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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19620416 No.19620416 [Reply] [Original]

>fruit salad
>yummy yummy
Lying cunts.

>> No.19620423

>he doesn't enjoy fruit salad
you probably don't even drive a big red car either faggot

>> No.19620427

What kind of man would do this job? I get entertaining the kids and all but jeez. Guess i'm just not jesterpilledclownmaxxed enough yet.

>> No.19620445

>he doesnt even like cold spaghetti

>> No.19620472

These goofy niggers must be billionaires.

>> No.19620526

Now that’s some good eats and good tunes

>> No.19620560

Adults are still paying to go see them live

>> No.19620638

>yellow gets replaced by a CUNT
>and then a BLACK CUNT
Fuck the wiggles. More like the niggles.

>> No.19620858
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first it was this homo

>> No.19621717


>> No.19622323

Fruit salad is good as long as there aren't bananas in it because the bananas just make the whole thing taste like bananas (and get mushy). Especially if you keep leftovers. Fruit salad is even better dressed with heavy cream.

>> No.19622479
File: 75 KB, 549x719, 1678934426933449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres an entire generation that will never understand how good the wiggles were

>> No.19622513
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>there's an entire generation that will never be women

>> No.19622519

Why put a banana in your fruit salad? that just ruins it.

>> No.19622521

Bananas are a common fruit salad ingredient and are in OP's photo.

>> No.19622524

If you believe The Wiggles, it's the first step of making fruit salad.

>> No.19622567

As a former kindergarten teacher: at some point you just become numb to it. Probably helps to rail lines after the show. Put on the monkey face, do the happy little dance, get to pay your bills, rinse and repeat, etc.

At some point you probably just become the character you embody like Pee-wee Herman or Mr. Bean.

>> No.19622589

My dad was in the Army with Anthony (blue wiggle). Apparently was a pretty nice guy, very down to Earth. They still catch up now and then. Guess you just do your best to compartmentalise your character from your real life. I mean they pretty much all quit eventually so I guess you can only keep it up for so long.

>> No.19623177

>hot potato hot potato
>it's cold
I'm leaving a one-star review on Yelp.

>> No.19623286

The Defunctland episode about them was so kino

>> No.19623306

If there's one thing I've learned from Defunctland, it's that theme parks are underwhelming as shit.

>> No.19623313

>What kind of man would make children around the world smile while collecting a massive bag for it at the same time
are you retarded or just stupid

>> No.19623373

To make an actually good one takes a lot, and I mean a lot of money and care. Otherwise it just becomes a shitty carnival.

>> No.19624424

>is that.... a male human with compassion for cheering up smaller human beings? AHHHHH, SAVE ME GLOBALIST ANTICHILD PROPAGANDA, HAPPY SMALL PEOPLE MAKE ME GO INSANE!!

>> No.19624582

just look at their expressions:
blue guy: let's have fun
red guy: i gonna rape you so hard...
white guy: what are those pimples on your dick?
yellow guy: that's my fetish!
purple guy: oh god, this is my first time! Im so exited! >.<

>> No.19625244
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>Jeff actually awake for once

well i'll be...

>> No.19625754

There are alternatives, why choose that? Figured that was obvious. Really need to drag my knuckles with you don't I?
More or less, but it's not related to my original post.

>> No.19625769


>> No.19626573

Hadn't had his H yet mate, you can tell he's jonesing bad

>> No.19626585

>eat fruit salad
>it's yummy
>mum owns a big red car
the wiggles warned us about cunts like you in "hot potato"

>> No.19626587

Why did you post a pic of 5 pedophile jews???

>> No.19626605

especially that grape lookin' gook on the left. Jeff Fatt? More like Moishe Goldstein.
Singing about healthy eating and promoting belief in dinosaurs, disgusting stuff.

>> No.19626627

Glad to know your genetic line dies with you, you miserable wage robot.

>> No.19626934

You don't know your audience.

>> No.19627155

I still remember their names

Murray (red)
Jeff (purple)

>> No.19627172

So you don't

>> No.19627176

look at mr. detective over here!!! hey mr. detective!

>> No.19627177

Action Park was apparently pretty gnarly

>> No.19627179

Okay, Mr. Liar.

>> No.19627183
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well done sherlock, you got me, and I'm sorry

>> No.19627852

there was a white wiggle?

>> No.19627855

theyre actually pretty talented musicians


(ps the drummer here isnt actually a drummer and only practised for this song)

>> No.19627903

that's Manfred. We don't like to remember him after the incident

>> No.19627908

no kidding its actually Paul Hester, crazy i didnt realise

>> No.19628302

one of these niggas voiced a character in Bluey and that's all i know about them

>> No.19628346

blue wiggle go figure

>> No.19629121

>faggy faggy

>> No.19629295


>> No.19630584

They are legitimately musically talented

>> No.19630850

Do you think they, The Wiggles, present their erect (male) penis to their wives as "The Wiggler", as a direct instruction for them to suck it, while saying "Yeah, suk on that wiggly moneymaker"?

