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19563112 No.19563112 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your best 3-4 inches paring knife. I have pic rel as main chef, need a smaller for fast tasks. I have fag hands so nothing too bulky. Won't mind some weeb manufacture for a change

>> No.19563127

You did it backwards. You should've gotten a nice chef's knife and a victorinox pairing knife.

>> No.19563129

The Victorinox parers are pretty decent and easy to resharpen. If you want something better take a look at the Herder Windmühlenmesser parers, those are famous for their super thin ground blades.

>> No.19563133

Munetoshi petty!

>> No.19563175

I just got a Farberware, nothing special. I keep it sharp.

>> No.19564385


>> No.19566445

victorinox with a pull through sharpener

>> No.19566464

Even a postcard sized sheet of 1000 grit sandpaper glued to a piece of cardboard and some drops of mineral oil are vastly better than any pull through sharpener.

>> No.19566469

These look like a couple steps up from the standard SYSCO chef's knife--which were perfectly good knives and you didn't have to worry about abusing them on occasion(or some other fag fucking it up.)

>> No.19566476
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Breddy sure that was b8m8
akin to somefag saying--"Well, I always just run all my shit through the dishwasher, even my cast iron--so far so good..."

>> No.19566488

I dont think it was bait. I have been a knife collector and active in various related online communities for many, many years and the horrors I have seen and the stories I have heard are beyond comprehension of mortal men.

>> No.19566515
File: 377 KB, 600x800, GOOD GOD!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly... I know of these horrors.
>He used the electric grinder on the electric can opener from the 70s on a brand new $175 Wüsthof Trident.
>taps plays in the background before the yellin' starts

>> No.19566527

What makes pull through sharpeners bad?

>> No.19566582
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A "GOOD" one is creamic or diamond wheels at a preset angle, the cheap ones are just hardened steel blades that, due to the crystalline structure of steel, don't sharpen the blade as much as the chip off tiny chunks of it all the way down.
You shouldn't have to sharpen a new, good blade for at least 3 months with heavy use, ONLY using a hone to re-raise the "teeth" on the edge.
You certainly CAN use pullthroughs on cheap blades, but they never leave a lasting edge, and just keep removing material.
My parents fell for the meme-sharpener, and bought a Williams-Sonoma for like $80 I think.
Every time I'd go over there, I'd have to sharpen their knives to use them-(they run their shit through the dishwasher too..)
That think only worked for the first year. Now It doesn't even sharpen at all.
truly better to have a good hone and learn how to use it correctly, then, if you don't feel confident using a stone yourself, have a professional sharpener do it--then BACK to the hone.
Get a good recommendation for professional sharpeners from someone who knows knives though, I got fucked over by a Butcher shop that also "Sharpened knives"

>> No.19566605
















>> No.19566727

But there are good pullthrough sharpeners then? I feel like I'm just going to fuck up if I do it manually. I tried once and while I did sharpen the blade a bit but I also scratched it.

>> No.19566771

>But there are good pullthrough sharpeners then?
Probably. I couldn't recommend one tho-
Truly, buy a good hone.
A good hone will be under $30, and you shouldn't have to pay more than $10 for a pro to sharpen it.

>> No.19566792

All good sharpening and polishing material have a little give to it meaning the sharpening material itself wears out (you need asymmetric forces to turn an uneven shape into an even one). And pull-throughs with their small form factor and reliance on exactly set up angles will never be good for long. It might be possible with replaceable material and/or polishing paste. But it would be far less practical than one of those sharpening kits designed to hold a whetstone at a specific angle

>> No.19566826

Do they even make pull-throughs with replaceable wheels?
The $80 I posted earlier sure as hell doesn't--I guess they just rely on Boomers' proclivity for throw-away shit to keep the money wheel turning.
Hell, I was surprised when I asked around that 99% of people don't even know they can rectify a sharpening stone, or even that they SHOULD.

>> No.19567793
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You could get some thing like pic related, can sharpen nail clippers too. Not for longer knifes though.

>> No.19568534

I went to the asian mart and bought a synthetic sharpening stone after 15 years of using a harbor freight stone after putting an edge on all my blades. Now I just pull out the wet stone and touch up my blade maybe once every 2 weeks when I feel like it needs to cut better.

I figure that asian food mart wouldnt be fucken around with those old chinese people and I was right. Its a pretty good stone.

I think thats the key to South East Asian blades. its not the steel its just the patience and forethought since every Jap craftmans I see is always touching up their blade on a wet stone on every use.

Take care of your tools and theyll take care of you. The one exception to that rule is Ginsu that shit metallurgy is so shit you might as well craft a knife out of a can lid.

