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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19648841 No.19648841 [Reply] [Original]

How would you elevate the humble peanut butter and jelly sandwhich?

>> No.19648842

Add bacon.

>> No.19648845

toast it

>> No.19648850

Cram it

>> No.19648853

sourdough bread and apple jelly

>> No.19648857

add cheese and grill it

>> No.19648863

Replace peanut butter with cashew butter

Replace grape jelly with fig preserves

>> No.19648865

Came here to post this

>> No.19648868

Roll it in cinnamon sugar and pan fry it

>> No.19648877 [DELETED] 

Add sniggers

>> No.19648880

remove jelly

>> No.19648888


>> No.19648890
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Right, let's get down to business. We're taking your average peanut butter and jelly sandwich and giving it a serious upgrade. Start with a substantial, high-quality artisanal bread – none of that basic stuff. Opt for a premium, organic peanut butter that's creamy and rich; spread it evenly on one slice of the bread. Now, choose a small-batch berry preserve that's bursting with real fruit flavor. Spread it on the other slice. Press the slices together. Coat the outer sides of the sandwich with a layer of top-notch butter and then grill it in a pan until both sides turn golden and crisp. What you'll end up with is a gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwich that's leagues above the rest – a balance of quality ingredients and precise execution.

>> No.19648891


>> No.19648897
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use high quality ingredients
pair it with an ice cold glass of milk
maybe a side of salty potato chips

>> No.19648901


>> No.19648910


we talkin like hotdogs or like artisanal sausage

>> No.19648912

>pair it with an ice cold glass of milk
why does milk and pb+j go so well together? it's god tier

>> No.19648915

Dried or something like sudzuk

>> No.19648920


>> No.19648921
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a few thin strips would do

>> No.19648927
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For me? It's peter pan whipped peanut butter, strawberry jam (I prefer seedless), on toasted honey wheat bread

>> No.19648935

Swap out the jelly for honey.

>> No.19648937


>> No.19648978

Came here to post this

>> No.19648984

doritos - not evening memeing

>> No.19648999
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Grandma Ramsey's PB&J would use peanuts still in the shells.

>> No.19649004

ligthly toasted in the oven for 5 mins at 350 burger units with butter

>> No.19649017

Do they make whipped anymore? I was just on their website last night because it's on sale super cheap in my area (50¢ each) and wanted to check the ingredients before I bothered going out for them. I checked every variety and didn't see one that colour.

I'm a simple man. A good firm-yet-paradoxically-soft bread, a decent peanut butter and either some sliced banana or sweet marmalade and I'm good. No toasting necessary

>> No.19649021

I would chuck it in the trash and have a bacon sandwich isntead.

>> No.19649022

add hot sauce of choice and basil

>> No.19649026

he grilled it instead of toasting it kek

>> No.19649027


>> No.19649044
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Freshly sliced Serrano chilis. Trust me.

>> No.19649055

these. Also, we all forgot pickles and bananas (fried or fresh)

>> No.19649058

>forgot bananas
Not me. See >>19649017

>> No.19649110

my bad bro, I read the first half of your comment and didn't see the second half.

>> No.19649120
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This thread, as summarized by an image macro

>> No.19649130

Cinnamon Raisin bread

>> No.19649139

add honey

>> No.19649143

In the pan with butter, à la grilled cheese

>> No.19649390
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>> No.19649812
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pie irons and maybe, if you're feelin' FEISTY, a stringcheese cut in half and placed on each diagonal.
Does anyone even make Walnut butter?
>looks it up--OH SHIDDD!!
2 cups California walnuts
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons walnut or coconut oil (or as needed)
*Optional, to taste:
-A little honey
-A little cinnamon
This, Walnut butter/Peanut butter (50/50), Apple JELLY ~Or~ Butter, A diagonal slice of SHARP cheddar, Done up in a pie Iron...

>> No.19649824

Fuck off Filipino

>> No.19649839
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>> No.19649842

Remove the jelly.
Peanut butter and dark chocolate chips sandwich.

>> No.19649847
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>> No.19649848
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No doubt, All that Rectum Wrecking shell is a big part of WHY Gordo HAS TO HAVE THE FUCKING LAMB SAUCE!!
That shit would make ANYONE Irritable.

>> No.19649865
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Could work...

>> No.19649891

The secret is add apple sauce on top of the peanut butter .

>> No.19649902

>Salts peanut butter
>Salts jam
>Salts buttered bread
>Slices sandwich, adds salt

>> No.19649932

Would try...
*(seedless Rapesberrys tho--)

>> No.19649958
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>No thin spread of Marshmallow fluff

>> No.19649961

A peanut butter, jelly, and cream cheese sandwich

>> No.19650004
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I'm breddy sure it's only a healthy thing if it's ONE or the OTHER.
Would try...then, likely take a nap.

>> No.19650013

Wrap it around muh dick and fuck the shit out of it.

>> No.19650069

Add steak

>> No.19650239

cashew butter and pepper jelly. Actually I don't eat cashew butter anymore bc i'm kind of allergic, but it's the rich man's peanut butter. And it's really fucking good.

>> No.19650248

Add a glass of cold milk.

