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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 148 KB, 1200x1500, brussel-sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19586137 No.19586137 [Reply] [Original]

>be little kid
>brussels sprouts are canonically disgusting according to my Saturday morning kinos
>refuse to eat them if parents make them
>in my 20s now, gf makes some roasted ones with balsamic
>don't want to look like a picky bitch so I try some
>they're good as fuck
Why did cartoons lie to me? What else have they been lying about?

>> No.19586145

Quicksand isn't actually that dangerous

>> No.19586182

why not?

>> No.19586194

Modern brussel sprouts are actually a slightly different than brussel sprouts from when you were a kid or when your parents were kids. Scientists created the new type of brussel sprouts to taste better than the old brussel sprout.

Not only that, but you ate roasted ones, while the disgusting ones your parents ate or that you were served when you were a kid were likely boiled which never makes vegetables taste better.

>> No.19586193

It's not real

>> No.19586205 [DELETED] 

>Why did cartoons lie to me? What else have they been lying about?
Generatinal retardation. Your parentas probably steamed or boiled the which makes them taste like shit. Grilling or stir frying is the only way to go with brussel sprouts. Any other method tastes like shit.

>> No.19586213

>Why did cartoons lie to me? What else have they been lying about?
Generational retardation. Your parents probably steamed or boiled them which makes them taste like shit. Grilling or stir frying is the only way to go with brussel sprouts. Any other method tastes like shit.

>> No.19586216

>you were served when you were a kid were likely boiled
Actually yeah I'm pretty sure they were either steamed or boiled and knowing my parents also unsalted

>> No.19586232

I think I read somewhere that kids have a keener taste for bitter than adults and that's why some vegetables don't taste good to them.
It could also just be that your parents are worse at cooking than your gf, of course.
I was in my 20s before I found out a porkchop can be juicy and tender.

>> No.19586235

it's just sandy water
if you can survive in a swimming pool, you can survive in quicksand

>> No.19586236
File: 242 KB, 1067x1600, 1587304498050-Kitchen_Egg_Drop_Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were likely made improperly by some soccer mom type so weren't very good and came out slimey and tasteless. Women should not be in or near kitchens unless it's to clean dishes and even then one has to check out their work.

>> No.19586237

Not that guy, but the human body is far more buoyant than desert quicksand. You ever see people sitting on the dead sea? Kind of like that, you're just going to act like a fishing bobber. Crap in swamps can be dangerous though.

>> No.19586243

steaming is good and makes veggies taste better, but they should also be fried or roasted to develop more flavor afterwards. boiling them to cook is the worst for any vegetable.

I like to fry then in a bit of oil in a covered pan to trap the steam, or bake them in the oven, again covered to trap steam.

>> No.19586274

>>19586243 (me)
I like to fry then in a bit of oil or butter*

>> No.19586286

my boomer dad loved brussel sprouts and he made them for us by steaming them, which was fairly tasteless to me.
now that I know how to cook I tease him for it, saying he likes to boil vegetables.

hes a good sport though, I love my dad.
but yeah, they can be really good if you prepare them well. put them in the oven with butter and salt and pepper and add a sauce with some vinegar

>> No.19586287

>kids have a keener taste for bitter
as well as for sweet. Bitter things literally taste more bitter to kids and sweet things more sweet. I've heard the explanation for the bitter side of things is that many carcinogens are bitter tasting and it's worse to get exposed to those when young. When you're older it's more important to have access to more foods so the bitter tastes subside. Could be bullshit but I believe it

>> No.19586290

People usually just boil them to death and they are nasty that way.

>> No.19586299
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 3171641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried brussel sprouts, everyone has told me they're truly awful. But I don't think I've ever been served a dry or overcooked porkchop. I've made porkchops myself perfectly fine. Whoever was grilling, frying or baking your porkchops should be permanently barred from the kitchen and be forced to sustain on nothing but Java Monster

>> No.19586305

If you could travel through time and try old sprouts you'd understand

>> No.19586332

>love vegetables
>hate them roasted
Why does /ck/ lie to me?Roasted veg = poopshits.

I like boiled veg.

>> No.19586351

they've both been bred to be less bitter and sweeter but also the art of cooking has evolved beyond boiling everything until it's grey mush

>> No.19586365

what vegetables do you not like roasted?
how do you prefer to cook them?

