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File: 91 KB, 600x899, 1511_Easy-Vietnamese-Pho-Noodle-Soup_002-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19620711 No.19620711 [Reply] [Original]

I was a ramenzoomer throughout my teens and 20s. But now I matured and I see the light. A hot bowl of pho on cold winter day is unbeatable. Whenever you want a ramen, you are better off with a bowl of pho.

>> No.19620724
File: 121 KB, 568x433, 1630168322613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep trying to force this ramen vs pho meme? They're completely different. You might as well say, "whenever you want spaghetti and meatballs, you are better off with a bowl of pad thai."

>> No.19620728

I enjoy both.

>> No.19620754

What the fuck am I supposed to do with the pile of bean sprouts and shit they bring out with it?

>> No.19620769

traditionally you throw it on the floor with all the napkins and sunflower seed shells, so they can swipe it and serve to the next guest

>> No.19620779

>whenever you want spaghetti and meatballs, you are better off with a bowl of pad thai
this is an accurate statement

>> No.19620790

Pho is for drunk hot summer days retard. That way you induce sweating and feel cooled down in the sweltering jungle Vietnam heat.

>> No.19620800
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But...I wanted spaghetti and meatballs...?

>> No.19620822

Because weaboos insist anything from Japan is superior to the dozens of other Asian country's cuisines they've never tried purely because Japan invented anime.

>> No.19620880

I like Japanese food best because they seem to be the cleanest

>> No.19620981

you want to smell like shit all day?

>> No.19621020

Japanese food is not that great desu and if you want to try their good dishes it is very hard since you need quality fish that you will never find if you don’t live near the coast.
I must admit however that rice noodles and ramen are alright.

>> No.19621028

I forgot to mention that I am a former weaboo.

>> No.19621357

okay now try bún bò huế
the asian soup rabbit hole goes even deeper

>> No.19621363

Put it in the soup

>> No.19621370

It's not winter are you a bot or a summer child?

>> No.19621391

not OP but every Vietnamese restaurant I've been in was practically refrigerated with the air conditioning
you could eat pho just fine even during a heat wave

>> No.19621431

I've been chuckling at this comment since I read it an hour ago. You're a fucking genius

>> No.19621444

>spaghetti and meatballs
literally nobody in the world eats that mentally ill combo except for americans

>> No.19621470

>i don't understand how analogies work

>> No.19621610
File: 87 KB, 1024x971, 1659062249422081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't actively work to broaden his horizons in Asian noodle soups
>he doesn't rotate between ramen, udon, pho, lamain, and more
>he doesn't keep a spreadsheet of every place nearby to get Asian noodle soup
>he doesn't note their best dishes so he has an answer for every kind of craving
>he doesn't use his spreadsheet in order to impress artsy bitches and smash
Your stupid little culture war means nothing to me OP. I'm better than you.

>> No.19621753
File: 89 KB, 960x960, 1628872357177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>number of times anon has shown his spreadsheet to a girl: 0
>number of times a girl has been impressed: 0
>number of times he's smashed: 0

>> No.19621775

A man of culture.

>> No.19621790

It'll happen!

>> No.19621793

based Asian noodle lover

>> No.19621798

japanese cuisine in general is overrated af

>> No.19621833

Wait until you had a proper consommé.

>> No.19622089

Why don't they just put it in the soup to begin with?

>> No.19622092

Cold noodles are for subhumans

>> No.19622131

Put half the bean sprouts in straight away.

>> No.19622144
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 1645329958450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I have been to Japan the udon has kicked the ramens ass. Maybe ive just had some bad experiences but the texture and taste has just always been better.

>> No.19622272
File: 21 KB, 336x450, hai-nam-vietnamese-bistro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to clarify, it's to prevent overcooking of beansprouts, it has a nice crispy texture if cooked/blanched just right
OP, have you tried a fresh Vietnamese local egg yolk poached in hot Pho broth? It is simply divine. The quality of the eggs matter, so make sure they use the local free range egg (looks smaller but high yolk/white ratio with good egg taste)

>> No.19622485

I feel sorry for people who haven't had farm fresh eggs. You may not think there would be much of a difference but just try them and tell me i'm wrong.

>> No.19622489

Pho isn't better than ramen it's not even the best Vietnamese noodle soup
Thai food is trash you'd have a better meal getting Indian or Chinese every single time

>> No.19622498

>Thai food is trash
Tastelet confirmed. Thai, Indian, Chinese they all have their good and bad dishes.

>> No.19622604

Because fuck you, that's why

>> No.19623230

This, switch to bun bo hue and you will enjoy your soup so much more. Or better yet start getting Chinese noodle soups, they're not only better in literally every aspect but there's more variety.

>> No.19623291

>dirty dishwater broth
>raw meat
>tasteless gummy noodles
lol no thanks. Even Flipapino hot dog sketti is better.

>> No.19623304

Ive never had a non mediocre pho.

