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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19629738 No.19629738 [Reply] [Original]

best cooking shows / movies? asked /tv/ and got ignored, don't really care about some grand plot i just want straight vibez

>> No.19629752

im going to ignore you too

>> No.19629759

Whites should be /ck/'s default answer

>> No.19629763
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I really, really like Burnt

>> No.19629789

There's a Chinese movie, I believe it's "Eat Drink Man Woman" or some combination of those words, it's about an old Chinese chef and his personal life and stuff, really good.
Unfortunate thing about shows and films about cooking, there's only a few of them and everyone's going to rec the same few, my own rec is a common rec for this question, one I've asked before.
Anyways for me, it's the aforementioned Chinese film, then Chef, Boiling Point (both the more recent, fictional drama, and the older documentary about a young Gordon Ramsay going for his third Michelin star. Season one of the bear was great, it gave me PTSD flashbacks to my years in the kitchen, but I still liked it. Did not care for the second season.
Another common rec is Burnt, but I didn't like it. The Menu was amazing, first movie in years I actually saw in theaters too.
Waiting is a classic and a must watch if you've ever worked in any restaurant, especially if you worked some fast casual shit like chili's like I did when I was starting out.

>> No.19629799

This is exactly what I'm talking about, everyone loves this movie but I just don't, and I can't even articulate why I don't. I just really couldn't see Bradley Cooper as a chef, everything just felt like what a movie producer thinks working fine dining is like, despite being admittedly fairly accurate.

>> No.19629803

not sure what the appeal is of pretending that Kitchen Nightmares (US edition) should be a tv show or movie

I hate this because it's for normalfags.

>> No.19629806


>> No.19629808
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Super Size Me
The Bear
The Founder
Julie & Julia

>> No.19629809


>> No.19629812 [DELETED] 

babettes feast and tampoko

>> No.19629814

After this list,

>> No.19629818

also god of cookery

>> No.19629822


>> No.19629824

The Bear sucks. boring as shit. gave up after 7 episodes.

>> No.19629828

This is the second time I've seen this copypasta, and the second time I'm taking the bait. You have never worked in a three Michelin star restaurant, or any restaurant at all.

>> No.19629836

Actually it's not copypasta I made a unique post each time check the archive.
I may be a shitposter but I am not uncreative.
Also I genuinely hate "The Bear" with a passion.
Passionate hate.

>> No.19629859

My top 3 shows about cooking:

Iron Chef (original Japanese version only)
Masterchef UK: The Professionals
Midnight Diner (Japanese series)

>> No.19629873

>Michelin stars
you fell for meme shit

>> No.19629915

Yeah, it was a rough time and I'll be honest, absolutely not worth it. You pretty much have to live in a humongous mongrelized city, you don't make enough to afford to live anywhere but the ghettoest of ghettos, you get screamed at by a madman who thinks he's god because he makes food really good, absolutely no work life balance, your work is your life and the whole time you're not making much more than any line cook at any regular place in that city.

>> No.19629919

Oh, cool, check the archives, this is the second time I've gotten mad at you.

>> No.19629920

Kek where did you work? Paris? Are you just retarded?

>> No.19629924

Chicago. Alinea.
Fuck Chicago.

>> No.19629928

Lol you are a retard. Alinea is run by faggots who I'd never work with, let alone even supply. What a joke of a fucking life you must have.
I'd be mad too.

t. Benu saucier

>> No.19629932

lmao I would never fucking eat there even if someone else was paying. How much of a pretentious fart sniffer do you need to be to eat slop directly off a table

>> No.19629943

I was young, just a dumb kid from Montana, had an opportunity and I took it. I wouldn't want to live in SF any more than I enjoyed my time in Chicago, which is not a lot.
But while you're proud of being an employee somewhere, I went the food truck way a long time ago.

>> No.19629952

I make $270,000usd/yr + tip pool which can be in the multiple thousands on a good weekend
I work 40 hours per week, exactly. No one yells at me and I don't yell at anyone, because our job is not to yell. Our job is not to scream. Our job is not to be emotional. We make food. The best food, with the most passion and the most respect for ourselves and the team.
The customer sees the process and respects it with pay.

I don't live in SF, I live nearby and I enjoy it.
Sorry you worked for those fucking cunts. I know your chef team and I'd sooner spit on them than serve them.

