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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19654517 No.19654517 [Reply] [Original]

what are some food hacks that actually works

>> No.19654529
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>> No.19654538


how about some fucking subtlety in your food CUNTS

>> No.19654540


>> No.19654552

that fillet is fucking huge. god i wish i was american

>> No.19654574

Food gore thread go.

>> No.19654583

i don't know what it is but the spicy sandwich from chick fil a always blows up my asshole. i eat spicy shit all the time and this sandwich is barely even spicy, but some ingredient they use completely fucks me up

>> No.19654594 [DELETED] 

It's the buttermilk plus negro-spice I bet

>> No.19654616

>i don't know what it is but the spicy sandwich from chick fil a always blows up my asshole. i eat spicy shit all the time and this sandwich is barely even spicy, but some ingredient they use completely fucks me up
I remember when I used to eat at Boston Market, every single time, after eating a meal there, I would start vomiting. I have no idea why.
I liked the food, but as soon as I walked out the door... vomit time.

>> No.19654619

i'd put my spicy fillet in her bag if you catch my drift

>> No.19654621

Do Americans really

>> No.19654623

Don't really know what "food hack" is supposed to mean in this context, but something I do every time I'm cooking to save myself cleanup work is to keep a bowl on the counter that I put everything I'm gonna throw away in, onion peels etc

>> No.19654628

I want to have hardcore Christian my pleasure sexo with this lady

>> No.19654642

I want to shake her up and cover her with my sauce.

>> No.19654652

wow a real hack and not just someone shitting on fast food/america

>> No.19654659

I do this too, but I got it from Rachael Ray back in like 2002 or whenever 30 minute meals was on.

>> No.19654663

Why don't you just throw it directly into the trash as you cook?

>> No.19654665

she cute

>> No.19654668

It's a long walk. I keep the food trashcan in my bedroom. I absolutely love that lightly rotting smell

>> No.19654671
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>takes a fake bite

>> No.19654694

If you're making brownies from a box mix, replace the oil with melted butter, add one extra egg yolk, just the yolk, and replace the water with whole milk, then add a tablespoon of instant coffee powder. Immediate gourmet.

For cake mix, same thing, but if you want it extra moist replace half the water with milk and the other half with sour cream. For chocolate, use the instant coffee. For anything else, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, or if you want to get real fancy, a tablespoon of your favorite liqueur. My go-to is amaretto. Get all the bitches wet at the PTA bake sale.

>> No.19654697

Hacks I already followed, but instant coffee powder you say? That's going on the list.

>> No.19654700
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Not really a hack, but maybe someone will enjoy it. Put a scoop of picrel in your tuna salad instant poor man's spicy tuna.

>> No.19654708

chick fil a is the whitest food establishment in america

>> No.19654731

use egg slicer for strawberries, and mushrooms

any muffin mix is also pancake/waffle mix.

Pancake mix can be muffin mix by adding sugar and fruit or whatever.

when putting foods in fridge or freezer that go rancid quickly (cooked pork or chicken) place handwarmer pack in on top of food speparated by plastic or wax paper. it will aborb all the oxygen to stop it going rancid. packs can be reused until they stop heating up. when they absorb all the O2 they cool down.

check the "managers specials" in the meat department, often very good cuts of meat end up there because people think fat is bad.

not exactly a food hack more of a recipe:
take equal parts room temperature butter and cold sour cream mix them together quickly the butter should break up in to tiny pieces and go solid, maybe add salt and pepper (to taste).

put on fresh hot baked potato and the butter won't melt and run off all at one time. it will slowly be released as you eat the potato.

eating salty food nullifies bitter tastes. way better than sugar.

>> No.19654738

recipe not a hack

>> No.19654741

That's called a trash can, what kind of freak are you that you need a special trash bowl you pour into the trash can 2 feet away anyway? There is a trash receptacle in every homes kitchen and every professional kitchen has multiple.

>> No.19654778

I'd love for you to explain how modifications are not a hack, you semantic semen-sucker.

>> No.19654782

I just turned 30 and I had to learn how to cook at an early age, so I've got a lot of experience under my belt. Here are some pro tips I've gleamed throughout the years that'll help other single guys when cooking:

>don't leave lettuce/other greens in their bags and throw them in the fridge. Wrap them in a paper towel then put it back in the bag. The paper towels will absorb the moisture that forms on greens in the fridge, and they'll last way longer
>if you want to resurrect old rice from the fridge, microwaving it will dry out your rice and make them hard and inedible. Drizzle a little water on the rice, wet a paper towel, then cover the rice and microwave for 30 seconds at a time, and stop when it gets soft enough
>for the noobs: bite the bullet and buy yourself a good quality kitchen thermometer. You can't keep on guessing/not caring forever. Similarly, just buy post its and stick a note on the fridge when you need something. Getting old and forgetting about shit sucks, no need to deny it by pretending you can still remember everything.
>the best times to go to the grocery store are in the mornings and at night. It gives you the best chance of not having to get stuck in a line/forced to interact with as few wagies as possible
>be realistic in what you can and can't eat. Don't buy the ingredients for a beef stew when you've still got a leftover pizza in the fridge. Don't hand wave away your hunger and assume you can survive off ramen and TV dinners because you're too lazy to go shopping. This is how bad decisions, like ordering delivery, start. You need to keep discipline or you'll fall into unhealthy habits.

>> No.19654784

a hack is using something in a totally unexpected way, whereas adding to or modifying a recipe is still just a recipe.

not a hack, just good advice.

>> No.19654833

Here is my favorite food hack: I sprinkle a little bit of MSG and salt on the cheeseburgers and fries that I get from McDonald's. I also do this for pizzas and stuff I get from Chick Fillet.