>> No.19586418

Pretty much any, honestly. Just don't like the taste of any roasted vegetables except for alliums and nightshades (which I guess aren't technically vegetables).
For crucifers specifically, either blanched, shocked and sauteed or blanched, shocked and boiled a second time in soup or something.

>> No.19586427

>which technically aren't vegetables

They are vegetables. They are fruits too, but also vegetables. The term "vegetable" is a culinary term only defined by the culinary arts - not science or biology.

Also you're just a tastelet. You don't like roasted/sauteed carrots, parsnips, or celery so your opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.19586453

boiled brussel sprouts are the nasty ones.

>> No.19586456

i think folks pre 90s-2000s didnt know how to cook

>> No.19586464

>You don't like roasted/sauteed carrots, parsnips, or celery

>Also you're just a tastelet... your opinion doesn't matter.

I love all three of those vegetables. Just not roasted.

>> No.19586483

julia childs basic brussel sprouts recipe is that you blance them and then finish them off in the oven with butter, salt, and pepper.

sauteed is fine I guess. I'm not impressed by your distinguishing between roasted and sautéed but hey, were on the internet and you get be as retarded as you want

>> No.19586497

Actually, the first point is incorrect, too. I sped through the post and missed the word "sauteed."
I like sauteed carrots and eat them quite a lot. Roasted vegetables = poopshits. Sauteed vegetables = delicious.
Why would you think I dislike sauteed veg?

>> No.19586498

The jews vilified eating vegetables in kids television to weaken the nation

>> No.19586502

>were on the internet and you get be as retarded as you want
Well, you're certainly taking your fair share, Corky, if you think roasting and sauteeing are the same thing.

>> No.19586516

yeah, sautéing uses a lot more oil fats

>> No.19586524

with none of the Maillard reaction

>> No.19586538

explain this documentary footage

>> No.19586542
File: 48 KB, 346x346, 1434201116915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's just not correct anon, don't be such a silly billy
>sauteing a steak doesn't involve the Maillard reaction

>> No.19586548

I think we have a different definition of the word saute if youre saying that
I definitely dont saute steaks

>> No.19586551

White colonizer imperialism-promoting racist allows innocent precious brown child to die horrific death for his own amusement
Disgusting, really

>> No.19586558

>Sautéing may be compared with pan frying, in which larger pieces of food (for example, chops or steaks) are cooked quickly in oil or fat, and flipped onto both sides. Some cooks make a distinction between the two based on the depth of the oil used, while others use the terms interchangeably


>> No.19586559

I'm with ya. Idk wtf to call cooking a steak in a pan, but since it doesn't jump about, it's not sauteed.

And it's an entirely different technique. Or do you eat sauteed turkey for Christmas/Thanksgiving?

>> No.19586564

no, I would absolutely roast the bird while basting that shit in its delicious fats after fisting it with a lemon

>> No.19586568

Well that's bizarre.
I'm ESL. Unlike English, which had to borrow the word from French wholesale, we have a direct cognate for saute in my language and we would no use it for pan-frying, which is it's own word.

>> No.19586574

Then how is it "retarded" to make the distinction between roasting and sauteeing as >>19586483 suggests it is?

>> No.19586579

roasting is dry heat, sauteeing is using an added fat or oil.
basting is reincorporating the fat from the existing meat to add flavor

>> No.19586580

>Why did cartoons lie to me?
Yes and no - badly prepared sprouts are foul. Well prepared sprouts are God Tier.

>> No.19586587

Because you will only sink up to your waste at most. There is a category of porn where women try to get trapped in quicksand (actually mud) and they have to struggle to submerge themselves.

>> No.19586606

Not that I disagree, but "I got my info from a porn category" doesn't seem like a good idea generally

>> No.19586619
File: 302 KB, 842x926, Naive water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of boomer parents heated up frozen brussels sprouts in a pan of water.
My mother was a great cook, but this was how she'd serve them.
It wasn't until I'd had the baked ones or panfried in butter and olive oil until I really enjoyed them. I brought it back to my family and made them like that one Thanksgiving...Now, Somehow, they don't fucking remember that I introduced them to them BEFORE the cooking shows all started to have them on their shows.
The sprouts were great--My Family SUCKS.
>pic unrel

>> No.19586643

Nah, adults just acclimate to bitter via coffee and other items. Same with spicy hot, you acclimate to it if you eat spicy things. If you don't blow out your taste buds for either, you retain them into adulthood.