>> No.19629955

Am I just so far removed from the scene and old, am I missing something? When did Alinea garner so much vitriol? You're not the same guy who works at benis, right?

>> No.19629959

There used to be a French language cookery show that came on late at night, the real purpose was to teach French language. But it showed traditional French techniques and culinary history.
Can't remember what it was called.

>> No.19629967

Y'all hiring? I'm not broke and I make a lot considering I don't work forty hours and pretty much just work when I want at this point, but I'm not a quarter of a millionaire.

>> No.19629970

We are always hiring. Always. I'm in this video on the back in the right. with the other chefs at the prep table. You can see we're actually having a good time.

>> No.19629976

I'd even stage for a while if I thought I was going to be making that much.

>> No.19629980

I'm a simple prep cook at a chain restaurant

>> No.19630001

Well shit, I think I'm going to have a chat with the wife.

>> No.19630022

Ya know, when I got burnt out on Chicago, I was in Minneapolis for a bit, and while I hate that city even more than I hate Chicago, the scene was pretty friendly and everyone seemed to know everyone, everyone worked at each other's places at some point, and the vibes were great. You picked a very old video but I can see good vibes in the short time the whole team is on camera. I really didn't think it was possible for a three star place to be good vibes. Good for you, tall bald vaguely ethnic man.

>> No.19630055

Our discussion made me appreciate your perspective on the dummy dumb films that have come out... I suppose there is some truth to them but it is not a truth that I personally have seen, as such, it's unrelateable/hollywood-ish for me. I think if I worked in Chicago for cunts then watched a show about someone in Chicago being a cunt I'd view that as a good portrayal... but all the same as someone who is professional to another, take your skills to people who will love you for them.

The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.
-David Viscott

>> No.19630069

>i just want straight vibez
what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.19630073
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Little Forest: Summer/Autumn
Little Forest: Winter/Spring

>> No.19630149

Tampopo goes hard I watched it while flying to Louisiana for the first time

>> No.19630167

he looks disappointed

>> No.19630172

Yeah he doesn't get mad he does get disappointed... the worst is getting "the look" from Corey. If he really doesn't like something he won't yell or say anything he just looks at it and then looks back at you like you just pranked him or something.

>> No.19630227

Gordie Ramsay in Boiling Point. *t has plenty of cool kitchen vibin scenes.

>> No.19630235

>passive aggressive asian midget running a michelin restaurant
there's gotta be someone with balls in the kitchen
the modern kitchen is literally modeled after 19th century french admiralty

>> No.19630236

>passive aggressive
You can get fired easily make no mistake. It's like playing NBA or NFL. You have to take it professionally and seriously.

>> No.19630242

not alone, I wanted to like it too but something was off. .

>> No.19630318

Had a chat about it with the old lady, neither of us really want to sell our house and live in California for something that likely won't work out. I'm burnt out on it as it is, I've got a good thing going, I'm set in my ways at this point and I don't think I can go back to working for someone else. It's cool to know there are other actual chefs on this board.
Only thing I'm tripping on, you've NEVER worked any place where you got screamed at? How did you wind up working at benis for eleven years (video's eleven years old) without getting hollered at once? Even before Alinea, every chef I've worked for was a loudmouth abusive wannabe. Shit, I was turning into that guy in Montana, before I went east and found out I was just a big fish in a small pond in Montana.
I'm high and rambling.

>> No.19630343

sometimes a movie just hits different
when I was younger I wouldn't touch this kind of movie with a ten foot pole
now that I'm older, I've tasted both failure and success, I can relate a lot lot LOT more with Bradley Cooper's character, and that makes the movie for me
the rest is just Hollywoodised food porn DESU

