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19650279 No.19650279 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever done the carnivore diet before? I'm seriously thinking about doing it, as I'd like to lose about 50lbs. or so, and that seems like one of the best ways to do it. Everything I read online has people saying it's great IF you can manage to keep it up and don't get sick of eating meat and animal products all the time. Has anyone here done it? Or has anyone done like carnivore plus occasional rice or small amounts of carbs? It just seems like either it really works or there's some kind of extreme propaganda for it for some reason. What's the real deal?

pic somewhat related. If you're on carnivore can you eat lots of barbecue?

>> No.19650283

You can eat as much meat as you want, but go very easy on the sauce. Also, make sure you take an electrolyte supplement.

>> No.19650289

I basically live on this diet but I supplement it with dairy and some vegetables here and there so I don't get an impacted colon, before you punish your body on this diet you have to physically be able to go days without eating so that you don't gain excessive weight or develop kidney stones and need a by pass

>> No.19650305

No but you can suck as much cock as you want faggot

>> No.19650311

Meme diets aren't a lifestyle change.

>> No.19650330

It’s not a healthy diet long term (don’t fall for the memes), but a solid way to lose weight if you can’t do it in a more balanced way. High in protein and very satiating.

>> No.19650340

>before you punish your body on this diet you have to physically be able to go days without eating so that you don't gain excessive weight or develop kidney stones and need a by pass

are you saying that you don't eat every day on carnivore?

>> No.19650345

I can't man, the diarrhea is completely debilitating

I need to use lotioned toilet paper now because I got completely ass blasted

>> No.19650346

My point is that losing weight is the most important thing you can do to improve your health, so if you have to eat all meat and/ or go keto to achieve then so be it. Once you’ve lost the weight you should really try to switch to a healthier diet though. The only good reason to go carnivore long term if you have SEVERE autoimmune issues or the like. It’s not at all optimal despite what some social media influencers want you to believe. Try to incorporate plenty of vegetables, fruit, nuts/seeds, and (optional) healthy whole grains long term.

>> No.19650352

Barbecue sauce is made with vegetables and is high in carbs, you wouldn't be able to make great cue without it. Maybe you could get away with a mustard-vinegar sauce, like the carolinas use?

>> No.19650354

No could you imagine eating meat every single day that's how you have a fucking heart attack bro

>> No.19650382

I tried it because I have an autoimmune disease.

I hated it. I really missed milk and fruit. I lost a lot of weight because it was really hard for me to even get 1000 calories before I felt nauseous. But I wasn't overweight.

Studies I've looked at said you can lose weight on ANY diet as long as you stop eating processed food. Vegan, carnivore, omnivore, keto, high carb, they all result in weight loss as long as the processed food was cut out.

>> No.19650629

I already eat meat everyday though, just a bunch of other stuff too

>> No.19650654

If you have 50+ pounds to lose, any diet is going to work

>> No.19650799

Whenever I do calorie restriction diets it never really works. I can manage to lose about 10-15lbs, and then the second I start eating enough to not feel starving all the time I gain it all back.

>> No.19650810

Whenever I do cocaine I can easily lose 10-15 lbs over a few weeks

>> No.19650828

Calorie restriction sucks if you don't start eating healthy food. Meat, dairy, eggs, veg, fruit, whole grains. Don't have any soda, juice, cake, cookies, etc.