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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 500x500, bit_o_honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19616120 No.19616120 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorites.

>> No.19616130


>> No.19616134

I love junior mints and milk duds, do those count?

>> No.19616158
File: 180 KB, 1280x1251, ApplePieCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not candy, but I love me some cheddar cheese on apple pie.

>> No.19616164

mint is too spicy

>> No.19616170
File: 56 KB, 450x450, 1000012277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you kys please
these are best

>> No.19616179

I can't wait until I find a female and she levels up enough to start spawning these.

>> No.19616188
File: 121 KB, 1168x1168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these were the best and since Necco wend under, nobody makes them anymore.
They decided to bring back the shitty fucking Necco Wafers, but not these

>> No.19616200
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>> No.19616232
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>> No.19616237
File: 2.75 MB, 498x388, Rad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bit o honey
>milk duds
>100 grand
Based strong jawed anons. Impeccable taste

>> No.19616279

Those were made by Necco? I figured they were just some noname generics.
Halloween won't be the same without orange and black flavored loose tooth removers.

>> No.19616389

you don't know the half of it, I keep the milk duds in the fucking fridge and they're easily five times as chewy as room temp.

>> No.19616401
File: 144 KB, 1036x1036, nuts and chews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nana was bougie. She only bought the good shit. She'd go through a 3 pound box of this shit in a week. Toward the end, she had a hard time swallowing solid food and had to stop eating her candy. I think that's what finally killed her. She made it to 97.

>> No.19616443
File: 162 KB, 1200x1200, Werther's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19616477


>> No.19616531

New Englander detected

>> No.19616535

I love milking junior

>> No.19616537
File: 21 KB, 500x453, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do Whoppers count as candy?

>> No.19616544
File: 372 KB, 2000x1225, Howe-French-Burnt-Peanuts-13-oz_cdc7755e-4de7-41ed-80d3-5f22744325e2_1.53d0e707a2f9f6d4c1ed6a9ce70e97b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19616574
File: 31 KB, 532x437, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I{ grew up in the projects and my grandparents always got these from the cvs, and doled them out one at a time to us like they were precious. they were shaped like the fruit hard candies. thay are actually good.

>> No.19616631

Circus peanuts.
It's my absolutely favorite candy to share so I can watch the reactions.

>> No.19616634

hell yeah they are
I used to get those at Rite Aid in the80s all the time

>> No.19616636

candy corn

>> No.19616643

They're alright.

>> No.19616673
File: 261 KB, 600x938, RT50015_MiniRibbon-Christmas-Bag_noBG_600x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is more olde lady than clove flavoured ribbon candy

That's Vermont style, we don't really do that in MA but I enjoy a slice of chedd on my pie from time to time

>> No.19616680
File: 63 KB, 400x400, La_Vie-Cherry_Drops-French.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved those things when I was a kid, they were at every store in nyc. Unfortunately I never see them anymore, nyc or not. I can find them online but it's just not the same finding some random package and just getting one from a choice instead of it being some case or pack of 12.

>> No.19616737

Post the tin. You know the one

>> No.19617819

look at that nasty thumbpriint

>> No.19617821

Jesus this one has thunbprints too

>> No.19617952
File: 492 KB, 960x441, 5ced44441c61131ce8407ed03781154d_960x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Big Hunk, the nougat bar that's so hard to chew it barely qualifies as edible.

>> No.19618297

we got those at Halloween when I was a kid, everyone hated them, we gave them to our adopted down syndrome cousin (he would eat anything), every time I smell them I think of him and gag.

>> No.19618315


>> No.19618352

>we gave them to our adopted down syndrome cousin (he would eat anything)
was his name Mikey?
oh wait. Mikey HATED everything.

>> No.19618378

his name is bill.
I was over at the house he lived in, and he had gotten in to the fridge, he was sitting at a table with a giant serving spoon, a huge bag of shredded cheese and a giant can of pork and beans. he was shoveling alternate spoons of that in to his gullet while also drinking a large glass of milk.

he's not supposed to eat by himself because he never feels full and will eat till he pukes. the reason the can and bag was so big, is that my aunt had 17 adopted children at the time.

I ignored him... not my monkeys, not my circus.

also he always smells of spaghetti o's and poop.

>> No.19618429

>my aunt had 17 adopted children

and Mikey was a character in the old Life cereal commercials. You'd have to be GenX to get the reference.

>> No.19618434

>also he always smells of spaghetti o's and poop.

>> No.19618584
File: 1.61 MB, 4128x2322, e5106bcabecd089c6c40bda3dba43f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? They don't make those anymore? Damn.
Anyway, those two candies, MAry Jane's, and peanut butter bars are the best.

>> No.19618595

Bill is based as fuck.

>> No.19620267

I hope bit o honey never leave the market
they are so fucking good when fresh, and not half bad when stale
the little bits of peanut really sets it off

>> No.19620270
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 552997011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weirdly there's a big variety of these

>hollow with sherbet powder in the middle
>middle has sherbet mixed into the candy so it's not powdery but you get two flavours and textures
>they just mix a bit of sherbert into the entire sweet to make it extra tangy

>> No.19620275

Nothing like beating it to some good hard candy when you get home from work.

>> No.19620281
File: 289 KB, 1280x1707, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supporting anything that comes out of Commiefornia


>> No.19620282

I keep those old butterscotch discs in the car
it's hard to find good ones though, a lot of them are just sugar flavored

>> No.19620284

don't eat produce, then

>> No.19620293

>Mexican shit


Will stick with my local apples, peaches, potatoes, strawberries ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

>> No.19620295

I prefer eastern European, but sometimes I am in the mood for something of the oriental variety. Fresher the better.

