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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 750x1125, B835F6BD-6358-4CFE-B0F0-94A7F16F38C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19618568 No.19618568 [Reply] [Original]

What do TRUE channers eat?

>> No.19618570

the bugs

>> No.19618582

My boogers

>> No.19618583 [DELETED] 

That’s a man isn’t it

>> No.19618589

>Verification not required

>> No.19618630

Hard to tell just from that one photo, but the hands do look suspiciously man like.

>> No.19618640


>> No.19618690

>Hard to tell just from that one photo
Are you face blind? His face is masculine as fuck.

>> No.19618708

I like sea food and garlic bread.

>> No.19618716

Nothing wrong with some girlcock from time to time

>> No.19618736

That tranny dude's got a tasty rack, show more

>> No.19618744

I swear these posts are psyops.
>OP posts a trans or a very manly looking biological female
>anons wonder if it’s a man or not
>other anons say you’re literally obsessed
It’s all fucking mind games to increase acceptance

>> No.19618757

Yeah Prince Charming you must be right

>> No.19618778
File: 24 KB, 300x300, Manufacture_of_Madness-Thomas_Szasz-51JXnkvpljL__SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's beyond that, check out this book, "The Manufacture of Madness" by Szasz, it's not easy to find but its around.

>> No.19618823
File: 74 KB, 554x426, King Conan, What is best in life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19618832

>their women
Yeah but they’re not actually women anymore buddy
>inb4 obsessed

>> No.19618940

if anything I feel like these posts have given me an autistic ability to spot them and thus avoid the trap desu

>> No.19618947

/k/ brownies

>> No.19618980


>> No.19619071

I've eaten nothing but hamburgers, hotdogs, and

pizza for the last 20 years. Oh and I guess a lot of

mac and cheese. Been trying to mix it up lately

and making some curry rice.

>> No.19619073

Tendies et frites

>> No.19619080

Why do u type like a soy boy

>> No.19619089

What do you mean?

>> No.19619120

Look at how you typed. Why you type like that? Go back to Readdit!

>> No.19619232

You're already saying the heterophobic "trans" slur instead of tranny so they've already won.

>> No.19619680

Youre a fucking faggot and anything that you disagree with is somehow a "phobe" do you realize how pathetic that is? Because I disagree with something makes it a phobe, I'm scared of it? What are you fucking stupid? Mentally retarded?

>> No.19619694

Are u a retarded ass Frenchie or something?

>> No.19619703

that's a man

>> No.19619720

Unlike you.

>> No.19619741

Lotta bots in this thread, you can tell because they are mostly aggressive ad hominem that barely make sense.

>> No.19619752

but that's me in the OP

>> No.19619755

anon you're too online you gotta calm down

>> No.19619761
File: 831 KB, 1500x2250, kyra-diner-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl this is a hard call

>> No.19619773

whatever I decide to cook for the rest of my family

>> No.19619778
File: 989 KB, 1600x900, cougar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so fucking glued to the internet that the concept of androgeny is so bewildering that it just has to be a le psyop. There isn't some grand conspiracy behind everything that makes you feel uncomfortable, you drama queen.

>> No.19619779

I bet she's good at Resident Evil games

>> No.19619782

t. psyoppenheimer

>> No.19619793

i eat 4 cheeseburgers a day

>> No.19619796

Hey kid, everything you make up in your mind isn't actually true. Every thought is not automatically true. Not even if it FEELS like it's true. You should learn the facts (I know, I know, it takes actual time and effort to find the factual information even on the internet but you should do that instead. The facts, things that have happened or are actually happening, don't change no matter how much you argue against them. No matter how you feel about things, believe that they are like you think, against facts, doesn't change the things that have happened, things that have been done, things that are happening and things that are being done. Learn some humility. You don't know shit. Learn kid, learn. From the people that actually have learned things, have been in their field even for decades and still learn more and more. You know absolutely FUCK ALL compared to people who do their job for a living.

tl;dr stop making stuff up and believing your own thoughts and feelings like a little kid without any critique for the bullshit you or other bullshitters come up with. start learning instead you fucking idiot.

