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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19622979 No.19622979 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your prepped food stores. These are my pre-made frozen stuff

>> No.19622980


>> No.19622981
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also my duffel of shelf stables

>> No.19622982
File: 2.63 MB, 2427x2328, AD34A43C-F700-4214-A399-6B434D046A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some pineapples. I have about 20 I’m various stages of growth

>> No.19622983
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x1200, IMG_4697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jelly?

>> No.19622984
File: 3.24 MB, 3080x2630, 826057DC-4A3B-404B-8788-29E6B2A720B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Barbados cherry tree is doing awesome this year. It’s 3 years old this summer and I’ve gotten a bowlful of cherries daily for the last 6 weeks.

>> No.19622985

My mango tree has quit producing. A little early this year but it’s been extremely hot

>> No.19622986
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, 5D86F940-553D-4371-91EA-F33BB66992AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be..

>> No.19622987
File: 107 KB, 1599x899, freezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19622988

Yes I am. Our family's M1 Garand from the 1950's got stolen years back and I was next in line to receive it... I'm a poorfag too with only a cheap-ass AR-15 and a $300 5 round semi-auto shotgun

>> No.19622989

I dont consider myself a prepper, that said I do like the idea of making my own food. Wife and I got into gardening and put in a bunch of raised beds. We put in a chicken coop this year with 12 birds, considering we live on a half acre I think we’re doing pretty good. My only real concern is that if we ever lost water we’d be in trouble. However we are currently saving to put in an in ground swimming pool, which should be both fun, and if the shit ever hits the fan may give us the best chance at being able to store enough rainwater to meet our needs…. If your into gardening get into canning. It’s cheap and easy after you buy the canner… also if you get a propane turkey burner (or just use a fire) you can can off grid with no electric… if you have a couple of freezers full of meat and lose power then the emergency backup plan can always be “can everything so we don’t lose it”. You’ll lose some quality.. but it beats losing freezers of meat….

>> No.19622990
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, 7C17BEAD-F9E2-4103-9ACF-5D2541395056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if you have a couple of freezers full of meat and lose power
I’m in Florida and I lose power everytime there is a hurricaine. I have a generator and a spare generator to make sure my freezer never goes off

>> No.19622991

also have a gennie, got over 300 lbs of meat in there

>> No.19622992

I prefer dried foods to frozen foods because I don't have a huge freezer but good on you OP and others

>> No.19622993

My elderly neighbours are my emergency food supply.

>> No.19622994
File: 306 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s rough. You’d think that kind of thing would end up in a pawnshop somewhere. I’m lucky to have one. My uncle and I reconnected a while back and found out he’s a huge collector that bought surplus back when guns and ammo were sold by the pallet. He ended up hooking me up with a garand, M1 Carbine, and AR and a few cases of 30-06 and 30 carbine. When he retires and moves out of country he’ll probably be dumping more on me.

>> No.19622995
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr stores consist of freeze dried meals, tuna retorts, spam, spam retorts, smoked salmon, rice, beans, sardines, sprats, peanut butter etc. going to eat and donate everything but the freeze dried and replace it because the spam and tuna are a couple years old now

>> No.19622996

You are the weapon

>> No.19622997
File: 213 KB, 773x749, IMG_7223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based spam collector

>> No.19622998

Similar situation, I've only seen three peaches on my peach tree so far.

>> No.19622999

Damn spamposters…. Sage goes in all fields…

>> No.19623000

How do you avoid freezer-burned food? Don't you have to constantly rotate what's in there?

>> No.19623001

Vacuum sealed bags.

>> No.19623002
File: 62 KB, 550x550, pop-tarts-frosted-brown-sugar-cinnamon-16-piece-box-candy-warehouse-2_550x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we are at it, has any of you bugged out to some remote cabin when the Shanghai shivers hit, back in 2020? How was it?

>> No.19623003

I don't know where you can grow these. Literally as far south in Texas as you can be and the frost still kills these things.

>> No.19623004

I live in florida. Never had a problem with these. The cherries are delicious but spoil within a day of being picked. That’s why they don’t sell Barbados cherries in the grocery store. My family loves the tree

>> No.19623005
File: 193 KB, 2000x1334, 471302_Safeway_store_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what third world shithole do you guys live in, nobody here has any food stores?

>> No.19623006

Are you frost free? I'm zone 8 and they won't grow.

>> No.19623007

Haven’t seen any kind of frost since I’ve lived here

>> No.19623008
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x1960, 20190618_173713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gardening is a lot of fun and canning is something we always did as a family. plus you can get flavor combinations that they would never sell in stores because its not economical on an industrial scale.
my personal pantry is only about a quarter of the size of pic, which is my parents. but they have a 22 acre hobby farm and I have a traditional victory garden set up.