>> No.19630387

I like Japanese food/cooking shows. A bit selling point for me is learning a lot of Japanese food history, esp local/regional specialties, and the comfiness. Also the food/cooking porn.
>Midnight Diner
It's alright. The setting is comfy. It's on Netflix in the US. Food relates to the the story somehow and each story is standalone, although some there's running gags/plots.
>Solitary Gourmet / Kodoku no Gourmet
It's about a salesman who visits restaurants. I think what's really interesting is that all the restaurants he visits are actual restaurants and real dishes, so it's basically free advertisement/tour of Japan.
>Izakaya Bottakuri
Comfy SoL small Japanese pub cooking.
It's basically Solitary Gourmet but a girl who likes to drink and the best side dishes to go with each drink
>Samurai Gourmet
It's alright. It deals more with social etiquette of how to properly eat Japanese food (like should I order a beer even though it's noon?). I fucking swear the wife is fucking the yoga instructor.
>Kantaro: Sweet Tooth Salaryman
Probably the second funniest shows on this list. It's good comedy imo. Salaryman ditches work to eat sweets. Girl is obviously into him but he doesn't give a fuck. He just wants sugar.
>The Makanai
It's about a live-in cook at a Maiko (geisha in training) house. Comfy Kyoto lifestyle and learn about geisha culture. I keep fucking thinking it's slave labor because they don't pay her to cook and she's like just fresh out of middle school.
I fucking love Tampopo. It's one of the funniest as shit movies I've ever seen. It's about some truck drivers helping a single mom save her failing ramen shop that serves shit ramen.

>> No.19630394

Tampopo. It's a comfy Japanese comedy about a failing ramen shop and the strange characters that save it from failing. I highly recommend it, although the sad moments in it hit really damn hard.

>> No.19630412

slice of life, but zoom

>> No.19630420

>you've NEVER worked any place where you got screamed at?
No. People who do that want to fight me, and no one wants to fight me. It's simple like that really. One time I got fired from serving for flipping off a news reporter, other than that, no problems or yelling.
You simply cannot tolerate it.

>> No.19630425
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Fighting Foodons (格闘料理伝説ビストロレシピ, Kakutō Ryōri Densetsu Bisutoro Reshipi, "Martial Arts Cooking Legend Bistro Recipe")

>> No.19630463

None of you faggots have watched Whites and it shows, and it's painful

>> No.19630823


>Is..is that an order for a sandwich?!?
>In the sandwich shop that I own and run?!??!?!!!

>> No.19630845

The Menu

>> No.19630847


>> No.19630853
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>> No.19630875
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>> No.19631397

how often do you have sex with your coworkers? those girls in the video are hot. Asian though so I doubt they'll even touch the head chink chef KEK

>> No.19631730
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We have this exact thread a few times a year. It's always a good way to gauge the changing board culture over the years by seeing how many people post fake food movies like Burnt, Chef, Julie & Julia, or The Menu, and how long it takes for someone to post Tampopo. It's obviously gotten pretty bad, but I never thought I'd see the day when someone is so out of touch they wouldn't go to a Michelin star restaurant even if someone else was paying.

>> No.19631755

define a 'fake food movie', genuinely curious. I'm a cook now but I have a degree in film (wasted education I know). I don't see how these are fake.

>> No.19631798

>Boiling Point (both the more recent, fictional drama, and the older documentary about a young Gordon Ramsay going for his third Michelin star.
Loved Boiling Point, great film. Came to recommend it, but I'll just put a second in.

>> No.19631845

They're only superficially about food and cooking, but obviously not made by people who really know and are passionate about it. Compare any of those movies to Tampopo, or Babette's Feast, or the couple food scenes in Big Night (hell, just watch the very last scene where one guy makes eggs).

>> No.19631908

Do they really call everyone chef in restaurants, even the dishwasher?

>> No.19632003

sounds good, thanks

>> No.19632012

>bitches that movies are only superficially about food and cooking
>holds up Tampopo instead

>> No.19632019

kek no
they call him Jeff

>> No.19632020
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Fuck you, I liked it

>> No.19632166

>The Menu
it was satire mocking fake socialite cooklets, if you took it serious them you're a retarded sperg

>> No.19632171

I mean, I think I know what you're trying to say but how unsuperficial do you want the food/cooking to be? You can't just go into extreme detail, films need to have narrative thrust and they need to be about characters, not just about the things they're doing, that's a documentary. It's hard to write more than one scene in a film where the actual specifics of a dish's preparation will affect the plot.

It's not that these filmmakers don't care about food, they care about making a movie first and the structures and techniques involved in that would be diminished if you were doing what you suggest. oppenheimer doesn't tell you how to make a nuke, countless music biopics don't go into the details of composition or the actual playing of the instrument. what you're describing sounds like it would be really, really boring to watch

>> No.19632201

is that your wife or daughter? don't tell me you racemixed

>> No.19632238

>it was satire mocking fake socialite cooklets
on the surface, yes
however, it's been pointed out that it is so over-the-top and spends a fair bit of time glorifying pretentious haute cuisine first, it ends up becoming self-parody or at least diluting its message
>but... yknow... it's pretty glamorous isn't it?

