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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 1201x803, hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19585758 No.19585758 [Reply] [Original]

all the recipies for hummus say to add a spoonful or two of hummus and tahini in a blender before adding in the garbanzo beans.

well theres no way to just blend 2 oz of material in my food processor. it just all sits below the blade.

what do?

>> No.19585766

Use a non-recursive hummus recipe

>> No.19585793

Use a better recipe

>> No.19585805

>how to make hummus
>start with hummus

>> No.19586256
File: 915 KB, 300x269, wtf10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add a spoonful or two of hummus

>> No.19586421

Fucking retards. Just use two spoonfuls from the last hummus you made.

>> No.19586477

skip the worthless oil, add more tahini

>> No.19586528

Add ice cubes, dont tell anyone though

>> No.19586547

double the batch

>> No.19586909

add 1cup of the blood of an infidel, bismallah

>> No.19586940

>can't make hummus because I never made hummus
It's over

>> No.19586954

This is goddamned retarded. Some sort of "generational hummus". That's the way you get sick. After 8 batches your new hummus contains food that's as old as the first batch.

Hummus isn't starter. You don't need a little hummus to make hummus. I don't even know how OP found such a ridiculous recipe, but I'd bet my life it wasn't in a physical book. The internet contains a multitude of just awful recipes. I've seen thousands of recipes and never encountered such retardation.

>> No.19586961

ALL the recipes say? How about NONE of the recipes say. You're full of shit, OP. No recipe is worded that way and you know it.

>> No.19587271

god damn it, i meant tahini and lemon
wow what a stupid question

>> No.19587914

Lemon juice makes tahini coagulate, but it all gets blended together in the end so it makes no difference.

>> No.19587921

Whenever I make hummus after the beans are cooked I blend them up a bit in a food processor until they're semi-smooth then add in everything else in terms of garlic/lemon/etc. Then blend until smooth, scrap out, then chill overnight.

>> No.19588063

I always start with oil-garlic-tahini. Then add the beans. And then add the lemon juice and seasoning at the end. Let me guess, you bought a shitty Ninja blender?

>> No.19588150

I'm getting malaysian food for the first time, any recommendations?

>> No.19588154
File: 48 KB, 666x375, IT'S OVER...SEE Ya on the flip side....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19588158
File: 58 KB, 433x463, 1000 Cake stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Directions are RETARDED...Put in Beans FIRST.
Truly, It shouldn't matter--as the Chickpeas are processed, they will pick up the lemon and Tahini anyway.

>> No.19588174

you need to cream the sugar first fumduck

>> No.19588176

warm hummus is better

>> No.19588220

Mmmmm...Hommos Cookies...

>> No.19588259

how do i make a good tomato meat sauce for pasta

>> No.19588281

put a pot over medium-low heat with some oil
when the oil's hot add mirepoix, cover and occasionally stir until the onions are caramelized
turn the heat to medium-high, add ground meat, moderately high fat beef, like 15%, is fine, as is a mix of beef and pork, but anything is usable
salt to taste, and when the meat's cooked on the outside add tomato puree
lower the heat and bring the sauce to a simmer
generously add red wine, even shit wine's fine as long as it's not absolutely undrinkable
let everything simmer stirring occasionally until the sauce has reached a consistency you like
é wala

>> No.19588296

you should add the wine after the meat and before the tomatoes to deglaze your pan and boil out the alcohol.

>> No.19588356

when letting bread dough rise, how do you measure "when it's doubled in size"?

>> No.19588364

visually. is this a joke?

>> No.19588373

Put the bowl on a scale and tare it
Add the dough ball and weigh it
When the weight doubles, it's fully risen

>> No.19588756

Beautifully concise and elegant.

>> No.19588764
File: 3.23 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For these braods, >>19588373
Is correct--Conventional method is poke your finger in it, if the deep dent stays, It's THERE.

>> No.19588790

i have graduated dough buckets that work well when i start with a kilo of whole wheat flour

>> No.19588812

>HAS own dough buckets
Post your favorite fancy bread pic, plz.

>> No.19588871

only tomato puree no crushed tomatoes or anything?

>> No.19588872

If I sear the meat and prep all the vegetables etc. for a stew/roast/whatever that's going to be made in a pressure cooker could it be refrigerated for several hours before being put into the pressure cooker or would that fuck up the texture and/or flavor?
I'm trying to figure out a way to prepare food for my grandma who is too blind and feeble to cook. I used to stop by her apartment on my lunch break and put a pot of soup on the stove so all she had to do was turn the stove off and laddel it but my office moved and I'm no longer able to do this. I've tried using a croc pot but everything that came out of it was very dry and disgusting.

>> No.19589001

What am I supposed to do with sun dried tomatoes? I bought a jar for reasons unknown and now they're just sitting in the cupboard because I don't know what they go with.

>> No.19589011


>> No.19589012

put em on your broodwich

>> No.19589404


>> No.19589445
File: 15 KB, 910x798, Pepetelli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought a jar for reasons unknown
I have to assume they are in oil then.
minced and in a cold pasta salad with Farfale, and Rotini (or whatever you prefer pasta-wise,) with a nice vinaigrette and possibly artichoke hearts, Fresh Mozz balls, Peppers and broccoli is my first thought, but if you'd just TASTE one, I'm sure you'd think of SUMTHIN'
Anyone ever had a grilled cheese with Mozz and sundried toms?

>> No.19589635

what do you normally cook? include them with that.

>> No.19589643

>you need to cream the sugar first fumduck
what sugar? is tahini some sort of oily sugar nut mix?

>> No.19589951
File: 218 KB, 888x500, IMAGINE....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me that Flame was intendied for.
It's either a MASSIVE LALA HOMO FLOUNCY FAGGOT, or just some good natured ribbing--This IS 4Chins, yaKnow.
...ANd that was CLEARLY a cookie reference..
IDK...Mighta been MOSSAD.

>> No.19589982
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1608938767878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WAS going to poast some reply about HOW there are NO Savory dishes that I know of that would include a need for CREAMING BUTTER AND SUGAR together...
In the back of my head, a little voice spoke up and said
>"Yeah, but...WHATTABOUT honey or Brown sugar glazed HAMS?? HUH, SmartASS??"
>"WHATTABOUT a recipe that creams together LARD, Mushroom powder, Brown sugar and maybe some Cayenne to be smeared all over,(lovingly, gently...) the last half-hours worth of Mesquite or Hickory Smoked...SOMETHING?"
TFW I hoisted myself...dammit...What a petard..

>> No.19590668

just a joke, but tahini is good in sweets

>> No.19590706

Pasta salad sounds like it could be a good idea. I've tasted them before, but it was more of a sauce with pesto and fish. Tasted really nice though.
I might do that pasta salad after all. Thanks.

I'm a loser and basically just have chicken and a stuffed pepper every single night ;_; I was thinking about just chopping a couple up and throwing them in the rice, but I don't know if that's retarded.