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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19646022 No.19646022 [Reply] [Original]

Do people seriously not drink pop here?

>> No.19646028

Sorry I only drink soda

>> No.19646033

Earthrockerbro's... we got this

>> No.19646034

we drink coke ya dumb yank

>> No.19646036

That's what I said

>> No.19646039

this is a 7-up household

>> No.19646069

I don't drink carbonated highly sweetened children's drinks if that's what you mean

>> No.19646081

sodie pop is for kids. if you are an adult and drinky sodie pop then you have failed at life and should restart

>> No.19646103
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no we don't drink pop in this hous

>> No.19646110

Northern midwestern faggot detected

>> No.19646160

I think it’s actually worse for you than beer. Alcoholism of course is a dangerous habit to fall into, but the diabetes and other ailments you get from pop is another thing entirely. I mean look at Mexicans who drink pop more than they drink water. Good looking skinny 18 year old Mexican girls are hideous bloated goblins by the time they’re 24. It’s poison.

>> No.19646226

If only I could restart, Anon. I miss my Dad.

>> No.19646229

pop is for chuds - I drink coke

>> No.19646231

>enters /tv/...

>> No.19646314

I recently had Boylan's cane cola. It's okay.
We don't really drink the stuff much so when I saw the cola four for $1.59, I said "well why the fuck not?"

>> No.19646328

Didn't need the life story

>> No.19646335

Sugar water should only be consumed sparingly, because it's sugar water. If you're drinking it several times a week, that's a problem.

>> No.19646384

soft drink literally only exists for alcohol mixers
no-one actually just drinks it on its own

>> No.19646388

i like thats the el goblina genes

>> No.19646429

Nobody calls it coke.

>> No.19646816

What are alternatives to booze and soda when eating out besides water?

>> No.19646839

I like pretty flowers very much. Mommy, my leg itches.

>> No.19646840

You illiterate faggot.

>> No.19646844

I've never heard anyone call "Coa-Cola" anything but Coke, you retarded zoomer.

>> No.19646926

I stopped drinking soda 2 years ago and I really don't feel like anything is missing in my life.

Someone offered me a coke at work a couple week ago and it was literally too sweet to drink.

>> No.19646973

i drink a shitload of coke everyday

>> No.19646974

most fat retards do

>> No.19646984

hey i'm a fat retard

>> No.19647064

fpbp as usual

>> No.19647076

For my region its tonic

>> No.19647251

no we don't, we drink water and homecook our meals, just like normal people
you just might be brainwashed by the reddit normies making posts about the chili cheese coney from sonic as a slim jim flavor or whatever, these are the fat ass neckbeard mfs on this board that think about how they finished their large coke and big mac in record time is a post. we don't do goyslop junk foodie shit here

>> No.19647270
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I only drink sodys when I am having a cheat day
But I have no cheat days as of late tho

>> No.19647278

soda is nice when it fits the occasion
it’s the daily drinkers that are dying of heart disease and ruining their teeth.

>> No.19647280

How do I become an Earthrocker?

>> No.19647285

be chunky and die of heart disease, do it, be a man, stop being a coward

>> No.19647289

how could i die of chunkiness and heart disease if i eat this healthy? OP is the one putting all his points in bloated gut and potential diabeetus if he drinks soda pop.

>> No.19647336

I drink diet if I ever get fast food. But I don't get fast food often because I don't feel like spending $10+ on junkfood.

>> No.19647344

We invented Coke so shut your dicksucking mouth

>> No.19647346

>I drink water not soda
you’re mentally Ill and suffering from an anorexic freak disorder

>> No.19647378

I stopped because I refuse to go to the dentist and I've had 2 kidney stones before. So it's water only for me now.

>> No.19647383
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Fountain drink.

>> No.19647388

bruh what the fuck dude LMFAO
eating healthier than OP is an indication of being mentally ill and anorexic how exactly? can you explain instead of being more toxic than the soda you drink lol?

>> No.19647399

I only drink soda out of circumstance (parties, someone offering me some, etc.) which is a few times a year. I still enjoy the taste but I noticed it takes me longer to drink the whole thing than when I used to go out of my way to buy them. Tastes sweeter too.

>> No.19647403

>I'm Bam Margera and this is Drug Binge Life Ruination

>> No.19647536

if I'm gonna drink something that fattening, I'd rather drink beer

>> No.19647614

I drink water, coffee, tee, rarely juice and even more rarely a glass of schweppes

>> No.19647618

>Nothing but empty calories
>Full of corn syrup and food dye
>Destroys your teeth (unironically)
>Does nothing for you except the brief sensation of "mmm sweet"
Do sodatards REALLY?

>> No.19647727

I do occasionally but I prefer water, coffee, milk or smoothies that I drink almost daily. Also I want to start losing weight I plan outright removing it from my diet entirely. I love energy drinks too much to remove those. If I'm drinking anything with carbonation its going to be that.

>> No.19647733

I drink diet soda because its superior and keeps my waistline nice
>t. 150lbs

>> No.19647767

A Coca-Cola very rarely

>> No.19647893
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>> No.19647902

Very rarely . If I need a sugar hit I will. I even order tea with a McDonald’s meal deal.
I do drink beer though

>> No.19647937

You don't have to be a musician to be an Earth Rocker. Pop Drinkers are Earth Rockers.

>> No.19647947

Love pops

>> No.19647971
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unsweetened iced tea
Club soda with lime
Sparkling water
sometimes I do cranberry juice and club soda
t. al/ck/

>> No.19648107
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I pretty much just drink water or tea, and the occasional coffee
nobody needs the ultra goy corn sugar cancer sludge to get by

>> No.19648592

King move, keep it up. These days it's not even refraining from temptation, it seems so disgusting now.

>> No.19648632

if i'm drinking something with significant calories, it better have booze in it. exceptions made for fresh squeezed juice

>> No.19648642
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>it's pop

>> No.19648756

in plaaastick

>> No.19648765

another bait thread hidden