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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19616735 No.19616735 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single objectively healthy item at Starbux?

>> No.19616834
File: 310 KB, 960x1280, IMG_9327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A plain coffe with a splash of cream

>> No.19616841

They have liek chamomile tea i think.

>> No.19616846

Those things look like various farm animals

>> No.19616849

their PJs look super comfy tho

>> No.19616898

Why is AI art so easy to spot?

>> No.19616900


>> No.19617050

now i know what i can order when my friends want to go there again
maybe the other teas are ok too?

>> No.19617054

Eating the actual paper cups is probably the healthiest option.

>> No.19617062

"healthy" is a completely misused and abused term and I guarantee you quite likely have no idea whatsoever what being "healthy" even is.

>> No.19617065

healthy is when you dont need to go doctors...
healthy food is what helps facilitate such state of being

>> No.19617099

Fat nug of some absolute DANK on the table too

>> No.19617117

probably the 8 fingered hands

>> No.19617127

A cup of ice

>> No.19617156

Looks like a dude I used by weed from when I was in high school, lol 420 weed dude

>> No.19617203

they just put a tea bag and boiling water in a cup, so yeah

>> No.19617345

Their turkey pesto sandwich is pretty good

>> No.19617435

>Another AI slop asian person thread
Why are you like this

>> No.19617445

black coffee or tea

>> No.19617473
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Let me see that cat's face

>> No.19617478
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That looks kinda like my kitty

>> No.19617481
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A man of taste I see

>> No.19617484
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Better pic for reference

>> No.19617487

Yeah someone told me she’s a torte point Siamese and I was stoked to learn there’s a name for it.
She’s king of the jungle around these parts tho, a certified apex predator.

>> No.19617493
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>> No.19617496
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i was literally just now trying to check out sailor moon crystal when the page gave me an error when the cat starts speaking...and now everyone is spamming cats here
how synchronistic...truly a divine sign

>> No.19617505
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210817-232548_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue point/tabby point/siamese
Mix those words up with "cat" on the Google monster and it'll come up with all sorts of pics that look like your cat

>> No.19617512
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, BB8FEC85-08AC-4E4F-8672-83C0D0BADE1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s nothing healthy at Starbucks btw
Except maybe overpriced to shit tea and a sando or something, /thread
This is now a Pork Chop thread.

It kinda fucks me up that enough people are staring their day with a 1000+ calorie milkshake because “muh caffeine teehee” that they’ve build a corporate bohemoth on the backs of those purchases alone.

>> No.19617517

thread has become based
I wish I had pictures of my kot so I could join in the cute circlejerk

>> No.19617525
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Oh I don't even drink coffee or caffeine. Been 20 years since I stopped with that sort. It's bad for you and I have an intolerance for it anyway. Cats, though.

>> No.19617533
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, 3858C847-3EB3-495B-ADAB-C61DC4BD3953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think yours is a little more purebred than my lil’ goofball.
She was the only one in her litter that looked like that.
She got the name Pork Chop because she was a domineering fat little babby that hogged all the food.
She grew up to be tiny though, but she’s still a loveable badass.
Someone was cat-sitting for me and they gave her wet food the other day and she brought them a bird to say thanks.

>> No.19617535


>> No.19617536
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>> No.19617539
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210224-073740_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop what you're doing and go take 1000 pics of your cat. But don't forget Starbucks is bad or whatever. We'll get canceled by a dog jannie if we don't stay on subject

>> No.19617545

Yeah, I also don’t drink caffeine on the daily. I’ll drink a sugar free redbull every once in a great while if I really need it (long drive, study cram sesh), but that’s deliberately few and far between so that it’ll actually kick me in the ass when I need it.
I have a lot of experience with drugs and caffeine is such a mid fucking thing to get withdrawals from, I’ll pass.

I do find it handy that you can win someone’s dopamine kickstarted affection by bringing them a coffee, though.
People don’t get how addicted they are, it’s wild.

