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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 1275x1156, 1690228299948980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19640393 No.19640393 [Reply] [Original]

I eat as close to zero carb as possible.

>> No.19640400

enjoy your atherosclerosis

>> No.19640404

They call it a "carni"vore diet because you'd have to be a clown to follow it

>> No.19640406

>t. sugar addicted fatass or woman

>> No.19640470
File: 395 KB, 720x686, Mongol Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19640503

Milk has a good amount of sugar. There's a tablespoon of lactose sugar in a cup of milk.

Thinking carbs are terrible is only really a modern thing because of highly processed foods and unhealthy diets. The toughest men a thousand years ago weren't afraid of a piece of fruit.

>> No.19640548

Saud fruit had twenty times less sugar than what you get today. Watermelon wasnt even sweet at all, for example.

>> No.19640552

Sugar is fine. Complex carbs are bad. The simpler the carb, the better. The lower the amount, the better.

>> No.19640555

>The lower the amount, the better.
Yes, as in as close to zero as possible.

>> No.19640570

>I eat as close to zero carb as possible.
I avoid bad advice and propaganda as much as possible.

>> No.19640571

>Sugar is fine. Complex carbs are bad. The simpler the carb, the better. The lower the amount, the better.
This has to be some kind of attempt at trolling

>> No.19640572

Sure you do, champ.

>> No.19640592

Now show the history book where the Mongolian were totally decimated by the rice eating Japanese

>> No.19640594

Carnivore is an eating disorder fad and you will not be doing it in less than 5 years I bet 1000 dollars

>> No.19640600

>Sure you do, champ.
I am a champion of avoiding the propaganda. See someone telling me not to eat complex carbohydrates and I immediately go and eat oats and beans with a very smug look on my face

>> No.19640615

>Saud fruit had twenty times less sugar than what you get today.
People also complain about modern fruits being bland and watery. Maybe it's not all one or the other, some fruit was less sweet, some was sweeter.

Honey has also been used for a long time. Even hunter-gatherers often eat a lot of honey that they find.

Maybe the issue isn't "carbs bad" but "tons of highly refined carbs with little nutrition in an overall poor quality diet and unhealthy lifestyle bad".

>> No.19640627

Please do.

>> No.19640645

Carbs are bad if they are light molecule weight. Heavyweight molecule carbs are good for energy, however the body desperately needs fat and that only comes from animals. On a no carb diet you will grow stronger, but you lose endurance because the fat is used for other processes in the body than energy, like keeping that lump of fat in the head called brain functional and healthy.

>> No.19640651

>however the body desperately needs fat and that only comes from animals
Nuts and seeds are mostly fat.

>> No.19640677

Yes, we call olive oil a fat too, but it is not the fat your body needs. That kind is only found in animals.

>> No.19640682

ur probably fat as fuck and inactive so yea u dont really need them

>> No.19640690

>shellfish high in carbs
Do you mean to tell me that you can be a carnivore without doing keto?

>> No.19640692
File: 13 KB, 554x772, 1691340937469928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you mean to tell me that you can be a carnivore without doing keto?

>> No.19640710

>however the body desperately needs fat
for what? vegetables have enough fat to keep everything running. there is no need to supplement it because it will go nowhere except into storage

>> No.19640713

That's different from saying fat only comes from animals.

>> No.19640729

Are you a woman from the 1970s?
You wanted to appear smart by misinterpreting an obvious statement (as redditors often do) and you equated the fat in nuts to the fat from animals. Just stop man.

>> No.19640735

>You wanted to appear smart by misinterpreting an obvious statement
You literally said fat only comes from animals. You don't have to get so defensive. I'm just telling you that what you said didn't match up to the explanation you gave.

>and you equated the fat in nuts to the fat from animals
I didn't. I've been trying to eat all different sources of fat lately and I realize that plant fats don't really satiate me much. But I have a medical condition that is causing problems with digesting food, and I know plants are often harder to digest. I'm not sure if everyone would feel that way or if it's just because of me health problems.

>> No.19640740

>still going even after your misinterpretation was cleared up
I'm not even who you were replying to, but if you simply replace
>however the body desperately needs fat which only comes from animals
You get what he was actually typing. Fucks sake people like you are insufferable. Zero charity or understanding to a post, but an autistic reddit tier sperging.

>> No.19640753

Lmaoing at the retards about to natural select themselves out following meme diets devised by western women.

