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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19613228 No.19613228 [Reply] [Original]

>buy "party size" bag of chips
>eat it all by yourself at 3 in the morning

>> No.19613235

Gotta push out that tounge for the extra tasty juicy flies.

>> No.19613236

Another completely worthless frog thread

>> No.19613251

>buy "party size" bag of chips
>eat it all by yourself at 3 in the morning
I know this feel all too well. Thank you for this excellent thread because it was about food but also deeply relatable on an emotional level, thank you for having made my life better for making this simple but excellent thread. The people complaining that frog themed threads are not good enough or people who have incredibly shit taste and have absolutely no sense of nuance or depth. They are the most shallow soulless Hollow human beings that you could ever imagine. They just don't get it and not only do they not want to get it, the intentionally wanted to not get it on purpose, truly it is an attack on the depth and the complexity portrayed so artfully through such incredible simplicity. The despise it because it is good. Because. It. Is. Good. God bless frogs.

>> No.19613258

Many such cases.

>> No.19613265

It has nothing to do with food or cooking.
It's some incel faggot who needs to post his 'feels' because he's a sad lonely loser.

>> No.19613277

Right now I opened up six cans of corn and put them on some cookie sheets in the oven. I'm toasting up the corn and getting it all caramelizing golden brown and crunchy. Then I'm going to turn the oven off and let it cool down enough that I can touch it without getting burnt and open up six bagels in half and put them on top of the toasted corn and then put the bagels back in the oven and get them toasted while the corn finishes toasting. Then I'm going to take it all out when it's done cooling off and open an entire jar of sweet bread and butter pickle chips from Aldi's and put that on top too and then I'm going to add some salty peanuts from those plastic tubes of really cheap peanuts that are common in grocery stores and squirt ketchup all over it and just eat the whole thing like a fucking animal, but then I'm going to drink like 10 bottles of water over the next couple hours cuz the bagels and corn and pickles and basically every single ingredient has a huge amount of salt on it and I don't want to get dehydrated or over salted and I'm just going to make sure to like somehow try to get very hydrated. I have no fucking idea what I'm doing with my life, but I don't care anymore because nothing has ever made sense from the moment I've been born and it makes even less sense now than ever before. So fuck everything and fuck this piece of shit world I'm going to eat the most crazy meal at some random time where it doesn't make sense and then eventually I'm going to go get some of that Guinness alcohol free beer that they just came out with so that I can drink a bunch of dark stout beer that has absolutely no alcohol in it. One of these days God is going to tear open the sky and Rapture all of the good Souls into heaven. Like a vacuum cleaner. God is just going to pull all of us good ones up into heaven and save and protect us forever. And the rest of the world? All the assholes that made this place hell? They can keep living here forever.

>> No.19613282

You are absolutely not from 4chan, get the fuck out of my library and never return. Go back to Redit, go back to tumblr, go back to 9GAG, go back to your Echo chamber hug box of political correctness so that you can bitch and moan for an eternity about how much you hate frogs because they don't vote the way that you want them to. Just fucking fuck the fuck off, NPCs get the fuck out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE also I never got vaccinated and I never will haha fuck you. Everyone remembered always post more frogs because it really pisses off all the Raider shill agents

>> No.19613283

Pics or didn't happen

>> No.19613288

>Pics or didn't happen
Is it really that hard to believe that I would make such a desperate and depressed meal?

>> No.19613290

And besides if I stopped to take pictures of my food when it's done it will rapidly become cold and leave that comfort zone of the correct temperature that I like to eat it at.

>> No.19613292
File: 30 KB, 480x713, e463996f10229f7589c5b6f11f18dcb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you eat two family sized boxes of cereal in 3 days

>> No.19613295

That's nothing, before I lost 100 lb before I became vegan I used to get a giant mixing bowl you know like those huge party size salad bowls, except it was like plastic you know the kind of giant bowl that people put out for Halloween back when Halloween used to actually exist. This is also many years ago back when you could get a giant box of Cheerios the size of a fucking truck for $2. I would go to the store and I would buy one box of every. Single. Flavor. And. Brand. Of. All. Cereals. I shit you not. I would also grab a few different favorite flavors of pop-tarts. Then I would go to the milk section and get whole milk and a thing of chocolate milk and sometimes even some half and half or heavy cream. Then I would take some of the Pop-Tarts and freeze them and take some of the Pop-Tarts and toast them. Then I would take some of the toasted ones and freeze them and some of the frozen ones and toast them. Then I would add some toast Frozen and Frozen toasted ones and some completely not cooked or frozen Pop-Tarts and break them up into bite-sized chunks and throw them into the mixing bowl. Then I would pour a small amount of every single different brand of cereal into the mixing bowl until it was almost completely full. Then I would pour in the heavy cream and whole milk and chocolate milk and mix the whole thing up and eat that. That was like the main course. The appetizer was an entire Warehouse bulk store package, like a family size package of microwave Pizza bagels. Not microwaved individually, just the whole entire contents of the Box shoved into the microwave until the whole thing melted into a giant pizza bagel cheese cube of doom. That was the appetizer. Then I would eat the cereal. Dessert would be an entire family size box of drumstick ice cream. Then I would finish it off with a single glass of green tea because in fat retard logic I thought that it would negate the weight gain. That glass of green tea was like the wafer thin mint

>> No.19613299

learn to press enter once in a while, incel

>> No.19613303

After drinking the green tea, which is a mistake I often repeated and would constantly consistently not learn from, I would absolutely choke on a blitzkrieging torrent of vomit.

>> No.19613305

>learn to press enter once in a while, incel
There is no such thing as an involuntary celibate. Celibates are by definition voluntarily choosing to be celibate. Checkmate cunt

>> No.19613323

you are ugly. Have sex

>> No.19613518

>negative value post
Every time.

>> No.19613548

They knew exactly what they were selling

>> No.19613570
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Wrong. Always has been 4chan's

>> No.19613626

hide and ignore

>> No.19615135
File: 123 KB, 601x703, 15336610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you eat 24 sugar cookies and two pack of sour gummy worms in one night
>tfw you eat an entire family size pack of oreos in one day
>tfw you eat 12 sugar cookies, 1 pack of fudge stripes, and an entire pack of oreos in one day while also eating dinner
>tfw you have so many similar incidents

>> No.19615181

I think I'm too locked into the cut to do that, I can't gorge myself anymore and I kinda miss it

>> No.19615850

I stopped doing this after one time it resulted in me pissing out a cloud of god-knows-what

>> No.19616101

>3 in the morning
Go to bed, retard

>> No.19616104

>Buy party chips
>I have never been to a party

>> No.19616108
File: 1.96 MB, 1200x900, crisp sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's eating them in the car so the people I live with don't hear the crunching, and making sandwiches with them

>> No.19616111


>> No.19616629


>> No.19616784

Fun sometimes. Which you know is normal if you look at people on the street.

>> No.19616804
File: 252 KB, 444x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is a party all by himself

>> No.19616930

permanent brain damage from the large dosage of additives and artificial flavorings. and depending on the brand microchips that bypass the blood brain barrier to make it easier for secret agents to read your mind.

>> No.19616977

>two pringles tubes for one sale
>sweet, gonna last me a while
>there are no pringles left by 2AM