>> No.19617547
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They aren't a pure breed though. They are all pretty random. This little bitch was walking the streets of the ghetto as kitten. Walked up to me and said get me the fuck out of here.

>> No.19617555
File: 1.43 MB, 1170x1554, 2882E0DB-89B9-41CE-8B64-C1BDF282F1E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot cat pic

>> No.19617560

>shitty weeb AI slop OP
Go fuck yourself and get raped.

>> No.19617564

Why are yoy canadias and aussies so fucking retarded?

>> No.19617568
File: 1.57 MB, 1170x1541, 687BFD06-122D-4589-849B-0E4B21E8D74D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess what I meant to say was that yours has a little more Siamese and mine has a little more tabby if that makes sense.
Whatever’s clever though, I love my animals all the same.

>> No.19617578
File: 2.28 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201221-164726_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one likes to dig a hole and yell about what she's done.

>> No.19617586

The smoothness of it all, you can instantly spot something that's been rounded out too much for an artist to even bother with

>> No.19617608

The local starbeeze closed because it turned into a homeless shelter where the women employees and customers would get sexually harassed 24/7, the police refused to do anything, and a junkie stabbed a barista with a syringe lol

>> No.19617614

Expecting fast food or its equivalents to be healthy is a joke lol. Maybe a healthy thing from there is like a plain coffee but people are going there for the sugary drinks. It's their staple.

>> No.19617621


That's what they get for being a bunch of limp-wristed bleeding hearts tbqhwyf. Our local stores installed keypads so junkies can't shoot up inside, they have to do it behind the dumpster out back lmao. Honestly there should be a culling and we can start with druggies and homeless

>> No.19617630

She’s awesome, I can dig it.

>> No.19617636

Oh yeah and a different local one closed because the zoomer xer/xim employees tried to unionize and corporate said no fuck off and shuttered the place

>> No.19617904
File: 883 KB, 1170x869, E8E5E3D4-4081-4733-A949-0FC07700F04D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more Perk Cherb
I made her a lil’ house out of a box.

>> No.19617908
File: 103 KB, 576x586, 2373CB6E-26EF-4FC5-983F-039FFECE2D43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19617918
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Sasukus uchius

>> No.19617950

>crayon box
>cat owner
You know the rules

>> No.19619185

hot apple juice

>> No.19619656

What about matcha latte?

>> No.19619692
File: 82 KB, 640x853, olive-oil-used-at-subway-lol-v0-03whs3qeclka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the cream a type of blend?

>> No.19619725

>Is there a single objectively healthy item at Starbux?
I would say anything below about 170 calories by default with no addons will be 'healthy' while anything over that is going to have too much sugar/fat or carbs to really be 'healthy'.
Americanos, Blonde Espressos, Long Black, Brewed Coffee and just about all the tea options are 0 calorie without milk/sugar.
Cappucino and Caffee Lattes that aren't a venti aren't too bad either.
A tall blended coffee frap is on the borderline.
Regular iced & the Lemonade variant Green/Black/Hibiscus tea is fine, obviously the smaller ones are better.
All the cold brew drinks are good, avoid the sweet cream though if you're worried about calories.

>> No.19620222

thanks for the in-depth guide :)
in the end i got the >>19619656
matcha latte with oat milk, no ice , it was neat , but definitely overpriced , like everything at these branded places

>> No.19620261

ex- Starcucks employee. from what I remember the matcha usually has sugar by default, and can be pretty calorically dense at the higher sizes. then again if this shouldn't really be bad unless you drink a 20oz ever few hours or so.

if you want something that will not make you fat if you drink it all the time, which I'm taking your question to mean, just get americanos and cold brews.

>> No.19620351

hm i see , that's why it tasted good lol
but anyway , next time i'll buy powder and make my own and bring that with me instead , you can make like 20 times more for the price of 1 cup

>make you fat
Nah my question was about healthy stuff , and getting fat from food is already like impossible for me,i do ballet and yoga almost every day

>> No.19620357

"exclusive blend"
Excluding the olive oil lmao

>> No.19621157

Bumping the veiled kot thread