>> No.19586644
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x1500, Bread wrapped Sussidge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but also the art of cooking has evolved beyond boiling everything until it's grey mush
Well Louis Malliard was 1912...
Boomers were just lazy and unimaginative.
>open bag- dump in pan of water
>Open can-dump in pan of water
>Open box-Bake until the brownie starts to burn on the edges and the apples are nuclear hot.
>Open wallet- Go out to a restaurant.

>> No.19586664

You scored an F on the assignment for not answering the question asked
Do not see me after class. You are a challenge to look at and to be frank, your odour is not much better. Take the F and try harder next time.

>> No.19586668

>fucking hate broccoli with a passion

>sprouts taste amazing

I don't get it

>> No.19586671
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x1500, Ketchup AND Powder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For crucifers specifically, either blanched, shocked and sauteed or blanched, shocked and boiled a second time in soup or something.
Those can be good too, but you Really oughta try Cauliflower, Broccoli and quartered onions, put in a gallon ziplock, dump in some good olive oil, whole garlic cloves, salt and fresh ground pepper, shake it up and dump it on a foil lined sheet tray--Bake at 425°F for ~25mins and devour as soon as it's cool enough.
(of course, you DON'T have to waste a bag, you can just toss it in a large bowl; It's just quicker)

>> No.19586683

>Idk wtf to call cooking a steak in a pan

>> No.19586708

You got some sort of orbs floating in your room. I'm gonna pray for you tonight. I got a list of people here I gotta pray for.

>> No.19586735

they are different vegetables and therefore taste different

>> No.19586751

Nope. Tried cauliflower and broccoli that way. Didn't like it. Thanks, tho.

That's what I thought.

I like both. Really, I like all vegetables except san choy and the devil's own bollocks IE sweet potatoes. I like yam, tho. Go figure.

>> No.19586777
File: 197 KB, 1300x600, Screenshot 2023-08-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't like it. Thanks, tho.
No problem..
Everyone has different tastes.
>and the devil's own bollocks IE sweet potatoes
Yeah, I'm a yam guy m'self. Sweet potatoes ARE woody to me.

>> No.19586786

keep boiling your vegetables chef. "odour" lol

>> No.19586798

Will do. Don't put off that mammogram, ma'am.

>> No.19586803

im sorry I cant hear you over your boiling vegetables

>> No.19586837
File: 18 KB, 239x207, 1491106076791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, about age 6
>at my grandparents' house
>aunt makes lunch for me and my sisters and cousins
>gives us hawaiian punch to drink
>it tastes very bland and watery
>overhear aunt talking with mom later
>"so i tried this and it was so sugary i had to water it down"
>"how do they drink this stuff??"

>> No.19586853

Enjoy your breast cancer, Ms. Applegate.

>> No.19587040

She did you a favor

>> No.19587053

Most of us didn't trust Donatello and the other characters eating marshmallow pizza for solid opinions on what to eat IRL.

>> No.19587057

*Brussels with an S, retard. Even OP managed to not fuck this up.

>> No.19587075

You've misplaced the S. It's Julia CHILD, not Child(s). And it's Brussels not brussel. Why? Why do so, so many people fuck this up so frequently? It's like spelling lose 'loose' and no one 'noone'.

Very common internet retard mistakes.

And why do people keep calling the Bizarre Foods host Andrew ZIMMURN Andrew ZimmerMAN? WTF? If you can't post correctly you don't get to post.

>> No.19587084

And I doubt anyone here is old enough for their parents to be boomers. If you were born in the 90's your parents were NOT boomers.

>> No.19587087

Stupid fucking child just wants as much fucking sugar as possible. Your beverages must be syrupy sweet. Jesus.

