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19601166 No.19601166 [Reply] [Original]

Leidenfrost effect is a meme right

>> No.19601184
File: 63 KB, 300x300, 9428b47a39da5a233ffbd4fe0374c372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can see the difference between the beads of water breaking and evaporating vs. rolling around in the pan as it gets hotter
>you can feel the difference in the smoothness when cooking
>you can even lift and tilt the pan and watch the food easilly slide around like nothing
>nah this must be a meme

>> No.19601189

Anon, you can't just decide that proven physical effects are memes.

>> No.19601192
File: 1.14 MB, 576x844, leidenfrost egg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right, buddy. If you don't understand it it's just a dumb meme.

>> No.19601203

So how come I've never seen a professional chef throw their gay little water drops in the pan before cooking?

>> No.19601210

Because pros know from feel/timing and don't need to check with water.

>> No.19601213

And they're right 100% of the time? Doubt.

>> No.19601220
File: 842 KB, 2272x1704, DSCN4029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leidenfrost effect is a meme right
Let me tell you a small anecdote:

>Work in lab
>Routine stuff, years of experience with liquid nitrogen, lost respect
>Friday afternoon, already thinking about weekend, only a few more samples to freeze and I'm off
>Normally throw the tubes in the nitrogen can, grab them with my hand and get them out, because it's faster than fishing them out with a ladle or somesuch
>For some reason I get the great idea that this time I will use a glove
>Grab one of the thick cotton gloves people use for the -80
>Put my hand into the liquid nitrogen to grab the samples
>The moment the cool sensation hits I realize that I fucked up
>Rip my hand out there so fast I almost tip over the can
>Rip the glove off my hand, fingers already WHITE
>Rinsing with water doesn't help, since freeze burns work differently from heat burns
>Nobody saw me, make an entry into the accident book and gtfo
>In the next few hours inner digits begin to throw horrible, large blisters, hurts like a bitch
>Takes weeks to not hurt anymore, have to constantly stretch fingers so the new skin won't be too tight, at one point afraid I might have killed some nerve endings
>Gladly it didn't seem to have done any serious damage, only pictures give any indication that this happened.

tl;dr: Leidenfrost effect is NOT a meme.

>> No.19601230

just put your hand over the pan dude you can tell if its hot or not

>> No.19601234

how often do you fuck up tying your shoes or miss the toilet when you pee?

>> No.19601237

>put pan on heat
>leave it there for approximately the amount of time it takes to get hot enough
>put food in
>it's hot enough

>> No.19601268

more memeshit, cold "burns" aren't real, like science

>> No.19601272

it's not a meme but i'd rather just cook my eggs in a non-stick pan desu

>> No.19601277

So you admit it's based on feel and being exactly within the precise LIEdenfrost effect window doesn't matter

>> No.19601285
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I'll throw in sound with that. I trained under a 3-star chef, surprisingly chill guy incidentally, who could flawlessly tell from the other side of the kitchen, by sound, when a steak or piece or fish or whatever was just right.
I can pretty much do that too in my own kitchen, but I've got a shitload less interfering noise messing with me there.

Yeah, never cut short on safety even if the other chefs make fun of you about it. I'm glad it didn't do you worse than it did.
Never met him myself, but my aunt, also a chef, worked with a guy who lost his fucking face to boiling oil because he was drunk and in a hurry to finish his shift.

>> No.19601294

Either OP is genuinely retarded or he's been memeing and acting like a retard. Doesn't really change the fact that he's being retarded though, does it?

>> No.19601321

Whoever said it was precise? When I first started using stainless and didn't know what the fuck I was doing I don't think I ever overheated the pan to the point that the effect no longer happened. It's either hot enough or it isnt.

>> No.19601325

I'm sure this is just bait, but likely someone else will open this thread not knowing how the effect works. If I reply to OP as if he's genuinely just retarded at least someone else can learn something if they want to.

>> No.19601328

>something exists
>"it's a meme right"
why are you guys so fucking retarded?

>> No.19601486

You know where we are, right?

>> No.19601492

Real things can be memes. Like did you know the Arora Borealis is real? Crazy, I know.

>> No.19601604

>hot enough or it isn't
So there's no such thing as too hot? Cause if you're too hot, you're objectively no longer in the leidenfrost effect. Thanks for proving me right again.
"Meme" doesn't mean something doesn't exist.

>> No.19601706

I thought the simpsons made that up

>> No.19601720

it is not a meme and wader, can abosorb much more heat as metal with out rasing in temeratur. which is quite counterintuitive cause it boild first.

>> No.19601860

Why didn't they just slap the Kilauea volcano?

>> No.19601898

look everyone, this guy has never mastered anything in his life. ha ha!