>> No.19640755

>Are you a woman from the 1970s?
answer my question before asking your question, or admit that you have no answer

>> No.19640758

If you think eating fat makes you store fat then your information comes from the 1970s and has been deboooonked for years. Read up on modern nutrition you dumb woman.

>> No.19640765

I saw someone make what appeared to be an incorrect statement and simply responded with correct information. And then you and the other poster get mad and defensive and start throwing around insults. Why? I had no ill intention, I wasn't trying to seem smarter than someone, I wasn't sperging out. It simply looked like someone made a mistake. Some people think nuts and seeds are just protein and they don't realize how much fat is in them.

>> No.19640767

glucose does not get turned into fat. the only way to grow fat cells is to have additional fat. if you are eating enough vegetables to gain weight, then there is zero need for animal fats.

>> No.19640768

Because even after he cleared it up here >>19640677 you still kept going, and you're even still going. The statement is that the body needs the fat which only comes from animals, it's been cleared up. You can stop now valiant reddit soldier, it's understood.

>> No.19640774

Don't forget your B supplements vegantard.

>> No.19640776

>no my brain doesnt need fats its not made of fat

>> No.19640789

Just because you disagree with a post doesn't make it trolling. Can you really not envision a person with a point of view completely different from yours? It's like /pol/ assuming anyone who isn't a die-hard antisemitic Trump worshiper is trolling (and WNBAW of course). There ARE liberals and there ARE people who believe in sensibility in diet. Not everything has to be the most extreme possible version. Not everything has to be YOUR way.

>> No.19640790

>you still kept going
Kept going by just pointing out the original statement wasn't worded properly. It would be helpful to know that to avoid it happening again in the future.

>> No.19640792

>Zero charity or understanding to a post, but an autistic reddit tier sperging.

>> No.19640793

>if i say something that seems wrong you should just assume that i'm right or i'll insult you

>> No.19640796

It's not wrong, you just misunderstood it, and you're actually, literally still going.
>however the body desperately needs fat and that only comes from animals
this statement is not wrong, it's just worded in a way that you can point out and be the smarted redditor in the room after doing so. You're a faggot, my man.

>> No.19640802

But the other guy said you can only get fat from animals. Yes he meant you can only get 'the kind of fat you need from animals' but he mistyped it. So the OCD guy, also pushing his 'vegetable oils are just as good' stance really wanted to make sure over and over and over again that anon falsely claimed that fat only comes from animals when fat does not only come from animals. But he said it did. But it doesn't. It doesn't!!!!

I just wanted to clear that up again before round 2 of this guy.

>> No.19640804

LOL and as I was typing it round 2 came and went and dude is STILL GOING!! 'Just pointing out that it wasn't worded properly'. That's all he was doing and he won't stop doing it!! This is hilarious!

>> No.19640811
File: 24 KB, 360x360, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's all he was doing and he won't stop doing it!! This is hilarious!

>> No.19640812

>but he mistyped it
That's all I was saying, then you two got mad and started throwing around insults. I don't get it.

>pushing his 'vegetable oils are just as good' stance
I literally said plant fats aren't as good.

>plant fats don't really satiate me much

You keep assuming I'm being malicious and pushing some agenda you don't agree with.

>> No.19640823

>really wanted to make sure over and over and over again that anon falsely claimed that fat only comes from animals when fat does not only come from animals. But he said it did. But it doesn't. It doesn't!!!!
You're overreacting to this so much. I never kept saying that the original poster actually believed only fat came from animals after clearing it up, just that the original statement wasn't clear.

>> No.19640827
File: 1.91 MB, 3100x4508, 1692161325040739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know full well you looked like pic related when you posted >>19640651

>> No.19640835
File: 214 KB, 1069x1049, 8bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit reddit sperg faggot wojak
cat kitty kitten meow meow

>> No.19640838

How about both of you shut the fuck up you pair of massive butthurt faggots.

>> No.19640841
File: 9 KB, 192x94, Screenshot_20230826_203159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duck fat
do americans really?

>> No.19640843

Both of those are better than seed oils.

>> No.19640848

when did i turn into a vegan? why are you changing the subject? the ramblings of a madman...

>> No.19640854

Please do get all your fats from vegetables, I'm sure it'll be great for you.

>> No.19640855

You mean the mongol invasion of Japan? The one where 2 tsunamis destroyed and scattered their fleets?

>> No.19640858

i agree. however, i am curious now to know your reasoning for why you think animal fats are needed. please explain

>> No.19640860

If you don't know the difference of types of fat then you should look it up yourself. Smug and retarded isn't a good combination.

