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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 500x375, 1383710705700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19641105 No.19641105 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good recipe?

>> No.19641110

Very dangerous. Jalapeños and chicken produce sarin gas

>> No.19641114

I don't care how normalized doing things for "the 'gram" is, dressing your food in the fucking skillet is a poser tard move.

>> No.19641122

I feel happy. Someone else on this board is old enough to remember.

>> No.19641123
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Kiss-The-Ground-Movie_TotallyVeganBuzz-1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all these years , you remembered
You just made an old anons day

>> No.19641139

>I feel sad. Someone on his board is old enough to remember.


>> No.19641140

It produces mustard gas, retard.

>> No.19641143
File: 819 KB, 1332x1000, ronniefinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wala kyle blanchard

>> No.19641241


>> No.19641256

You have posted a photo of some food, not a recipe

>> No.19641258

kek, no
only >>19641123 is me
Not sure if the other two guys are one anon

>> No.19641261

Akshually no, I was one of the three but not the other two of the three.

>> No.19641267

Those >>19641122 >>19641123 posts were 12 seconds apart, it was impossible for them to be the same person. The board enforces a minimum of a minute between same-poster-posts, you absolute marmot.

>> No.19641272

I am the middle one and also the butterbellanon

>> No.19641509

Speaking of old memes, does ANYONE have pics from the guy who butchered road kill deer in his apartment bathtub? That was when I realized /ck/ is the best board

>> No.19641513

no one cooks anymore, when is the last time a cookalong was even posted?

>> No.19641652

Couple days ago. Granted it was sloppa but still. The dude with the cats who'd drink a 6 pack throughout the thread would post pretty consistently.
Also, back in the day everyone would bitch and moan over proguns cook alongs

>> No.19641687

I miss progun, I hope he is doing well.

>> No.19641817
File: 194 KB, 1200x1200, buying-a-cow-from-a-farmer-is-it-worth-it-clover-meadows-beef-grass-fed-beef-saint-louis-1200w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do lots of OC here, but the vegan mods chased me off.
People think its lack of moderation that screwed up this board but its actually the opposite.
Whiny faggots reporting threads for being slightly edgy ran off all the creators and left only the shittiest fast food threads.
No one cares if their taco bell thread gets deleted, but having something you actually worked on get you a ban means you are not likely coming back for more abuse

>> No.19642451


>> No.19642467

Probably not. I'd eat it though.

>> No.19642494

I used to make chicken and jalapenos in a cast iron skillet and post pics here
That was over 12 years ago

>> No.19642606
File: 2.10 MB, 640x358, shuffle-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blast Techno

>> No.19642612

phone posting and vpn you totally mongoloid retard

>> No.19642777

Joe Rogan?

>> No.19642782

angie was a big ol gal though

>> No.19643029

I always wonder what sceak is up to

>> No.19643115

sucking a large penus

>> No.19643159

>this hard
well then you have to give it to them

>> No.19643804

I miss Borneo and her Michelin Star Restaurants addiction. Especially that place with the silly little mini ice cream cones.

>> No.19643906

last one I did was about 9 or 10 months ago, made brussel sprouts and sauteed mushrooms. not a lot of people are interested in cookalongs unfortunately. I'll prolly try one again but I'd have to do it from home my outside of house ip (phone) has been range banned now... so I'm dealing with that.

>> No.19643914
File: 3.39 MB, 4032x2268, 20220224_002140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.19644047

>I want to eat some chicken...
>But I also want to pepper spray myself directly in the eyeballs...
>And I only have 15 minutes
>I wish I could somehow do both at the same time

>> No.19644057

did you guys try to blow chicken-crystals or something?

>> No.19645335


>> No.19645360


>> No.19645384

wow that takes me back to.. whatever year that meme was. I was the one that posted the pic that started all this off, although it wasn't OP's pic

>> No.19646630

No. Fresh chilies with seeds are for people who watch hot ones and want to prove something, and utterly overpower their dish and taste nothing else.
If you want to be a real chili enjoyer and not just a heckin lover of le spicy food looking for updoots, you should look into using dried chilis in your cooking by making chili paste for sauces, soups and chilis.

>> No.19647635

I don't miss Borneo. I don't miss any of the tripfags.

>> No.19647656

These look nice

>making chili paste
Wanna share a recipe, friend?
I really do like fresh chilis, though.

>> No.19647900

use lbs you fucking pleb

>> No.19648133

Bacon fried spouts are nice but there's such a fine line from where it cooks nice and where it becomes too greasy.

I've found that frying for a bit, then finishing off in the oven gets a less greasy finish and also means that you don't lose half of it stuck to the frying pan.