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File: 1.45 MB, 2252x2252, 20230826_095330_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19641128 No.19641128 [Reply] [Original]

So after multiple threads on the subject, I just went to Costco and got the most expensive olive oil they had. How did I do?

Still going to use healthier canola for most things, but I want to use this for certain dishes and Italian cooking. Also want to use it as a dip when I want to be really unhealthy and bake/eat Italian bread.

>> No.19641134
File: 1.13 MB, 331x1003, cheetos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also want to use it as a dip when I want to be really unhealthy and bake/eat Italian bread.

Yep, that's something you can use EVOO for. I sort of wanna do that now.

>> No.19641155 [DELETED] 
File: 845 KB, 1913x1913, 20230826_100631_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I am growing Basil now. Is it legal to use that instead of dried Basil? That's the stuff in the olive oil when you go to Olive Garden right?

>> No.19641262

Check local jurisdiction.

>> No.19641269
File: 48 KB, 768x768, Great-Value-100-Extra-Virgin-Olive-Oil-25-5-fl-oz_6cefa369-f2e9-49d3-82f1-8c205dc62b14.4733fb8c6a31408a544370ee241aee81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference in that and this?

>> No.19641276

get down to an Italian delicatessen and buy one that looks like this. if it doesn't come in a 3 litre can you're doing it wrong

>> No.19641282
File: 353 KB, 510x789, fd62a484126f1f9789f3aa8be6091487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.19641297

i trust costco's integrity more than i trust wal-mart's

>> No.19641306 [DELETED] 

That's nice, but my question...

>> No.19641358

And? The fuck do you want?

>> No.19641384

>healthier canola
no such thing, stick with olive and animal fats

>> No.19641413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19641421
File: 34 KB, 600x450, Health-Benefits-Of-Canola-Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's terrible for you, but for most applications canola is far healthier and undeniably better for high heat cooking

>> No.19641425

2022-2023 harvest? Does it have the actual date? In general, you want the freshest olive oil possible.

>> No.19641435

I never knew, that's amazing

>> No.19641456

I don't know enough about OP's olive oil to know all the differences. In my experience with Walmart olive oil there's a note on the back about how it's could be made of olive oil or blend of olive oil from a variety of countries like Tunisia, Italy, Greece, etc. OP's olive oil is all from a single part of Italy.

>> No.19641459

Thank you Procter and Gamble for correcting the record on this one!

>> No.19641507 [DELETED] 

You're welcome. It's literally a miracle oil in its versatility.

>> No.19641516


>> No.19641523

can you not fucking read

>> No.19641529

where are the proofs

>> No.19641534 [DELETED] 

He can't read. He can't do his own research. He is just contrarian.

>> No.19641537

it says it right in the fucking image

>> No.19641553 [DELETED] 

Shhhhh... he's retarded.

>> No.19641556 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 500x500, artworks-000457715517-8b515m-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olive oil has all that saturated fat
Yikes. Think I'm getting canola from now on next time I go to the grocery.

>> No.19641614

> comparing non evoo
> just use evoo for smoking point comparison
Kys jew

>> No.19641621

If that's real olive oil it will be shit for cooking with
You fell for the meme
Real olive oil is a finishing oil

>> No.19641623

You're the one who fell for the meme. It's perfectly fine to cook with EVOO.

>> No.19641626

Hope you got a non-mafia produced bottle.

>> No.19641627

You've convinced yourself that burnt volatile compounds taste good
Real olive oil breaks down around 140F

>> No.19641688

i can put any stupid data onto a picture, doesn't mean it's accurate or correct. proof?

>> No.19641723 [DELETED] 

So I should stick with canola/soybean oil.

>> No.19641754


>> No.19641755 [DELETED] 


>> No.19641757

I use avocado, it's neutral and uncontroversial, but expensive
So I also use drippings and lard

>> No.19641776

all these idiots saying a link to some website on an image constitutes proof

>> No.19641887 [DELETED] 

>still won't do his own research
Sucks to be retarded.

>> No.19643145

You bought a piece of shit, OP.

>> No.19643149

they wouldn't put it on there if it wasn't true retard

>> No.19643161

>wog olive oil
>Kirkland brand
Congrats on buying counterfeit garbage. Greek, Italian and especially Spanish olive oils have a severe adulteration problem.
If you want genuine olive oil of guaranteed quality and purity, get Australian.

>> No.19643160

>Local Autistic Man Charged With Unlawful Olive Oil Use
you're setting him up for failure

>> No.19643250

>, get Australian.
lmfao now im sposed to get australian olive oil?

>> No.19643293

Rapeseed oil was only used as machine lubricant until after ww2, where it was modified and marketed as "fit for human consumption." CANOLA is an acronoym, not a plant. CANadian Oil Low Acid. Check out the "how its made" episode on it. Truely gross.

>> No.19644081

ausfailia makes olive oil?

>> No.19644105

>buying olive oil from italy
hard pass. greece or spain only. USA also works if the supplier is small time. no you wont find it outside a farmers market if so.

>> No.19644128

Fuck you, nignog

>> No.19644148

Funny that you mention it. A while ago in my country (Spain) a lot of people suffered all kinds of injuries and diseases supposedly from consuming rapeseed oil for industrial use that was sold for human consumption.

>> No.19644187

Huge areas of Australia have a Mediterranean climate and we have a large Italian and Greek diaspora living here.
We also have some of the most stringent food safety laws on the planet.
Our olive oil is a lot like our wine- it may not be the absolute pinnacle of snooty gourmet wankery but it’s excellent quality for the price, and you get exactly what it says on the label.

>> No.19644196 [DELETED] 

Nah. Still buying from Italy.

>> No.19644258

You fucked up. The olives aren't even single source. Enjoy your italian olives blended with the rest of the Mediterranean in your expensive olive oil. Try to get the single source stuff next time.

