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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19619004 No.19619004 [Reply] [Original]

>a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife

>> No.19619007

That’s an old urban wive’s legend.

>> No.19619016

Yeah a clean cut will be easier to stitch back up. A dull knife will crush and tear the flesh.

>> No.19619023
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>Mfw I slice tomatoes with a baseball because it's so much safer than a kitchen knife

>> No.19619050


>> No.19619058

Post the woman cutting potatoes with the dullest knife ever.

>> No.19619223

CWC has a better face trim than I do.

>> No.19619250

a dull knife doesnt cut do you know what dull means?

>> No.19619288

Not a completely dull knife, you fucking midwit—a knife that is dull when compared to a very sharp knife, but can still cut things.

>> No.19619350

bait thread but it's unironically true. if you have to wrestle around with what you're cutting then you're more likely to fuck your shit up.

>> No.19619361

>stab someone with a sharp knife
>they heal from it basically instantly

>> No.19619370
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>knife is so sharp is slips between the atoms, doing no damage

>> No.19619372

Lol what kind of retard bait is that? It’s just not true. I’ve never cut myself with a butter knife or a dinner knife but everyone who cooks has cut themselves with whatever kind of edged knife they use for food preparation.

>> No.19619375

Wasn't the saying more about dull knives being more prone to slipping from where you're actually trying to cut?

>> No.19619379

Yeah because millions of people unalive their hands off every year while buttering toast

>> No.19619460

People don't butter their toast by cutting it you retard. Also this >>19619288

>> No.19619466

Dull knives as in proper edged kitchen knives that went duller due to repeated use you dumb cunt
Do you even cook at all?

>> No.19619475

That’s sugar ray

>> No.19619500

My 8" Victorinox is never dull and I only use a honing rod. Try again, child.

>> No.19619515
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sure bud

>> No.19619517

Gemmy thread.

>> No.19619637

i never cut toward myself or push hard, because i know how to slice instead of just pushing, so all my injuries have resulted from clumsy handling while not cutting. i keep it mom-sharp now.

what's an example of a hard food that has people pushing hard and slipping? i'm not aware of any that wouldn't require a different tool. even frozen bananas cut like butter with good technique. what's a hard food? name one (1) food that requires significant force (you can't)

>> No.19619654

>t. genuine retard

>> No.19619669

The most effort I ever require when cutting is halfway through a particularly stubborn potato

>> No.19619696

Melons with hard rinds
Some hard skinned cheeses
Hard cured meats

>> No.19620080

Your thread sucks OP, but it had knife in it. I need tips on a good kitchen knife, I wanted to get something a little on the nicer side for my dear friends birthday that's coming up at the end of the year. Do you fuckers got any good recommendations?

>> No.19620086

Butternut squashes.

>> No.19620111

even fibrous sweet potatoes cut like butter (which i don't eat) because i slice instead of push/chop

>Melons with hard rinds
start it with the point and then slice. it's effortless.
wtf those are soft
i don't eat bagels, because they suck, but don't people use bread knives for those?
>Some hard skinned cheeses
i don't eat cheese
>Hard cured meats
i don't eat meat

even sun cured squash is easy with good technique

No food requires significant force. People don't know how to use knives. You're in machete/pruner/trimmer/chainsaw territory if it does need force.

>> No.19620122

chefbros why is a butter knife so fucking dangerous compared to a butcher knife

>> No.19620135

TRUE Knife Sharpness Danger Ranking™:

>Will kill you if you even lightly touch the edge
Japanese knife folded one mirrion times

>Will disable you for life
Butcher knife that is sharp but not that sharp

>Will give you an ouchie
Butcher knife that is that sharp

>Is safe, can stabs kids with it and they'll be fine
Dull knife

>> No.19620229

This is bullshit. The only dangerous thing about using a dull knife is that you'll be careless if you switch to a sharp one.

>> No.19620297

"Dull" knives are still sharper than a rock — they're very thin sheets of metal.

