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File: 1.56 MB, 480x776, American_Burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19592511 No.19592511 [Reply] [Original]

An "American Burger" in Korea. Is this an authentic American burger?

>> No.19592521

is it just me or is there absolutely zero oil or fat of any kind on that grill during any point of this video

>> No.19592525

Would not eat
And is that fucking cabbage rather than lettuce??

>> No.19592527

the meats are fatty enough on their own

>> No.19592530

what is wrong with koreans

>> No.19592555

It's like they understood the purpose of a burger, had most of the ingredients for several different kinds of burger style along with some other random meat, a big mac for reference, and still managed to fuck up entirely.
I'm impressed actually.

>> No.19592560

Cabbage and spinach are better in sandwiches than lettuce, especially in restaurants where you know you aren't getting a fresh crisp leaf

>> No.19592566

They're asian.


>> No.19592589

The worst part about it is the amount of ketchup they put

>> No.19592598

yeah just as expected of non-americans making "american" dishes: they just throw a bunch of random ingredients together

>> No.19592612

I'd say the pathetic single slice of cheese pretentiously put on it with a show effect break

>> No.19592633

they overcame poverty recently, normal food is still a novelty for them so they still don't know how to use it or how to be moderated

>> No.19592634

No. That's called an "epic burger." They are garbage.

>> No.19592635

At this point I don't need somebody to tell me if a food webm is from Korea, all it needs to include is a latex gloved hand fisting shredded cabbage into something and I know it's Korean.

>> No.19592636

All burgers are American burgers. But eggs in burgers are gross.

>> No.19592637

looks good

>> No.19592644

I love cabbage, but not a muhfuggin' boigah.

>> No.19592648

The virgin Europe:
>nooooo that's not how we do it. it's not authentic. how dare you use my name, I'm being raped

The chad American:
>that shit looks gross and I wouldn't eat it, but you've clearly adapted the spirit of American excess to local tastes and even had a little fun with it, so enjoy yourself an overpriced bucket full of calories like an American

>> No.19592649

Looks good to me

>> No.19592658

Needs moar ketsup

>> No.19592668

Ironic Murican meltdown

>> No.19592671

eggs look gross and overcooked, and the cabbage is stupid. but id still eat it

>> No.19592715

Waaaaaay too much fucking sauce.

>> No.19592716

Their entire culture is a plastic imitation of American culture. God fucking help them.

>> No.19592725

It's close enough. Honestly, the worst part about it is the spam.

>> No.19592726

Honestly closer to an Aussie burger

>> No.19592727

Reminds me of that clip of an orangutan hammering nails into a board badly. It's seen other more competent people hammering nails into things. But it doesn't know why they hammered them, or how they hammered them. So in the end it just fucks up a pointless task badly. That's Korea.

>> No.19592733

Why do Koreans drown everything in so much sauce?

>> No.19592755

cause it makes you seethe

>> No.19592764

>a handful of cabbage
if i get served this shit anywhere, i demonstratively throw it out on the ground making sure the vendor sees me, leave, and never return. have done it before. would do it again.
i wont assume youre retarded by specifically telling you i dont want a cup and a half of cabbage in my sandwich. but if you assume im retarded enough to just go with it, im making a scene.
fuck you and your cabbage. im not picky and i eat everything but im not eating a handful of cabbage with my sandwich just because you think put it there.

>> No.19592785

In Asia when you order a "salad" you get plain shredded cabbage instead

>> No.19592804

Cabbage isn't a an American burger ingredient moron, neither is spinach.

>> No.19592809

WOW you're a fucking homo. Lettuce is used purely because it has a nice crunch to it. Spinach is fine, but who in their right mind puts any form of cabbage on a sandwich?

>> No.19592841
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>> No.19592855
File: 101 KB, 1060x684, pipit-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get decent burgers pretty much anywhere in the first world. You have to put in effort to fuck up a burger.

>> No.19592954

>you can only put TRAD ingredients on a sandwich
>cabbage? Ew, no I don't eat ethnic food

>> No.19592964

Part of this is true. They're too used to preserved food and think it's normal and healthy. They're the fucking boomers of asia. Enjoy the cheapest shit possible being prepared as lazily as possible.

