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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.46 MB, 1298x934, jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19618687 No.19618687 [Reply] [Original]

New ja/ck/ has dropped

>> No.19618693

If I was home right now I'd 'jack this up for you in a jiffy, but sadely I have no computer at the moment.

>> No.19618702

Is Jack pat posting?

>> No.19619078
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My favorite part is when he used the sausage casing adapter instead of the plunger

>> No.19619130

Jack sounds dreadful after his latest stroke, yet he has changed zero things in his life. A true marvel of humanity.

>> No.19619144

Ja/ck/ is the fucking man. Does any other board have an avatar of chaos like seekay has ja/ck/?

>> No.19619157

Jack knows you gotta prep the bull

>> No.19619163

I still can't believe his fake meat obsession came from that Walmart chicken that was a result of hormones and freezer burn, not being "fake"

>> No.19619224
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/b/ has chrischan and sonichu

>> No.19619247
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/fit/ has a couple. If I had to pick one it'd be Jason Genova or pic related.

>> No.19619258

no they dont

>> No.19619262
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PerfectLeaf or JustinRPG for /vp/ maybe

>> No.19619276

Christine and Janoy have been irrelevant to their respective boards for years while Ja/ck/ has managed to be a perennial favorite here. There’s really no comparison.

>> No.19619357

/tv/ has Bam Margera

>> No.19619660

/sp/ had EDP445 before his got caught in the predator sting.

>> No.19619670

I thought he died, how is he still alive?

>> No.19619681

that thumbnail is insane. it's clearly a gay black guy for no reason at all. The fuck is this

>> No.19619697

you don't know he's a guy

>> No.19620041

why does he always sound like someone's plugging his nose? is it because he's so fat?

>> No.19620085



>> No.19620132

I think it's from his last stroke. He had some serious damage from that one. After my grandpa had a stroke it was like he couldn't keep his throat clear to speak without it rattling a bit anymore.

>> No.19620961

He already has a meat grinder, why did he buy another?

>> No.19620980

/r9k/ had eggman before they started grooming teenage losers into becoming troons
/v/ had Dobson before his mom told him to quit making comics

>> No.19621273

Holy shit, what's up with this "fake meat" schizo theory he's on now? I'm pretty sure he somehow got into this after years of consuming rotten green freezer burnt Walmart cuts.
Is his mind finally starting to go off the FAR far deep end? Fucking depressing.

>> No.19621286
File: 374 KB, 1080x1281, Screenshot_20230718-074103~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He admitted he only gets news from TikTok and fell for a viral video of woody chicken that was freezer burned being called "fake" even though it would cost hundreds of dollars for lab grown chicken now. He never had a problem with his meat being pumped full of water, hormones, and fillers until now. Which is strange, because if anything this lab grown meat will allow us to make better quality cuts, for example we can make woody chicken sized breasts without woody chicken weirdness. But getting back to the main point, Jack shouldn't even be eating as much red meat as he does. But what do you expect from the guy who thinks vegetables are poison?

>> No.19621292


>> No.19621333

Damn, dude. If God truly is keeping jack alive, then it's all clearly a cruel joke for our amusement.

>> No.19621337

Heroic medical care is keeping Jack alive, God keeps sending Jack signs to change and he keeps ignoring them.

>> No.19621338

How many this shitty NesCafe I need to drink for funny death?

>> No.19621359

Fake meat is a favorite new retard theory from people who have no clue whatsoever how food production works or how cartoonishly expensive it would be for any company to replace real meat with cloned laboratory meat, I went to an antiques store the other the day and the lady who owned it went on this babbling tangent about how she doesn't buy Campbells soup anymore because they use artificial labgrown chicken instead of real chicken

>> No.19621360

I don't remember ja/ck/ being a black guy

>> No.19621539

/g/ has Stallmanu and Terry A Davis

>> No.19621579

>5 minute long video
>2.5 minutes of ignorant rambling about something that's blatantly untrue
>1 minute of him using the machine he bought poorly
>1.5 minutes of him saying nothing
he's so fucking bad at this

>> No.19621612

>Jack is coming for Mr Sausage
The rivalry I didn't know I needed until now

>> No.19621655

>Keep in mind, Reshiram has no idea I am in her bladder

Why is it written like he's writing this for other people? I can understand writing smut for others but this is so bizarrely specific, even up to including him in it that I can't imagine who would get off to it other than him

>> No.19621672

>Fake meat in stores
>So the solution is to grind your own store bought meat

I mean I know he's missing half his brain now and was a retard before that but why the fuck, if they could print chicken would they not be doing the exact same with beef?