>> No.19640865

redpill me on the difference between triglycerides and triglycerides

>> No.19640869
File: 3 KB, 518x570, 1691469838582273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redpill me on the difference between triglycerides and triglycerides

>> No.19640872

>no answer
giving up already? come back again when you learn some basic nutrition. i'm here every day

>> No.19640874

Every time you post that shit you only further prove your retardation.

Mongol diet was superior to Chinese because they actually had meat and dairy, unlike rice-eating peasants in mainland china. That does not mean that meat and dairy diets exclusive diets are the best. You are dumb as rocks.

>> No.19640875
File: 36 KB, 720x712, 1690216942974580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polyunsaturated fat is the same as monounsaturated fat which is also the same as saturated fat hur dur i'm smart

>> No.19640877

Whats the best diet then? What is the optimal diet?

>> No.19640879

>triglycerides are not triglycerides because... BECAUSE THEY JUST LE AREN'T, OKAY?!!?!!??

>> No.19640881

I've read that the omega 3 in plants isn't much use to the body. Does that mean the omega 6 in plants isn't either? Apparently people get too much omega 6 but I'd be curious how much is actually absorbed. But it said the omega 3 in fish and grass-fed dairy is much better absorbed by the body.

>> No.19640884

low carb diets decreases your testosterone and will kill your athletic performance

>> No.19640887

there is not a single carnivore in all of existence that can match the endurance of a herbivore

>> No.19640888

they are both of use, there is no particular amount you need to take so whatever you absorb is irrelevant, anyone eating a 2k+ calories diet will get it regardless of whatever diet you have

>> No.19640890

there is no best diet since everybody is different
cliche? yes but its true
a hamplanet whos been eating burgers and drinking soda for 20 years would need a different diet to heal himself than an impoverished chinaman who hasnt tasted meat in 6 months
there are some guidelines that should apply to everybody however, if they want to be healthy
but im not telling you what they are

>> No.19640892

i don't know about that but we are talking about humans

>> No.19640893

Please adopt a herbivore diet.

>> No.19640894

seed oils are better than animal fat

>> No.19640896

do you think it's impossible to get that benefit if you switch to a herbivore diet?

>> No.19640902
File: 3.38 MB, 4000x3000, Korea-Seoul-Insadong-Sanchon-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are thousands (or millions?) of monks in asia who are vegans
they dont just drop dead after a few years like the media would have you believed

>> No.19640904

are they vegan or vegetarians?

>> No.19640905

vegans. the southeast asian monks eat whatever are given to them, but the east asian ones are pure vegans.

>> No.19640906

Humans have like the most endurance of any animal though, being on 2 legs is OP

>> No.19640912

It seems like its mostly vegetarian

>> No.19640913

It's not a deficiency that will kill you but that doesn't mean there's no benefit to more. I don't really like the argument about just getting enough to not have a serious health problem should be the goal when more is required for optimal health.

>> No.19640916

>Traditionally eggs and dairy are not permitted

>> No.19640918

Dean Karnazes eats a predominantly plant-based diet

>> No.19640920

>more is required for optimal health
you don't need more if you aren't eating the things that are killing you in the first place. the idea that you need more omega 3s because you want to sustain your inflammatory diet is retarded

>> No.19640922

I knew a ovitarian body builder (huge buddhist as well) who used to be vegan but said he quit because he would have had to have consumed too many avocados for his cholesterol needs and he couldn't afford it and it isn't sustainable.

>> No.19640924

>body building is not sustainable

>> No.19640925

well a body builder is a very special case, whether vegan or not.
obviously its not ideal to eat vegan and also be a body builder

>> No.19640926

>because you want to sustain your inflammatory diet
I didn't say anything about that, some of the foods that people eat have less omega 3 than they should like with grain-fed beef/dairy and a skewed 3:6 ratio with farmed fish.

>> No.19640930

So a post animal product world is a post strength world, hopefully the robots that do all the work aren't too environmentally destructive x

>> No.19640931

yeah i understand that but there is only 3 mentions of vegan in the wiki, which one is a dish, one is Buddhist restaurants and one is just some are vegertarian or buddhist.
non of the mentions of vegan has sources.

>> No.19640934

im asian so i know that they are vegans
>just trust me bro
yeah i know but its true
vegan is a new term and in asia most people dont know the difference so they will just say they are vegetarian when they mean vegan
if you go to temples in asia there is 0 animal product
no egg. and they are lactose intolerant so no milk is obvious. and east asians dont have history of consuming dairy

>> No.19640940 [DELETED] 

Healthiest diet. But I also eat fish and alligator while realizing kids have the ability to consent.