>> No.19654838

she wasn't trying to lie to you you fucking sperg

>> No.19654861

Takeout chinese makes me want to hurl sometimes. Not sure what it is. It's not msg.

>> No.19654863

i really really really really really really, really really really really hate the term "hack" when all they mean is "good idea" or "recipe"
and usually it's not even a good idea, it's just a shitty cheap way of doing something we already have solutions for.
>instead of just folding your bag of chips and using a binder clip like a civilized person, push the top of the bag up and through the neck of a soda bottle and screw the lid on!!!

>> No.19654876

When making Kraft mac and cheese, you can use lactose free milk instead of regular milk.
Also, you can use margarine instead of butter.
When eating soup, if you use a big spoon instead of a small spoon, you can eat more soup at one time.
If you put ice in a glass of water, the water will become cold.
Adding Lawry's Seasoned Salt to chicken (after you have washed it in the sink with bleach) will make it taste really good.

>> No.19654883

audible kek

>> No.19654900

Do you lads do anything besides seethe about seed oils and plastic?

>> No.19654903

>when all they mean is "good idea" or "recipe"

Whoa sweet word hack bro

>> No.19654908

>Do you lads do anything besides seethe about seed oils and plastic?
Did you know that margarine, which is made from seed oils, is actually one molecule away from being plastic?

>> No.19654918

Did you know that salt is actually one atom away from being chlorine?

>> No.19654940

Did you know water is just one oxygen atom away from being hydrogen peroxide?

>> No.19654943

>stedoid inflated chicken to grow 5 times more muscle in a few weeks (days) as a mother hen would get in a month+
Works wonders for your endocrine system.

>> No.19654947

it's a fried chicken restaurant...

>> No.19654951

As it happens, lots of people sepate their bioproduct waste from general garbage. As in not intermixing potato peels and q-tips. Also may be mandated in some countries/states/cantons/lands to keep these separate because muh eco gaylordery.
The gist being that biodegradable product gets shipped to farms as compost, while all the rest is general garbage.
Really also heavily depends on if you give any fucks about this eco gaylordery.

>> No.19654955


>> No.19654957

everyone likes fried chicken dude. chick fil a is pretty famous for the type of person they attract

>> No.19654975 [DELETED] 
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>chic fil a

>> No.19655011
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>chick fil a is pretty famous for the type of person they attract
versus places like kfc?
what are you trying to imply?

>> No.19655018

i'm not implying anything. i am straight up saying white people go to chick fil a way more than any other chicken place

>> No.19655123

i hate sneed oils but i fucking hate when normals whinge about "muh chemicals" you are full of them, kitten.

>> No.19655126

Why is she balding?

>> No.19655137

>Why is she balding?
You've never touched a girl, have you?

>> No.19655147

Because I keep puling her hair during all the violent sex we're having

>> No.19655152

i love how aggressively she slams the mac and cheese on the fillet

>> No.19655184 [DELETED] 
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she definitely fucks (and cooks) for black men

>> No.19655194

They’re a 5-way hybrid. Not on steroids or antibiotics. It’s just how they grow. All natural baby

>> No.19655216

Brine is much better than freezing for meats. I have fish, sausages and bacon that I bought months ago and they're still fresh in the fridge. It's very convenient for stuff I eat rarely but still want to keep around. Also no need for thawing.

>> No.19655224

Mins broken

>> No.19655230

No, just white women.

>> No.19655256

I get this too and I'm not lactose intolerant so it's not the buttermilk. I've even had the regular sandwich and been fine. Something on the spicy one without fail makes me explode into toilets viciously. I also pass out, like fall hard as fuck to sleep, when I eat chick fil a. Like I'll rest my eyes in my chair and fall asleep sitting up, if I lay down I will fall asleep no matter what is happening around me.

Love chick fil a but something they do to the food causes bizarre symptoms in me.

>> No.19655262
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Wish I could fuck anyone I wanted at any time anywhere

>> No.19655267

The worst thing is how contrived the seed oil crap is. It literally came from nowhere. I saw a short of a guy saying how all seeds are bad as well

>> No.19655270

>be American
>shitty food makes you physically sick
>eat it anyways because you're a hopelessly addicted fat turd

>> No.19655315

What if I don't want to drip liquid and water all over the floor going back and forth 3 feet from where I cut stuff and the trash can and have this easy way to save the effort until I'm done?

>> No.19655321

How do I get a 9/10 GF like this in America?

I'm Indian if that helps

>> No.19655324

I go to KFC more than fil a
Girl better not ask a cat if birds and mice are food.

>> No.19655325

Try india.

>> No.19655329

Asking for 2 extra pickles on your regular chicken sandwich

>> No.19655339

I don't care about oils and it is still garbage
>have chicken in crunchy breading
>dump it in sauce to make it soggy
>dump mac and cheese into burger
maybe someone with brain fried from the overdoes of fast food can think it looks good but it's shit

>> No.19655358

The breading on a chic fil a sandwich is anything but crispy...

>> No.19655364

Did you know that you can lose weight by eating fewer calories? Crazy.

>> No.19655375

>What if I don't want to drip liquid and water all over the floor going back and forth 3 feet from where I cut stuff and the trash can and have this easy way to save the effort until I'm done?
You must have a triple digit IQ, you fucking tard. You talk like a fag and you smell like your diarrhea and your boyfriend's coom leaked out all over your legs. I'll bet you voted for Donald Trump.

>> No.19655376

Everytime you touch the trash can you should wash your hands, this method means you'd only have to come into contact with the trash once

>> No.19655385

You're weird.

