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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19624901 No.19624901 [Reply] [Original]

>says he's gonna cook a meal
>pulls out the instant pot

>> No.19624906
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i hate women so goddamn much bros

>> No.19624911
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>spice world minced garlic

>> No.19624915
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>> No.19624918
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>says he's going to cook a meal instead of going out

>> No.19624925

>date goes perfectly
>hes not chad but its ok
>check comes
>only tips 25%

>> No.19624931 [DELETED] 
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Post women

>> No.19624934
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>> No.19624942
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what's her daily meals look like bros?

>> No.19624944

How 'bout no Scott, okay?

>> No.19624955
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>he tips

>> No.19624956
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>> No.19624968

>y wy peepoo so sensitive

>> No.19624969

>you incorrectly assumed we wouldn’t tip!
>doesn’t tip

>> No.19625021
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>starts marinade when she gets there
>needs to marinate for at least 3 hours

>> No.19625037

>the caucasian couple in front of us came in behind us
I don't understand this. Did they come in later, order, then eat quicker? That's a reason for a zero tip?

>> No.19625050

How do Americans live in a society with these people?

>> No.19625054

Jarred minced garlic is fucking disgusting. Sure sign that someone has no idea how to cook.

>> No.19625062

With much difficulty.

>> No.19625063

>you assumed we were niggers
>so we're going to be niggers

>> No.19625065

>he doesn't collect the minced garlic juice and drink it when the garlic is gone during his fasting periods

>> No.19625078
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>> No.19625083

This, but a splash in your bloody mary

>> No.19625084

at least she is willing to cook something
my wife used to cook at least five days a week when we met
hasn’t cooked anything in three weeks, and when she did, it was minimal effort food
at least my cooking has become better and quicker
and now I cook to my taste preferences and cook meals I like

>> No.19625092

How to get a gf dudes)

>> No.19625094

I can't, so I moved to an area where they don't live. Unless you live in Japan or Korea, they're coming for you too.

>> No.19625096

Men are better at making food, this is fact. The food in my house has gotten better and better for the 3ish years since the coof sent me home and I'm allowed the latitude to start dinner and cook throughout the day. Enjoy your new hobby!

>> No.19625105

I pull out the Ooni and we cook pizzas outside then sit under stars wrapped in a blanket. Here try a slice of mine. Wow I miss my gf. Thanks Ooni.

>> No.19625128


>> No.19625130

amazingly well put for it to all boil down to: "me nigger me no wanna tip"

>> No.19625141
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That's the neat part, you don't

>> No.19625155

>ook ook
>Ah ah
>tips half a banana
Why do they do this?

>> No.19625157

Instant pots should only be used to prepare beans and to braise meats. Nothing else.

>> No.19625163

What about preparing a braised meat with beans. I.e a chilli?

>> No.19625166

actual attractive woman vs E-thot OP
Knowing the difference will help you avoid ailmony better than a nog

>> No.19625177
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Heck that thing is nasty and I'd rather fuck a goat.

>> No.19625178

Any place niggers inhabit tends to be worse for wear. The game winning strat besides total nigger eradication is move as far from them as possible until they hopefully kill themselves on PCP or crack

>> No.19625181

always enjoyed baking, but ‘cooking’ is reasonably new to me and it has improved greatly in the last few years
took time to get away from stringent baking details of ingredients and measurements and now starting to actually making things ‘on the fly’ with just what is available
usually turns out good, just by cooking what I think would be good together and cooking how I think it should be cooked
I do remember some of things my mom taught me 40 years ago… like how to make a rue, that I now use and modify into a wet burrito sauce
also learned a lot of short cuts.. I buy precooked carnitas and can make three different meals from it with little effort

>> No.19625183

That's really true when one compares property values v housing values v demographics and other stuff.

>> No.19625199

So basically everything that actually matters and is a show of true character?

>> No.19625204

This is the way. I bagged on women a little too hard honestly. My wife never cooked anything, but has become decent just because I had a job in the past where I didn't get home until like 6 and the job kind of fell to her. I'm not much of a baker, but like you, cooking something legit makes me happy, so I do it and learn. I sorta wish I jumped outside my box a little more and started making some other foods, but my kid's 6, so I kind of play the hits for now.

