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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19637199 No.19637199 [Reply] [Original]

All my life i've wondered what "goyslop" really is. I mean, the term was invented by /pol/, right? i remember cooking stew and rice and adding home made fries then showing it to a white friend, which later called it zogslop. i mean did jooz really cook my meal? are the jooz in my mind? are the jooz the ones provoking me boners when i see katia managan too?

>> No.19637204
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>provoking me boners when i see katia managan

>> No.19637225

I have never understood the "goyslop" meme. So the idea is that Jews are somehow forcing everyone to buy shitty processed foods? While they eat all the good stuff? And the remedy for this is to stop eating the shitty processed stuff and eat the good stuff instead? How does that make any sense? The "redpill" is supposed to be that you've been tricked into buying shitty foods instead of non-shitty foods, but they are literally both available to you, so becoming redpilled and buying the good food means doing what Jews have apparently been doing all along?? Did you ever consider that Jews might just tend to be smarter than you?

>> No.19637230

it's the shitty mass produced artificially flavored garbage full of preservatives and stabilizers meant to keep you addicted to salt and sugar

jews don't eat that stuff, they eat kosher. Their food isn't made with garbage ingredients
so the slop is for the goyim

>> No.19637241

>All my life i've wondered what "goyslop" really is
so you're four years old? you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19637286

the idea is that you're forced into buying it by making the processed filth dirt cheap (like modern day gruel), and then raising the cost of living so you can't afford grass-fed steak, for example. I don't believe tha jews necessarily come into it, but you know what /pol/ is like.

>> No.19637372
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>the idea is that you're forced into buying it by making the processed filth dirt cheap
>then raising the cost of living
I understand that part. What I don't understand is that it's the right who wants to do both of those things, but it's also the right who blames the Jews for doing those things. It just doesn't make any sense to me and nobody seems able to explain it.

>> No.19637394

>it's the right who wants to do both of those things

>> No.19637397

*the American right
I know "the right" means something different in in other places.

>> No.19637402

maybe this "right" isn't a unified assembly of zerglings that all think the same things

>> No.19637406

See >>19637397
The American right is a monolith.

>> No.19637409

the american right does not blame jews for anything

>> No.19637411

You don't know anything about the US and their politics.

>> No.19637413

i know you don't, considering you believe that the republicans dislike jews

>> No.19637494

Not even their space lasers for starting wildfires in California?