>> No.19623009

No because I am sane

>> No.19623010

no because I'm not a paranoid retard

>> No.19623011

This thread is actually more on topic than the 40 Ukraine threads

>> No.19623012

No but you’ll just scream and cry and the mods have much more obnoxious threads to delete so have fun being a paranoid retard.

>> No.19623013

>reeeeeee these threads have been here for years!
Yes off topic threads have unfortunately been here for years

>> No.19623014
File: 52 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this thread, but don't insult everyone's intelligence by pretending that gardening and cooking is more closely related to weapons than a war, you neckbeard schizo.

>> No.19623015

How's the sweet n sour pork?

>> No.19623016

Off topic

>> No.19623017

Shut up faggot.

>> No.19623018
File: 493 KB, 2179x2179, HEB Chicken Broth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frozen stew mix
Sheeeeeeit, interesting concept. A hot pot and some broth and you've got a whole meal. You're not going to have any sear on the meat but that's a small tradeoff for something that'll beat the pants off some ramen noodles.

>> No.19623019
File: 207 KB, 1280x1024, Tomboy_GF_ch12_p05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we never found out what happened to it or any of the other things that were stolen.

I've told the story before on /k/, but I'll tell it again. My uncle who lives in Connecticut was in possession of my grandpa's old M1 along with a bunch of other firearms. He lives out in the boonies and one night he didn't notice that a van was following him home. The moment he got out of his car and opened his front door the van rolls up and a group of 5 Mexicans, all armed with firearms, jump out and pushes him inside. They tie him up and completely ransack the place stealing everything of value including all those firearms. They could have just domed my uncle right then and there as there were no neighbors for miles but thank God they didn't and just left him there tied up. Eventually he managed to get free and call the police and everything but nothing was ever recovered and none of the perps were ever caught let alone identified.

Let's be honest, even if he had a CCW, 5 dudes all armed would've wasted him if he had tried to fight back, so I'm kinda glad he wasn't the kind of guy who carried. And I'd still gladly take my uncle's life any day over the items inside his house.

>> No.19623020


>> No.19623021

fuck safeway for selling out

>> No.19623022


>> No.19623023

>nothing was ever recovered
Unfortunately that's often the case. Back when I was a kid someone stole my dad's gun safe, just came right in and took the whole damn thing out of the wall in his closet. The cops said it was almost certainly someone we knew and even though my dad had all of the serials written down and provided them the cops never recovered any of the guns.

Not him BTW.

>> No.19623024

>Unfortunately that's often the case
True that. Our house in Oregon got broken into ~8 years ago and thousands of dollars worth of my deceased grandmothers jewelry, important tax information, documents that had our SSN's on them, all my video game consoles + games, and a ton of other shit was stolen by a bunch of hobo's who camped out up the street. They lived out of our house for like a week while we were away in the middle of December (we had the heat turned off) and they even had fucking sex in our bathtub (forensics told us that). They also had taken multiple showers in ice cold water and ate everything out of our fridge/freezer. Actually when we got back home and discovered all this, there were still a couple of guys downstairs who bolted out our fucking laundry room window while they had been filling up bags upon bags of our documents. We called the fuzz and they got there in like 6 minutes with forensics getting there in 30 or so. Portland's police used to be surprisingly good before 2016 just mind broke this city and police were being fired just for looking at a black person.

One of the guys was eventually arrested down in Salem. He had an absolutely massive rap sheet already and our house's burglary was just 1 more to add to his resume. I don't think we ever found out exactly what his punishment was but I would fucking bet money he got out in X months, maybe a year because of how busted our justice system is here in Oregon. But again, nothing of value was ever recovered. And at the time, I was 25 year old and even to this day I still can't stifle the rage I felt at learning they had not only done all this but stolen all my fucking game consoles + games.

>> No.19623025

Maybe look into a chest freezer. They hold cold really good due to the fact heat rises. They take almost zero energy to maintain once cold.

There’s a berry farm by house where my wife and I go to pick fresh berries every year. They make the best jellies.

>> No.19623026


>> No.19623027

The fuck? Pineapples grow out of the ground? I thought they grew on top of some palm tree shit.

>> No.19623028

No. The leafy green top part of a pineapple goes right back into the ground. After about 2 years a new pineapple will sprout. You can see a tiny one sprouting in the pick I posted next to the aloe, which offers burn relief and it’s good to put on any scrapes

>> No.19623029

Just put in a manual water pump. Im thinking about installing a 2nd one on my grannies property next year soley for the animals

>> No.19623030
File: 90 KB, 602x451, main-qimg-b17b43aa8b55b192379e016b841f82dd-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They grow on little sticks basically.