>> No.19625208
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>> No.19625275

cooking for kids is not easy if straying from good old Mac and Cheese! Introduce new foods and flavors now. For me, as a kid, it was texture.
I am half Mexican and know flavor combos, but still learning and guessing how to cook right. Best thing about Mexican food is it is the same basic ingredients that can be used over and over, and a minor change to one can make a big difference. Tacos today, tortas tomorrow by adding an bollio bread, rolled and fried makes taquitos. Best part is prep on day one and have everything basically ready to finish as a meal for the next four days! Can do similar with some Italian, some Asian, but usually stick with Mexican for now

>> No.19625277

a white person probably wrote it

>> No.19625288

It's not so much that she only eats tendies, but spice is more or less a no-go. It's not uncommon, and really it's not hard to adjust spice level after something's done, but you lose it being IN the dish. I'm guessing this winter i'll get so bored with making normal cold weather food that I'll be forced to branch out....maybe start with some mexican cooking. Most renditions of that she's on board with, and my wife isn't a picky eater.

>> No.19625343

for Mexican food, there are many dishes that are tame, mild, that most would enjoy, but there are others that surely require it to be an ‘acquired taste’. A personal fave is mole’, which many hate, but is always my go to when available . After 20 years, my wife now says ‘it’s ok’ and will eat it if I make it, but only then. Cold weather soups like Al bondegas, pazzole, menudo, and chicken tortilla soups are good less spicy soups. Tortilla soup s my preference with corn tortillas as a thickener and fried chips for texture. The tripe texture in menudo stops me from eating it.. the flavor is great, but the texture is nasty.
Know what you mean about spice. maybe try to introduce a little spice without the heat?
I share cooking info with my nephew who wouldn’t eat anything jellied until about 27… even regular pb&j. Oddly, he doesn’t like ‘spice’ that much, but likes and eats hot peppers. Normally he won’t eat anything with noticeable black pepper, but a habanero is all good. Strange kid didn’t like ketchup until a late teen.
Seriously consider having your daughter help you cook. Good lesson for her, good bonding time for you both. I remember the times I spent in the kitchen with my mom and treasure those times now. Could also make her more interested in and willing to try new foods/flavors :)

>> No.19625345

Always someone elses' fault. Never the Niggers even though time and time again has shown that Niggers don't even like their own kind

>> No.19625352

I like the roasted flavor

>> No.19625355

>tortilla soup
I actually made it last week (and is a regular on the menu during winter). My personal favorite too. I'd love to have my kid cook with me, but most of the time it's easier to just prep and mostly cook dinner throughout the day because my house is empty, so when there's a break during work I just start dinner. Eventually I will teach her at very minimum cooking basics so she's not a ramen soup twice a day person.

>> No.19625368

We all know what flavor you like you homosexual freakazoid.

>> No.19625369

>says she wants me to eat her out
>didn't shave her pussy

>> No.19625374

What are you some kind of picky eater that doesn't like pussy hairs?

>> No.19625379

You don't need to call me out like that

>> No.19625388

Hopefully she at least took a shower first so she doesn't smell like a rotting fish.

>> No.19625392

There’s nothing “instant” about an instant pot. Still gotta sear the meat first, still gotta chop all the veggies. The ONLY thing I use it for is making chicken stock in 2 hours instead of 6.

>> No.19625393

> not a ramen soup twice a day person

when we were young my mom tried to show us how to cook. I learned a lot, but never practiced it, so learning now and remembering what she showed me

my sister was never interested

when she left home, her go to and practically only meal she could make was grilled cheese. but, she never payed attention to mom, so for at least 10 years, she made grilled cheese:

toast 2 pieces of bread in toaster
remove and butter one or both sides of toast
add slice of cheese between two slices of toast
serve grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.19625416

This is hell. My mom was NOT a good cook and could absolutely eat a yogurt for lunch and tomatoes and some fresh mozzarella for dinner. She cooked because we had 3 kids, and she needed to. Not because she liked food. I give her credit for doing it, but i grew up not knowing how good food was.
Honestly enough, being a stoner from my 18-22 year old days and watching the food network (when they still cooked food) with my best friend is what got me into it in the first place.

>> No.19625646
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>when he twists the cap off the wine bottle

>> No.19625671

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.19626058

This guy fucks

>> No.19627428

what if it was a braise in a dutch oven instead of instant pot, say short ribs or pork shoulder?
I do not own an instant pot but I feel like the effort to cook something is already good, I know too many people that cannot cook

>> No.19627591

>things would be different if it was different
Yes she approves.

>> No.19628475

She had to make up a story and write a novella to justify her not tipping.

>> No.19628498

>minced garlic
shit tastes like aids

>> No.19628551

that’s because you’re a seething tranny

>> No.19628630

You are not worth to taste my cooking.