>> No.19655395

>You're weird.
Technically speaking, depending on how you perceive reality, it is entirely possible to do this.
Although being stuck in a Groundhog's Day scenario would probably be quite unpleasant.

>> No.19655399

>chick fil a is pretty famous for the type of person they attract
Literally everyone? It's famous for a line around the block that's it. Your hatred of white people is personal.

>> No.19655409

>Your hatred of white people is personal.
There is nothing wrong with hating white people. It's not just socially acceptable in the United States of America, but ENCOURAGED by the government, the media, the educational system, the military, and various businesses and corporations. It isn't just right to hate the white race, but it is what we need to do. Even Joe Biden, who was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan, currently supports terrorist organizations like BLM and Antifa, and supports the concept of white genocide. Then again, he also takes bribes, so it's possible that George Soros is paying him to say those things.

>> No.19655417

nothing about what i said is remotely hateful. i am white. why do you seem offended at recognizing the demographics of a fast food restaurant?

>> No.19655420
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>> No.19655422

Is she wife material?

>> No.19655423

Hahaha! You dumb motherfucker.
You misspelled the word AGAIN.
You are so fucking retarded.

>> No.19655432

Apple sauce can be used in place of eggs in most cakes/sweet loaves

>> No.19655435

its correct

>> No.19655441

>its correct
"steriod" is not the correct spelling, you retarded ass African. And I'm not being racist here. The average IQ in Africa is 65, which is the same IQ I'm presuming you have, considering you can't spell such a simple word... THAT YOUR ENTIRE ARGUMENT HINGES UPON, you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.19655447

here's my favorite food hack: I sprinkle MSG on goddamn everything savory

>> No.19655451

>here's my favorite food hack: I sprinkle MSG on goddamn everything savory
Here's another food hack: monosodium glutamate can be used to Make Stuff Good.

>> No.19655458

i'm a big fan of chickfila mac and cheese

>> No.19655463

>t. riod raging brainlet

>> No.19655476

she is cute and I bet that sandwich tastes good. Probably won’t try it with the Mac and cheese but might sauce her- I mean my filet next time

>> No.19655482

It's overrated, it's just stouffers, the fries are better

>> No.19655488

Why shouldn't I be mad at an idiot NPC spewing complete bullshit for no reason, your existence is offensive towards anyone who gives a shit about anything

>> No.19655493

moody weirdo get help

>> No.19655497

>m-my small chicken is just as good! It has b-big endocines!
is that what your mom said? lol

>> No.19655506

Get a brain you dumb left wing piece of shit

>> No.19655563

Did you slip on your mess and get mad, bro?

>> No.19655592

add slop to slop, and you have enhanced slop

>> No.19655611

posts like these make me laugh

>> No.19655634
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>> No.19655877

Ponytails are often the reason of hairloss.

>> No.19655902

I have a trash bag directly behind me why would I wash my hands if Im not even touching it?

>> No.19655920

Seed oils are bad.

>> No.19655923 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1500x1000, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__simply_recipes__uploads__2013__02__Rosemary-Lamb-Chops-LEAD-2-4b70775441df47848c0b4352446bac77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not like lamb because it tastes like licking the sheep's gooch and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.19655934

wtf does that even mean

>> No.19655959

Work done with an axe

>> No.19656000

kfc was founded by a white guy

>> No.19656002

literal retard

>> No.19656004

>Work done with an axe
He be axing you what that mean, dough

>> No.19656011

when ordering a burger at five guys, tell them to season the patties with the cajun fry seasoning

>> No.19656103

literal slop

>> No.19656556


>> No.19656572

doesn't cook

>> No.19656576

>muh eco gaylordery.
your existence is a net deficit on this planet and all living things

>> No.19656596

post your workings

>> No.19656599

i want to cum inside her womb and make her pregnant if you know what i am saying?

>> No.19656618

why are US americans so disgusting

>> No.19656620


>> No.19656621

I want to lick buffalo sauce off her ____

>> No.19656661

>your workings
Is this retard speak?

>> No.19656662

>endocrine system
you just made this up

>> No.19656665

That looks like a disgusting fischer price toy. I almost can't believe that the average american eats like this. Until I go outside and talk to people like this.

>> No.19656668

Literally every cuisine that's cummed over is just shit covered in a sauce. Italian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, French, you name it. Eat a dick

>> No.19656675 [DELETED] 

her pink nipples

>> No.19656683

I was autistic about sneed oils for a couple weeks but realized it's gay and retarded to complain about and try to "checkmate" others over it, simply don't eat the food but trying to preach to NPCs about it is a waste of time and makes you look like a sperg. Imagine trying to tell someone who smokes cigs or drinks regularly to worry about teflon, microplastics, etc. which ARE valid concerns but others will simply go "why are you even worried about that, just live your life haha."

>> No.19656688

sauce is fine but the mac n cheese was completely unwarranted

>> No.19656707

It might have been carrageenan. Its a common additive as a stabilizer. Its dirt cheap and its become very popular in recent years. It tends to give people the shits as well. I guess Costco changed their chicken to include carrageenan and now a lot of people get sick from it.

>> No.19656724

Technically true, but I think most commercial peroxide is H2O2. So water is also 1 atom away.

>> No.19656782

>her her

>> No.19656806

>how to make everyone shit their pants

>> No.19656822

I'm eating olives out of the jar. I even eat the red things.

>> No.19656848

Imagine the size and stench of the dump she squeezes out after digesting that.