>> No.19623031


>> No.19623032
File: 335 KB, 700x2622, FOODBAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As is tradition, I will remind everyone that rat meat has more calories and protein per gram compared to any other livestock animal.

>> No.19623033


>> No.19623034

Good falls under rations. Rations are militaria. The urge to store shelf stables and freezers full of meat has roots in militaria. It’s why we also allow gear threads

>> No.19623035

welcome newfag, threads like this have been happening for over a decade. Now kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.19623036

No but honestly you know that and just want to blog and try to justify your purchases of bulk foods for a happening that won’t occur in your generation or the next

>> No.19623037
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>> No.19623038


>> No.19623039

Dont forget the dry rotten gas masks and gear bought from bubba

>> No.19623040

storing food is often cheaper. I buy in bulk, chop ingredients and assemble meals over the course of a lazy Sunday. It’s relaxing and saves me time during the week because I can just throw a beef stew into the slowroaster and come home to a delicious hot meal. Or if I want fajitas I’ll unpack some seasoned chicken, bell pepper and onion packs.

>> No.19623041

Nice blog post, absolutely weapons related and definitely shouldn’t be on /ck/

>> No.19623042
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I aint prepping at all and am not a prepper, should I start?

>> No.19623043

Not Ukraine related. Fuck off.

>> No.19623044

I haven't posted any pics, or talked about any of my purchases, I am just here telling you to fuck off because you're new and retarded.I plan for natural disasters, because I have gone through one were we had to rely on our own pantry for over a month because there was no supply of food or water. Another thing I also prep for is being out of the job long term due to injury or whatever, which has happen to me and I was not able to work for almost a year due to a fucked up back, but food was not a concern because of preps. Now go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.19623045

Foods that can be eaten 8 months from now are fortunately /k/ related

>> No.19623046

Nice weapons

>> No.19623047

You don't even own guns, so shut up eurofag.

>> No.19623048

Yes waste thousands, live in fear, leave a bloated corpse in your panic bunker

>> No.19623049

I posted a bag with a bunch of mountain house freeze dried meals in it. That’s allowed on this board.

>> No.19623050

And you do? All I see is blog posts and angry fags upset people are pointing this out

>> No.19623051

This poster rents the house he lives in

>> No.19623052

It’s even weirded that your spending so much time in this thread despite the fact that it upsets you

>> No.19623053
File: 1006 KB, 1078x1305, 20230722_142801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I actually do because I'm not Euro. Again, this thread is allowed, has been going on way before you ever showed up.

>> No.19623054

So this is just a blog/off topic thread?
I love easily manipulated people

>> No.19623055

>Proves hasguns
>Hurrr you're just manipulated
No guns cope right there, lol, lmao.
Done responding to your posts.

>> No.19623056


>> No.19623057


>> No.19623058

Thanks for the bump.

>> No.19623059

I’ll gladly push the thread to bump limit, retard

>> No.19623060

We will gladly start a new one. You're the one wasting your time whiningn like a woman, so continue on fag.

>> No.19623061

Ok lots of great on topic conversation happening

>> No.19623062

>Proves hasguns
I don't see a timestamp in your reversed google pics, jose

>> No.19623063

God I wish I had an aloe plant like that

>> No.19623064 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 1080x763, 20230820_181229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhh, be quiet noguns.

>> No.19623065 [DELETED] 

>this easy to manipulate through peer pressure
Post SS number or no guns

>> No.19623066

Now dance for me, monkey

>> No.19623067 [DELETED] 

At least I own guns. All this whining on /k/, on top of being noguns too. I bet you're the piss the bed schizo anon. Show me your bed.

>> No.19623068 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 493x484, 0B3F003D-3C95-4CBA-867C-BC0A1EB31694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he says as he defends the off topic blog thread

>> No.19623069

Not in an area that’s super conducive for that unless I want to dig very… very deep.

Shhhh just pretend this is the fud version of an mre thread.

>> No.19623070

If you ditch the gun, you could get 3 more cans of spam in that bad boy

>> No.19623071

1. Shanghai is very far from Wuhan
2. Cute names are stupid; don't do that

>> No.19623072 [DELETED] 

Seriously, how is it off topic when it has been allowed for like 15 years? Prep threads are nothing new, food threads is nothing new.
Never seen one of these threads move to /ck/ or any where else, or even pruned.