Its just like a less homey feeling chicken noodle soup, but more souless. its a fine lunch meal for a college student.

>> No.19623396

Nothing beats French colony food, except for French domestic food

>> No.19623500

>Pho isn't better than ramen
it is though
Or better yet start getting Chinese noodle soups, they're not only better in literally every aspect but there's more variety.
pretty much, China is quite unbeatable when it comes to foods. Still my most revered cuisine.
>Ive never had a non mediocre pho.
sorry for your loss

>> No.19623533

I'm not reading this thread and I still have no idea what pho is. but I got it once and it was terrible, not what I expected at all. Certainly not like OP pic. The meat looked EXACTLY like a single slice of Steak-Umm meat, but grey like it was boiled all day. It was slightly chopped up but not really. It was very bland too. The meat in OP pic looks fresh and delicious.
Wtf did I get?

>> No.19623547

Only difference is time

>> No.19623557

Pho is a rice noodle soup with a beef broth made with roasted onions, roasted ginger, roasted fennel, bay, black cardamom, coriander seed, star anise, fennel seed, cloves, and fish sauce, usually served with meat used to make the broth, along with basil, mint, dandelion greens, bean sprouts, hot green peppers, lime, fish sauce, hoisin sauce, and sriracha sauce
The meat is typically beef brisket, tripe, joints or fatty tendon, flank steak, and/or raw beef tenderloin and seasoned ground or minced beef chuck

>> No.19623562

early 20s are a real moment for this kind of emotion because you are constantly (every few days) realizing that you've been an enormous retard for your entire life previous. please rest assured that this feeling does not mean that you are not smart and good and cool but it means that you are simply the same amount of retarded with a very short amount of time spent fixing it.

>> No.19623574

The thing about pho places is that 75% of them are trash, 20% are mediocre, and only 5% are actually good. It sounds like you went to one of the trash pho places.

>> No.19623587

You live in an area that has no good ramen but decent pho.

>> No.19624453

preach, brother
Japan is mid

>> No.19624460

You fucking people “discovering” pho now better not fuck it up and make it boutique hipster shit. It’s not some gourmet soup, it’s basic family comfort food and if it goes up to $20 a bowl like ramen I will hold you personally responsible

>> No.19624599

spaghetti and meatballs does numbers all across asia
it's the worst shit you've ever tasted every time and they just fucking adore it

>> No.19624607

I get pho tai + egg three times a week
I've considered upping this to four times a week
somebody stop me

>> No.19624640

Pho is objectively pretty fucking bland and the perfect example of food that is inoffensive-tasting enough to flyovers to be considered AMAZEBALLZ exotic ethnic food. Meanwhile ramen is popular for being good but ramen bad because popular bad, and it's from the country that must not be liked

>> No.19624682

you are objectively pretty fucking bland.

>> No.19624685

I like it with brisket and tendons

>> No.19624690

>thing I don't like: popular because everyone else has shit taste
>thing I like: popular because it's actually good

>> No.19624696

unironically this

>> No.19624700

This is how all weaboos think. It can be diluted down even further though:
>thing Japan

>> No.19624705

Weeb hands made this post

Neither one is amazing, both are just regular soups you stupid people jerk off to. If chicken noodle soup came from Exotica, Asia you’d be paying up the ass for it too

>> No.19624883

Most of the "ramen" shops in the states just throw random shit in a bowl

>> No.19624893

No and you've never been to most of them

>> No.19625480

I've seen what passes for "ramen" in flyover land that shit ain't ramen

>> No.19625536

pho is supposed to be somewhat bland though, you add condiments to your taste. the broth should have a strong but clean beef flavor though and if yours doesnt then its shit pho

>> No.19625773
File: 156 KB, 600x902, beef-noodle-soup-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all just rip offs off the original. gweilos tongue my anus

>> No.19625858
File: 106 KB, 1169x1079, 1683206594032862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason i even consider this a valid argument is because pho uses beef and most ramen fell for the pork belly meme (or chicken) because japan's pork isnt a meme because their beef is a meme. If ramen used some angus or aus wagyu top sirloin or a short rib selection it would be goated with no room for debate. Pho is light, its literally designed to be that way, which limits its intensity, and thus its contending. Ramen is rich, it is full, it is filling, it is complex, it has variety of toppings and broths, it is colorful. If you set a bowl of ramen and pho infront of a person who knows neither, 10 out of 10 times he'd go for the ramen bowl.

>> No.19625879

Everyone who eats this shit just does it to brag that they know how to pronounce the word.
>look at me everyone: ph'u'gh
That's literally how you sound

>> No.19625893
File: 77 KB, 1170x1228, 312656276_423235823334873_8171726681005342050_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its already too late, soon there will be no hidden recipes the average layman will not discover from someplace like tiktok or youtube.

>> No.19625916

Why do the tropical jungle Asians eat so much hot soup?

>> No.19626042

>thing, Japan
Bravo, that's a really interesting opinion, you seem like someone people enjoy getting to know better