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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 348x348, png-clipart-green-frog-illustration-pepe-the-frog-laughter-meme-humour-frog-face-animals-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19563223 No.19563223 [Reply] [Original]

>he still uses a Victorinox 8" Chef's knife
Tell me how I know you're a cooklet.

>> No.19563229


>> No.19563231

this was the largest knife that i could afford

>> No.19563236

Nothing wrong with Victorinoxes, except that they are way overpriced nowadays.

>> No.19563287

I actually know the guy who made my general purpose chef's knife and my cleaver. Good dude. Overcharged me for the cleaver, tho.
Other than those two, the rest are just whatever came in some set I bought a long time ago. I don't need them to be good quality since 99% of the time, I just use the chef's knife and the cleaver and that's it

>> No.19563290

i use whatever was the cheapest large knife walmart had in stock 6 years ago
works okay

>> No.19563295

>Tell me how I know

>> No.19563312

I just need to cut some onions brother, chill. We're not all Michelin samurais

>> No.19563318

Joke's on you, I bought the Victorinox cleaver

>> No.19563323

OP exposing himself as a cooklet for thinking sticking with a decent, relatively cheap knife, means you can’t cook.

>> No.19563326
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the Japanese and henckle meme, and I don't see any fucking difference between them and the five dollar knife my dad sharpened himself

>> No.19563334

>Victorinox 8" chef's knife

>> No.19563338


>> No.19563343

Okay cooklet

>> No.19563364

I've been cutting 'nions and 'eppers with mine for 4 years and it is still as sharp and reliable as day one
You're delusional if you "need" more

>> No.19563374

No I use a Victorinox tomato knife on everything that's not bacon

>> No.19563461

Lmao, imagine bragging about having a shit knife for 4 years like it's a good thing. It's like bragging about sleeping on the floor.

>> No.19563465

i love sleeping on the floor

>> No.19563473

Fucking weirdo, I bet you eat plain chicken breast with white rice 6 days a week too.

>> No.19563490

no i save that for special occasions

>> No.19563537

Get your salt pork and hardtack eating ass out of here

>> No.19563550


>> No.19563602

Sounds like you dont know how to maintain an edge?

>> No.19563688

I decided to get a Tojiro Gyuto instead of the 8" Victorinox because anons here said the Victorinox was overpriced for what it was
Still hasn't arrived but I hope I made the right decision

>> No.19563760

they're cheap and sharp and it doesn't matter if they get fucked up. having better knives is good, but if you don't understand how useful it is to have a knife that can replace really easily you probs don't cook enough

>> No.19563787

My $20 KAI erased my fantasies of a fancy knife. Does everything, i even sharpen it with the bottom of a ceramic bowl.

>> No.19563811
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>not using a color coded master chef from walmart

>> No.19563819

That's more for honing than sharpening, friend.

>> No.19563933
File: 49 KB, 658x901, 1671936018463907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried honing my knife on the bottom of a ceramic bowl and I ended up cutting my thumb pretty badly
Bled for like 5 minutes

>> No.19564028

Are Mercer Renaissance knives ok?

>> No.19564228
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you need more?

>> No.19564236

im sorry that happend to you but also that was a pretty stupid idea anon

>> No.19564655

>it is still as sharp ... as day one
No it isnt, you have just got used to a dull knife. Can it still easily and cleanly slice a sheet of photocopier paper? If not then it is dull.

>> No.19564665

My $30 Victorinox has completely taken over for the Shun knife I got as a gift a few years ago. I want a knife where if it goes dull after 10 years I just buy a new one. I do like a pretty looking knife but come on. Your tools shouldn't have to be treated like fine art.

>> No.19564680

I don't think even those autistically hard Japanese knifes will last 10 years

>> No.19564690

No you didnt, Tojiros are also overpriced nowadays unless you paid under 80 bucks for it. And they are way too thick behind the edge now because they have to be made housewife proof after they have become so popular. But they arent bad knives. If you send yours to one of the professional sharpeners and grinders on the Kitchen Knife Forum to have it thinned out properly you can have a really good kitchen knife. And I mean better than what the great majority of Michelin Star chefs have, better than some 300+ bucks Japanese knife.

>> No.19564695

If it takes your knife 10 years to go dull then you're not fucking using it for anything.

>> No.19564702

I paid 65 USD
I want to use it as a beater so I think I made the right decision

>> No.19564706

Or just get a munetoshi gyuto...

>> No.19564709

They're OK but the floppiness of the stamped blade is a bit annoying. Paying for a higher-quality chef's knife is worth it.

>> No.19564711

Run it through a cheap knife sharpener every now and then, who gives a fuck. It should do the trick for a stamped metal knife over some $200 knife that goes dull if it has a little tomato juice on it for 10 minutes.

>> No.19564714

That guy that's likes metal chips and shavings in his food.