Chef, for example, is a better tirade against pretentious foodieism despite apparently saying nothing about it
>but... yknow... chefs and critics can get it wrong and there's nothing wrong with a food truck sandwich

>> No.19632292

>No one yells at me and I don't yell at anyone, because our job is not to yell. Our job is not to scream. Our job is not to be emotional.
maybe in safespace Commifornia in a $200 a dish restaurant that isn't packed
but back in the real word if yelling bothers you then just quit because you're are going to be asked to do 10 things when only 9 are possible which is going to fuck someone over and they are going to yell at you then you are going to yell because its not your god damned job to be bussin tables while you should be doing prep work

>> No.19632465

I think you need to watch a documentary instead. Film is film and everything about them are superficial if you catch my drift.

>> No.19632494

I thought Chef's Table was worth watching.

>> No.19632530

Is it good if I want a cool cooking anime? I heard only bad things about it but /ck/ is a bunch of snobs so who knows the truth

>> No.19632544

I think it's pretty watchable up through to the end of S2. I think it gets pretty repetitive and with shounen anime there's always that kind of power creep thing where every season they just get more and more hype with world ending abilities then universe ending abilities and multiverse ending abilities. with SNK there's nowhere to go really. It's a good time for a while though and it's quite smutty if you want to jerk off

>> No.19632778

I'll watch it with my friend then. Thank you.

>> No.19632836

based, i actually just rewatched the first 4 seasons or so and watched the last for the first time and loved it. Definition of animeslop but comfy as fuck for some reason

>> No.19632850

Anything with Emeril.

>> No.19632968
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Pic related only for patrician taste in films and cuisine

>> No.19633894

>being this fucking new

>> No.19633926

No, of course not. A lot of restaurants these days have completely dropped the formal shit, even including "chef".

>> No.19633931
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>holds up Tampopo instead
There is no movie more /ck/ than Tampopo. What the fuck are you even trying to say?

>> No.19633933

>What the fuck are you even trying to say?
That anon's stated criteria is ridiculous, nothing about Tampopo itself

>> No.19633961

What the fuck do you think Tampopo is? The difference is that Tampopo is a love letter to food, in spite of satirizing the culture surrounding it. The Menu is literally a comedic-horror flick where somebody's grand-nephew or whatever presented an idea that got greenlit, and then the writers just started googling "pretentious fine dining". It's not even that it's a bad movie; it's just that watching it from a /ck/ perspective is cringe as fuck. I turned it off when the clickbait-youtuber meme of the week smashburger turned out to be the thing that saved the day. The only thing more cringe is Julie & Julia, which interspersed Julia scenes just often enough to keep people from throwing their TVs out the window. And then there's shit like Burnt and 100 Foot Journey, which are basically the equivalent of A Dog's Purpose. And then there's Chef: the Instagram hipster of food movies.

>> No.19633962

chef, farting behind

>> No.19633966

Based pshuuuposter.

>> No.19633984

>oppenheimer doesn't tell you how to make a nuke, countless music biopics don't go into the details of composition or the actual playing of the instrument
That's not the point at all. Favreau literally hired flavor of the week chefs to show him how they'd prepare all the dishes in the film and then just copied them while making a "serious face". It's not just about being "realistic". It's about actually saying something about food while showing scenes of people actually cooking. Fucking hell. Just compare these two scenes:
The first one is complete slapstick, with a gastronomic hobo making a simple dish for a small child. The second one is meant to show how much dedication and ingrained technique a professional chef has even when preparing a simple dish for a a small child at home. The one that's supposed to be serious is the one that's laughable, while the comedic one actually looks like you're watching real cooking. Oh yeah, and in both of those scenes the respective director is doing all the actual cooking. I don't know. Call it "authenticity" or "soul" or whatever you want; if you can't tell the difference between these two scenes I don't think this is the board for you.

>> No.19633990

I remember when I was 12 and had a masturbation friend.

>> No.19633997

The answer to the best cooking show is Yakitate!! Japan. There are 69 episodes of a television anime series made from the manga. It is about a boys quest to create a national bread for Japan called Ja-Pan. The boy works at a famous bread making chain store called Pantasia. The title stands for "Freshly Baked!!! Ja-pan". It is superb.