>> No.19587106

The TMNT bad pizza was deliberately supposed to gross us out, it's obvious even to a 4 year old you weirdo

>> No.19587119

There are people here in their 50s bud

>> No.19587206

most of the reason ppl dont like sprouts is cuz their parents cooked them wrong
my folks used to boil them and they tasted like fucking shit
decades later a friend roasted some in the oven covered in oil and spices and shit was great.

boomers just have this obsession with boiling everything for some reason, including ground beef

>> No.19587222

>Now, Somehow, they don't fucking remember that I introduced them to them BEFORE the cooking shows all started to have them on their shows
That's how my parents are, I introduce them to anything at all and they just brush me off, but the minute they see the very same concepts, skill, or information I showed them but presented to them by an """"expert"""" on tv or social media they're immediately taken aback and declare that person a genius. Like the time I told my mother, who has a thyroid condition, that she should use iodized salt because it would help with her thyroid condition and she just scoffed and waved me away, but then one of those social media health experts made a flashy and heavily edited video explaining the very same thing I did and she immediately began using iodized salt; most parents are just borderline retards or they just don't respect their children whatsoever regardless how smart you may be.

>> No.19587234

Cheers! Brussel sprouts are also insanely good for you. I love them, they taste like if you mixed cabbage with broccoli

>> No.19587248

Hey, that's the same thread with the same image as 6 months ago? I really love this place where a bot open up threads, it makes me feel having real discussion with real people!

>> No.19587868

I just assumed anon forgot an apostrophe.

>> No.19587874

Jeez, why don’t you guys get married, already?

>> No.19587877

Change vegetables with raw meat and raw dairy and you would be right.

>> No.19587958

>refuse to eat them if parents make them
spoiled brat spotted

>> No.19587961

I was born 99 and my parents are both boomers born in the 60's

>> No.19588151

That's not a boomer, izzit? I thought boomers were born in the 40s and 50s

>> No.19588381

Fair enough. I could also cite a Myth Busters episode which came to the same conclusion.

>> No.19588384

Boiled Brussels sprouts literally smell like shit. From a toilet or someone's ass. And they taste even worse.
Roast them or be forever a pleb

>> No.19588393

You are correct, there is a lost generation between Boomers and Gen X like how there is a lost generation between Gen X and Millennials

>> No.19588561

>boils vegetables in poopshitwater
>surprised when it smells like poopshits
Have you tried living in a first world country?

>> No.19588776

Modern conveniences/women entering the workforce has destroyed the average Americans culinary ability. Mutts think a home-cooked meal is mixing three ultra processed foods together. Why make bread(yeast,water,flour,salt) when you can buy bread(27 ingredients)?

>> No.19588787

yes they do taste like farts
but still somehow delicious
maybe farts are delicious, I’ll have to run some tests and get back to you

>> No.19588795

>>refuse to eat them if parents make them
>>in my 50s now, daughter makes some roasted ones with balsamic
>>they're good as fuck
I finally tried them a week ago

>> No.19588862

Children, like women, are more sensitive to bitter tastes, and hence things like burssels sprouts taste as far more bitter than to an adult man.

>> No.19588876

I like to slice them and fry with bacon and chestnuts. Top tier dish

>> No.19588889

The boomerboiling phenomenon has made thousands of people shy away from healthy foods

>> No.19588912

Modern Brussels sprouts have been genetically engineered to be more sweet. 20 years ago they tasted like shit.

>> No.19588969

>50 year olds post here
What the fuck

>> No.19588988

I never knew you could just shred them, put some lemon juice and olive oil on them and eat as a salad. Really nice as is.

I do enjoy them roasted as well.

>> No.19589068

I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that brussel sprouts legitimately used to taste awful until GMOs made them edible.

>> No.19589082

selective breeding, not gmo

>> No.19589192

>Gen Xer on 4chan
Its uncommon but not that strange

>> No.19589387

>And I doubt anyone here is old enough for their parents to be boomers.
My parents were born in '41 and '44

>If you were born in the 90's your parents were NOT boomers.
Boomers are '40-'60. Having a child in your 30s isn't a stretch (I did). Nor is having a child in your 40s.

>> No.19589413
File: 33 KB, 720x480, 022_acs_030_red_cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brussels sprouts, trout, and cabbage all suffer from dumb people not knowing how to cook them. They're all delishes if you don't fuck them up.

>> No.19589418

>selective breeding, not gmo
Fucking retard. They are the same thing.

>> No.19589761

yup, the kids next door was a complete psyop to turn me off brussle sprouts which are definitely the best vegetable

>> No.19589770

Boomers hate these and other vegetables because the Greatest Generation were dogshit cooks who threw vegetables in boiling water until it turned pale and nearly-inedible

>> No.19589791

OR they taste like shit no matter what.

