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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19648242 No.19648242 [Reply] [Original]

I finally have a decent kitchen in my college dorm, and I want to put on weight.

I looked around on /fit/ but nobody's talking about bulking meals or recipes.

I need to eat 3-3.5k calories a day to gain weight, can y'all recommend any recipes I can make in bulk?

Thanks a million!

>> No.19648269

make some lasagna. or chili. or a stew. maybe roast a whole chicken. spaghetti and meatballs. pot roast with potatoes/veggies.

basically look up any casserole, pasta, soup/stew, or sheet pan dinnner, and then supplement with more protein if necessary since you're a fitfag.

>> No.19648274

oh and stir fry/asian noodle dishes can also be made in bulk

>> No.19648289

All good options. If you're looking for more specific input, maybe post what you like to eat and what you don't.

>> No.19648291

get good with eggs

>> No.19648292

sorry OP here I switched browsers and installed opera like a fag

Idk I want something that I can eat and not die from yknow

>> No.19648322
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"Nobody's talking" about it there because their basic answers are in the /fit/ sticky and woven in the board's very meme culture.
>eggs, deenz
>meal-prepped chicken breast with broccoli and rice, eaten dry, without sauce or seasoning, alone in a cold dark room
>water, buddeh!
>beyond that, gaining weight is usually not the challenge if you are hitting your macros, actually training, and getting rest.

If you want a nice weeb meme answer, try chankonabe, the traditional sumo wrestler's bulking feast.

But that might be difficult to prepare by yourself in a dorm, consider joining a homoerotic intentional fitness community to share resources and stay focused.

If the issue is "how do I bulk on a budget", that's a slightly different question to get into. Depending on your college, the real answer might simply be the dining hall, if they have an all-you-can-eat buffet option (some do). You'll need to estimate your input macros though.

t. EXPERT bulker (lazy lardass)

>> No.19648330

I did look at the sticky and the diet posts talked about the mechanics of dieting and not actual food ideas.

also there were no threads about it so I came here.

Absolutely FUCK GOMAD, aint no fucking WAY I will shit my ASS out

also the dining hall food sucks ass, both in taste and caloric content

>> No.19648346

Fair enough, no offense, mostly just wanted a friendly giggle, and also mention chankonabe since that's actually cool. Protip from a lurker, try checking /fit/ again in a month or two when more guys should be bulking (fall/winter is more popular for that).

>> No.19648356

No worries, thanks for the ideas.
GoMad just sounds so awful there's gotta be a better way.
I've heard of Chankonabe, helped my dad make it, but yeah it's a lot of prep

>> No.19648364
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Also, consider checking an archive like desuarchive.org/fit/, since recipes never go out of date. You'll still get a lot of memes but there are some examples like picrel (which I have not tried).

>> No.19648379
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Here you go OP, a healthy smoothie from the Bulkster himself.

>> No.19648384

i am going to vomit

>> No.19648395

If you do, if goes right back in the blender for Round 2.

>> No.19648398

i want to skin you alive

>> No.19648413
File: 2.04 MB, 1092x1653, Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 18.49.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you notice the mould? :)

>> No.19648415

Why? Skin in the blender for Round 3?

>> No.19648491

>Absolutely FUCK GOMAD, aint no fucking WAY I will shit my ASS out
You don't need to do full on GOMAD, but the easiest possible way to gain weight and hit your protein quota is by drinking milk. Most standard drinking glasses can hold 2 cups of liquid. One glass of milk with each meal can start adding up fast.

>> No.19648512

The elites don't want you to know this, but the homeless in the park are free. You can take them home. I have 458 homeless.

>> No.19648717

If youre going to meal prep a lot i would recommend a sous vide stick. It makes it much easier to cook in bulk imo.

>> No.19648800

I guess the real question is do you wanna bulk clean or do you just wanna bulk period? Because gaining weight is not difficult in itself. Lift weights and eat a bunch of burgers and bacon and whatever you want. You'll grow but you'll probably get fat too. If you wanna bulk clean and get big but not fat, you're gonna have to pay attention to what you eat. But it's not really that difficult, just watch the nutritional value of whatever you eat and make sure you get a lot of protein and not a lot of fat.

>> No.19649285

im going to kill myself

no, crispy

oh ok that sounds easy enough
i already put chocolate fairlife in my protein shake

Should I be drinking two scoops of gold standard mass gainer a day? I only drink one rn

>> No.19649314

Being lactose intolerant means that not only does got hate you but you are not meant to bulk

>> No.19649324

I'm not lactose intolerant, I will suck a cow tiddy and make eye contact with you

Tremble in the power of my pale genes

>> No.19649350

White people cope bc they can't gain muscle

>> No.19649357

Whats your daily budget for food as a college student? That's going to help the ratio of (1) meat & shakes to (2) rice & beans.

>> No.19649393

Sorry, should have mentioned that. It's about 247,000 ఫేగెట్స్ in local currency, which is currently equivalent to about 45.09 azarbash on the Kerstanhu regional exchange. Some of the funds are disbursed in official bamboo scrip, some in various forms of barter (e.g. rock, yak). For comparison, 1 hg of finest protein powder costs approximately 264 ngā pīpī at the nearest market--and unfortunately, leaving the college campus to visit the market usually comes with its additional costs, in the form of tolls from the numerous rival gangs.

>> No.19649475

I am a certified (((german man))) and I fortunately am being supported by my Dad for food, which I am extremely grateful for.

So as long as its reasonable I can buy what I need, I'm not spending insane amounts here

>> No.19649478

bro I'm a fucking kike I'm still starving in the camps

I'm 6'1 and 155 I am just leanmaxxing against my will