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19574659 No.19574659 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it okay for Americans to write "artificially flavored" in their products ?

>> No.19574664

Why is it okay for soviets to post without a VPN?

>> No.19574665

because the flavoring isn't natural

>> No.19574667

Yeah but you'd think they would try to hide it since it's not a good marketing argument

>> No.19574701

You underestimate the ignorance of the average American.

>> No.19574703

they're required by some FDA regulation or something to post it.

but also it doesn't matter, fucking most shit is artificially flavored. if you've ever used any spice, or hot sauce, or SALT, you've artificially flavored something. citric acid gets used a lot as a flavoring and it's perfectly natural but it's considered 'artificial' flavoring.

>> No.19574741

>they're required by some FDA regulation or something to post it.

Not OP but don't most print it on the ingredients label instead? That way you comply with the law but also don't scare people that jump at "artificial" when front and center like that.

>> No.19574747



>> No.19574768

Why is it considered a "natural flavoring" when its a beaver anus extract that nobody would ever eat? Or natural coloring when you have to have a science lab to extract the pigments from crushed beetle shells?

Turns out the FDA is just as retarded as every other government agency and the labels mean nothing.

>> No.19574923

It's because they have to describe the product with accuracy while still sounding good. Colloquially people would call OP's picture "captain crunch syrup" (which implies maple syrup) but the product says Artificially Maple Flavored Syrup. As in, it isn't maple syrup, it's corn syrup that's had synthetic maple flavoring added to it.
This is the cornerstone of American processed food. People call the product what they see it as, but its description on the packaging is shady legalese. Its that thing where they have to tell you what they're doing so there isn't any karmaic debt.
>American cheese vs. "Kraft Singles pasteurized prepared cheese product"
>Ice cream vs. "Frozen dairy dessert" (less than 10% milkfat)
>Blue Raspberry (named after something that does not exist but sounds like it does) vs. "Brilliant Blue FCF #1"

>> No.19574928

Yeah I fucking hate the term artificial ingredients or E numbers or natural flavors. The US is a little better because we don't have E numbers but it is not as simple as artificial good natural bad, lots of artificial stuff is fine and lots of natural stuff is bad.

>> No.19574931

Natural flavors are worse than just humiliatingly sourced crap, they can use unnatural processes to process the natural flavoring, and the natural flavoring itself can be a harmful natural chemical that has just been isolated.

>> No.19574946

If on a frozen pizza they have to list ingredients for the ingredients (like breaking out whats in the cheese or sauce) they really should have to honestly say what a "natural flavors" is on the list too. If it is secreted beaver anal glands, manufacturers should have to say that.

>> No.19574951

Well, I do not necessarily agree, but do tell me the actual chemical name to google always even if that reveals it is from beaver anus

>> No.19574958

And E numbers wouldn't be so bad except that not everybody uses them so it gets confusing when you are used to knowing the names of chemicals plus it sort of makes them not chemicals anymore and turns them into trusted E chemicals which is just a dogmatic approach to viewing science that leftists use to replace religion and that I fundamentally do not agree with.

>> No.19574985
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>wanting anyone to lie about what they put in food

>> No.19575089

This is a disgusting manipulative lie, I've never seen a product be labeled as having artificial ingredients just because salt or normal spices were used. I think that this is some kind of chill trying to get us to accept dishonest bullshit as fact when it isn't. Never trust what you read on the internet, Never Trust what you watch on tv.

>> No.19575093

What country are you from?

>> No.19575564

How much more clear can the labeling be? It's not legally sold if the name on the product doesn't meet certain (and honestly, really low) standards.

>> No.19575585

>Aunt Jemimah
Whoa!! Cool it with the racism, buddy

>> No.19575590

>Ocean blue
>Flavoured Sirup
So basically thickened water with sugar and food coloring? Anyone buying this for their child is out of their mind.

>> No.19575745

Comrade I am posting not only with a VPN but with a fucking time machine. Monitoring duty at the nuclear plant is really goddamn boring and I think I'm gonna go get blackout drunk.

>> No.19576791

Im not saying its a bad practice, they used to get away with putting sawdust in bread to make flour go further until they had to stop due to regulation. (they still do it they just call it cellulose now) Its just that I wish we could admit none of this shit is fit for human consumption. I wanna live in a world where "cheese" means "cheese" and not some wax polymer made in a laboratory that will give you cancer. The retards who are like "I cant even pronounce half these ingredients" are unironically correct. We'd all be less obese and sickly overnight if all this ridiculous fake bullshit was banned.

>> No.19576925

I still don't get how it's legal to list "artificial [and natural] flavors" as an ingredient in the ingredients list
What if there's something allergy-causing in that nebulous grouping?

>> No.19577413

FDA also requires any major allergen to be printed in the ingredient list regardless of redundancy (ie: peanut flavored thing saying it has peanuts), and anything beyond that is going to be such a specific allergen you might as well just cook at home.

>> No.19577463

You're retarded, nothing you mentioned is classed as artificial flavoring.

>> No.19577471

lol because americans are obsessed with fakeness

>> No.19577475

>What if there's something allergy-causing in that nebulous grouping?