>> No.19633999
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>> No.19634059

>It's about actually saying something about food

tell me moar about how you'd totally outchef the world knocking up a Michelin star grilled cheese sandwich for your fantasy son

>> No.19634366

I have a friend I meet once a week and we watch movies, drink and cook together. Really cool, something to wait for every week

>> No.19634469

>i have never written anything in my whole entire life that isn't a post

>> No.19634524

>tell me moar about how you'd totally outchef the world knocking up a Michelin star grilled cheese sandwich for your fantasy son
1) A flattop grill doesn't heat up immediately. It's already ridiculous that he'd be using it to make a single grilled cheese, especially while his son is sitting there waiting.
2) He wouldn't have his different cheeses already out and stacked like that when he could just put them directly on the bread once it's on the grill. It's a waste of a step, and only there so that the more keen eyed "foodie" in the audience can say, "that's called mise en place!" He's supposed to be a chef, not a Rachael Ray.
3) It's literally and unironically just a grilled cheese. You don't need to hover over it and constantly fuck with it. This guy would have cooked so much food in his life that he could knock out that grilled cheese while doing 10 other, more complicated things.
4) The idea that he's checking the bottom of the sandwich and then turning down the heat is retarded. It's his own, home grill. He would be familiar with it, and also know that turning it down a notch isn't going to do anything fast enough to make a difference.
5) Nobody whose worked in a kitchen would EVER move the sandwich to the plate only to slide it onto the cutting board 6 inches away. It's an unnecessary step, and messes up the presentation.
The point of the scene is supposed to be showing how much care and attention he puts into all food, even a simple grilled cheese at home, but it comes off the complete opposite. It makes him look like he's play-acting what he imagines a real chef is like at home. I almost expect him to go out back for a cigarette after all that work - but that would have been too realistic.

>> No.19634541

I did not care for Burnt.

>> No.19634718
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*mogs you in your path*

>> No.19634726

Shokugeki no Soma
The Oishinbo Mangas
That chef movie with Adam Chang
This is an anime forum after all

>> No.19634757

>but it comes off the complete opposite
Only to an autistic cunt trying to show off on a Mongolian throat-singing imageboard
The scene was good enough for most people and that's all that matters in Hollywood
You don't like it? Go make your own excruciatingly-accurate-in-all-respects movie
>he doesn't take a shit let alone a piss over MONTHS of time!

>> No.19634765

>The scene was good enough for most people and that's all that matters in Hollywood
Exactly. That's why it's a fake food movie.

>> No.19634793

give it up man you're not convincing anyone you have taste in either foor or film

>> No.19634806

Does hearing that people who actually cook think your favorite movie sucks hurt your feefees? I bet you only come to /ck/ because of glamorized Hollywood crap like this, and think you're hot shit because you've made a few Ragusa recipes while it seems like everyone else here is eating fast food. Sound about right?

>> No.19634809

no you babysitting this thread and sounding totally not upset when people call you a pleb is really funny

>> No.19634813

If you think that preferring Tampopo over Chef makes someone a pleb I've got some news for you.

>> No.19634817
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There's a show called Nailed It that I like because it doesn't take itself seriously at all. The bakers have no clue what they're doing and they aren't given enough time. It's like the opposite of Iron Chef. Everyone is just laughing at how awful the food is.

Pig with Nic Cage is a really beautiful film. The scene where he has a conversation with a Michelin star chef is so brutal. It's a film about being true to yourself.

Also, Poultrygeist, Food Nation, The Chef, and Edward Eggbeaterhands.
season 1 and 2 of Shokugeki no Soma are great. Season 3 is awful. In the previous seasons they'd have a complete food battle in one episode. It was fast and interesting. In season three a single battle takes three or four episodes for no fucking reason. Couldn't even finish it.

>> No.19634822

I think gatekeeping 'real' movies like a taped up glasses pocket protector bow tie dork is what's funny, you're right about which film is better don't worry you still have your letterboxd points

>> No.19634842

>recommending a movie is "gatekeeping"

>> No.19634859

>fake food movies like Burnt, Chef, Julie & Julia, or The Menu

>> No.19634863

>people who actually cook
you don't cook, fatso

>> No.19634871

Reread what you wrote.

>> No.19634891

Boiling Point is kino.