>> No.19590540

no, they're delishes if you just get a brain moran

>> No.19590564

I'm sorry you don't love your dad anon

>> No.19590743

I have tryed them with sweet pumpking, delicious as fuck

>> No.19590759

1946-1964 der boomer

>> No.19590815

I didnt forget it. some people just clutch to straws of grammar because they have nothing to offer

>> No.19590828

Hello Monsanto

>> No.19590880

Shut up dude my parents were boomers as in born right after ww2, I been posting since 2010, and your a zoomer shit.

>> No.19590991

Cartoons when I grew up were very anti broccoli, don't remember them bringing up brussels sprouts at all.

>> No.19591027

I maintain that most kids hate brussel sprouts growing up because they were A) prepared poorly as in mushy, flavorless garbage or B) They were prepared well but the char was a little too complex for an underdeveloped palet

>> No.19591033


>a child's tastebuds and palate are different to a 20 somethings

No way!

>> No.19591054

This, but also Brussel sprouts as an ingredient in sauerkraut is GODLY. Assuming you like sauerkraut.

>> No.19591106

My dad boiled nobby greens as he called them and they were lovely, just salted water and finished with some butter

>> No.19591672

Brussels Sprouts has been genetically engineered to not taste like shit.
Brussels Sprouts today weren't the same as the ones 10 years ago.

>> No.19591727

roasting them is superior retard

>> No.19591871

Born the 60s means Gen X, the generation that everyone forgets

>> No.19591984

They need a bit of frost. Makes them sweet instead of bitter, that's all. No GMO's involved, numbnuts

>> No.19591990
File: 52 KB, 800x751, IMG_0506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try. You can’t fool me into believing they taste better than before. I become slightly nauseated when I think of the smell.

>> No.19592144

Hate sweet sprouts. They're disgusting. Just give me the normal ones

>> No.19592174

Steaming or raw maximizes the nutrition of vegetables. Only meat should ever be grilled, baked, fried, whatever

>> No.19592261

Some people actually believe this

>> No.19592267

if all vegetables were steamed or raw, nobody would eat vegetables

>> No.19592276

The texture is disgusting

>> No.19592283

Because it's true.

That's unfortunately true, the more destructive cooking methods usually taste better. But, as an adult, you have discipline and the ability to view the bigger picture, yes? Not everything needs to taste like candy every day

>> No.19592308

>Because you will only sink up to your waste at most
the dangerous part is the suction power virtually prevents you from getting out on your own without assistance

>> No.19592318

do you actually have a source that says cooking vegetables in any way besides steaming removes the nutrients? because i can't find a source that says any one vegetable cooking method is superior to the others, but i did find one that said the nutrients in some vegetables actually get more digestible when you cook them https://www.eatthis.com/vegetables-healthier-cooked/

>> No.19592328

You didn't enjoy the flavor of the Brussels sprouts. You enjoyed the balsamic she put on them because you're addicted to sugar

>> No.19592422

Yes. But that's not the danger you see in old movies are Saturday morning cartoons.

>> No.19592433

>nutrients in some vegetables actually get more digestible when you cook
That's the crux of the mater. Some nutrients are broken down by heat and become useless. Some become more available. Many nutrients are leached when you boil food - this is why soup is good. Some aren't. There is no "one size fits all."

>> No.19592504

Pany-fry and sauté would depend on the cut and thickness you would use in America. Sauté is taught even in French schools here to be minimal fat/oil with relatively high heat, where pan-fry is frying in the pan which means a significant amount of fat or oil.

A fatty and thick cut of meat should be sautéd as it provides its own grease in the pan. Thinner, leaner cuts can be pan-fried. That's not to say you CAN'T pan fry a very fatty thick steak, there's just no point.as you will get the same crust but one that wasn't fried in beef tallow.

>> No.19593353

A lot of that has to do with habits formed by war rations during the many years of war and subsequently revisited in post-war cooking due to their nostalgia.

>> No.19593518
File: 6 KB, 224x225, IMG_3057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know if anyone this was exclusive to my public school but I loved brussel sprouts when they’d serve them bc they would douse them in industrial cheese. it was super slimy but something about the mix of steamed brussel sprouts and bag cheese was so appealing

>> No.19593581

My theory would be that children have a lower body mass and are more susceptible to toxins (such as those found in The Wrong Berries).