Give it to all the kids. God will sort the healthy from the sick. Natural selection.

>> No.19577487
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amerifats be like "we perfected pancakes"

>> No.19577496

I don't even bother with syrup on my pancakes. I just melt some lard, tallow, and butter, and pour the mix on top of my pancakes.
Americans know how to do it right.

>> No.19577499

They don't know any better. Americans don't have real food

>> No.19577533

Shut up retard

>> No.19577545


>> No.19577568

I don't think they can write anything less if they are going to include "maple" and "syrup" together if it's not the real thing, it's just regulation

>> No.19577575

Dark corn syrup is okay on pancakes, I think. At least they aren't lying about what it really is.

>> No.19578239

"artificially flavored" doesn't mean "additional flavoring added" many products are labeled as having both natural and artificial flavors

>> No.19578253

>I wanna live in a world where "cheese" means "cheese" and not some wax polymer made in a laboratory that will give you cancer.
Are you talking about those prepackaged singles? it's just cheese with some stuff added to make it melt better
>big word scary
you would stop drinking water if everyone started calling it dihydrogen monoxide

>> No.19578277

>The US is a little better because we don't have E numbers
I don't think you understand what E numbers are because the US does have E numbers (food additives), it's just that the FDA doesn't have an E number system.

>> No.19578477

No need for a VPN on this board. There is no flag to show, so this asshole gets to hang out on the blue boards. The VPNs are reserved for pol shit posters.

>> No.19578830

>muh dihydrogen monoxide
It's hydrogen hydroxide first of all.
When I want goddamn potato chips I slice some potatoes and fry it myself then splash some salt and vinegar on it instead of getting a bag a quarter of the way full of chips dusted in maltodextrin, MSG, acidity regulators, and "premitted flavoring enhancers". Tell me why any of that is vital to the process of making potato chips when I make the fucking things in my own kitchen in 5 minutes without any of it. Justify it science man.
Quit being a faggot thats perfectly fine with birth control chemicals, antidepressants, round up weed killer, fluoride and microplastics in your water and stand up for yourself. Or just go back to sleep retard.

>> No.19579272

>It's hydrogen hydroxide first of all.
Doesn't change what I said. Address the point.
>potato chips
Bad example, look at the ingredients list for a regular bag of lays right now. I dare you. None of the things you describe are in them.
Literally just carbohydrate made from starch. Would you be scared of sugar if everyone started calling it Alpha-D-Fructofuranosyl Alpha-D-Glucopyranoside?
Naturally found in tomatoes and cheese.
>acidity regulators
Like citric acid? Which is found naturally in citrus?
>"premitted [sic] flavoring enhancers"
I had to look this one up. This is an EU-specific phrasing (not surprising). If you want to talk artificial flavors, that's fair enough. But it's clear that you have no idea what you're talking about and are quite literally scared of big words.

>> No.19579297

would you rather they lie? shit like this exist in most places, this instance is very egregious but i don't get why thats what you latch onto.

>> No.19580038
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>Uhm, erm, acktually the fifth ingredient of this flour is made from Natural Flavoring (powdered acheta domsesticus thoratic matter) and if you think that's concerning at all it just means you don't have the IQ to understand the science. Do you have a degree in nutrition? Then your argument is invalid
I'm sure the 50lb bags of aji-no-moto are naturally sourced from tomatoes and the amount of monosodium glutamate in a potato chip is comparable to the amount in a tomato.
A better example of what I'm talking about is baby formula, but I imagine you'll never have to consider infant care. Break down every ingredient for me and tell me why babies need it if you're so smart then go order another impossible whopper.

>> No.19580052

Artificial flavors: Chemical compound made in a lab
Natural flavors: Chemical compound extracted from something from nature, in a lab.

>> No.19580054
File: 1.81 MB, 1200x1080, BF356FBF-2313-4FF6-909A-BEEF025F84AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called Dixie CSA

>> No.19580056
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1024, A154B2FD-9CB2-4E80-A67A-2B1B14D76A5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dixie girls are entitled to get every whim

>> No.19580065
File: 549 KB, 1125x1289, A3284669-C2B9-4FE4-BB93-FDA376E9F0A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just natural that girls get what girls wanna get.

That’s why god empowers Dixie, the Canadian autistic divine utopian accelerationists, Nazi France, the 4th Reich, and the new Soviet Union

>> No.19580404
File: 696 KB, 2976x3968, buy22wrlrp551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite americanism is "colors from real sources" as in sources that exist on earth

>> No.19580462

My hot sauce is made with peppers, asshole

>> No.19581622

>on the ingredients label
pretty sure the law states it has to be labeled on the front, and of course on the ingredients label. logically, they wouldnt put it on the front if they didnt have to

>> No.19581630

>computer-generated slop

>> No.19581638
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>So basically thickened water with sugar and food coloring
not necessarily in that order

>> No.19581642

Same reason Britain wrote "100% real honey" and were caught lying and that almost none of the honey was honey at all but sugar syrup.

>> No.19581656

the "scary-looking" words on that label are vitamins