>> No.19640945

diet for fat retards with no self control

>> No.19640948
File: 118 KB, 994x1000, 51m2yp-y1zL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal American.

>> No.19640956

Are you saying Americans are known for limiting their intake of sugar?

>> No.19640960

This is what happens when you start drinking pure undiluted HFCS.

>> No.19640965 [DELETED] 

Europoors still don't know we rule the world. Your welcome. ;)

>> No.19640970

if you are getting enough omega 3 to balance whatever your omega 6 is, then there is no benefits to going any higher than that. it's like taking vitamin supplements that you will pee out anyways

>> No.19640974

God I wish someone would nuke Mongolia just to put an end to this bullshit.

>> No.19641011


>> No.19641028

Shut the fuck up, you soulless, hollow moron.

>> No.19641035

You die on a herbivore diet, as proven many times by vegans starving to death

>> No.19641094
File: 233 KB, 1300x956, shaolin-monks-train-shaolin-kungfu-at-shaolin-temple-in-songshan-central-chinas-henan-province-shaolin-kung-fu-refers-to-a-complex-art-that-has-ev-W9DT3H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19642127

>anorexic dies
>blames veganism
this is worse than intellectually dishonest. i don't know what to call it

>> No.19642141

Well we can get to the bottom of this easily and very intellectually honestly by looking at anorexics and seeing if meat eating or vegan anorexics die at a higher rate.

>> No.19642158
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think more people need to jump on the trend. The more idiots that die the easier it will be for the rest of us idiots

>> No.19642169

anorexics can die from a keto diet if they eat very little, as can they from a vegan diet. it makes zero sense for people to die if they eat more than a bowl of leaves a day

>> No.19642778

> lipogenesis creates lipids (fat) - takes place in the cytoplasm of adipocytes (fat cells) and hepatocytes (liver cells). When you eat more glucose or carbohydrates than your body needs, your system uses acetyl CoA to turn the excess into fat.

>> No.19643168

And this being a forum filled with athletes, that information is totally relevant here. We should all eat carbohydrates because if we don't our athletic performance will be "killed". Okay.

>> No.19643230

wolf base strat wearing out prey

>> No.19644554

The Mongols' largest import volume from China throughout their entire history was, and still is,
rice. Just because their army lived on kefir, animal blood and raw/dried meat to escape having to encamp multiple times a day, that doesn't mean that some sedentary office jockey like you should do that. Remember, that the Mongols didn't have cardiologists and had a life expectancy of 30 (and maybe 50, discounting infant and child mortality)

>> No.19644830

>Just because their army lived on kefir, animal blood and raw/dried meat to escape having to encamp multiple times a day, that doesn't mean that some sedentary office jockey like you should do that
Sure it does. It's working fine for me.

>> No.19644851

>raw flesh under the saddle
not true

>> No.19646311

>some heckin mongol warriors who rode horses 18 hours a day while on a war campaign subsisted on entirely horse meat and blood during their campaigns, so i, a desk monkey who hasnt lifted a weight in years should do the same
youre so fucking alpha bro!

>> No.19646616

>Milk has a good amount of sugar.
That's why milk isn't listed. Butter and cheese have little to no lactose. If you get a hard aged cheese, all those little crunchy crystals are lactic acid, which is a pretty good indication that the cheese has effectively zero lactose left in it.

>> No.19646618

>Even hunter-gatherers often eat a lot of honey that they find.
And they were lucky to find one beehive a year, because the only way they knew to get the honey was to destroy the hive.

>> No.19646625

>vitamin k-2
problem solved

>> No.19646627

>there are thousands (or millions?) of monks in asia who are vegans
They're not "vegans". They usually use shitloads of butter, may or may not eat eggs depending on sect, put a ton of shrimp paste into their foods as flavoring, and have a weird thing about avoiding garlic and onions because they inflame the passions or some such mystical bullshit.

And even so, they're weedy little wisps who are barely able to totter around on their stickpin legs.

>> No.19646791

Hunter-gatherers today have been seen eating about 50g of sugar per day from honey. It's not a rare treat.

>> No.19646933

you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.
>They usually use shitloads of butter
yeah east asians who dont have history of using dairy is going to have a shitload of butter on hand. where would they get a shitload of butter 1000 years ago?
>put a ton of shrimp paste into their foods as flavoring
ok so theyre not going to use garlic and onions because of the smell but are going to use the most pungent thing in existence.
i am asian and have never seen any thing like what you describe in a temple.
>And even so, they're weedy little wisps who are barely able to totter around on their stickpin legs.
nobody said to eat vegan to become warriors. they are good example to prove that you dont drop dead just because you dont eat animal product.

