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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19581292 No.19581292 [Reply] [Original]

The breakfast.

>> No.19581296

>still eating the same shit pizza

>> No.19581498

Post stats

>> No.19581536


>> No.19581550

based runescape enjoyer

>> No.19581554

discovering runescape is the worst thing that ever happened to me

>> No.19582011
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>> No.19582541

sell some rune essence on the grand exchange lad

>> No.19582550

Do we really need TWO threads devoted to your same fucking pizza?? We saw it last night! Now you're posting it again with your stupid jar of milk in front of your fucking video games. As if /ck/ is your goddamned job... WTF

>> No.19582553
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I'm a group Ironman. I can't use the GE and I can only trade with two other players in my trio.

>> No.19582557

Your mom was rented out on the grand exchange last night

>> No.19582559

cry harder

>> No.19582584


>> No.19582769

Why? Spent too much time on it? I can see that

>> No.19582781

You are one pathetic loser. This is your social media. You force it on us because you can't make non-anonymous friends who will like your narcissistic meal pics on the latest app. And obviously you crave the negative attention. I never see much support here for what you're foisting on us at least once a fucking day.

>> No.19582794

u mad?

>> No.19582816

u a zesty nigga

>> No.19583555


>> No.19583597

Deal with it numbnuts.

>> No.19583607

Really tho, why the milk everytime? Just to be le heckin epic and randum lol xddd?

>> No.19583629

These posters are unfortunately unable to conceptualize consuming as well as OP.

>> No.19583633
File: 20 KB, 359x234, Greater_demon_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still playing troonscape
enjoy your diversity updates lmao

>> No.19583639

neglected socialising and studying for most of high school
now i'm a friendless university dropout

>> No.19583659

imagine not embracing lgbtbbqsoisosisoi in the year our lord 2020..you gotta get with the times gramps

>> No.19583661

Milk is good for you and makes you penis big and strong. It's one of nature's best kept secrets to mankind. Let us know when you balls finally drop bitch boy.

>> No.19583672

>drinks milk with everything like a little ass toddler
>calls others bitch boy

>> No.19583682

Sorry about your minority status Pablo. Maybe in the next life you too can enjoy a glorious cup of warm milk and cookies like a real white man. Until then, sorry not sorry :(

>> No.19583732

I could not give less of a shit about your bizarre milk-swilling habit. Milk drinking was something I did a lot of as a child. Drinking large quantities of it as an adult is just unseemly. No one does this. When you finally go outside you will learn this first hand.

>> No.19583746

the only people I know that don't drink milk are whales that chug soda and fruit juice

>> No.19583785

The anti-milk thing first sounded like /pol/ overreacting to a few retarded Buzzfeed articles, but it seems there is something to it after all.
>Drink milk if you want to,
>We can leave soyboys behind,
>Cause they don't drink milk, and if they don't milk,
>Well they're no friends of mine.

>> No.19584776

>Drinking large quantities of it as an adult is just unseemly.
This. When I moved away from my parents, and started buying my own groceries, I switched to half n' half.

>> No.19585349

I don't think I've ever had that pizza but I know exactly what it tastes like

>> No.19585434

Who the fuck still plays that? I haven't even logged on since 2011.

>> No.19585716


>> No.19585720

Milk is good for you. The only reason to not drink milk is if you’re trying to lose weight, and should stick to water, as milk is *too nutritious* if you’re dieting.

>> No.19585734

based milk enjoyer

>> No.19585764


I really wish this pathetic faggot's parents had hit him more as a child.

>> No.19585789
File: 2.74 MB, 4080x3060, 20230809_181750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a Dharok's pl8 for GWD on my group ironman and had chicken and rice to celebrate.

>> No.19585792

Your mother is a whore

>> No.19585807

All 3D is PD. My mother is comparatively decent.

>> No.19586432

Nice thread, would not go for hard boiled myself, but other than that great meals and scape brother

>> No.19586782

Bots, vennies, and super autists. Yeah, it do be like that.

>> No.19586785

I love you never change.

>> No.19586922

why do you still eat like this jason?

>> No.19586971

At least you didn't start a completely new thread, faggot.