>> No.19657165
File: 177 KB, 382x417, GRACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me manager at my local chic-fil-a in houston
>cute young christian blond come in looking for a job
>you just know im going to hire her
>after shift one saturday we are closing up but need to clean the fryers still
>watched her plank slate ass clean the fryers to perfection for customers the following moring while rubbing my obvious 5.5" erection
>she says shes done, but i don't stop rubbing
>she looks down and comes to the realization
>do you want to be "shift manager" I say
>with a smile she says "my pleasure"
>blondie kneels down staring at my hard, throbbing dick, while the halo: combat evolved cinematic music plays
> I slowly open a fresh packet of chic-fil-a sauce drolls down my head and shaft
>this cute blond gobbles my cock like an elite after the codex to the final ring
>obviously i promote her

and this is why cute girls work at chic fil a

>> No.19657175
File: 146 KB, 917x1132, C4CFB7CA-78A7-4F87-A0BE-3CB129C4F64D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has your western female over socialized look.

>> No.19657183

you're right and thats why I will tame her or divorce her and take the kids and let her rot

>> No.19657185

Get a trashcan with a foot pedal

>> No.19657188

What happened to pumping and dumping girlls lol. Use ‘‘em and abuse ‘‘em toss them out. That’s manly.

>> No.19657193

when women become an asset again, that will change.

>> No.19657275

this pissed me off too cuz it looks fucking impossible to take a real bite
doesn't have to be a lie it's just gay

>> No.19657335

i save my onion peels and mushroom stems and bones and skin and fat and etc and make stock out of them. i highly recommend this practice, it has improved my life substantially. i particularly enjoy making stew and also red or black beans with this stock/bouillon. also very good in stir fries and curries.

to make the stock i put everything in a pot and boil it down and then pour that through a strainer into a second pot, and refill the first pot, and cook them down, and repeat for about 4 to 6 hours (maybe 3-4x until the broth starts to get lighter and a little cloudy)
then cook the final pot down to about an inch or less (it should be shiny and thick). use low heat for the last part.

let it cool then pour into a gallon size freezer bag and lay in a baking sheet/cookie pan and put in the freezer. it will freeze into a flat layer which you can easily break chunks off of. i now have a "broth library" in my freezer.

this has improved my life a lot since i started doing it and only takes a little effort. i save my scraps in a bag in the freezer and when it fills up every other month or so i'll make a good batch of broth. this is especially good during soup season (fall to spring)

take the brothpill anon.

>> No.19657341

>You can't keep on guessing/not caring forever

>> No.19657572

It comes from a crank named Ray Peat. He spent his life preaching an insane contrarian theory of body chemistry. It was only recently randomly picked up by schizos, less than a year before he died too.

>> No.19658676

i just put waste into the produce bag it came out of, then i dump it in my garden

>> No.19658691

Nice use of quotation marks. First day?

>> No.19658717

I know that feel bro.

>> No.19658792

Seed oil overusage in every product is a recent phenomenon you overly politicized weirdo

>> No.19659310

FUCKING SAME. Everytime, guaranteed. Something about the spicy sandwhich fucks me up, regular one doesnt. Its not even spicy, just has slightly more flavor. Same thing with ezells chicken. Wtf is wrong with it bros

>> No.19659323

For me it's Wendy's spicy chicken and Flamin' Hot dust

>> No.19659750

Define recent

>> No.19659758

It's so funny how my grandfather who had a giant beer gut and ate all kinds of shit died at the same age. Guess that shit didn't quite work out peat

>> No.19659779

I'm so sick of hearing ray peat's shit over and over

>> No.19659790
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I'd shake her with love, if you know what I mean

>> No.19659957

I can save her

>> No.19660684

People hide their bins in the cupboard and forget that you can remove the bin part and put it on the floor next to them when they're doing prep. Here's a real cooking hack: put your bin somewhere you can reach it easily and take the lid off when you're going to be throwing a bunch of shit in there frequently.

>> No.19660781
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>> No.19660810

Shoot your microwave with a fucking automatic gun. Microwaves are devil machines. Shoot everything that has a WiFi signal too. Shoot it with guns, automatic guns that fire big fucking bullets.

>> No.19660901


>> No.19660902

Do you people really fall for every average white girl with (dyed) blonde hair just like that? What the hell is wrong with you?
Also, that burger doesn't even look tasty, and I'd probably puke if I had to eat it.

>> No.19661370

how much BBC she has had.

>> No.19661385

I bet your grandpa felt like crap for decades carrying that weight around. Sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.19661407

I hope somebody kills you for saying this in real life

>> No.19661445

is your trash can bolted to the ground? move it to where you are.

>> No.19661462

Average white girl > than majority of brownoids.
That's a fact known the world over

>> No.19661543

sometimes we post about cast iron

>> No.19661700

Either composting or stock is a great way to utilize every part of your produce. They charge wayyy to much for this shit anyways so you have to stretch it out. I have a small portable burner on my counter with a stock pot of water just for my veggie scraps. Just don't use strong herbs like oregano or basil; your stock will be really bitter. Also roast bones before you add them but meat can be added raw. Peppers also kill a stock.

>> No.19662000

>I'm Indian if that helps
That definitely doesn't help, sry man.

>> No.19662107

It's funny, that seasoning likely has a bunch of carcinogenic stuff in it.
Meanwhile, regular teflon comes out your body as it goes in, there's no chemical interaction at all. Unless you heat up your nonstick to the point it burns off all of it (and turns it into dangerous stuff due to the burning process), nonstick is perfectly harmless.

