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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 1024x847, steak-and-eggs-alt-hero-1024x847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19575700 No.19575700 [Reply] [Original]

2-3 Steaks
4-6 Eggs
Can of Sardines or Oysters
2-4 cups of whole milk.

Vitamin C Supp
Vitamin D3 Supp

Fasting/NoFap and Semen Retention

Is this the blueprint for Godhood?

>> No.19575707
File: 149 KB, 1635x854, Ketoschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your idea of nutrition is speedrunning ass-bleeding, cancer, and dying before your kids reach 18. Sure.

>> No.19575723


>> No.19575730

I thought I read supplements don't work as well as getting them naturally through food. Instead of taking a vitamin C supplement, why not just eat some fruit like an orange? That'll be providing more than just vitamin C too.

>> No.19575743

oh look it's one of those fags who is afraid of bread and pretends it's manly.

>> No.19575761

>Is this the blueprint for Godhood?
No. That would be eating human organs and drinking the blood of children.

>> No.19575770

Needs more butter intake

>> No.19575788

Cut back on the fucking size of the meal and add some vegetables like green beans/broccoli/whatever and maybe some boiled potatoes. That would probably give you the most healthy meal possible

>> No.19575814

>Fasting/NoFap and Semen Retention
Your body doesn't produce what it doesn't use. Enjoy your no-T and shriveled penis, incel.

>> No.19575822

>semen retention
What a meme

>> No.19575859

OP should probably kill himself at this point. What a waste of sperm.

>> No.19575909
File: 141 KB, 1500x1500, 71EiDK+m+yL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Semen Retention

>> No.19575954

Probably better than the average diet at least

>> No.19575956
File: 83 KB, 660x743, Giga_Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you gotta edge, that's the true secret

>> No.19575962

>No carbs


>> No.19575968
File: 700 KB, 1700x1230, 1684708862637574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19575985

Faggot diet

>> No.19576099

can't tell if bait or genuine retardation, well done

>> No.19576142

Most of these nutrition specialists have never lifted more than a used condom in their lives.

>> No.19576240


>> No.19576275
File: 158 KB, 512x698, attachment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19576281

did a heart attack create that image

>> No.19576419

>vegetables are bad for you
>but don't forget to supplement with this essential nutrient that is found in vegetables or you'll die
>my diet is about as natural as you can get, I eat like the cavemen did, bro

I'm just going to keep eating fruits and vegetables

>> No.19576444

There's vitamin C in some fresh raw animal products. Most people don't want to eat raw organs or can't get raw milk though.

>> No.19576450

Or how about just eating an orange like a normal person?

>> No.19576454
File: 2.54 MB, 4000x1868, 1691371359892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak and eggs is, and always has been, goated

All of what you listed, in one meal, is just obscene though, 1lb steak and 3 eggs alone pushes it for most people

>> No.19576464

>Is this the blueprint for Godhood?
No, it's more likely to make you meet Him. Also, semen retention? You know your grandpa didn't have to do that because he was having sex, right?

>> No.19576474

Your plate looks like shit. I hope you die a violent death within the next 47 hours.

>> No.19576496

The plate itself? Yeah its old tableware i got when i first moved out. I have nicer stuff but i only bring it out for special events

>> No.19576714

its my OMAD meal. I don't like having to eat more than once anyway so its convenient.

>> No.19576723
File: 35 KB, 458x458, 1649647655814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corelle is obscenely fucking based, you loser

>> No.19576724

pan fried?

>> No.19576749

Calling jt fried sounds weird, but yeah

>> No.19576758

Nigger why are you so afraid of a fucking lemon

>> No.19576766

what's healthy about boiled potatoes

>> No.19576769

>fish row

>> No.19576869

it looks good for pan fried, how many minutes per side?

>> No.19576870

I was just giving information. I don't actually do that.

>> No.19576874

how did u get a good sear on it and get the inside medium rare? i usually just do roasts in oven now.

>> No.19576882

I am seething about this and I don't know why: the thread

>> No.19576890

Are you trying to take the nastiest diarrhea shit in human history?

>> No.19576897

eggs and beef? wtf? r u smelly vegan? stop projecting?

>> No.19576927

funny how you people never mention HOW MUCH vitamin C is actually there per serving.

>> No.19576941

how did you get my plate

>> No.19577079

Imagine being scared of animal foods because the same "science" that claimed cigarettes, seed oils, refined sugar, tap water, glyphosate and other pesticides, the vax, vegananism, cutting your dick off etc. are harmless or even good for you.