>> No.19650259
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By adding home made red raspberry jelly.

>> No.19650301

reason 234912395419530 not to have children

>> No.19650304

The best PBJ is wonderbread, skippy and smucker's strawberry jelly.

>> No.19650695

disregard jelly and add olives
I know it sounds gross but it works

>> No.19650824

Fool's gold loaf it like Elvis.
Replace the bread with an entire submarine sandwhich bread, peanutbutter, jelly, bacon, banana slices, slather it all in butter and grill it
Enjoy the myocardial infarction

>> No.19650836

I put peanuts and flax seeds on there and maybe a cheeky chocolate chip or 3

>> No.19650887

cope for the fact that no woman would ever want to be bred by you

>> No.19650954

>ctrl f "beautiful"
>ctrl f "amazing"

>> No.19650959

milkshake. It's great with a glass of milk anyways

>> No.19650964

two ideas

1 - fry the bread in butter, not so much that it's dripping with fat but enough to impart a decadent richness and crispy bite
2 - replace the jelly with nutella

>> No.19650985

Add a big scoop of dry milk.

>> No.19650990

Make the bread, peanut butter and jelly from scratch, using only the freshest, finest ingredients.

>> No.19650999
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Dry age it for 2 weeks, cook it sous vide at 62 degrees Celsius and finish it with a good sear (either cast iron pan with clarified butter or a blowtorch). Shrimple

>> No.19651159
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Fucking delicious mate

>> No.19651169

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.19651190

I don't know why, but this reminds me of a certain videoclip from a certain pair of sexually ambiguous men.

>> No.19651801

sourdough is the way to go 99% of the time. It's truly one of the best bread varieties ever.

>> No.19651810

Is it just me or does this combo taste like acetone? Full on nail polish remover taste.

>> No.19651824

cover it in batter, dip it in freshly grinded flaming hot doritos crumbs , deep fry it, surround it with bacon and butter, then bake for a few minutes, then pour melted chocolate when its done.

>> No.19651850
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Anon... Someone who lives with you is trying to KILL you.
Time to put your personal food under lock and key.

>> No.19651865
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PB&J Frenchie
Picrel but swap out the cheese filling

>> No.19651882

garlic salt, black and cayenne pepper.

>> No.19651917

kingcobraJFS? is that you?

>> No.19652035

how blown out are your dopamine receptors in order to consume such an item

>> No.19652054

wash it down with a glass of bleach

>> No.19652057

>pay more for less
there's a sucker born every minute

>> No.19652078

Toast Chilli jam and bacon

>> No.19652087
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>how blown out are your dopamine receptors in order to consume such an item
Freedom levels

>> No.19652181
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I think I would combine multiple ideas in this thread and do toasted bread and then crispy jalapeno pieces or jalapeno chips inside, and you have to have a peanut butter and jelly with milk anyway

>> No.19652185

b-b-b-but american...

>> No.19652187

slightly toasted, lightly honeyed, buttered, heated peanut butter blended with a very light amount of cinnamon and vanilla

>> No.19653674

Nice dubs.
Spicy and sweet is always good eats

>> No.19653684


>> No.19653691
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>> No.19653939


>> No.19653962

Get a ta>>19648842
ller plate

>> No.19653970


>> No.19654073

Wrap it in tinfoil and make sure to put it in a bag with a large heavy thermos pressing on it si when I open the foil the fluffiness of the bread has disappeared and turned it into a jam-bleeding dense was of filled dough.

If you know what I mean.

>> No.19654076

Add potato chips and hot sauce inside

>> No.19655025
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Crunchy peanut butter and honey on toast is the pbnj of kings

>> No.19655028
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Well, once upon a time, peanut butter and mayo sandwiches were a thing.

>> No.19655038

there's a type of person who would put mayo on everything. Nasty habit

>> No.19655060


>> No.19655365

use french toasts for bread

>> No.19655368

People who want to fix everything that isn't broken the rhe root of all evil

>> No.19655374
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>> No.19655382

>Brioche bread, two slices, toasted in a pan on one side
>spread salted butter on both toasted sides
>smooth peanut butter on one slice
>homemade blackberry jam on the other
>slice diagonally
>serve with a cappuccino or a milky Turkish coffee

>> No.19655401

oh my fuck how do you do this, how the fuck is this possible

>> No.19655407

Remove either the peanut butter or the jelly. They don't go well together.

>> No.19655412

Nah, the sandwich needs a sweet element, just peanut butter is too dry. Honey works if one doesn't have jam, but a good preserve is the ideal.

>> No.19656038

Add bacon, remove the peanut butter and jelly.

>> No.19656073

add freshly squeezed semen.

>> No.19656078

A glass of milk to wash down the peanut butter.

>> No.19656092

a glass of cum to wash down the peanut butter.

>> No.19656180

Looks like presmushed bread and prolly a rolling mat

>> No.19656277


>> No.19657358

I'll sometimes use stuff like lemon curd, blackcurrant preserves, or quince jelly.

>> No.19657366
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Add pulled pork

>> No.19657410
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>> No.19657461
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the peanut butter and jelly (PB&J) is the single greatest American invention and you europoors will bow down to sweet and salty superiority