>> No.19623073 [DELETED] 


>> No.19623074 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 962x641, poolitical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread is actually more on topic than the 40 Ukraine threads
Look at you whine like the worthless censorious vatnigger slime you are.
Prepper shit has always been on the board even if it is tarded

>> No.19623076

Right where to belong

>> No.19623082


>> No.19623083

This is not cooking. Take your post back to /k/

>> No.19623084

Yes actually

>> No.19623088
File: 2.93 MB, 220x220, 50967787-BD08-4646-9944-1A0B7E13D3B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one wants retarded prepers

>> No.19623091

No actually. Pouring water into a container is not cooking.

>> No.19623094

How do you boil water then?

>> No.19623096

What's a prepers?

>> No.19623104

By sheer anger.
You'll understand this power after your second divorce.

>> No.19623107

>he doesn’t have 23 identical beef stew portions in his freezer
If this applies to you than you are a complete retard

>> No.19623117

Based rage based pyrokenetic

>> No.19623131

It's okay, I'm making a new thread on /k/ in a minute.

>> No.19623146

why do faggot men always have to show their shitty weapons
cute cat

>> No.19623179

That’s retarded considering the mods will be more alert now

>> No.19623200

You've never been a part of my food threads. I like to do cooking with guns.

>> No.19623222

So you admit to spamming off topic threads and are now attention whoring?

>> No.19623225

i was going to make fun of you for your pitiful amount of food, but then i realized that this thread wasn't posted on /ck/ so you get a pass

>> No.19623227
File: 57 KB, 640x825, 1686949087281478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers got me thinking I wasn't still on /ck/.

>> No.19623234

Disregard I just realized what happened here

>> No.19623235

I'm not the OP who posted the last thread, but all threads on every board is attention whoring. You'd be more suitable in the LGBT and BBC threads.

>> No.19623244 [DELETED] 

>everyone is an attention whore!
God every shitposter really is a /pol/ nigger

>> No.19623249

I been on this basket weaving website since 05, never been to /pol/, so swing and a miss, faggot.
Hows your transition coming alone? I bet you got some pretty A cup titties going along. Wouldn't mind fucking your ass with no lube as I bury your face into the pillow, remind you that YWNBAW.

>> No.19623298

Lol what a newfag

>> No.19623331

You say that because you have literally nothing to respond with. I been here way before other boards were even made, like how /out/ use to post on /k/ and /an/ because there was no /out/ board.

>> No.19623336
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>> No.19623349

This is embarrassing

>> No.19623355

You're posting on here, that alone is embarrassing, you have zero room to talk.

>> No.19623357

Wait so are you?

>> No.19623358

I've never brought up embarrassing, only you did.

>> No.19623364
File: 556 KB, 1004x764, 20230820_210337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also cooking too.

>> No.19623371
File: 1.08 MB, 1021x1403, 20230820_210650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even smoked the shoulder myself.

>> No.19623372
File: 950 KB, 2400x2400, Stouffers_Lasagna-Classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its classic stouffers lasagne is says so on the box so it must be true.

>> No.19623381

Take a step back and give that a look, it looks like some Halloween spooky shirt or mask.

>> No.19623386

I call it delicious.
I smoked it for about 16 hours.

>> No.19623388

You trying to save face by both saying you’re an old fag and then that it his place is embarrassing anyway so nothing matters, yes
Grey slop

>> No.19623391

Now cooking up the rice and lentils.
Remember every one, rice and lentils, or rice and beans make for a complete protein.

>> No.19623397
File: 517 KB, 989x783, 20230820_211415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helps if I add pic.>>19623388
You post no pics or say anything worthy of the chat, so I don't care about your retarded opinion is on the matter.

>> No.19623401
File: 50 KB, 500x266, Vigo-Red_Beans_n_Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just stick with rice? Lentils suck and you might end up with mush.
This vigo yello rice and beans is pretty decent.

>> No.19623406

Rice and lentils make for a complete protein, you can easily make both together in a instant pot. So only reason not to make it is for your own lazyness.

>> No.19623410
File: 495 KB, 1035x795, 20230820_212205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice, lentils and smoked pull pork, all added together.

>> No.19623423

OK OK that's really good however I like them seperate, so I can portion it out the way I want, seriously that looks like mush. It looks even worse than cat food.

>> No.19623426

Where'd you get that, prison?

>> No.19623439

Not when they're getting turned in to burritos.
Post food, faggot. Or keep your mouth shut.

>> No.19623458
File: 226 KB, 1500x1125, Chicken_Tendie_Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some tendies you faggot.

>> No.19624031

Lmao your food is shit and your posts are off topic, get fucked

>> No.19624445

psychopath behavior.