>> No.19644290
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>Still going to use healthier canola for most things

>> No.19644303
File: 241 KB, 1267x612, IMG_1130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you’re a fucking idiot who deserves to be fleeced.

>> No.19644307

yes, but you're australian, so nobody cares.

You're like the manlet of the anglosphere, if we don't mention new zealand. Which... nobody ever does, anyways, because they're even more irrelevant than you.

>> No.19644315

Kirkland's olive oil is a bit overpriced, imo. Aldi's price is much more on point. Also, avocado oil is better for cooking

>> No.19644388

There's so much shilling and mixed information with oil. I hear avocado oil is fake, but the study was made by an olive oil company.

>> No.19644407

Extra virgin is for flavoring and dressing salads, not for cooking.

>> No.19644424

Nice looking basil plants, does the olive oil taste pretty spicy?

>> No.19644456

>predominantly from
Is this a scientific term?

Where is the other oil from?

What percentage rapeseed oil is contained therein?

>> No.19644462

>healthier canola
Sir please use the correct name for RAPESEED OIL

>> No.19644474

Italian olive oil is adulterated trash.

>> No.19644510 [DELETED] 

>still works fine so says yandex/google

>> No.19644525
File: 127 KB, 768x1600, 61DKIAdXtEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy pic related for salads, dips, drizzling etc... otherwise I just buy a big can of regular olive oil for cooking and everything else. Last time I was in Italy my great aunt tried to send me back with a 4 gallon jug of olive oil I only took about a liter back with me, wasn't that great desu.

>> No.19644527 [DELETED] 

That's why we pay costco to curate the products for us. I use to go to trade shows. Costco reps and curators are real. They invest alot of money into educated talent.

>> No.19644535 [DELETED] 

Doesn't seem very green to use palms when you could just make the glass dark. Gimmicky shit.

>> No.19644556

Of course it's a gimic... its still a good deal compared to similar quality.

>> No.19644569

have any more funny pictures like this one?

>> No.19644570

>How did I do?

You seem like a deeply flawed and mentally unstable person.
Craving attention this badly go find a GF or psychological.
Most of all, stop caring what other people think.

>> No.19644577

>Kys jew
0.2% of the world population, 90% of the space in your head

>> No.19644581

I'll trust my tongue and Serious Eats over your buffoonery https://www.seriouseats.com/cooking-with-olive-oil-faq-safety-flavor

>> No.19644937

>serious eats
>your tongue

Lol fag.

>> No.19644952
File: 249 KB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can put any stupid data onto a picture, doesn't mean it's accurate or correct. proof?
Here's all the proof you need about sneed and feed oil! Finally we can put this #fakenews to rest.

>> No.19645103

>healthier canola

>> No.19645111

This woman is wel-gel of ausfalia fr fr no cap

>> No.19645272

>From Italy
retard. after multiple threads you should have figured out that buying olive oil from a country dominated by mafia is the dumbest thing you do. the price doesn't even matter. no expensive product is easier to fake than olive oil

>> No.19645278

you *can* do

>> No.19645443

The Kirkland ones are always genuine when independently tested though, at least the single origin ones. Counterfeit Italian olive oils are always the ones in supermarkets.

>> No.19645522

I never knew.

>> No.19645528

Expensive olive oil is always real and high quality.
You think someone would just do that? Maximize their profits by lying AND up-charging? It's unthinkable.

>> No.19645614


>> No.19645621

It has a low smoke point and will burn!!
Ignore that this is actually only true of shit cheap blends, and that I'm coping by saying all olive oil is supposed to be like this and I didn't get ripped off.

>> No.19645661

The olive oil you posted lacks
>designation of origin AKA if its coming from quality producer and not mass farmed sloppa
>organic certification AKA its not being sprayed down with Monsanto dogshit chemicals

>> No.19645693

this is simply not true, yes you have olives oils more suited for a dressing or putting it on a dish after cooking, and they tend to be a tad more expensive. Do you think the ancient Greeks mixed their 100% pure olive oil with something else because it would be better for cooking? Think before you type mate.
as a European I don't understand this. I know some countries mix it with other oils but extra virgin olive oil is just standard olive oil where I live. Probably got promoted as a fancy finishing oil to use in small quantities like truffle oil in your country.

>> No.19645723

It has volatile compounds that break down when heated
Fucking backwards, man, cheap olive is so stepped on with seed oils that you can cook with it just fine, the real stuff will break down with enough friction
Stick some oil in an immersion blender, it will turn bitter just from the blade physically breaking down the oil
They used suet and other animal fats just like everyone else

>> No.19645728

>he thinks organic produce isn't sprayed down with organic dogshit chemicals

>> No.19645740

I think it becomes stupid expensive for americans to buy good olive oil from Italy, a 0.75L bottle costs 10-15+ euros, up to 60 euros per liter for the fanciest one, on average 20 euros per bottle for the good ones

>> No.19645764


>> No.19645854

Just buy California olive oil.

>> No.19645873

Coratina olives are the best you can have anon, and they’re from the region stated on the bottle.

Also, if you want quality Italian oil check: https://olioguglielmi.it/en/shop/

>> No.19645878

all oil is unhealthy.

>> No.19645884
File: 99 KB, 1073x1200, IMG_5474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture.

The Coratina is the best oil you’ll ever taste, it strong and grassy, pairs with everything.

>> No.19646884

Been making Caprese with this shit and I just noticed the other day. Costco has like 5 different brands hoepfullyone of them is legit.

>> No.19648535

actually unrefined, expeller-pressed canola oil is a very healthy option with lots of omega-3s that has a higher smoke point than EVOO, you just have to make sure you're actually buying the high-quality, unrefined, organic stuff