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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 793 KB, 564x896, brave_xI7Pas1BJV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19652705 No.19652705 [Reply] [Original]

Now you know. Now you have ZERO excuses.

go get good beef.

>> No.19652713

>left looks fresh and clean
>right looks putrid and old
yeah nah

>> No.19652716

I'm buying the shit beef because 3 is gay

>> No.19652719

i buy meat from the university meat processing plant near me because it has way higher cleanliness standards than anywhere else, it's cheaper, and the front staff are entirely sorority whores

>> No.19652726

>the front staff are entirely sorority whores
I'm going to need some pictorial proof

>> No.19652734
File: 1.67 MB, 2084x2894, 20230829_165954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting meat from the farmers market. One of the booths is for a free range, grass fed farm. They raise, slaughter, and process all on site. The meat is a little expensive but it's seriously the best I've ever had, I cooked up some hot italian sausage from them for dinner today

>> No.19652777

Right is what you get when you mash up left and let it sit a bit in the air lol

>> No.19652812

I grind my own. fuck all y'all.

>> No.19652822
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>*Hits Pipe*
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than buying your beef from a locaal Farmer/Rancher.
Honestly, think about it rationally. You are paying for a little girl's dance shoes for at least 18 years, solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man.
All the hard work you put into getting your money, wageslaving from dusk till dawn, abstaining from meat so you could save up to buy more expensive beef from your local Farmer/Rancher, paying for her dance shoes and dance classes, paying for her doctor's appointments when she has a dance accident and injures herself.
All of it has one simple result: Her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

As a man that buys locally from a Farmer/Rancher, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your wages simply to pay for another girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ultimate and final cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.19652828


>> No.19652833

left just looks like a finer grind and right is coarser. i've never seen ground beef with added water or anything else. sometimes premade burgers can have soy protein or something like that added, but not packages of plain ground beef.

>> No.19652839
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>> No.19652840

yeah, i buy mine from Femboy Hooters. The front staff is mostly goth traps

>> No.19652859

I buy from my local rancher cause he hates the zog even more than I do.

>> No.19652864

I have no idea where to start with buying from farmers

>> No.19652878

is it cheaper or more expensive

>> No.19652903


>> No.19652913

The walmart shit I get looks like the right, so I guess because we're saying pictures somehow provide evidence of things that walmart meat is direct from local ranches. The employees are also all local residents and walmart gives them pay so I guess I am supporting the local economy even MORE than one ranch by supporting the hundred staff walmart employs AND the ranch that, due to the image matching it, clearly provides the meat. What a dumb fucking thread and a dumb fucking image.

>> No.19652916


>> No.19652977

right looks like garbage, no fat in it.

>> No.19652982
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>> No.19653183

>university meat processing plant
Wtf? That's pretty cool

>> No.19653262

Slop brain

>> No.19653269

>buy chuck from the grocery store
>grind it at home
>it looks like right
Kys op

>> No.19653270

I bet you are one of those worm dewormer users

>> No.19653275

You probably have worms on the brain

>> No.19653329

this. do I just drive down to the farm and knock on their front door? do I call them? do they have a website?

>> No.19653337

I pay 3.99 at the end of the day for half a cow.

>> No.19653442

So what do if my grocery store stocks meat that looks like the right? Because they do. It's in vac sealed packages.

>> No.19653454
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The scrap excuse is objectively incorrect. Both of these have had to be ground at USDA approved slaughterhouses, farmers in the US cannot slaughter their own cows. If we let farmers have that much control, they feed cows the brains of other cows and people get sick. Beef is insanely regulated post mad cow disease outbreaks in the 1990s.

>> No.19653483

I know they did butchery classes at the college in my town and their meat was always a few dollars cheaper than store bought and as the other anon said, with much higher standards.
No sorority chicks at mine

>> No.19653496

High effort post

>> No.19653500
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>> No.19653511

>farmers in the US cannot slaughter their own cows
Is this true?

>> No.19653583

As someone who owns cattle, has products at a local farmers market, and generally knows the communities and workings of farmers market economics.

This thread is full of fucking retards. Even worse the type of retard that thinks they are smart.
>I get my meat from the farmers market!
Eggs are one thing. If you think you are getting comparably better beef than a high quality brand from the grocery store, you are getting fucked without a reach around. Small time farmers like me are not selling their grass fed, organic beef at the farmers market. It’s just for us. None of us do, because no one would buy it. The price would be absolutely insane for us to turn a reasonable profit. But for me its alright cause I don’t have to turn a profit if its just me. Talking about $3500-4000 minimum is required to break even on some of these cows
>Well this guy says its nice small farm grass fed beef!
He’s lying. Farmers can be some of the most morally bankrupt people you ever meet. Especially oldhead farmer families with roots sometimes, they see the world as black and white. If you are part of their family they give a fuck, if not fuck you. 90% of the time the beef you find at these markets is from a typical industrial farmer. Maybe they are an organic grassfed supplier, but I promise they probably have a herd of 150+, and their meat ends up in the grocery store. The local farmers market is just a side gig for these guys. I’m not even going to get into how easy and common fraud is for these fucks when it comes to organic and grassfed labels.
>Blackpill! Demoralization! goyslop shill!
It’s just reality. The economics of cattle farming just doesn’t support small farmers turning a profit unless they are producing on a scale to sell to grocery stores. The industrial scale is required because it opens doors to have less waste. I can’t sell all my hides at the farmers market, I can’t sell all my bones, and I can’t sell all my bones.

