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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19649249 No.19649249 [Reply] [Original]

>"cooking is a loser dead-end career"
>"what if I stare intently in the camera while holding a cigarette on the side of my mouth
>"holy hell cooking is le artsy and deep"
what did the entire America media mean by this circa 1990 ?

>> No.19649256

Depressed housewives needed something to combat cheating and excessive alcoholism with

>> No.19649265
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>> No.19649331

He wasn't popular in America

>> No.19649358

It’s heroin chic. At the same time as this pic was taken, runways were filled with anorexic waifs wearing card board and rags. Don’t ask me why.

>> No.19649476

Have you ever considered that you're the loser and a fag wannabe for posting this fag over and over and over again?

>> No.19649528

>It’s heroin chic.
better than the females we have today

>> No.19649539

It is a dead end career unless you start your own restaurant

>> No.19649540

he had never even been to america at this point in his career. he literally never left england till after he closed the restaurant

>> No.19649549
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you're just homosexual, like the fashion designers who pushed heroin chic because they despised the female form and wanted more androgynous bodies so they could stomach being around women

>> No.19649556

>fake plastic tits
>broad shoulder
>narrow hips
Who the fuck do you think you are posting this shit on my board

>> No.19649562

Only morons in NYC liked that so called "bullshit chic" that was being pushed. Girlfriends and I who lived through it didn't give two flying fucks about with these weirdo types were pushing. It just didn't matter to any of us, girls or us guys. We didn't at that time or now need some assholes to tell us what to think or what to do. Get your shit strait people.

>> No.19649570
File: 53 KB, 280x469, FC0AE430-5BC7-4D78-86A9-0BBE27E1E3B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MPW simping on this board is so overwhelming to the point that a fellow such as myself who is truly neutral on the rascal feels tremendous to sing his praises as I have just done in picrel.

>> No.19649576

*tremendous peer pressure

>> No.19649588

MPW is to this board what Jordan Peterson is to /pol

>> No.19649592

Peer pressure is for weak morons both on the pushing side and the receiving side. I would like some Thai weed, that's a tough one to get, that's not peer pressure, that's good taste.

>> No.19649603

>Jordan Peterson
What's a Jordan Peterson and why should I or anyone care? Explain yourself.

>> No.19649618
File: 21 KB, 267x400, 54AC215D-D6AE-486B-92AE-D4F09B543420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s talking about the eminent Canadian professor & lecturer Jordan Bernt-Toast Peterson author of the NY Times Best Seller ‘Wash Your Penis’, anon.

>> No.19649620

He is literally me

>> No.19649630

What the fuck is MPW? Again, you fags are just making shit up for hits it doesn't matter. Maybe get over yourselves, you're useless in the first place. You're so useless that you have push your useless bullshit here.

>> No.19649632


>> No.19649633

You ain’t fooling anybody, Moishe.

>> No.19649660

>America media
American media never heard of him. If your goal was to be as retarded as possible, then good job, you're very nearly there.

>> No.19649682
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Don't get high falooting, you the fuck don't specify what your media is so go hunker down around some rocks and be scared like you always are.
You always blame the USA but never claim anything for yourselves you fucking wimps.
I dont hate you cunts, I just detest you and never want to see you.

>> No.19649760

simping? yet your one of the morons that keeps posting these twats that nobody except for you types keeps posting about... so it goes, fucking hypocrites

>> No.19650590

>>take 50 cents of vegetable and cook it soft, blend it with a fuckton of cream and butter and a touch of salt/acid
>>spread it on plate then put a 2 dollar grilled chicken breast on it
>>that will be 60 dollars
fuck these tall hat scammers

>> No.19650608
File: 15 KB, 460x276, Marco-Pierre-White-Knorr--001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a disgusting whore

>> No.19650632


If its so simple and profitable why dong you open your own restaurant?

>> No.19650656

ooga booga

>> No.19650687
File: 8 KB, 167x167, 1467_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cubes.

>> No.19650856

because I don't have a million dollars to open a fine dining restaurant, ever notice how these kinds of restaurants never go out of business but simple reasonably priced restaurants fold like crazy? most of them are owned by rich investors who have never worked in a restaurant and own multiple ones.