>> No.19662118

what he did was extremely white lol

>> No.19662135

Let's settle this once and for all:
>Upper class whites
>Lower class whites
>Upper class blax
>Lower class blax

>> No.19662148

I bought soyoil once, it costs around 1/4 of what vegetable oil does.
Smells like shit I tell you what
Truly putrid when it heats
I wasn't expecting that. I thought it was odorless
Its not
Really took my hunger away
Food should never smell like that, I have eaten some nasty smelling shit in my day
This smells like some cleaning chemical, you know the industrial ones that don't have no citrus smell
Didn't smell like food to me
No sir

>> No.19662152

The Maw if you will

>> No.19662166

She's very cute but that food looks disgusting. Not even sure it deserves to be called food

>> No.19662173

low class blacks is church's chicken

>> No.19662197

sorry they use peanut oil https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/vegetable-oil-the-real-culprit-behind-alzheimer8217s-disease-2161-0460-1000410-97144.html

>> No.19662202

He was a really jovial guy he never complained about anything. He was kind of reserved in that way. I don't think he felt pain until the end.

>> No.19662219

The ones around me prefer popeyes but I think that's because there aren't many Church's around here

>> No.19662221
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You sound like a real cocksucker - I bet that you ate very popular at parties lol. Cocktail hack, you can use pineapple juice or the water from canned chickpeas to create foam in a pinch and you have run out of egg Whites.

>> No.19662247
File: 47 KB, 580x599, 6a00d83451bafe69e2016301165bc5970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who's worked in fast food knows that this girl has been railed multiple times in the back or in someones car after work.

>> No.19662291

>Anyone who's worked in fast food knows that this girl has been railed multiple times in the back or in someones car after work.
This sort of thing is the only real reason to work part time at a "no skill required" job. I hope people don't take this the wrong way, but dumb teenaged girls are a lot cuter than washed up 40 year old women that have been divorced 5 times and have 7 kids and 8 baby daddies.

>> No.19662303

I will dig out and build an entire sub basement to lock her up in

>> No.19662304

so happy to be a medchad , she would be like a 3/10 in my country. Sad seeing americans simp over some junk food peddled by ugly women

>> No.19662311

I wanna creampie this cute elf in the asshole

>> No.19662324

there are womens with the opposite fetish

>> No.19662374

Thanks I will no longer eat there.

>> No.19662384

>she would be like a 3/10 in my country.
She looks like your stereotypical elf, except without breasts.

>> No.19662586

And elf with sausage arms and a bloated face

>> No.19662596

Just wait till you see Hardee's, bk, or kfcs bigger chicken sandwiches, Wendy's no longer applies.

>> No.19662673

Q-tips are compostable tho

>> No.19662719

You're so weird man she's just making a video about chicken sandwiches

>> No.19662728 [DELETED] 

God look at that fucking niggers smug face why the fuck do we have to share a country with these animals

>> No.19662803

How big of a container do you use for these scraps?

>> No.19662809 [DELETED] 

Um they built this country, sweetie. We owe them whether you like it or not.

>> No.19662843

Maybe the shitty locally adjusted abominations you have in the US are like that but that's not how it's supposed to be

>> No.19662858

Unless you use your pan for vastly different things, you don't need to clean it. The flavour will carry over, and actually enhance your dish. Even better if you cook something like bacon that releases grease, so you don't need cooking oil.
Nothing like having a grilled cheese sandwhich cooked in bacon grease, flavoured from the steak I had the day before, and without the hassle of cleaning the pan.

>> No.19662877

Enjoy your botulism

>> No.19662891

Do americans really?

>> No.19662948

>Ray Peat
Looking him up and I don't think I've ever heard of "Cholesterol denialists" before

>> No.19662987

Trash can

It’s called economy of motion. Any culinary trained chef will either put their trimmings to one side with the back of their knife or put it right in a bowl that is in their direct range of cutting motion.
Turning and putting it into the trash is wasted movement that slows down your prep time. Many trained chefs will keep multiple bowls for trimmings that can be used for something else versus the things that are trash and not worthy of service

>> No.19662999

That is how it's supposed to be. You're being intentionally obtuse

>> No.19663041


Say what you will, but their chicken and biscuits recipes are better than any other chain. The service usually sucks, and you will always have a better experience at a White run Chick-fil-A compared to a church’s, but the food that church’s puts out is way better than it has any right to be.

>> No.19663059

>fast food

Not just there, one of the perks of working in kitchens is getting to bang out the servers as well.

Banging out one of the Puerto Rican girls in the walk in was the only good thing about working a shit job at Burger King as a teen.

>> No.19664020

So the same kind of faggot that made fast food joints stop using beef tallow?

>> No.19664026

I would stop eating there anon. First time might be random, but if it repeats, that shit is on you to stop eating there.

>> No.19664032

>no trashcan with foot pedal
>no trashcan with sensor that auto opens for you
What, are you living in the 20th century? Get a modern trashcan.

>> No.19664333
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>> No.19664367

If it were your eco gaylord ass would understand it

>> No.19664439

i was looking forward to trying chic fil a before the whole bullshit.

>> No.19664568

Same. It's just Gen Z reinventing the wheel and giving it a new name.

>> No.19664577

You can bake peanut butter
Peanut butter is just oil and flour
You don't need to add anything else
It makes brownies
For some reason every time I post this anons get extremely mad

>> No.19664582

Who is this magnificent fluid droid and why must OP continue to tempt us with these sin inducing images? This shit ends now!

>> No.19664589

There is no flour in peanut butter

>> No.19664593

"hack" in that usage comes from all those shitty "lifehacks" blogs from the early 2010s. that's comfortably before zoomers time.

>> No.19664599

Yeah it's not like "lifehacks" aren't a better term either.
>early 2010
>comfortably before zoomers time
Hate to break it to you anon but that actually is within the age range of Gen Z/zoomers. They're even legally allowed to vote now in many places.