>> No.19577087

i am so sick of these retarded zero sum mentalities when it comes to diet
not every person is going to respond the same to the same foods
most people are not going to do well on a full on carnivore diet, just like most people arent going to do well on a vegan diet
avoid heavily processed shit, get enough protein(factoring in bioavailability) and animal fats, and dont miss out on eating fruits and vegetables for micronutrients, adjust your diet based on the feedback your own body gives you

>> No.19577250

Stop spamming this you got answers

>> No.19577256

this will make your cum taste fucking awful

>> No.19577267

>Fasting/NoFap and Semen Retention

why do people still fall for this? there is literally no evidence pointing to it having any benefit

>> No.19577270

that was 50+ years ago and they corrected their statements
>seed oils
>refined sugar
never was claimed to be healthy?
>tap water
not a problem in most places
never claimed to be healthy?
>the vax
the one that literal billions of people got and don't have any issues with, designed by people that have forgotten more than you will ever know about virology and the human body?
arguably healthier than the average diet so long as you're eating a diverse range of foods, but more pushed for its ethical reasons
>cutting your dick off
you mean gender reassignment surgery, that helps people who genuinely need it to feel more like themselves?

we're heading into dark ages because of fear of science. the whole point of science is to get the most realistic facts on a problem. people study for years in their field to understand what they're talking about. of course sometimes there's inaccuracies and there's financial incentives, which is why a healthy amount of skepticism should be exercised, but to completely distrust it is just mad

>inb4 calling me a tranny/jew/vegan

i'm none of those things

>> No.19577272

also how are you going to be afraid of all of those things you mentioned but ignore how meat is full of antibiotics, hormones, unsanitary conditions, genetically modified, etc...

i'm sure you're not out in the wild hunting a boar with your bare hands anon. a whole foods, mostly plant based diet is objectively healthier than shoving meat down your gullet constantly

>> No.19577283

holy shit moxyte is still here seething?

>> No.19577308

I let it warm up to room temp first and got my cast iron stupidly hot

>> No.19577316

Yeah,bro fuck having fiber and vegetables

>> No.19577319

Milk isn't keto.

>> No.19577320

>Gets colon cancer at age 45 and has to have his shit removed by a stoma bag for the rest of his life

Yeah no, eat your fucking broccoli

>> No.19577579

Opinion discarded. You lost btw.

>> No.19577584


>> No.19577589

Your boyfriend should stay away from this then, faggot.

>> No.19577630

>you mean gender reassignment surgery, that helps people who genuinely need it to feel more like themselves?
Their true self is a self-mutilated mental case with so many negative overrepresentations in all kinds of terrible things in life (and death) that it's impossible to count?

>> No.19577783

Still better than veganslop

a tranny shill. Of course. Fag.

>> No.19577818

Shut up. The evidence is my own personal experience.

>> No.19578843

afraid of bread and fapping
what a way to live

>> No.19578959

Fun fact. Arterial-sclerosis makes your dick stop working

>> No.19579058

good thing I don't have it you fag.

>> No.19579084

You do. And your dick doesn't work.
t. Your father who isn't a ketolard and didn't raise you to be this stupid.

>> No.19579097

>NoFap and Semen Retention
jew book ideology reframed for zoomers. you dont have to, and maybe shouldnt, look at porn, but that is a separate issue from the above

>> No.19579132

no it really isn't. Stop jacking off degenerate.

quit projecting tranny faggot

>> No.19579158

>t. Your father who isn't a ketolard and didn't raise you to be this stupid.
you're doing that wrong

>> No.19579162

The only tranny here is the one who fell for a facebook grifter hairloss meme diet

>> No.19579166

Eat a fucking salad you nigger.

>> No.19579202

With e. coli and botulism on the rise you can fuck right off with that nonsense

>> No.19579215

2.5 grams of protein, 17.7mg of vitamin c, 514 mg of potassium and 59mg of phosphorus. 118 calories of cheap, filling, humble food. That's what

>> No.19579248

>most nutrient complete meal
>requires vitamin c and d supplementation

are you retarded?

>> No.19579323

Just dice some chilies and eat 'em with the eggs. Adds flavor and fits with the rest of the meal. Also tons of vitamin C.

>> No.19579425

It doesn't require it.

>> No.19579434

>Is this the blueprint for Godhood?
No. Aside from the inherent retardation of keto, methionine is one of the worst amino acids to have as a major part of your caloric intake.

Also, if you need to take supplements then your diet is incorrect. If following your "godhood" diet would result in scurvy and your inevitable death without the addition of vitamin supplements then your diet is very far from optimal.

>> No.19579447

Maybe half of that once per week or every other week bro but not every day. Sounds like you will get ass cancer.

>> No.19579454

You tell em goy!

>> No.19579465

Nothing about the modern diet and lifestyle is normal

>> No.19579469
File: 1.88 MB, 4000x1868, 1691456805848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its the mushroom, onion, egg, ham, and cheese burrito; the perfect breakfast