>Hurr durr I only get meat with bones
Meat glue actually exists. Glue a bone to a steak and done

>> No.19621733

i would rather eat lab grown meat. it's the same shit, it's tissue culture. it's literally the exact same molecules going into your mouth except we don't need hellish gore carnivals to inflict pain and suffering on random animals to get it

>> No.19621752

Are you implying that Jack is intending to turn that dark-skinned gentleman into some sort of succulent cured meat? How diabolical.

>> No.19621768
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/g/ had the greatest one of all

>> No.19621771

holy fuck, i didnt even think of this...

>> No.19621772
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He's an interesting lad

>> No.19621789

have you listened to him lately? He's not going to last another year, two at the absolute max. He has fluid in his lungs, edema across his body. 100% certain he has major heart failure and he continues to eat 100% garbage.

>> No.19621825

needs to be a tv show like big brother except you fill the house with individuals with extreme autism instead

>> No.19621845
File: 508 KB, 447x581, eggnewyear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9k/ had eggman before they started grooming teenage losers into becoming troons
eggman did WHAT?

>> No.19621861

I would unironically watch that.

>> No.19621888
File: 1.02 MB, 1290x1007, Screenshot_20230819-174102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His slurring is incredible. I wonder if he's drinking again

>> No.19621894

i like how three strokes and one dead right arm later he still hasn't lost any weight

>> No.19621912

Lolcow island. I'd also put in some also incredibly autistic women and one really attractive girl so you can see their "I just want someone who gets me" lie to crumble

Also I guess for her safety hot girl should be given a gun

>> No.19621916

I've thought about this way too much, I imagine chris chan would eventually try to snuff out one of the alcoholics with a pillow for being too loud

>> No.19621917
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He gained weight if anything in that nursing home. Honestly the most enraging moment I have seen from Jack is when he cried when the PT people there forced his dead arm to work but then he would go right back to his bed and demand double bacon breakfasts and Cheddar's every day. Most people with a health scare remember moments like that but he just wanted more meat

>> No.19621922
File: 42 KB, 631x356, RDT_20221012_0500344334917239005408984(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will die first jack or blade?

>> No.19621924

The fat people alliance would be more entertaining, the fandom types would be too quiet/nonsensical to be entertaining.

>> No.19621930

I rhink the fatties eould quarrel at first figuring out who the "alpha fatty" would be. My money would be on wingsofredemption becoming the king.

>> No.19621963

Blades fine dood. He finally figured it out. Ja/ck/ is way closer to death.

>> No.19621998

Nah, Boogie gets that.

>> No.19622000

This guy sucked tranny dick unfortunately, he used to stream with a troon named pizza

>> No.19622008

I thought he didn't drink?

>> No.19622024

Boogie and wings boxed, wings won.

>> No.19622057

It happened. Fishtank.live
from what I heard it was a complete shitshow from start to finish.

>> No.19622068

The degen IP2 RVs were much funnier

>> No.19622154

he is severely autistic.
I remember seeing his insane posts on eka's portal years ago and being mildly surprised to see him leak out into the greater internet consciousness, it's a weird feel

>> No.19622162

Boogie's a pussy, he'd crumble if someone shouted at him and say noone can call him a bad name because his mom totally raped him guyze

However he would totally be on the show if there was an opportunity to win money

>> No.19622173

Also, Booger literally didn't even throw a single punch. He didn't just lose, he got his ass handed to him on a buffet tray.

>> No.19622187

He hides it in his cooking

>> No.19622204

Didn’t he shoot some crazy autistic guy who went to his house to harass him? Shooting a big scary violent retarded guy is the opposite of pussy.

>> No.19622425

Nah said crazy guy just kept calling him a pussy online, and Boogie basically said "Say that to my face" and so guy went to boogies house to call him a bitch in person. Boogie couldn't handle that, waved round a revolver in his fat arms for 5 minutes, fired a "warning shot, guy continued to call him a pussy for another 5 minutes and walked off. Then Boogie got arrested because warning shots are illegal.

The guy proved boogie was a bitch and cost him a shitload in bail, all for nothing.

>> No.19622443
File: 361 KB, 512x527, Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 23-55-28 GATLINBURG 2023 PT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19622500
File: 848 KB, 1079x1238, 1692577887929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing.

>> No.19622548

lol wtf is this

>> No.19622578
File: 151 KB, 848x960, bestyoulleverytaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19622703

fucking ace hardware, does walmart refuse to sell his stuff now?

>> No.19622736

He shut down production a year or two ago as his health started rapidly declining. Best Sauce Ever is dead.