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19607760 No.19607760 [Reply] [Original]

It maybe is a retarded question, but why is pepper the "basic" spice ? Why not for example cumin, or ginger ?

>> No.19607768

The Roman Empire.

>> No.19607793

because you can't put cumin or ginger on everything you retard, you can but pepper almost on everything

>> No.19607805

what do you mean, like morally?

>> No.19607809

I get salt. It's available at the coasts and/or in mines and preserves food but pepper is still a mystery to me. Maybe because it adds more of a subtle spiciness than chilies?

>> No.19607840

like fr ong ngl

>> No.19607854
File: 63 KB, 400x533, romujak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It maybe is a retarded question
Not at all; Pliny asked the same question 2,000 years ago:

>It is quite surprising that the use of pepper has come so much into fashion, seeing that in other substances which we use, it is sometimes their sweetness, and sometimes their appearance that has attracted our notice; whereas, pepper has nothing in it that can plead as a recommendation to either fruit or berry, its only desirable quality being a certain pungency; and yet it is for this that we import it all the way from India!

Pliny was also the originator of the original soyboy memes, mocking ancient proto-Redditors for their obsession with CONSVMING the latest hot spices.

A naive guess is that it's because peppercorns can retain their potency for a long time in the raw state compared to other spice sources; they needn't be refrigerated or pickled, just kept dry until grinding, comparatively easy to ship.

>> No.19608307

>pepper is still a mystery to me
It makes many foods taste much better. You probably can't make a sauce worth having without some pepper involved.

>> No.19608314

Pepper is a flavor enhancer like salt. It doesn't fuck with the flavor of meat like cumin would.
>all these utterly clueless americans itt
Go back to posting in your goyslop threads you fucking cooklets.

>> No.19608741

I've wondered the same thing. Salt is pretty neutral, it just makes things saltier. In the same way that sugar doesn't really have a flavour, it just makes things sweeter. But pepper definitely does have a flavour; it's kinda savoury/hot?

>> No.19608752

I'd say it's the opposite reason today. Middle Age cooking for the wealthy used excessive amounts of sweet and savory spices in every dish. Even by the 18th century wealthy households still kept a blend of "kitchen pepper." Black pepper simple became cheap and widely available and boomers incapable of preserving anything stopped making blends of other spices.

>> No.19610071
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because it tastes good

>> No.19610094 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1300x1300, 1300_223035a_0317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk, where does anon buy their black pepper? Years ago I accidentally got some dago-ass gourmet pepper from the supermarket and it fuckin' CHANGED THE GAME, it was so flavorful, so aromatic, it was nothing like the burnt gray ash that we had been dutifully sprinkling on our McDonald's Big Breakfast scrambled eggs for fifty years because that's why grandpa did, it was like "OK, this is why Europe built slave ships". Black pepper is everywhere but it is almost universally SHIT and wtf soyboy hotsauce subreddit do I need to follow to get the dank 'corns.

>> No.19610149

>Pepper is a flavor enhancer like salt. It doesn't fuck with the flavor of meat like cumin would.
Freshly ground black pepper has a lot of flavor. It's not like salt at all.

>> No.19610872

Are you seriously telling me that black pepper has flavor? Really nigga?

Kill yourself.

>> No.19610883

probably because it's cheap, gives a clean, sometimes woody spicyness, and doesn't impart potentially discordant flavor notes to standard Diner food.
No, that would be GARUM, Roman fish sauce.

>> No.19610888

cumin or chilli in place of a pepper shaker at restaurants is common in many parts on earth
pepper is just a western thing, it really depends on what you are eating it with i guess,

>> No.19610891

Pepper is piquant but has a comparatively mild flavor profile next to other spices. Moderate amounts won't drastically alter the taste and aroma of the dish.

>> No.19610893
File: 325 KB, 555x555, Townsends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they needn't be refrigerated or pickled, just kept dry until grinding,
Same can be said for nutmeg...which was it's competition until around the mid-1800s.
i had completely forgotten about nutmeg until townsends, it has an almost citrusy flavor..no spice though.
Making a Chix pot pie with only salt pepper and nutmeg is surprisingly delicious.

>> No.19610898

posts like this are so gay because all you're doing is proving that you've never had something good in your life. the reasonable reaction is to feel bad for you, not to get in some dumb little internet fight about it. go ahead, have a low opinion of a good thing. you're only fucking yourself.

>> No.19610904

>But pepper definitely does have a flavour; it's kinda savoury/hot?
I guess it's kind of savory but I get more sweetness from it than anything. But it's still a far less dramatic aroma than say cinnamon or cumin or ginger.

>> No.19610948

It's not a retarded question anon :)

>> No.19610995

Made Spanakopita last night with a generous shake of nutmeg, some sea salt and pepper and it was fucking delicious.

>> No.19611211

well that's all wrong.
salt enhances flavor, and also has a flavor. salt also masks bitterness.
sugar has a flavor and a smell.

>> No.19611562

OOOH! Now that DOES sound great.
So many forgotten Mediterranean spices.
So little time.

>> No.19611572

it's floral and slightly hot

>> No.19611583

objectively there should be three standard table spices: salt, fenugreek and red pepper

>> No.19611639
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>> No.19611645

Because it's the original "I put that sh*t on everything"

>> No.19611657

It tastes good and is probably more versatile than most other spices.

>> No.19611744

Kill yourself.

>> No.19611822
File: 73 KB, 800x533, DirtySanchez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHORE manilito...Dees iz whoaye Ahhmmm.
Chu Gat Me SENIOR!