>> No.19592966


>> No.19593042

lettuce is used precisely because it’s tasteless, spinach tastes like it grew out of dirt

>> No.19593082

>burger patty
looks okay
okay. not common, but not really rare either. 3 is excessive though
>spam and hotdogs
unconventional, but it could work
>ketchup puddle 1
whoa, calm down buddy
>ketchup puddle 2
my brother in Christ what are you doing
>shredded cabbage
sure why not
a little excessive
as it should be for a burger of this ridiculous proportion
>ketchup puddle 3
somebody save me from this nightmare

Overall, they put too much shit on it. Plenty of American places are guilty of this too though.

>> No.19593094

If someone told me americans did this I'd believe it, but I wouldn't call it an authentic american burger

>> No.19593392
File: 19 KB, 419x348, 1689885916172753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 eggs
>they are all popped and turned into omelettes
Whats the point

>> No.19593495

It looks good, but too much ketchup.

>> No.19593699

Oh boy, where to start on this hot mess.

First, the patty appears to be pork, as it grills up exactly like a pork sausage patty. If that is beef, holy fuck is it bad quality beef. Second, no fat, meaning no fucking flavor. So burger wise, we are off to a very bad start.

Toast is immediately disqualifying for a burger. Toast is used to make a patty melt, not a burger. Burgers use buns, it is definitionally required. Period.

The egg is fine, people put them on burgers. Personally I don't get it, but it is an American thing in some places/diners.

Ham? Hotdogs? The fuck are you doing nigga? Neither of those things ever come near burgers. Those meats both have sandwiches of their own.

The cabbage is fucked, just don't put that shit on that to replace lettuce. I know it is a street vendor requirement to put a bucket of cabbage on things, but just don't.

Cheese is in the wrong place. Cheese goes on burgers to melt. Insulating the cheese on cabbage is a sin.

That cross section is disgusting. Which is probably the point, to attract tourists and tiktokers with disgusting food items for mukbang video shit.

0/10 burger, not even close to a burger to get a score.

>> No.19593705

Lettuce really has no place on a burger, just like tomato and onion, they are all there for crunch & to pretend burgers are "healthy". Pickles are handy for adding a bit of acid to balance the burger, so they get a pass.

>> No.19593707

Fucking kek

>> No.19593723

>Toast is used to make a patty melt, not a burger. Burgers use buns, it is definitionally required. Period.
Fuck off with this bullshit.

>> No.19593731

>all that fucking sauce
>all that fucking cabbage
It must be shit meat if they cover it in that many toppings, couldn’t even taste it if you wanted too

>> No.19593742
File: 69 KB, 550x413, 05C28C4E-39CC-4874-BF72-CB16328589ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you ordering from BURGERS ALMIGHTY?

>> No.19593756

Those actually look edible

>> No.19593765
File: 498 KB, 860x481, falling-down-breakfast-scene-1024x573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breakfast burger. And they better make it for me.

>> No.19593791

Every Korean "American style" burger video I've watched, they make like meatloaf patties with eggs and breadcrumbs in the meat

>> No.19593803

>soda as much as water
>except barq's, the good shit costs double

>> No.19593805

holy fuck I hate foreigners making "American" food
Korea needs to stop this shit and give all of their qt women to me

>> No.19593820
File: 56 KB, 680x709, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19593825

make a throne out of discarded jawbone shavings to project authority

>> No.19593850

mmm plastic gloves..yummy yummy in tummy

>> No.19594019

One little thing ive been doing lately for shredded lettuce is to first rinse it in a bowl, drain the water, add a tiny bit of vinegar, olive oil and water, drain that so its just lightly coating the lettuce. goes good on sandwiches, and I imagine would go good on burgers.
Idk what it is but raw lettuce just tastes kinda gross and dirty to me but man once you got some flavor wrapped around it it really brings everything else together.

>> No.19594777

Its more for texture but is more neutral of a flavour compared to a handful of cabbage which would over power everything

>> No.19594781

Ultra tall burgers that you'd have to smash to eat piss me off

>> No.19595125

typical american moment

>> No.19595131

>two slices of bread with a slice of cheese and a slice of beef are unhealthy because...uh?

>> No.19595545

I'm sorry, we stopped serving breakfast. But we are on lunch menu now.

>> No.19595568

Image the smell after taking your korean girlfriend to eat a few of those.