>> No.19653590

Dancing is gay.

>> No.19653599

I’ve seen it before, if you let bubba slaughter his own cattle he shoots them with a .45 point blank and contaminates all the meat with greymatter.

He then piles up all his slaughter refuse and scatters it in a pond somewhere, other farmers land (Glenn’s granpappy cheated my granpappy in 62, this’ll teachem), or his own land. Really good for the cows when it rains and the drainage peppers the adjacent cattle field with disease eventually.

>> No.19653612

Did they explain what the additive was or how it was pumped into the meat? Same for water, how do you pump water into meat?

>> No.19653796

There aren't normally any additives in ground meats. Water can be added, usually by adding ice to the grinder, but it noticeably alters the consistency of the product. Some sausage products have water added this way. Grinds to not have any preservatives or dyes added. The only preservation techniques used on most grinds is either vacuum packing or Modified Atmosphere Packaging, whereby the product is stored in an airtight package with a non-standard air mix that limits microbial proliferation and prevents the product from losing color.
If anyone is putting fillers or additives into their ground meats its actually the small farmers since small-scale retail isn't nearly as heavily regulated.

>> No.19653935

so you're saying just buy the walmart steak? But small stuff is fine for farmer's markets? Just to note, ive never bought meat from a farmer's market. The only thing I ever get is honey sticks and the odd bracelet

>> No.19654129

the darker red color is myoglobin, right? how do they drain it in the packaged ground meat?

>> No.19654133

>anon discovers different meat grinders
thymed, bait thread

>> No.19654137

>wasting good cuts of meat by grinding them up rather than using otherwise unused scraps from other cuts

>> No.19654200

Retard bait. The difference in colour is due to fat content and coarseness of the grinding plate. Mince on the lefthand side of picrel is higher fat content, as most industrial mince is, because it´s a byproduct of breaking down the carcass into steak or roast cuts. All the odd meat bits and fat strips that you trim to make a nice sirloin, chuck or brisket cut gets thrown in a container and minced. Beef is usually minced twice through a fine grain mincing plate giving you that ribbony mince appearance and even fat:meat distribution which you can see in the chunk on the left.
The mince on the right is pretty clearly a high meat:fat ratio mince, probably a steak cut that's been run through a mincer one single time using the coarse plate that's typically used for pork products. You can tell because the fat and meat aren't evenly distributed throughout the mince, and both fat and meat are in visibly large chunks, which is simply the result of using a large bore mincing plate.
>t. butcher

>> No.19654208

all ground meat I've ever bought is ground directly in front of me and looks like the right image
Left looks disgusting, like chewed up bubblegum

>> No.19654225

Ameriburgerlard detected.

>> No.19654303

you are a faggot not a butcher. While you might be right on coarseness and fat content, there absolutely is a color difference between farm raised and goyslop TM meat. so shut your whore mouth and go back to gaydit

>> No.19654353

The worst thing about factory meat is that it’s washed in chlorine baths, where it’s placed in chlorinated water, which the meat absorbs and which taints the flavor.

>> No.19654357

>farm raised and goyslop TM meat.
>Be me
>Live in a country with strict food regulations re. beef
>Literally never have eaten factory farmed beef
Go on, Amerimutt, why don't you order another 1/4 pounder "beef" burger with "cheese"??

>> No.19654390

only meat you get is at you local fagbar, but you definetly dont regulate the intake.
If you never seen factory beef why the fuck are you talking about it?

>> No.19654476

Pic not attached tho?

>> No.19654480

>worm dewormer users

>> No.19654661

They're rich enough to be putting their kids in dance classes and sports, but they're still acting like some poor commoner that needs to be supported by normal people trying to get by? Shameful behavior desu.

>> No.19654837

That just sounds miserable. Those lost boys are my peers, just gone down a dark path.

>> No.19654844

And that's why you raise boys instead. Spartans knew.

>> No.19654887
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>*tips wizard hat*

Good to see a fellow man of culture.

>> No.19654901

>buy local
>local wants to charge you 3x the price plus tip
>tries to guilt trip you

Every time