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File: 23 KB, 600x600, 29187-0w600h600_Limoncello_Capri_With_Its_Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19635847 No.19635847 [Reply] [Original]

what is your liqueur of choice?

>> No.19635857

I’m not homosexual or a woman so I’ve never had any.

>> No.19635861

I like the one you posted. I’ve had someone’s homemade limoncello. I don’t know of any other liquors.

>> No.19635867
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>> No.19636255

peach schnapps if i want to get completely wasted
nothing, if not

>> No.19636270

Probably gotta go with Campari on this one - it's in a lot of the nonsense I make.

>> No.19636281
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>> No.19636286

yo momma liqueur deez nuts

>> No.19636287
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>pre-made limoncello
You're either a
>A. Faggot
>B. Woman

>> No.19636294

only gays would drink a liquor named after the back of a penis

>> No.19636428

>mmm velvet frenulum
god youre stupid

>> No.19636545

I'd drink it. Everyone would drink it.

>> No.19636549


>> No.19636583

is it made with real frenulum?

>> No.19636645

Campari, Carolans, Malibu

>> No.19636697
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gimmie the anise juice

>> No.19636704

I've never understood arak - isn't alcohol haram?

>> No.19636710


>> No.19636729
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Tuaca chads rise up

>> No.19636823

>Tuaca is a sweet golden brown blend of brandy, citrus essences, vanilla, and other secret spices. It is bottled at 35%
Sounds good, would definitely give it a try

>> No.19636833

I find it to taste much better chilled (refrigerated, not shaken with ice)

>> No.19636835
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kneel before

>> No.19636858

The Middle East has large Christian, Jewish, and other smaller non-Muslim ethnic groups all over. Also, a lot of Muslims don't follow the rules well, just like other religious groups.

>> No.19636935

tastes like apples imo, moreso than apple brandy or apple pucker do

is arak even a liqueur? I thought it was like ouzo

bought a bottle of this shit a couple weeks ago, it's good. just a little bit with lime and a nice jamaican rum

>> No.19636950

is frangelico as good as i've heard?

>> No.19636957

It tastes like hazel nuts

>> No.19637078

Ouzo's strong, but it's still a liqueur - spirit combined with sugar and flavouring. Technically strong liqueurs like this are considered to be aperatifs, but that's like saying potatoes can only be consumed as an appetizer.

>> No.19637087

>drinking = eating
>comparing everything to eating
americans woke up

>> No.19637101

Did you really miss the connection there?
Aperitif: a small, high proof tipple consumed before a meal (to aid digestion).
Appetizer: a small pre-meal, often delicately plated, consumed before a meal (to stimulate appetite).

The inability to compare concepts with shared bases can be a symptom of damage to your Wernicke's area. Have you taken any hard blows to the left side of your head lately?

>> No.19637231

makes sense. but then wouldn't gin be a liqueur as well? spirit mixed with fruit and herbs. is the added sweetener the deciding factor?

>> No.19637246

It is indeed.

>> No.19637250
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>> No.19637256

I guess somebody has to be keeping them alive.

>> No.19637260
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>> No.19637346

Irish Cream. My Saturday morning routine for the last 6 years has been have my first coffee with Baileys to get into wake-up mode, after that have a decaf coffee with Baileys, do a bit of housework, walk my dog, do something busy for like an hour or two, then have a nap, and wake up again around lunch time, and go about my day. When I wake up for the second time, it's like I didn't realize I woke up the first time, but still I got some stuff done around my house. God damn I love weekends.

>> No.19637380
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Love this little nigger like you wouldn't believe. Mostly with soda water and ice but neat/on the rocks are also great.

Special mentions for Il Conventi and Villa Massa limoncellos. Any liqueur or gin made from Sloe is very tasty too. Recently found a South African milk tart liqueur that's delicious on ice with ground cinnamon over the top so you get a big whiff for each sip. Nothing's ever beaten the homemade mulberry liqueur I made once though.

It's okay but a little overly sweet and artifical tasting. I prefer a stronger Amaretto closer to 30%

>> No.19637567

havemt has any in a long time
Ameretto was my first and go to when i want to enjoy something.
gotta learn how to make it myself.

>> No.19637659

If I was a drinker, I would drink this. I had it once and immediately knew I can't have any more because it somehow activated something within my Lebanese genes.

>> No.19637665

for me its anise juice with velvet frenulum

>> No.19637695
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probably this

>> No.19637698
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sints you can't get Blanton's anymore I'm a Woodfordƒag. It's good.

Also I enjoy George Dickel but only around Christmas

>> No.19637700
File: 2.17 MB, 1680x2756, creme-de-menthe-green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sorry this is a leuqueuer thread and not a liquor thread, my bad. >>19637698

I do enjoy Creme de Menthe au Verte from time to time. The anise and mint makes it almost otherwordly

>> No.19638109


Oh god, this is legitimately the only bad liquor I've ever had. I would rather drink six bottles of Malort than have a fucking shot of Skrewball ever again.

>> No.19638223

Came here to post this. Good taste.

>> No.19638229

whats wrong with you

>> No.19638232
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>> No.19638241

>whiskeyfag can't read
>also talking up the most normiebourbonboomer brands

>> No.19638251

Not a swede one for fucking sure. Bought a dozen miniatures on my vacation, tried 10/12 of them and I'm severely disappointed so far. The dill ones are ok.

>> No.19638288
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what's so bad

>> No.19638312
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For me, it's not homemade, it's the humble/based Lemoncello by Danny DeVito

>> No.19638319

He even holds the wrong type of fruit.

>> No.19638436
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>> No.19639108

How do you take it? Straight is kinda harsh

>> No.19639116
File: 271 KB, 504x1800, midori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 21 I made a lot of drinks with this stuff and everyone loved them. That being said, shits actually gross.

>> No.19639168

This shit is delicious.

>> No.19639189
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yummy yummy in my tummy

>> No.19639243

In hot chocolate after skiing all day it's really nice.
There's a lot of "real" cocktails with it, but I also know of things like "chartreusito" (a mojito where rum is replaced by chartreuse) or "chartreuse mule"

>> No.19639306

A lot of sweet liqueurs are, but Midori can be pulled right back to sanity with some citrus and some bitters/amaro.

>> No.19639410

Found out the hard way you had peanut allergies anon heh heh? (jokes aside, what would you recommend)

>> No.19639746
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This and this
I love rusty nails

>> No.19640066

Incredible Hulks and were my jam. Then like 20 years later I bought a bottle and hated it.

>> No.19640436
File: 131 KB, 250x251, FUCK YEAH,WE'RE GETTING HAMMERED TONIGHT BITCHES!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff

>> No.19640539

Good taste

>> No.19640648
File: 1.01 MB, 1811x3037, Fernet_Stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the basic Branca is far too minty, what is wrong with you?
Come to where the flavour is.

>> No.19640842

The only problem with is that it tends to crystalize in the cap after opening so your it can be really hard to open the next time

>> No.19640857
File: 374 KB, 1920x958, Visual_Headerbild_Rossbacher_1440x719px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why Im no fan of sugarry molassy liqueurs. That and that they spike your insulin like no tomorrow and lead to brutal hangovers, if you actually get drunk off them.
Rossbacher is somewhat tame with its sugar content, but most germanic herbal liqueurs and italian amaros are packfull of sugar.