>> No.19564717

the great filter is literally a good knife
cooking without a good kine is a pain in the ass

>> No.19564724

This is true, but a good knife isn't defined by how much you paid for it or the brand is all.

>> No.19564726

It's how well it performs and secondarily how comfortable it is to use.

>> No.19564744

I have never once used niche meme cookware and have always used bottom-dollar dogshit. I still cook food people love. The nice stuff is nice but far from necessary.

>> No.19564785

>I paid 65 USD
>I want to use it as a beater
Then you chose well.

>> No.19564788


>> No.19564815

I've cooked for over 30 years, was a sous Chef in a 1 star.
I have my Grandmothers 6" utility knife from Henkles, A 8" Chef's from the same, and my cleaver, paring, and bread knives are ALL Cheap shits, but SHARP and with a good "FEEL" to me.
>Cleaver-Deer Field cleaning set from 2004 Wal-Mart
>Dollar tree serrated Bread Knife and another with a blunt tip for less puncture that came as a set from a yard sale.Kitchen-Aid..
>Another Santuku and 5" Utility in the same set.
I'm not quite near the level of only needing 1 small knife and a bowl, like a true master, I think you have to be 77 or some shit like that, but it's the SKILL to use a decent tool, NOT the tool that does the "Majick"
..Or whatever.

>> No.19564826
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>> No.19564827

I'm thinking about getting a 6 inch tojiro utility knife, are they useful professionally?
If I have an 8 inch chef knife when am I pulling out the utility knife?

>> No.19564831

>cooked for 30 years

And look where that got you, gramps.

>> No.19564851
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Oh SHID!! This guy gots a forklift cert.

>> No.19564858
File: 110 KB, 322x311, Sporkife victim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT'S NOT a Runcible Spoon...

>> No.19564859
File: 44 KB, 800x450, ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta ask, how do you like the handles--they looked a lil' wonky to me.
>What is a HONE?
>How Do they WORK??

>> No.19564868
File: 1.37 MB, 1444x2713, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 01-49-02 Munetoshi Shirogami Migaki Gyuto 210mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>munetoshi gyuto
I'm sure they're worth every penny-
the Japanese imbue SPIRIT into their manufactured Items, Blades especially, all the way up past houses.
I think I'll stick with the beauties I have.
They are Verr Wabi-Sabi.

>> No.19564883

The Victorinox handles are a bit to thick honestly and I have big hands but the texturing sort of makes up for it. I've learned to just man handle the things with a pinch grip and I think it's been helping my technique. But this is coming off of like 5 years using Shun's midrange chef knife which has a handle I got used to.

>> No.19564884

Post knife.

>> No.19564897
File: 661 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20230802_230326_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting your severe mental illness aside this is actually an incredible deal on a proper hand forged knife. Just imagine buying your shit factory made tojiro, sending it away, paying significantly more than 115 dollars for shipping and the thinning work and still ending up with a shittier knife than this one. Lmfao.

Your advice is ah-so DISHONOROBU! SEPUKU NOW!

>> No.19564916
File: 1.21 MB, 1777x1333, IMG_9080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a few:

>> No.19564921

ÜBerKek, i didn't say Professionally, When I fugured out that I LIKED my evenings, Weekends and Holidays to myself, and started to HATE cooking, I quit that shit and started building houses.
I started cooking when I was 8, too faggot.

>> No.19564934

>I'm thinking about getting a 6 inch tojiro utility knife, are they useful professionally?
I use my 8" Chefs so infrequently. I have a good feel for the 6", so I use that almost exclusively unless I'm prepping lots of cabbage or something.

>> No.19564947

Gross knives. Is that bowl of food for a cat or a dog?

>> No.19564951
File: 2.73 MB, 1777x1333, IMG_9084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pinch grip
Lotta good in that technique. great for herbs and mincing.
> 5 years using Shun's midrange chef knife
Past me with the brand there, but knife handles can be a lot like cars--Driving a new one feels funny for the first week.
We should be careful going down this road--Comparing cutting board scars will be next.

>> No.19564956

>Is that bowl of food for a cat or a dog?
That's the bowl I make your MOM eat out of after I PLOW her. That's depending on how many she's HAD that day tho--

>> No.19564959

I have a Chinese cleaver with a blade made out of tempered red, green, and blue diamonds. It was folded 9,000 times and is reinforced with tungsten. I have to take it to a specialty shop in China every month to get it sharpened, and that gets expensive when you live in California.

>> No.19564968

BTW...What makes them "Gross" to you?
They are all clean and VERY sharp.
I didn't post my chef's knife.

>> No.19564996
File: 25 KB, 400x375, 3whites eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww... Scare ya off with my bantz?
Let me essplain...
"YOUR MOM" is a Trigger word, but for even the most AUTISTIC, it should signal a JOKE--here, at least.
You gonna make me go snap a pic of my chef's knife?