>> No.19646946

based as fuck

>> No.19647199

but anon I dont want to listen to my body anymore
it keeps whispering to me at night and its scary

>> No.19647216

Whenever I have sugar the scale jumps 2 pounds the next morning. Shit is poison

>> No.19647227

>ok so theyre not going to use garlic and onions because of the smell but are going to use the most pungent thing in existence.
I've read about this before. I think it's because raw onion and garlic are "hot" like mustard. It's kind of like spicy food being exciting and some people almost getting addicted to that. I don't think it's just about strong flavors and smells.

>> No.19647266

in a meal like what ive posted here >>19640902, where there is 0 strong flavour, why would they start putting in "ton of shrimp paste into their foods as flavoring"?
in a religion where they have decided to stay away from meat, fish, dairy, eggs, why would shrimp paste be their achilles heal? why would they break their faith over shrimp paste?
show 1 (one) source where it says monks eat shrimp paste

>> No.19647317

The Mongols didn't eat that way because it's the "optimal warrior diet" or whatever bullshit you buy into, they ate mostly meat and dairy because that's all there is for humans to eat on the steppe.

>> No.19647350

Just eat gluten free with lots of vegetables and protein based food.

>> No.19647362

>Yes, we call olive oil a fat too, but it is not the fat your body needs. That kind is only found in animals.
Source, fucking nothing

>> No.19647382

I'm not claiming they use shrimp paste, just explaining the reason for avoiding garlic and onion.

>> No.19647436

Strange how the correlation between heart disease and ldl cholesterol only holds when research is fraud or restricted to populations consuming copious amounts goyslop.
Also weird that they can't seem to find any correlation between dairy consumption and heart disease, despite dairy being high in saturated fat.
Stranger still, ldl cholesterol lowering drugs don't actually seem to lower incidents of heart attacks all that much, and all cause mortality is even increased.
It's almost like saturated fat and red meat isn't the issue, maybe there are some hidden variables. Like goyslop or something...

But no, institutions funded mainly by billion dollar global megacorps in a economic system that rewards boundless greed are very trustworthy.
It's not like any corporation has ever been show to disregard any morals and human health for the sake of profit.
That simply isn't possible. I lnow because I'm smart and would never do something like this. Therefore other smart people would have the same set of values as me.

>> No.19647493

All nutritional epidemiology based on food frequency questionnaires is bullshit. What people claim to eat is largely unrelated to what they actually eat.

The real argument is this:

1. The non-hdl cholesterol and heart disease link is extremely strong. Why? Blood lipid levels are the single best predictor of heart disease.
2. There are short term randomized controlled trials connecting high saturates fat intake to increased non-hdl cholesterol

Conclusion: high saturated fat diets increase the rate at which you get heart disease.

>> No.19647514

I know what the official lines says.
That correlation breaks down when we examine populations with high saturated fat intake that do not eat goyslop. They have high ldl, but no calcification in their arteries.
Im not doubting that increased intake of saturated fat can increase your ldl cholesterol. But while restricting saturated fat intake can reduce ldl levels, it has not shown to translate into a reduction of repeat heart attacks.
The problem is the goyslop, not saturated fat nor ldl cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is only dangerous when it gets damaged or oxidized and is no longer recognized by the liver. Then it will linger in the bloodstream and damage your arteries.

A high ldl level is not an automatic reason for concern. A traditional lipid blood test cannot differentiate between between high level of healthy ldl and damaged ldl.

>> No.19647538

Can you cite me up?

And do you mean that even within the population you're talking about, relatively higher ldl doesn't predict heart disease? I can believe that a guy eating poison + high ldl gets heart disease faster than a guy not eating poison + high ldl. But among people not eating poison, does relatively higher ldl not predict heart disease? This is contrary to everything I learned in college. Send me a paper if you can

>> No.19647642

based retard

>> No.19647748

lentil soup

>> No.19647778

Its true, but it was not for eating, it was to not kill the horse from days of friction between saddle and horseback

>> No.19648027
File: 45 KB, 600x599, 1663306290588572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketofags are the vegans of the righ.
Carnivorefags are the vegans of the far right.

>> No.19648119

Only difference is that carnivores don't need to take any supplements, since it's actually how our ancestors ate. Vegans need b's and k's etc.