>> No.19620327
File: 158 KB, 1280x1280, annabelles-abba-zaba__45705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good thing i can only get these by ordering them online

>> No.19620394

oh wow these
somehow a few of these ended up in your bag every year, and you have no idea how they got there or who gave them out. What did they taste like?

>> No.19620403

Underage ban

>> No.19620431

Just saying, I never ate them because they were generic and weird, they ended up in the bottom of the bag and by the time they were the last to eat I was over it. I'm 38, how old are you?

>> No.19620443

Y2k grad. On national news. 40.

>> No.19620448
File: 526 KB, 1080x1920, 20221010_173738~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and they were peanut buttery/molasses. Only shit city folks gave then out. We all make our own treats and freeze for Halloween. Pic related. I am doing that today. Sunday is a great day for it.

>> No.19620470

Made a hardcore child pornography thread if you want to join.

>> No.19620501
File: 297 KB, 1200x1200, 1692428464733222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19620737

Who do you think made the generics? Since Necco went bankrupt, these have completely disappeared

>> No.19620745

>You'd have to be GenX to get the reference.
I got the reference. I ignored it.

>> No.19620747

bill sits around all day with a laundry basket full of toys, and transfers them from one basket to another while watching television, he can't speak, he's about 65 now and he fucks teddy bears if he finds one.

>> No.19620771
File: 555 KB, 640x456, michael-jackson-cereal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I miss Michael Jackson.

>> No.19620801
File: 49 KB, 376x500, 51252DkQ0WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grandma, these don't taste like peanuts.
>They taste like candy, sweetie.
I still don't know what they're supposed to taste like. I just know they taste awful.

>> No.19620805

>fat free

At least they are healthy for you.

>> No.19620847

the goat

>> No.19620864

Never had this

>> No.19620986

(Real) licorice.

>> No.19622364

apparently they're supposed to be banana flavored, but based on a banana that hasn't existed for almost 100 years

>> No.19622376

very little orange candies taste like oranges, too

>> No.19622383
File: 69 KB, 702x546, 86263472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent choice sir.

>> No.19622400

Came here to post this. I like to microwave them for a few seconds or leave them in my car in summer so they get melty and pliable. Makes them not stick in my teeth as badly

>> No.19622409

It’s shit. You’ll ruin a good piece of pie and be mad at yourself after.

>> No.19622755

haha I get this reference because I too am quite the gaymer.

>> No.19622821

I bet your rural shithole is subsidised by commiefornians LMAO

>> No.19623747
File: 68 KB, 600x800, 1688465547527242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a part of me died inside when it was discontinued

>> No.19623775

Yeah these are awesome. Great texture with how they crunch and get mushy
Love this bad boy. I'll give you the secret, you gotta warm it up a little to soften it up, put it on your heater for a little bit or tuck it in your cup holder right up next to your hot coffee cup. Then it gets good.

>> No.19623784
File: 36 KB, 600x600, cowtales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One that I like are Cow Tales. They're kind of strange and I'm not sure if they really count as caramel but they are very pleasant.

>> No.19623795

I will pay you $200 to fuck your doll.

>> No.19623912
File: 280 KB, 1600x1390, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma did the same thing with the raspberry ones.

>> No.19623924
File: 1.17 MB, 997x1024, chickenbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like chick-o-sticks only more flaky and tender, kinda like the difference between butterfinger and 5th avenue.

>> No.19623936


>> No.19623939
File: 51 KB, 596x594, DYMNeIKW0AAwIzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you no likey you can always take the cheese off. it's not meant to be melted on top or anything, it's just a complimentary nibble to go with your pie.

>> No.19623947
File: 37 KB, 650x442, look1_1f29c85e-b28a-4634-94be-77c3c5adb4ff_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my favorite growing up but I've come to prefer the Look! bar, which is basically the same thing but smaller so it's easier to chew and has chocolate.

>> No.19623949

>65 year old downie
For real?

>> No.19624684

I can get some good salt water taffy at our local amusement park

>> No.19624710

Those are the peanut butter taffy, right? Dangerously underrated

>> No.19624723
File: 1.01 MB, 898x810, Screen Shot 2023-08-21 at 8.35.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19624739


I thought this was a package of ground beef until I opened the thumbnail.

>> No.19624741

Those get better with age too.

>> No.19624745

bloody dingleberries

>> No.19624749
File: 98 KB, 420x315, de8ee938b07023495caa30edee0e14ac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK version of these is penny shrimps which obviously aren't shrimp flavoured (strawberry flavour). They're also not a penny any more.

>> No.19625652
File: 158 KB, 450x450, RIP GRANDPA THOMAS WWII NAVY VET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19625672

for real. they usually don't live that long, but as far as I know he is still alive.

>> No.19625690

fucking this, so good. absolutely destroys my teeth though

>> No.19625760

got them

>> No.19625895

Those are so good. Those and a good butterscotch disc are two of my all time favorite candies.

>> No.19625928

strawberry flavored would be way better than the ones in the USA
what was that flavor again?

>> No.19625929
File: 43 KB, 630x503, Candy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta train 'em early to make the habit last.

>> No.19625937
File: 100 KB, 212x276, NEGRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unitedstatians will hate but these rocked in Yugoslavia, and they still rock today.

>tfw subtitle translates as "throat cleaner" (throat chimney sweep(er))

>> No.19626003

no, cheese does not go with pie

>> No.19626397
File: 920 KB, 1289x1389, 1664504400943468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife loves bit o honey its pretty good, almond chew.