducks are descendants of mallards, but muscovy are not. :[

That's my neighbors duck and I can go say hi whenever I want. :D I picked him up a couple times, and he hissed at me in return.
You can steal ducks from the park if they are non-native just so you know.

>> No.19672206
File: 52 KB, 705x500, 31594550_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a way to sell less for more with the prices I see them at.
Nothing wrong with the idea though.

>> No.19672215
File: 2.76 MB, 200x286, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky man. If I can ever get some land the first thing I'm doing is digging a pond and getting some duck frens

>> No.19672276

Zoomers will literally take anything their Ragusas or Babishes tell them and treat it like gospel, and then EXPLAIN IT BACK TO YOU when you try to explain to them that they have no clue what they're talking about and are just falling for a meme. That said, it's not like smashburgers are really that big of a thing irl. It's mostly just on the internet - like pretending to not like pineapple on pizza.

>> No.19672282
File: 2.60 MB, 720x1280, 1693850893474.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea. Indian runnera don't really need water to be happy if you can't get a pool and they're based ducks.

>> No.19672301
File: 216 KB, 721x536, mDQGOuIp9ME2qPIesLuI_duck6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runners are what I was planning on, yeah

>> No.19672322

heh :)

>> No.19672335

>a thick burger often tastes more like meatloaf than a burger.
This. If I wanted meatloaf I would have had meatloaf.

>> No.19672871

Alocholics and their kids

>> No.19672908

i made smash burgers for the first time last week. i ended up eating nothing but smash burgers for 3 days straight. it was so fucking good.
thick patties just arent as good

>> No.19673128

>a big thick juicy bite of a burger
gross. there's no need for a burger to be a fucking wet skyscraper. smashburgers mog across the board

>> No.19673143

Both are good, but it's easier to cook a smash burger right than it is to cook a thin one.

>> No.19673330

intentional social engineering to condition the lower classes to consume less meat, lower quality meat, and prefer something thinner thats easier to replace with meat-substitutes because the majority of the flavor you are consuming comes from the char/spices and not the meat itself.

i hate the antichrist.

>> No.19673345

Since nobody has given you the answer yet... both are good but only one is capable of being made by literal burger flipping retards and it's the smashburger. Unless you're making it yourself or looking to pay actual cook money big and juicy just isn't plausible.

>> No.19673357

My mother told me she was making "smashburgers" because I assume facebook or youtube got her excited about it and I ate them and they were just the same thick hamburgers she made my whole life, she just got facebook hypnotized by the word and didn't understand the actual motivating principle of thing.

>> No.19673360

>condition the lower classes to consume less meat
a real smash burger is 2 patties with bacon (patties cooked in the bacon grease, not added oil)

>> No.19673501

I think what you are referring to is technically called the seared bite

>> No.19673515

>a real smash burger is 2 patties with bacon (patties cooked in the bacon grease, not added oil)
Ack shoe uh lee, a real hamburger is a 1/2 pound of ham in between a hamburger bun with bacon.

>> No.19673526

That's the strangest, ugliest-looking Kenji recipe I've ever seen. He's never led me astray before but this time I'm dubious.

>> No.19673535

>there's no need for a burger to be a fucking wet skyscraper
>patties cooked in the bacon grease, not added oil

It's shit like this that convinces me again and again that most people here who defend smash burgers have never cooked a burger in their life and have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.19673536

Thinking about it some more, if you're going to do the "flood burger", why not mix the juices with egg yolk, a touch of cream, and bread crumbs, and make it a basically a meatloaf/smash burger burger. You'd still retain the juices, you'd get extra flavor from the egg yolk, it wouldn't leak out everywhere horribly like the titular flood, and if you're poor you can add more bread crumbs.

>> No.19673541

Have you never cooked a burger with bacon fat? It's tasty with normal burgers too, not just smashed burgers.

>> No.19673543

Guy, two strips of bacon is enough for 2 patties

>> No.19673573


>> No.19674272

>smash burger meme catch on
Smash burgers have been a thing way before your pansy ass was even born.

>> No.19674288

>want to eat 180gr of meat worth of burger
>eat 1 180gr burger rareish which can be nice but is also dangerous
>eat 3 60gr burger for maximum crunchyness and umami
>eat some shitty overdone 50% sawdust 25% fat overpriced fast food burger
Life is made of choices like this.

>> No.19674426

>smashburger has existed before history was penned
>catch on

>> No.19674437

They're actually pretty tasty, but it hurts my soul to see that much fat come out of a burger, so I don't make it at home. Also, I don't have a fan that vents outside.

>> No.19674446

>fat come out
pan isn't hot enough and burger isn't making strong enough contact with the pan either