>> No.19630859


This website has rotted your brain. Seek help.

>> No.19630926

I'd give it %70 percent chance, I personally think of The Wiggles' as a nonsexual entity, but then we must ignore their normal relations with their quite human wives

>> No.19631029

Highly doubt that. Playing an instrument and doing gigs doesn't make you talented in the slightest.

>> No.19631633
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>> No.19631718

Didn't Steve from Blues Clues get mad pussy after he retired?

>> No.19632891
File: 765 KB, 1280x960, 1692829448310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruit salad is great

>> No.19632902

this almost made me throw up

>> No.19632932

Shouldn't have ate it all at once.

>> No.19633123

Look at this faggot and his big red car. Bet he fucking toot toots and chugga chuggas too.

>> No.19633127

They did. And like only 2 of the actual wiggles remain I think

>> No.19633137

>Enter dark room full of haunted furni
>Ear spammed with Toot toot chugga chugga
>I want to get off THE WIGGLES WILD RIDE

>> No.19633139

>While Anthony Field, the longest-running member who has the largest shares in the band, earns over a $1million a year. His bank balance currently sings to the tune of $21million.

There's far worse shit that has been done for a million dollars than being a jester.

>> No.19633142

Of course it was awesome. They didn't I.D anybody for beer lol

>> No.19633146

Lets see you go busking downtown and see how it works out for you lol

>> No.19633194


>> No.19634149
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x1620, MV5BMDMyYzA5MjktOTg1Ny00ZGFmLWE4MmMtNDY1NjgyMTQ0ODRiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM5MzA0MDQ4._V1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19634165

>There are alternatives, why choose that?
why not choose that? the man said
>make children around the world smile while collecting a massive bag for it at the same time
is that really such an unsavory profession? become a millionaire and be fondly remembered by those who grew up watching you? what is your profession and why do you think it's so much more respectable?

>> No.19634189
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>never get a tough crowd
>sets are easy
>Money is amazing
>Get mad mummy pussy
Seems like an awesome deal. I would have been railing Emma every day, too bad they replaced her with a nigger. Must have been the only nigger in Australia

>> No.19634208

They did hwat

>> No.19635224

they did a billionaires

>> No.19635229

>replace mad mummy with mad mammy

>> No.19635270

Just had some fruit salad for lunch and thought about this thread. I can can confirm it's yummy yummy

>> No.19635288

>we just got a blowjob, I wonder who it's from

>> No.19636010

Don't you have children in your family?

>> No.19637548

>What kind of man would do this job?
they're unironically australia's richest entertainers
they saw an open market in the early 90s and fucking dominated it
there have been many lame copycats since but none do it as well as they did

having worked in early childcare i can tell you personally that its piss easy and makes a shitload of money. 2-5 year olds are easy as shit to entertain and lazy parents will throw money at you hand over fist to avoid having to raise their kids themselves

>> No.19637566

based early childcarer

>> No.19637582

I saw Murray at a Jeff Beck concert and he complimented me on my Leonard Cohen shirt after I threw up the official Wiggle gang sign at him

>> No.19639175


>> No.19640133

uh huh huh

>> No.19640581

>this homo
Sam was fucking Dorothy the Dinosaur.

>> No.19640612

taught kindergarten in thailand. it was actually awesome. kids enjoy learning and having fun. im certain the wiggles fucked a lot of pawg milfs. i couldve fucked quite a few moms if i wanted to.

>> No.19640880

ok but what about fruit salad

>> No.19641656

>Must have been the only nigger in Australia

are you retarded? do you not know what abos are?

>> No.19641684

Abos aren't niggers you fucking drongo.

>> No.19642617
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>> No.19642644
File: 47 KB, 306x391, 27149660-8215345-Supportive_Yellow_Wiggle_Emma_Watkins_has_congratulated_ex_husba-a-14_1586812460264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird how her and the purple wiggle got married and divorced in the span of like two years. They fucked the whole dynamic of the group and sullied the brand doing that.

>> No.19642675

Never, ever date a co-worker. It always ends badly unless one of you move jobs

>> No.19642732

It can be really bad and really good tbqh
Sorry for being off-topic by talking about the food

>> No.19642821

With enough rum, almost any fruit salad is great...
but maybe not that one. I said ALMOST.

>> No.19642890

here again. pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew and red grapes. still yummy yummy. fuck you OP

>> No.19642934
File: 19 KB, 246x408, 08b2f0ade32a71bb527ee4ce1aca51e6--blue-crush-crushes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homoerotic sex with the blue wiggle!

>> No.19644279

the high iq thing to do is get many coworkers' numbers, and then when they or you inevitably quit, the game is on