>> No.19635883
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If you ignore what a douchebag the dude in S1 became afterwards, this show is pretty great. The south carolina season is fucking killer.

>> No.19636927

yeah david chang is a bit of a cunt

>> No.19637145

The first half dozen Lucky Peaches, his Momofuku cookbook, and pretty much all the LP cookbooks are also great. He literally just used up all his ideas right out of the gate and didn't have the experience to turn his overnight fame into something long-term. I don't know how many people buy cookbooks anymore (they should), but Power Vegetables is fucking awesome (not actually Chang, but one of the other main guys from the brand).

>> No.19637319

Any properly run trade workplace should not have yelling and screaming.
Any proper machinist shop, welding factory, carpentry shop, construction site, etc., should be calm and professional. A kitchen is no different.
The only reason that screaming is seen as at all 'normal' inside the food service industry is because of how many retards get jobs in it and have absolutely no sense of professionalism nor ability to conduct themselves maturely. Having a rush is not an excuse to break for acting mature and controlled.
Throwing a tantrum ruins the flow of work and kills consistency in product quality. No tradesman has ever made a better product because they were being screamed at to rush.

>> No.19637345

Gino D'acampo, Holly the whore and what's his name on that British morning show.

>> No.19637356

>Holly the whore
hope she is in my price range

>> No.19637378
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>Any proper machinist shop, welding factory, carpentry shop, construction site, etc., should be calm and professional. A kitchen is no different.
bruh i welded a guys toolbox to the workbench so he welded every single tool i had to the workbench and he was my best friend, the guys we hated had it so much harder (the not so square square ) watching someone build a crooked staircase and not realize it til about 1/3rd the way up will have you suffocating

>> No.19637401

Playing pranks on each other for fun is different from being unable to work as calm and collected professionals during actually important moments.
In kitchens, the equivalent to that is swapping someone's salt bowl for large grain sugar to see how long it takes them to notice. Or rubbing some cayenne or chili oil on a person's neck during a slow moment to fuck with them for the rest of the day.

But, do you scream at one another regularly when jobs got tough or stressful? Chances are, if your workplace is even barely decent, you almost never do. Because any skilled trade workplace relies on calm heads and competent but unrushed performance, so you have consistency and maintained quality between products being made.

>> No.19637408

Amazon Web Services.
The Ford Pinto.

>> No.19637410

Secret Chef was gimmicky but neat

>> No.19637850

>machinist shop, welding factory, carpentry shop, construction site, etc.
None of those places have the same sense of urgency or even remotely close to the same level of stress.

>> No.19638809
File: 908 KB, 771x1227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she isn't

>> No.19639335
File: 94 KB, 1200x799, MV5BZjM5MWFlMWEtODNjYy00ZjY3LTg2NjctZjBkOWY1ODNkYjcwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTA4ODgyNg@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit SUCKED, I saw this last weekend.
This guy supremely based tho, played the long game and fucking headshot him. Absolute kino moment in schlock.
The reason you hate him is because he's that trope, a loveable asshole with le heart of gold where even his enemies begrudgingly respect him.
"We need you adam, you inspire us to greatness" Fucking really? This asshole who showed up in your restaurant on yet another bender? A week after you trashed your own restaurant in jealousy from reading he's doing well in the newspaper?

>> No.19639698

you could explain why...
>played the long game and fucking headshot him
it was a pretty based move, yes

>This asshole who showed up in your restaurant on yet another bender?
Everyone could see he was trying to turn over a new leaf. You don't kick a guy trying to do that when he falls of the wagon

>A week after you trashed your own restaurant in jealousy from reading he's doing well in the newspaper?
Because they're all assholes, including the rival. Yet he did the decent thing and gave him some words of encouragement and breakfast
To me, that's what the movie is really about

>he's that trope, a loveable asshole with le heart of gold
He's not
Burnt subverts that trope to spotlight the fact that this kind of behaviour is literally mentally ill
The guy is a series of catastrophic life decisions, needs to go to therapy (and refuses), and literally suicidal

Now you can agree or disagree with that opinion, but I thought the movie had a point, and made it in a good way

>> No.19639708


>> No.19639713

They didn't over-egg that part, unlike certain TV shows
I don't work in a professional kitchen and I've seen yelling and shit thrown across the office

>> No.19639726 [DELETED] 

I watched Whites and posted it way up there