>> No.19664642

The point was it wasn't the kid aged zoomers who were writing those articles and making 'hack' a synonym for 'tips'. It's a millenial term.

>> No.19664644

You should go to heaven sent fried chicken instead of ezells

>> No.19664669

Why do people like you take such smug pride in being so completely ignorant?

>> No.19664673

>food hacks
You’re in the wrong subreddit, buddy.

>> No.19664694

Chew gum when cutting onions so it doesn't make you tear up
Cut onions like this


>> No.19665206


>> No.19665320

>Professional kitchen
Don't pretend you've ever been in one. There isn't a garbage/compost within 2 feet of every section of every work station and even if there is, it absolutely saves time to have a temporary waste container right next to your work station when you're doing large amounts of prep.

>> No.19665346

Yup, me too. The classic "spicy on the way out, not the way in"

>> No.19666364

buy bulk and stop being too lazy to cook to save money

>> No.19667269

Ironically being a faggot is still being a faggot.

>> No.19667420

The spicy deluxe sandwich is like $12.

>> No.19667976


>> No.19669084

No I don’t

>> No.19669102
File: 33 KB, 329x399, randy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can feel the chest pains and grinding in my teeth in my sleep watching this webm

>> No.19669146


>> No.19669180

Fried chicken is Scottish

>> No.19669189

Seethe. Your grandsons will be half black or hispanic. You'll just have to deal with it.

>> No.19669196

Food hacks for not spending money on take out
>Get a girlfriend
>Tell her to cook
>If she refuses slap her
>If the food is bad slap her
>Lock the door every time you leave and make sure she doesn't have keys

>> No.19669234

>Don't really know what "food hack" is supposed to mean in this context
80% of the food hacks online are literally just recipes
15% are weird hoax shit like translucent onions or limes ripening into lemons
5% is actual hacks like using lime juice to preserve cut avocados or using a potato to duck the salt out of oversalted soup/sauces

>> No.19669244 [DELETED] 

Sorry, but the reality of the situation is there are no shortage of white couples having a shitload of kids. And I'm not talking about trailer trash.
Those kids will marry people like themselves/parents/family.
Meanwhile, no one is race mixing more than black and Hispanic women in America.
See ya later, meme-believer. It's been fun entertaining your white genocide delusions but reality awaits.

>> No.19669246

you have never cooked before have you?

>> No.19669247

It's okay anon I got your joke.

>> No.19669295

Only a white person would do that

>> No.19669330

That's with fries and a drink (medium). It's a good deal.

>> No.19669340

Wife material.

>> No.19669421

>place makes you literally sick puking
>eat there a second time anyways

>> No.19670249

This I guess if you have one of those built in ones that were popular 30 years ago. Any modern trash can at Target has an auto open touchless sensor, as well as open and hold functions. Really no need for another thing to wash, just put it in the trash instead of another bowl.

>> No.19670256
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Seed oils cause cancer

>> No.19670269

>use egg slicer for strawberries, and mushrooms
>any muffin mix is also pancake/waffle mix.
>Pancake mix can be muffin mix by adding sugar and fruit or whatever.

>when putting foods in fridge or freezer that go rancid quickly (cooked pork or chicken) place handwarmer pack in on top of food speparated by plastic or wax paper. it will aborb all the oxygen to stop it going rancid. packs can be reused until they stop heating up. when they absorb all the O2 they cool down.
good tip

>check the "managers specials" in the meat department, often very good cuts of meat end up there because people think fat is bad.
>not exactly a food hack more of a recipe:
>take equal parts room temperature butter and cold sour cream mix them together quickly the butter should break up in to tiny pieces and go solid, maybe add salt and pepper (to taste).
>put on fresh hot baked potato and the butter won't melt and run off all at one time. it will slowly be released as you eat the potato.
>eating salty food nullifies bitter tastes. way better than sugar.

All good tips for noobs

Really depends on how you do. What you want is a high temperature and NO smoke. Most people don't know how to accomplish that without an oven they can program. There are tools out there that use electricity and acids to clean the metal. I'm actually going to experiment with that myself later this year.

>> No.19670300

>literal whores everywhere on tiktok stripping on camera
>girl making a cute video at her fast food job

>> No.19670302

People have been cooking on cast iron for centuries and cancer rates have only started skyrocketing in the last century, it's not the seasoning.

>> No.19670309

My little sister worked at chickfila and I got to know some of the other college/high school girls when I would pick her up. In exchange for weed I busted in one the mouth of one of them I fingered their ass.

>> No.19670389

niggas go to church's.

>> No.19670392

that's because they never lived long enough for cancer to kill them

>> No.19670417

Bros I just figured this out:
Cheap marinara sauce + sour cream + water = pretty good tomato soup, way cheaper than canned shit and easier than making it from scratch

>> No.19670506

No flour in eggs either but you can make no-flour brownies out of those.

>> No.19670530

Soggy breading is fine in its own way.
Look at chicken parmesan.

>> No.19670533
File: 25 KB, 400x375, 3whites eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever do you MEAN anon?
Like bend her over in the Walk-in, or go over to her house, let the lil' hybrid keeds run around until they're tired and than catch an STD from her strap-on when they finally fall over in the room across the hall in the back??
>chik-fil-a chick
I dunno.. maybe she's clean, single, unattached and no kids?
Then ya gonna WOO her?

>> No.19670535

Undersauced French Food is a crime against humanity and probably could net you prison time in the Loire region.

>> No.19670559
File: 152 KB, 680x844, Garfield on Monday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Onion peels night...

>> No.19670568

>Make the fucking Tik-Tok or your fired, Grace
Also what a coincidence somebody named Grace works for a Christian chain.