Mmmmmmmmmm delicious asian girl braps

>> No.19596596

They’re circumcised. Are you beginning to notice the pattern?

>> No.19596604

>that shit looks gross and I wouldn't eat it
Kek, an American would never say that

>> No.19596632
File: 66 KB, 850x497, 7aussieburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19596651

Gross. That's worse than the burger in OP

>> No.19596658

>pineapple on eggs

>> No.19596718

So the eggs are also fatty enough?

>> No.19596721

See >>19596718
You stupid faggot.
I'm not even the anon who asked about oil.

>> No.19596968

none of this is an american burger.

>> No.19596971

American here. I liked everything except the part where they cut it and half to show the insides. Eat it in one bite, pussy. Don't tell me you eat this with a fucking knife.

>> No.19596975

The cabbage and mayo is basically cole slaw which isn't that wild a component of a sandwich.

>> No.19598037

so in korea with street grills like these the cook would priodiclly grab a giant slab of butter and swipe it around the grill for a thin layer of fat on top, really thin, almost imperceptible because they then wipe any "excesses" off the grill with a spatula

>> No.19598068

Yeah, I like 'chup but I dare say that's far too much.

>> No.19598079

Korean food vendors are tryhards.

>> No.19598093

part of me thinks i should just move to these asian countries and be the American charicature they've created for themselves, but actually serve them ameriburgers

>> No.19598676

Burger, hotdogs, and Co are for people wich gave up their lives, surrendered to their lacyness and unwill to eat aktually "food". Not everything you can eat, mixed together, is food on the long. Eating cause hungry or eating to give your body what it needs.. That are two different parts. But eating shit is not the right way. Eating shit or "junk food" - for US Americans it's a religion. They rape their body daily.

>> No.19598861

Like this old man? https://youtu.be/4yTpLEeDXS4

>> No.19599109

I can’t ever understand burgers includes more than bun, beef and cheese

>> No.19599120

Cabbage has great crunch and if you mix it with onion, carrot and mayo you get coleslaw. That's garnish and sauce in one. Great in burgers and good for you.

>> No.19599128

Hello, based department? I'd like to nominate this anon.

>> No.19599172

I do. It's got more crunch than lettuce and it holds up better to the heat of the patty. It's not like you even taste it unless you've got the most flavorless mcdonalds meat patty imaginable, but if that's really a problem you can always just make a slaw.

>> No.19599178

No. Because eggs don't belong on burgers.

>> No.19600005

Raw cabbage is too bitter and pungent.
Cole slaw is fine.

>> No.19600041

I see somebody never ate his veggies.

>> No.19600968

I struggle to see how someone can make an inauthentic burger if they just stick to some basic ass stuff anybody can grab for the average BBQ and don't go crazy like the japs do with some of those promo meals

>> No.19602435

>Not a charcoal grill
Not even a real burger.

>> No.19602469

replace both the ketchup & mayo with mustard,
would be good

>> No.19602673

Take the ham and egg and put it on the.bread
Leave the hotdogs whole and put them in a roll with the cabbage(preferably made into coleslaw)

>> No.19602698

it was fine until all the cheap garbage ingredients ingredients went in lol.

>> No.19602702

reminds me of a macdonalds burgers so yeah its pretty american. KURAAA

>> No.19602708
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>> No.19602723
File: 29 KB, 528x349, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koreans are absolutely nothing at all like fucking Americans.

>> No.19602730
File: 51 KB, 464x662, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A list of countries that eat the least like Amerimutts.

>> No.19602737

stupid fucking white mutt.

>> No.19602749

you just got BTFO you stupid white faggot. fucking retarded wigger.


>> No.19602753

hes kinda right. To be an american vessal state, u have to be pretty similar to them. Korea does have korean culture, but its very american in its own way. very girly boys/men, very full of make up girls that lack respect for men. High celeb worship culture. very high tech. the younger men are not that different from the girls. Its pretty similar.

>> No.19602756

have a good look at this list, you stupid white bitch.


>> No.19602938

pineapples are just more fruity tomato's.

>> No.19602969

ketchup is NOT sauce.

>> No.19603056

An authentic American burger is a grilled slab of ground beef between two pieces of white bread, usually in the form of a roll or a bun. You can do whatever you want to it after that.