>> No.19648149

>since it's actually how our ancestors ate

>> No.19648153

You are a propagandized retard.

>> No.19648161

where in that article does it say that they were carnivores?

>> No.19648165

Damn, modern retards really do need everything spelled out for them. Never mind friend, keep eating your carbs and leafy greens. You deserve it.

>> No.19648171
File: 79 KB, 542x447, 1655563744181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me, did your ancestors also wear hats all the time and have nice titties?

>> No.19648173

Don't forget your multivitamin, cattle.

>> No.19648189
File: 586 KB, 566x1217, sv3rigehairtransplant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget your hat. its windy today

>> No.19648196

>some guy has a balding gene therefor your diet is wrong
Again, you deserve to eat like the cattle you are.

>> No.19648200

what about the big titties?

>> No.19648209

Seem smaller than the average american man's. Good to know that your entire arguments hinge off of one person and not any data or anything though. Carry on.

>> No.19648213
File: 329 KB, 423x739, 1690367174192717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres your data?

>> No.19648216
File: 100 KB, 640x955, 1690220646756567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's a tweet bro

>> No.19648223
File: 158 KB, 518x631, Fmw0UUoWYAIYKp-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heres a mugshot bro

>> No.19648227
File: 542 KB, 412x606, 1643628802780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could post endless shit about vegans dying from their diet like that woman just did. I can post the average American dying of heart disease from the standard American diet etc. It doesn't matter, I don't want to convince you of anything. I want you to continue to eat poison since you're insufferable anyway.

>> No.19648229
File: 120 KB, 592x463, 1623244548427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems on track. Good guy. Follows instincts.

>> No.19648235

Ok great but just like vegans you need to let everyone fucking know how great and amazing your diet is.
>don't need to take supplements
That assumes a very varied diet in terms of meat, and meat that has been grazing freely instead of factory farmed GMO shit.

We don't know if you'll need supplements because there's even fewer of you than vegans (and you've been around for far less time). Give it a few decades so we can see what happens to people following carnivore diet and we'll see.

>> No.19648239

>Ok great but just like vegans you need to let everyone fucking know how great and amazing your diet is.
Read the OP (which is me) >>19640393
I only said what I did, didn't say if it was good or bad. You chose to come in here and bitch and moan like the little faggot you are. Not my problem friend.

>> No.19648244
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>I want you to continue to eat poison since you're insufferable anyway.
same goes

>> No.19648246

No you seem rather desperate to get people away from eating low carb. Wonder why.

>> No.19648249

i was paid by big bread thats why
1 million dorrar for every keto faggot i piss off

>> No.19648911
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I read his book 'how not to die' and was very unimpressed. His approach to diet was to find hundred of tiny studies that find miracle effects in individual plants and then suggest you eat all of those plants.

He should know that almost all small studies with miracle findings are the result of publication bias and do not replicate. He also ignored except where convenient the best quality evidence available in nutrition, which are big, long term cohort studies. The government paid billions of dollars to run NHANES, the women's health initiave, etc and he's ignoring these in favor of studies where 9 cancer patients have blueberries shoved up their asses for six weeks. That's a real study he cites.

>> No.19648950

how does one grow up into this. its not just the physical, but the mental too. like holy fuck.

>> No.19648965

Carnivore is probably healthier than vegan, but the carnivore doctor is on steroids and won't admit it.

>> No.19649079
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I'm on a zero crab diet. I just don't like it.

>> No.19649163

The weird part to me is that the world is rewarding him for being this way. He's highly credentialed and connected to son big name government nutrition projects. He's the sort of people you would expect to have a measured and well supported take.

Some more ridiculous studies/claims he cited:
1. People living near Chinese restaurants die sooner because the fumes of frying meat from the restaurant give them cancer
2. Somehow vegetables are supposed to prevent lung cancer. He had to include a section on lung cancer in "how not to die" because it kills so many people, and in it he spent about a paragraph on smoking and all other causes combined and then pages talking about vegetables.
3. Statins cause brain damage. I don't think he cited anything all for this one-- he just said it. He needed a reason for why you should lower cholesterol with his highly involved daily dozen diet rather than taking a statin.

Now that I read these things together its almost based how unapologetically unfounded it all was.

>> No.19649180

After browsing /ck/ for not less than 5 minutes I can now see why /pol/ is the only important board on this website

>> No.19649197
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All the carbs are eat are from milk, candy and fruit heheh imagine wasting it on bread and other loser carbs