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19661649 No.19661649 [Reply] [Original]

thick patties are disgusting

thin, smashed patties are superior

>> No.19661664 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 1080x818, deepcut-nikocado-avocado-reference-v0-9mlqvutyruhb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heheh yeah right brother. I like my patties greasy, wet, dripping with fat, and SMASHED. Just like Nikakado's asshole.

>> No.19661668

theyre both tasty if cooked well

>> No.19661685

What about normal patties
Why do you guys think only extremes exist

>> No.19661705
File: 279 KB, 983x720, wypipo bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, in my humble opinion, the real problem is with the big ass buns that they use. A big patty wouldn't be an issue if they used toasted slices of white bread.

>> No.19661733

obviously. also those two pickles turning the top bun into a soggy piece of shit are pure mental illness

>> No.19661739

this is why patty melts are better than actual burgers.

>> No.19661750

doesn't have to be a smash patty just as long as its not a thic meatball

>> No.19661757

>greasy, wet, dripping with fat,
fuck that, i don't want a dried out burger but nothing is gained by a overly greasy mess that sogs out the bun

>> No.19661764

thats why they're called patty melts not burgers

>> No.19661774
File: 87 KB, 800x450, grilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're retards that can't form a patty so they either make a giant meatball or a giant meatball they then smash with a spatula.
So basically a 1st grader playing with play-dough as better cooking skills then these retards

>> No.19661782

that changes literally nothing about the statement you're quoting you ESL retard

>> No.19661783

Very true.

>> No.19661848
File: 265 KB, 483x407, retard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick patties are disgusting
>thin, smashed patties are superior

>> No.19662049

using white bread and not a bun disqualifies it as a burger

>> No.19662076

refer to image in >>19661848

>> No.19662307
File: 189 KB, 438x333, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm firmly in the medium camp
medium thickness
cooked to medium
kaiser roll
pickles on the bottom
this next part is important
slice of cheddar touching the burger
bacon touching the cheese
tomato touching bacon

>> No.19662321

I've grown tired of thin smashed patties and might try thick patties in the not too distant future

>> No.19662663
File: 577 KB, 800x600, rumia meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast food burgers are better than meatballs
Okay. I'll stick with regular fucking burgers, cooked medium-rare like a normal person who doesn't base his entire personality around internet memes.

>> No.19662692

Yup. Gotta agree with you guys

>> No.19662729

Thin patties are dry and flavorless

>> No.19662798

OP's anus gapes wider than the hoover dam

>> No.19663211

Both are good but thinner is better.

>> No.19663216
File: 18 KB, 200x267, 200px-SoyWojak_gape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit
Ever wondered why soijaks love these oversized burgers so much? It's the gape

>> No.19663258

>medium rare burger

I bet you don't season your food and kiss your dog on the lips

>> No.19663270

>bet you don't season your food and kiss your dog on the lips
Wouldn't that be the weirdo that insists you have to cook ground beef well-done? Yeah, that's definitely the weirdo who insists that you have to cook ground beef well-done.

>> No.19663987

absolutely. it helps a lot with making the burger a reasonable size too. I'm not eating a burger if I can't put it in my mouth comfortably.

one is bad one is good nuance is gay

you probably also hate fun and love suffering and are evil and despicable.

>> No.19664008

>take fatty beef
>mix with bread crumb, salt, pepper
>squish flat and chuck on hot pan
>cook through, chuck swiss on top, let melt
>take off pan
>chuck two slice of rye bread in
>toast well and take off pan
>chop mushroom and onion, saute in pan
>put on bread
>add patty with cheese
>add spinach and tomato slice
>add Dijon mustard
>put top slice on
wallah good borger - patty same thickness as slices of bread, lettuce and tomato should be half thickness of patty, just enough mushroom onion on bottom to make a clear gap between bread and beef

>> No.19664964
File: 42 KB, 465x493, 1624712358032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you probably also hate fun and love despicable.
ser please no ser thank you ser

>> No.19664968

>mix with bread crumb
that is a meatloaf sandwich which sounds really good but still not a burger

>> No.19664993
File: 41 KB, 602x339, wala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I'm honestly glad that the giant patties trend has subsided.
Even worse was the medium rare burgers. Who wants to eat soggy mush like that?

>> No.19664998

thick patties are good only if they're cooked right.

>> No.19665603

That's true for all burgers, retard. The thing is, smashburgers are never cooked right.

>> No.19665622

why does american bread have brands? it feels so unnecessary for bread and makes it look more artificial.

>> No.19665631
File: 41 KB, 633x758, bb75656c29b8e38708a8e2e7081c6e15fb7374f7476b7974fa9b1ce1e41501d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cheesy burgers. And the meat-to-cheese ratio on thick burgers never sits right with me. Especially since they tend to use those big ass buns also. The taste of cheese is all but lost.

I'll take 2 smash patties with double cheese please. Thank you.

>> No.19665717

Agreed sort of
Inch thick patties more often then not suck

>> No.19665797

Meatballs suck fucking dick
They're bad when Europeans do them, they're bad when Asians do them, and they're especially offensive when Mediterranean's and Arabs do them.
Burgers are barely aight
Ideally ground beef clumps would never be larger than a fingernail at most

>> No.19665812

Stop overcooking your beef.

>> No.19665933

The left is just a meme so restaurants can justify charging a premium for what's essentially a kids menu item.

>> No.19666151

You're mixing up left and right. You just described the burger on the right.

>> No.19666237

but consider this, thick patties can be yummy on their own. an anon tipped me off a few weeks ago that you can actually BAKE ground meat. like deadass just take ground beef, form it into like an oval shape and you can put it in the oven at like 400 for 20 minutes and boom you have a yummy meat log. ive been eating this almost exclusively since that anon told me about this technique. i just sprinkle some salt on my ground beef log, with a side of ketchup and wa la, dinner is served!

>> No.19666262

spotted the bong

>> No.19666280
File: 247 KB, 540x464, 1692169940171297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oval shape
>meat log
what the actual fuck anon! you better be talking about meatloaf and not burgers

>> No.19666706

Based pittles enthusiast

>> No.19666714

>let me just sell you half a product while you continue to pay me full price goy