Dull knives are terrible tools and are more likely to cause accidents as people expect the knives to behave a certain way, and then they behave in another way.

Nothing is quite as dangerous as a dull person wielding a knife, though.

>> No.19620302

my mom abused some Cutco knives for decades while not even honing them, so they could crush a melon without breaking its skin, and i could whack the edge against myself without any danger. She wouldn't send them in for free sharpening because she didn't want to be without them, even though they were useless in that state. We'd been using the other serrated knives for everything because of that. i live alone now and sharpen my knives at least once a decade :-)

>> No.19620312

Mfw the kid consents

>> No.19620316

You're a faggot for posting this

>> No.19620320

if you disagree with this statement, you do not know how to properly use a knife

>> No.19620321

Sharp knives produce almost no resistance when cutting, the only way you can injure yourself with them is if you cut towards you,.which you shouldn't be doing anyway.

>> No.19620323

only if you cut super close to your fingers, super fast, like they teach you to do in culinary school. If you cut slowly and carefully a dull knife is much safer.

>> No.19620328

yes, having to apply pressure to cut through a fucking tomato is much safer than having to apply no pressure at all
you are a real genius

>> No.19620330

The actual meaning is "a dull knife is more prone to accidents than a sharp knife", which is true. Obviously a sharp knife is more dangerous if the intention is to do damage.

>> No.19620530

Decidedly untrue for me since cutting myself is 100% of the time a result of my hand slipping or having a brain fart and leaving my thumb exposed, and never due to the knife malfunctioning or losing its grip due to lack of sharpness. There are times where I've sliced into my thumb and needed stitches, where an ultra sharp mini katana would have cleaved straight through it. And other times were I've glanced my thumb but avoided a deep cut by quickly relieving pressure/force, where a sharper knife would have sliced right in regardless of force.

>> No.19620534

>having to apply pressure to cut through a fucking tomato is much safer than having to apply no pressure at all
it literally is. the sharp knife can cut through your fingers with no pressure as well. and you don't have to apply pressure even with a dull knife, you just have to slide the blade.

>> No.19620569

Agreed on all counts. The idea that a dull knife forces you to just press down on and crush your food to cut it is objectively false. What you're talking about is poor technique vs good technique which has nothing to do with the sharpness of your knife. Even a blunt knife can slice through things like onions and tomatoes without force if you slide the blade along. Yeah you can't tap-chop with the sheer weight of the blade, you have to slice. But I wouldn't want a knife that can do that, because if it can literally just drop straight through an onion with nothing but its weight, it can do the same to my fingers. 100% of my injuries with my chef knife have come not from poor technique or excessive force from using a dull knife but from my hands just slipping due to poor motor control, or simply a momentary lapse in concentration, and each time the cut would have been twice as bad with an ultra sharp knife.

>> No.19620574

It's sad that I can't tell if half the people in this thread are trolling or not. Either everyone here has great b8 or this board is totally infested with complete retards.

>> No.19620577
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>knife so sharp is cuts atoms, causing nuclear fission
>simply cooks my food instead of causing a nuclear detonation (there is not enough nuclear material in your average steak to cause a nuclear detonation)

>> No.19620581

nigger what do you eat, soy food and flax seed?

>> No.19620692

I put a butterknife through my hand trying to cut celery at my gramma's when I was like five.

>> No.19620701

more importantly, a sharp knife will cut your food with little effort. a dull knife will have to have force put into it, making it more likely that you will slip and hurt yourself.

>> No.19620775

>It's sad that I can't tell if half the people in this thread are trolling or not
it's really simple if it's a question, or statement in the OP, it's a troll thread. 95% of all posts on this board, and all other boards are troll threads.

>> No.19620995

It's shopped to hell and back you fucking nerd

>> No.19621007

My mom put a butter knife and a huge piece of glass into her hand while trying to use the knife to pry a fucking candle out of a glass jar like a total moron. Knife went straight through the glass into her hand along with a huge piece of glass

>> No.19621013

true, the fucking bait questions in OPs turn this site into twitter and suck everyone's time and imagination