>> No.19670577

It also causes Alzheimer's. My doctor told me so. He also told me it causes Alzheimer's.

>> No.19670588

Fucking duplicitous bitch.

>> No.19670593

They deodorize/remove the taste from all vegetable seed oils when they're producing the stuff. It all tastes like shit naturally

>> No.19670994

of course she's not going to eat that garbage, her BMI is under 30

>> No.19670999

I like her big mousy ears

>> No.19671283

id cover her in my spicey polynesian sauce if you know what i mean

>> No.19671351

God I ducking hate moids, you’re all so pathetic. Even your fantasies are pathetic. You should probably kill yourself

>> No.19671376

you just saved me from needing to go shopping for one more day

>> No.19671380

She would never even look at me in a million years
Life is suffering

>> No.19671508

this is the dish I despise the most for the same reason
>make breaded crunchy chicken breast
>dump sauce and cheese on it
absolutely retarded dish

>> No.19671534

>actually works
bitch can't even pretend to eat it

>> No.19671640

Nigga just buy tomatoes and blend them up if you’re worried about cost, tomato and heavy cream man.

>> No.19671665

What like jiffy? That’s wild I just make my own in a food processor that’s just peanuts, salt, and a tablespoon of coconut oil.

>> No.19671736


>> No.19671745

what does this image mean?

>> No.19671780

You can make peanut flour
You can make flour from any bean
Just because it isn't processed it doesn't mean it's not flour, chemically irlts flour and oil
I have made peanut butter brownies before, I did add some sugar to them but that's it a d I could have made them without it

>> No.19671951

For me it's McAlister's spicy southwest chicken. Almost every time after I eat it I shit my intestines out for like 5 times a day. It's not even remotely spicy at all. I feel like they use expired ingredients so I stopped eating that particular sandwich

>> No.19672053

It happens to me too.

>> No.19672251

Grace, just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger.

>> No.19672463

Just for a moment, she's gonna be late for work.

>> No.19672739

He’s either triggered over yet another short form video of a woman, or mad because he doesn’t have a gf. Probably both.

>> No.19672815

You guys should all look up Jordan the stallion on YouTube and tick tock, this guy is the absolute fucking king of food hacks and fast food hacks and basically all sorts of different hacks he's amazing and also very fun to watch

>> No.19672820

For me, it's the McChicken™

>> No.19672888
File: 6 KB, 225x225, owari da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Chik-fil-a this morning after I played golf. My order was taken by a late 20s latina, and two early 20s negresses were the ones running food from the window to the cars.
The west has fallen.

>> No.19672973
File: 587 KB, 1079x1200, Mematic_20230827_163635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, processed food is nasty. This whole webm is basically cheap testosterone suppressing oil, sugar, and salt. Mmmm so healthy...

>> No.19673009

america is very strange

>> No.19673049

Because of people like you who type "latina" instead of "mexican" because you want to be culturally sensitive to the fact she may be from a non-mexican country :(

>> No.19673126

>Cumming inside a woman is disgusting.
Anon, I'm afraid you might have the gay.

>> No.19673308

What brine mixtures do you use for the different meats?

>> No.19673365

>I went to Chik-fil-a this morning after I played golf. My order was taken by a late 20s latina, and two early 20s negresses were the ones running food from the window to the cars.
>The west has fallen.
Did they have those weird down syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome eyes like those people from Asia?

>> No.19673373

the user is sexually frustrated

>> No.19673523

>sorry they use peanut oil
That's what I use for deep frying most things. Usually tastes a lot better than veg/soy/etc. oils. I'm not allergic to peanuts. The other two oils I use are olive and avacado. Those I don't fry in, but use as a binder or oil for brushing on airfry stuff that peanut oil doesn't taste good with. Mostly steaks for the avacado oil, browning fish or poultry with the olive oil.

>> No.19673525

cool i didn't ask, enjoy your health issues

>> No.19673531

>This sort of thing is the only real reason to work part time at a "no skill required" job.
It used to be, just rent some clothes on an app and make a new dating profile and you can bait dates for fancy dinners.

>> No.19673549

The term hacking wasn't popular until probably the Puzzle Palace or whatever the other book that NSA director's kid wrote.
Hack is a made up word, and the trend you are all missing is the re-defining of words.
The 'hacks' you are after are in the Tightwad Gazett.

>> No.19673563

>that's because they never lived long enough for cancer to kill them
Big pharma hasn't been around enough to deduce that.

>> No.19673570

>Soggy breading is fine
>this is the dish I despise the most for the same reason
>>make breaded crunchy chicken breast
>>dump sauce and cheese on it
>absolutely retarded dish

Breading should never be soggy. Too many people are used to take-out or buffets, that is shit food. A glazed fried dish should be crunchy. All that General Zao chiken, orange chicken, veal parm, etc. they should all have a crunchy crust and a light sweet or savory topping drizzeled on it.

Don't emulate TV dinners, or try to 'elevate' them. It's stupid.

>> No.19674376

>this trash is still up
Clean this site up you worthless fucks.

>> No.19675028

sometimes I forget there must be people who don't use /tv/, I'm on there probably 10 hours a day

>> No.19675229

>i eat spicy shit all the time and this sandwich is barely even spicy, but some ingredient they use completely fucks me up
Luck of the draw, Anon. I stopped eating goat cheese because I get the squirts from it. I know, I know, it's "hypoallergenic" and they feed it to kids and whatnot, but that stuff liquefies my intestinal contents every single time.

>> No.19675238

If you quickly need boiled water for pasta or whatever you can boil it in an electric kettle and them pour it into the pot

>> No.19675241

Did you know that meta-xylene is just one substitution site away from being ortho-xyline AND just one substitution site away from being para-xylene?!


