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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 768x768, 2e772264-ebcc-43ea-96d4-ad3d79008871.684b57a6414805779aa70edfe5a07827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19574691 No.19574691 [Reply] [Original]

You guys lied to me. You said if I got a pan with a rack on it, it would elevate the chicken strips, shake n bake pork cutlets, fish sticks etc. so that air could get all around it and make it crispy.

Well, it didn't work. It takes like 10 minutes longer to cook and since it's not touching the pan it doesn't burn at least the bottom of the meat. Also, it's much more of a pain in the ass to clean.

What was the point of baking things on a elevated rack again?

>> No.19574705

Pre heat your oven and place the rack closer to the top.

>> No.19574718

>It takes like 10 minutes longer to cook and since it's not touching the pan it doesn't burn at least the bottom of the meat.

>> No.19574728

Right... I've been using the broiler as well to no effect. I specifically got a resiliant stainless steel pan over a non stick for just this purpose. Anything else?

>> No.19574733

Yes, really. I want it to be burnt and crispy and I just lost at least half of the thing I once loved.

I was hoping the moisture would drop from the rack or dry it all up so it would be crispier all around but all I got is one side (the bottom) soggy and the top normal.

>> No.19574752

line the pan you dipshit. racks are based beyond belief

>> No.19574766

Ramp up the temperature. Wouldn't hurt to take the chill off the meat before cooking too.

>> No.19574770

Line the pan? I do. With aluminum foil because of how pretty the pan is. I don't see how that changes anything though.

>> No.19574813

I just get the rack wet, then wet a brush or steel wool and apply dish soap directly to it, then scrub both sides of the the rack. Then rinse off brush/wool and use it to rinse off the rack.

>> No.19574827

Use the self cleaning mode (Controlled Pyrolysis®) of your oven then. This will get high enough temps for the nice crisp your looking for.

>> No.19574849

>elevated rack
If only there was a word for that?
You fucking cooklet.

>> No.19574908

Your mom hasn't had an elevated rack since you drained her milkers as a shit scrubber and turned them into Saggers.

>> No.19574968

I love children so much bros...

>> No.19575248

I know bro.

>> No.19575257

You misrepresented our conversation i distinctly remember telling you it was not going to work if you want the bottom burned, and that indeed; that was the point.

>> No.19575260

I want it burned all over and crispy.

>> No.19575302

You're supposed to turn the rack sideways, moron. That's why the triangles are perfectly lined up with the width.

>> No.19575326
File: 509 KB, 1200x540, rAPED tENDIES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ONLY sane reply to this Autism.

>> No.19575336

I make fish sticks at 475 and they still fall apart and are soft when they come out.

>> No.19575410

Getting sick of you gay anime gif edits lad.
Stop being a cooklet.

>> No.19575473
File: 1.36 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_8769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDGAF--WHO the fuck are YOU?
Well, Sir, 90% of the poasters whoms foods I've raped have LIKED it.
I only ever RAPE decent foods and it's ALWAYS only been meant as a tounge-in-cheek ENCOURAGEMENT to cook your own food.
Maybe all the Fast "FOOD" threads are more to your liking.
I have ALSO poasted both Real cooking THREADS and plenty of good advice for neophyte cooks.
You DO, In fact, KNOW where you are, right?
This is NOT some highbrow cooking forum.
POAST YOUR last contribution...
I'll wait.

>> No.19575490


>> No.19575519
File: 3.08 MB, 1777x1333, IMG_9129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so We're on the same page..
Children are sacred.
Not ALL GookComix are pedoshit..
Akira wuz MY first..
Last pic of the mushroom Ketchup wasn't my last thing either--so, to be fair.
Cuz I LOVE these boards--even the SHIEEET..
was from some accidentally 7 day fermented Pidzer doh!
>pic rel
It's just a can of pomodoro toms and some butter saute'd white onions(1 large,) and Aldi shredded Pidzer mix cheese--+ a bit of CAN PARM.
lel. The dough was "WINE-y grep" but it still turned out edible.
...MAYBE if my WATER wuz Better...