>> No.19579475

Idk of any lean meat that lends itself well to breakfast, sadly

>> No.19579640

>yer a jooooooooo
Reddit is that way

>> No.19579657 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to the "corrected statements" about the vegan diet and animal foods in 50 years.
>seed oils
Ahh yes, fact checked and deboonked by scientists. This article is about PUFAs omega ratio and how "evidence suggests" that it doesn't have to be similar to the omega ratio of the fats we consumed throughout human history, which already seems incredibly stupid and biased. They don't even mention how easily PUFAs oxidize or how highly processed they are.
>refined sugar
Promoted as an appetite suppressant and energy booster without side effects in the 60s. When confronted with health risks like cardiovascular disease the sugar industry succesfully shifted the blame to fat by paying scientists for biased studies.
>tap water
Contains birth-control hormones and other drug residues but science says it's fine as long as they don't exceed arbitrary limits. Surely pharma companies didn't pay them for this. Call me a conspiracy nut but i would rather drink glas-bottled spring water that doesn't contain this shit.
Never claimed to be healthy but claimed to be harmless enough to be sprayed on crops and eaten by the masses
>the vax
No point argueing about this, is there? Believe what you want but you should try to stop appealing to authority too much when facts and logic aren't on their side.
The average western diet provides you with the complete nutrient profile, while the vegan diet is missing key nutrients and is therefore malnutrition by definition. The fact that it's promoted as healthy is also not very ethical when seen from a human perspective.
>cutting your dick off
They would be far healthier human beings in both body and mind if they kept their genitals as they are. The point where you think about mutilating yourself to conform to a delusional ideal is the point when mental illness has clearly manifested itself.

>> No.19579661

Looking forward to the "corrected statements" about the vegan diet and animal foods in 50 years.
>seed oils
Ahh yes, fact checked and deboonked by scientists. This article is about PUFAs omega ratio and how "evidence suggests" that it doesn't have to be similar to the omega ratio of the fats we consumed throughout human history, which already seems incredibly stupid and biased. They don't even mention how easily PUFAs oxidize or how highly processed they are.
>refined sugar
Promoted as an appetite suppressant and energy booster without side effects in the 60s. When confronted with health risks like cardiovascular disease the sugar industry succesfully shifted the blame to fat by paying scientists for biased studies.
>tap water
Contains birth-control hormones and other drug residues but science says it's fine as long as they don't exceed arbitrary limits. Surely pharma companies didn't pay them for this. Call me a conspiracy nut but i would rather drink glas-bottled spring water that doesn't contain this shit.
Never claimed to be healthy but claimed to be harmless enough to be sprayed on crops and eaten by the masses
>the vax
No point argueing about this, is there? Believe what you want but you should try to stop appealing to authority too much when facts and logic aren't on their side.
The average western diet provides you with the complete nutrient profile, while the vegan diet is missing key nutrients and is therefore malnutrition by definition. The fact that it's promoted as healthy is also not very ethical when seen from a human perspective.
>cutting your dick off
They would be far healthier human beings in both body and mind if they kept their genitals as they are. The point where you think about mutilating yourself to conform to a delusional ideal is the point when mental illness has clearly manifested itself.

>> No.19579663

Maybe people wouldn't be so sceptical of science if they didn't try to change obvious facts. Claiming that meat is in any way bad for you just doesn't make sense when you look at it's chemical composition in it's natural unaltered form. For the human body, meat and other animal foods are the most nutrient dense foods that exist. How can they possibly be harmful to us?

>meat is full of antibiotics, hormones, unsanitary conditions, genetically modified
No one forces you to eat garbage meat from walmart or where ever. You don't need to hunt a boar to get high quality meat that is free of all those things. Not like issues like these aren't present in basically every other food as well

>> No.19580617

also the fact vitamin c gets cooked off so there'll be literally no vitamin c left after cooking.

>> No.19580627

>Call me a conspiracy nut but i would rather drink glas-bottled spring water that doesn't contain this shit.
no I'll just call you retarded. those same chemicals can be found in the rain and well water. they have become one with the world and will be found in ALL sources of water. no body of water is safe on this planet unless it goes through heavy filtration.

>> No.19580676

There's absolutely nothing wrong with red meat or eggs. They're both actual super foods

>> No.19580706

cool meme, I'll take it
fpbp, baited ketochuds with milk

>> No.19580745

>literally zero fibre

RIP your toilet

>> No.19580805

Steak and eggs is fukken awesome, sure.
A can of sardines per day would be good for Omega-3s, but it's fucked for heavy metals, so I wouldn't eat it every day. Reduce to 0 vegetable oils, eat quality meat, and a couple cans per week should already bring your omegas into balance.
Milk is good, but only if you're bulking. During cuts that insulin-like growth factor will destroy all your efforts.
Now, for the shit you ARE missing:
>fresh seasonal vegetables: eat them. They'll balance out your micronutrients without having to eat so many eggs that you start hating them. A raw salad of arugula, tomato, cucumber, and whatever else you can find at your local market isn't that hard to make, come on
>you NEED carbs too, but be smart about them: post-workout only, in a CONTROLLED amount. Carb backloading is a powerful protocol, and you're wasting energy (and potentially nitrogen!) converting protein into glycogen if you go with 0 carbs.

>> No.19580812

It's among the easier carbs to digest, and has the most varied micronutrients (because it's a root, not a grass), and you need some carbs - not at every meal, and not many, but some.

>> No.19580815

>carbs too, but be smart about them: post-workout only
Why wouldn't you want glycogen in your muscles before the workout?

>> No.19580823

damn i came to /ck/ for the first time to see if i could find good recipes and it's just petersonfags who don't know what a vegetable is
i shouldn't be surprised but it's disheartening