>> No.19675248

Why are the customer demographics of such importance to you?

I don't complain that Popeye's is mostly frequented by the dark meat crowd. I just don't go there because I don't want to deal with them.

>> No.19675255
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>Boston Market
You have Panish back there doing the needful into your food or something. I've only eaten here once in my life and that one time made me never want to come back.

>> No.19675288

Losers who are too cowardly to take a shower and go out and talk to girls so they spend all day on 4chan feeling sorry for themselves and shrieking about how they don't have a cute girlfriend like in the webm.
Really pretty tired of these losers 2bqh

>> No.19675299

>making a post on 4chan is complaining
he's doing the exact same thing as you, avoiding them
you're actually twice the complainer he is because you're complaining about HIM "complaining"
fucking idiot

>> No.19675310

Haha wow yeah the only thing more pathetic is making a serious reply to a post that's more THAN A DAY OLD YOU FILTHY NIGGER. TOUCH MY 2 WEEK 4 DAY NOFAP NUTSACK FAGGOT.

>> No.19675312

Is there a word for a woman that is attractive but not pretty?

>> No.19675337

cope and seethe you fucking incel
it's all you know how to do since you can't take a shower and go outside and talk to girls

>> No.19675347

there are women that don't want to fuck him at any time anywhere?

>> No.19675361

>Is there a word for a woman that is attractive but not pretty?
"Slut" or "Michelle Obama"

>> No.19675393

>while the halo: combat evolved cinematic music plays
Hi r/greentext

>> No.19675444

Yeah didn't read. Thanks for the (you) though. Hah. Man if I saw you on the street. How boy. If I saw you on the street I'm not going into detail but I WOULD lose my virginity. I'd make you feel like a real woman you faggot. I would murder and rape you. I would grab you by the scruff and smash your face into the pavement until you're all gums. I would murder you. It would be literal murder. Man it would not be pretty. Then I'd take your corpse and pound the literal FRICK out of your juicy man booty. We'd lose our virginity together and I would make you man-corpse pregnant. You think you're cute huh? Yeah you think you've got some real ring-dingers in there. Guess what? You deal with me, I will humble you. I'll put a man in his place, and his place is on my 4.2" ding-a-ling. I'll make you clean my toilet bowl with your toothbrush. I'll make you blush. You're gonna lick my toes and give me a little kiss before the days done. You're gonna get tender feelings for me. Faggot.

>> No.19675480

>I'm Indian
This is easy mode
Just let yourself go, B.O. and all, and have your parents arrange a marriage
You'll have a passable woman who will bear your children but probably cheat on you

>> No.19675604

Now you got me wondering if Michelle Obama is actually attractive or not.

Why'd you do this?

>> No.19675649


>If you're making brownies from a box mix

Then you're a child and have no business cooking for other people.

>> No.19675821
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1280, 3444314_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook with the heat of the rice

>> No.19675863

Explosive shits in 30 minutes

>> No.19676506

You should use a compost bucket
then grow your own stuff

>> No.19676863

You're just fat with an excessive grease consumption

>> No.19676970

sodium citrate is a meme but it's true, I've never had a sauce break on me since I've started using it, braindead easy to make a sauce out of anything with some broth and fat.

>> No.19676987

The rice of the eggs heats the cook.

>> No.19677291

I want to empty every ounce of cum, leaving my testicles shriveled and hollow, into this cornfed trailer-trash goddess

>> No.19678264

Very little known fact:
if you buy a couple packs of chicken legs + thigh quarters (cheapest cut), it's cheaper than a full chicken.
You can simmer it with a couple carrots, couple celery, an onion, a few bayleafs and a tbsp pepper corns in a tea filter in 3 quarts of water.
1.5 hours later you can remove the chicken and take all the meat off. You can put the bones and skin and connective tissue (anything that isn't meat) back in the simmer pot and leave it for another 2-8 hours. Strain the resulting thing through paper towel or whatever (I use an old cotton tshirt). Rinse your filter in water first, that will keep the fat separated.

Boom, food hack. You got 2 quarts of the best stock u have ever tasted, as well as a good amount of chicken shmaltz if you care for that kinda thing.

You can use the resultant stock for anything (it will gel when cold btw). I always use at least 1 quart for soup:
- fry a diced onion in butter (or schmaltz!) until translucent
- add diced celery and carrot and salt, cook for another 5-10 minutes on lowish
- add chicken stock and some of the chicken taken from when you made the stock. No real measurement because have u ever had campbells chicken soup? That stuff has like 1 piece of chicken per can it's crazy. So you can add way more than that and not even worry about it.
- add diced potato and maybe some optional stuff and cook till done.

My preference for optional stuff is summer savory (a lot like a tbsp) and some arborio rice (like 1/4 cup per quart of soup maybe). Dumplings (doughboys) work well at the end too. Just dont overcook your potatoes.

Anyway anon that is my food hacks that actually works thank u.

With the rest of the chiken make urself some chicken salad sandwich and some burrito bowls

>> No.19678301

That elf makes my dick hard.
This is unironically the only post in this thread that both summarizes the entirety of the thread, and also explains why everything else in it is meaningless.

>> No.19678530

what's her social media account? i want to hear her voice

>> No.19678787

I would have sex with her if you catch my drift.

>> No.19678811

Fr desu

>> No.19679213
File: 362 KB, 512x512, FE64A793-928F-4460-8FB4-B3938B5491E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s why 10 year old girls here got C-cups. The boys too tho.

>> No.19679217

I just hang a plastic bag from the counter