>> No.19565000

Clean your house and stop letting your cat walk on your countertops. It's disgusting.

I guess I should commend you on actually posting knives, but they are terribly cheap and generic looking.

>> No.19565013

No. Getting a little needy, now? I was just busy making your dad film me banging ye mum.

Funnily enough my post here >>19564897 absolutely scared you off.

>> No.19565017

why still post frog? wasn't funny way back when certainly not now that was old school crap

>> No.19565019

Yeah, Guessing now huh?
NO pet of mine has ever been on my clean surfaces-- Maybe ONCE, then-- OFF THEY GO.

As I poasted earlier, I have some very good knives(Expensive to you,) and some very Inexpensive, but very good all the same.
Sure--No Id's, so...
Just look up▲
You gonna post your knives?

>> No.19565027

>Funnily enough my post here >>19564897 absolutely scared you off.
Ok...I didn't see that but gave ya a chuckle reading it just now.
(I have like 9 tabs open right now, you AREN'T that important, anon.

>> No.19565047

>Still doesn't respond.

115 for that knife could possibly be one of the best deals for a proper gyuto on the internet, so I thank you for getting me to price shop and find that for anyone smart enough to jump on it. A couple years ago those gyutos were in the 120-150 range.

Post your most powerful blade and I may consider doing similar.

>> No.19565066
File: 828 KB, 1800x2698, 20220810_005833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will give you this for now. One of my favorite knives. Someone gifted me this little ajikiri. I sharpen/polish it to something sort of like a zero point edge. Fragile edge, but incredibly sharp. The added height makes it very versatile for a paring knife sized blade.

Last week it was used to slit the throats of 20 roosters. It worked flawlessly.

>> No.19565069

>but MOOOMM I need my nippon 2000x folded damascus gyooto to make the thinnest tomato slices known to my end grand maple butcher's block that only gets used for knife tests and nothing else

>> No.19565077

Weak minded fool can only resort to hyperbole and uncreative SLANDER! How about some PROPER and STIMULATING argumentation? What? Your dweebish and cute little SMOOTH brain(INSULTING to other brains to call the thing between your ears a brain, BTW!) can't do that? Pssh. Not suprised. Only mildly amused someone of your ilk figured out how to use the internet.

>> No.19565078
File: 102 KB, 555x651, Have some guts....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL...I was out..
How 'Bout this:
I already posted my daily driver...
YOU post your cutting board.
Then I have to go to bed--Shit to DO tomorrow, and all.

>> No.19565082
File: 142 KB, 1111x1600, Verse 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Called MY Knives Gross..
I can see your blade is functional. But your maintenance skillz leave... SOMETHING...to be desired.

>> No.19565091
File: 910 KB, 985x3904, 20230619_171521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tommorow I may consider such things. My main rubber cutting board is outside atm.

If your knife isn't handmade I don't care. It is inferior in every way except for corrosion resistance if it is stainless.

>> No.19565095
File: 1.65 MB, 1800x3769, 20230613_111714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was in an unpolished state. That is a sort of test knife that is always in various states of polished.

Observe a once rusty Munetoshi petty polished for fun and relaxation.

>> No.19565102

That IS a pretty blade.
It was my Grandmothers Henkles.
It is ORIGINAL German steel, my Chef's knife is as well, but I bought it myself when taking over a shitty "Italian" kitchen.
that was only for a couple months before the owner's Coke habit shut it down.
Again... While the tools itself holds intrinsic value, It's the HAND that wields it, that drives impetus.
Don't sell yourself short in trying to be elitist in "Trappings"
Well--I CAN'T tell you... But it's something we should all strive for.
Also a very nice knife--It has a Glow.

>> No.19565113
File: 2.19 MB, 1777x1333, IMG_9062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant of course, the knives you posted were pretty blades, not Gramma's utility...

>> No.19565156
File: 689 KB, 944x3370, 20230518_142526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and reasonable, although I really do love me a tool made by a master especially if it's made traditionally using painstakingly difficult techniques. Performing exceptionally well all the while, of course.

These threads would also be a lot more interesting if more people had experience with handmade knives. So many factory knives are essentially the same ass thing. No interesting geometry, no unique ergonomics, etc.

>> No.19565876

Henkles aren't fucking dog shit though.

>> No.19565890

After having a couple of shun and a wusthof I finally started on handmade knives. So far I've got a Nigara Hamono kiritsuke and a Hatsukokoro Inazuma bunka. Love em both and I've been using the bunka more than I would normally to try and develop a nice patina on it. The last thing on my list is a sujihiki.

>> No.19565903 [DELETED] 

I love edging my uncut cock with a handful of broken glass. I take it in the ass. Vote for Biden, chuds. Chinese people kidnapped my teacup pig.

>> No.19565934 [DELETED] 

I use a traditional blade used to circumcise my two younger brothers, me and my neighbours ten year old girl. It's in a shoebox under our house.