>> No.19619807


>> No.19619810

>not anons
go back

>> No.19619816


>> No.19619842

I'd argue that's what makes me believe it's real anons

>> No.19619893


unfortunately confirmed to be a girl. image search is your friend.

>> No.19619960
File: 728 KB, 2400x2400, jalapeno_velveeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tendies just aren't complete without velvetta jalapeno cheesie goodness.

>> No.19620175

Dont be stupid only Twinkies and Devil Dogs are acceptable.

>> No.19620212

everything is a psyop and 4channers are constantly psyopping themselves

>> No.19620338

Just an ugly woman

>> No.19620406
File: 151 KB, 640x480, 1692534028424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foor chooners oot, oot, oot, ooples and banoonoos.

>> No.19620453


>> No.19620715
File: 53 KB, 464x618, 1550601645843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moved to a new town a year and a half ago
>still haven't eaten at any local places besides one joint
>they're all diners and I don't want to tip a waitress
>the food sounds amazing though

Why's it gotta be like this? Tipping culture ruined food for me I have to either cook at home or eat fast food there's no in-between.

>> No.19621883

Almost. The average American woman.

>> No.19622319

ur mom

>> No.19622336

Doesn't matter
I eat all my meals alone Infront of the computer
Takes me two minutes to finish
It doesn't matter how much effort I put into making it or how careful I am
I barely notice what I'm eating anyways
I could have the same meal for the rest of my life it wouldn't change a thing

>> No.19622650

She cute, but as soon as I find out she has a penis it's a hard pass.

>> No.19622687


This website has rotted your brain. Seek help.

>> No.19622692

That bitch has spilt my coffee

>> No.19622749

Literally called it
>OP posts a trans or a very manly looking biological female
>anons wonder if it’s a man or not
>other anons say you’re literally obsessed
It’s all fucking mind games to increase acceptance

>> No.19622788


>seeing trannies everywhere you look
>not obsessed

OK anon, whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.19622855

>trying to gaslight heterosexual men into questioning their sexuality
Stop grooming me. You sound like you have a thread on kiwiforums

>> No.19622891


>sees a woman
>concocts a vast conspiracy to make him obsessed with trannies, to explain why he's always thinking about trannies

OK buddy, sure.

>> No.19622897

>bandage on the knee to cover up where the doctors took the skin to make the fake clit

>> No.19622913


And you think a bandaid will cover that? Lol. Lmao.

>> No.19623122
File: 241 KB, 512x915, Bm19CvOCYAAPTTX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get stuck in food rutts.
For example, I will eat nothing but cereal for 6 weeks.
Then when I get sick of cereal, I'll eat grilled cheese for 6 weeks, then switch to nuggets...
I just like the idea of not having to think about what to eat.

>> No.19623154


>> No.19623201


>> No.19623849


Take your meds.

>> No.19623855

Realest post here desu.

>> No.19624252

Based noticer

>> No.19625766

>those wrists
>those triceps
>those quads on the thighs

not to mention if it was a woman she would just outright show us her pooci

>> No.19625771

yummy cummies

>> No.19626174

what my (French) mum cooks
i'm 41yo btw

>> No.19626183

femboy milk

>> No.19626218


Take your meds.

>> No.19626239

>conditioned self to see a woman and instantly think of trannies
congratulations, you psyoped yourself

>> No.19626371

Dixie-Nazi gamer-girl autismite taint

>> No.19626382

Yeah eating healthy is fun when you discover the tasty stuff. Try Chinese pork buns and sushi and pho and ramen and a good BLT

>> No.19626409
File: 36 KB, 591x547, IMG_2079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever their moms stocked their fridges with

>> No.19627539

they wouldn't eat at wherever this is. also, that fucking name.
t. zoomy zoomer.