>> No.19575547

Antis eat fast bullets.

>> No.19575551


>> No.19575562
File: 71 KB, 960x640, 1636957437712b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting...
What are ya a HEBEPHILE?
Still waiting...

>> No.19575569

You still have to flip them you inbred mongoloid.

>> No.19575571

Are you having some sort of seizure?

>> No.19575572
File: 71 KB, 960x640, 1636957437712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My auntie ate a fast Bullet once..

>> No.19575575

>still have to flip


Elevated racks don't do shit for chicken or anything it seems.

>> No.19576119
File: 3.76 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_9143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the old pizza dough.
I'm TRYING to shake it off...
i just got Boosted if that matters...

>> No.19576134

>Elevated racks don't do shit
They keep the juice from pooling while touching the meat which can turn gross. More of an issue with saline-injected pork chops.

I get best crispiness in the oven using higher temp (375-400 depending on cut) while putting directly on an oiled pan and flip 2/3 thru cooking time. Flour coating crisps up and keeps meat juicy while higher heat evaporates juice on the pan to minimize sludge.

>> No.19576147
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_8674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More of an issue with saline-injected pork chops.
Cakes and other foods also do well with an elevated rack.
> juice from saline-injected pork chops pooling while touching the meat
>not seasoning and RELISHING the meat juice BOOGERS.
It's like you don't even suck the strings of a bound roast...

>> No.19576151
File: 47 KB, 555x417, Snotty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic...
Yeah..THAT'S Pork.
>"To TRULY hawk a LOOGIE...One MUST withdraw the phlegm from the SOUL."

>> No.19576742

Yes, that's why I originally wanted to move from a pan to an elevated rack.

The thing is I am defeating the whole purpose of this venture. If I gotta turn up the heat more than the directions I am wasting energy or prolonging cook time. Also, if I am not going to get the burnt brown taste that I want from at least one side of the meat that is exposed to the pan, what am I trying to accomplish?

>> No.19576866

>If I gotta turn up the heat more than the directions I am wasting energy or prolonging cook time.
I give FUCK-ALL about a LOT of instructions, tater tots, Fries and pidzer is ALWAYS 450°F or 500°F.
I adjust to my tools.

>> No.19576909

Look, you anti confused fool... This is not the time or place to just go on a wild tangent. We are discussing things that will cost so much gas or Kwh.

>> No.19576911

just use parchment paper numbnuts

>> No.19576914
File: 1.38 MB, 289x237, Pedobear babysits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look, you anti confused fool
Ahhh...So I have a PEDO following my poasts nao...
Bully..4 me...

>> No.19576926
File: 28 KB, 612x612, 1688228304099684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I want it to be burnt and crispy
I have one of those useless racks. And then I eventually figured out what I really wanted all along was a cast iron skillet. Cast iron makes everything cooks crispy and good and it is easy to clean.

>> No.19576929

That's DEFINITELY a good wae to go.

>> No.19578034

the kid can consent too.

>> No.19578171

What? Ive had the exact opposite experience. Bake meat on a pan, bottom is soggy (because the fat and liquids pool around it). Bake meat suspended on a rack, and turn halfway, and both sides are browned nicely.

>> No.19578198

skill issue

>> No.19578330

OP is trolling.

>> No.19578419


>> No.19578457

Anon the point of the elevation is so that when you make something like chicken legs and flip them over that the crust that developed on the top doesn't come in contact with the liquids and dissolve
Also on what setting to you put your oven?

>> No.19578488

Put it on 500 degrees and set it to convection bake.

Also you’re gay

>> No.19578625

Hotter than normally directed.

>> No.19578627


I am not a child rapist.

>> No.19578635


>> No.19578710

Child rape

>> No.19579087

Tl;dr weeb faggot

>> No.19580148

The fuck?

Putting something in a pan on a rack just gets it out of the oil/fluids. If you want something crispy via air it needs to be coated in oil, and the air needs to be circulating, preferably at a high temperature. This is how air fryers work, and you can get similar results out of an oven that has a convection mode (as opposed to conventional mode).

>> No.19581669

fry in cast iron, then