>> No.19568536

Dalstrong niggas will seeth and say it ain't shit because it isn't some japanese master craftsman knife. But its quality enough and does the job right.
Inb4 hecking chinese.

>> No.19568563

I had a dream I found a CCK slicer for $20 at a Chinese store

>> No.19568603

go to ebay and type pierre santini cleaver. Its probably not a great cleaver but its in the price range.

Thats my cleaver. I got it when my grandpa died after everyone stole from his tomb. and there was a box left of everything no one else wanted. In the box was that cleaver without a handle. I remember when I was 13 staring at his shit in his garage and there was a box of handleless thangs and I asked him wtf. He said he kept it with plans to rehandle them. He never did. So I saw that cleaver. Needed a cleaver and rehandled it. The blade was unsharp. so sharpened it and gave it a new bevel. It works fine. Maybe you need to sharpen it more often than a CCK slicer but you said you want a cleaver and your price point is $20.

>> No.19568629

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19568643

I wish there was a knife in the shape and style of a Japanese vegetable knife that wasn't some $100+ showoff knife that required autism to keep sharp.

>> No.19568657

Sounds like you want a kiwi nakiri
#22 or #172

>> No.19568659

look for the kiwi brand

>> No.19569320

Well shit might as well give them a try. They're like $10.

>> No.19569572

>I am shit at something therefore people that are good at it are the ones with some sort of problem
>I want to use a good knife without having to know shit about knives because I'm a lazy fuck
No amount of money will buy you out of your current state of retardation.
You chinkbots are insufferable.

>> No.19569576

>Retards buy cheap shit that doesn't last
>The market is flooded with cheap shit that doesn't last
>Morons keep buying it
>Durable items skyrocket in cost because morons buy the cheap shit
>Morons now think what used to be average and common is now expenisive and high end because they're retarded and destroyed the market by continually buying cheap, non durable, chink shit.
You idiots end up spending more money on knives than people that buy the "expensive" ones and take care of them. I still have knives from my grandparents and your chinkshit knives won't last 3 years. and they won't hold an edge for more than 1 use...This is why we cant have nice things

>> No.19569586

I go to the local restaurant supply store and buy the cheapest little fucker they have when I exit. Sharpen it a few times, then get a new one.
Don't waste money on knives, knives are memes.
Do what I did, expensive automatic sharpener, cheap knives.

>> No.19569594

not for a Victorinox
I have four--two I use a pull through and two are basically beaters for cheeze and shit and the pull through sharpener is fast, easy and keeps them sharp as fuck.

Please stop talking about what you obviously know nothing about.
They have a fixed blade angle that not all knives use and they live a polish pattern that parallels the blade so you lose the ability to micro-serate the blade. The perpendicular groove pattern also isn't as durable as the one tangential to the blade.

Basically a pull through his only good victrinox pairing or knives. Literally that's it.

>> No.19569597

>Use it till it breaks
>Get a new one
Thanks for using a lot of words to make obvious how retarded you are.

>> No.19569602

As long as it has proper chromium and carbon contents like X50CrMoV15 for example, any knife is good enough.
Ceramic knives are a meme, damascus steel knives are just for optics and le heckin gorillion times folded nippon blades are a scam.
0.5% carbon, 15% chrome and a bit of vanadium is all you need.

>> No.19569607

Ready? Fight!

>> No.19569621

Wrong. Some pattern welded knives DO have a function more than just looks. The pattern welded layers reduce or eliminate warping on san-mai style single bevel knives.

>> No.19569670
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you guys have no idea how comfy chinese chef knives are

>> No.19569692

The Damascus outer layer is to protect and strengthen the core metal which is usually vg10 or powder metal in the really high end knives.
True damascus knives are incredibly expensive--most damascus knives on the market are a VG 10 core with damascus outer layers.. It actually reduces the knife's overall cost to manufacture which isn't always reflected in the price.

>> No.19569855

I got one, made in Thailand.$10-15. Sharpest knife I ever owned.

>> No.19569858


When I was teaching in Taiwan, all of the lunch places used cleavers for almost everything. Veggies? Cleaver. Duck? Cleaver. Rice? Spatula

>> No.19569863
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for me it's global

>> No.19570320
File: 938 KB, 3411x2819, PXL_20230714_020744185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the K-tip

>> No.19570426

You're a bunka boi?

>> No.19570430

Love it, it's ironclad and aogami super, an absolute laser.

>> No.19570555

>What makes pull through sharpeners bad?
They remove a fuckton of material, they ruin the profile of the edge over time and they produce a terrible, jagged edge that dulls again very quickly. scienceofsharp.com has some gruesome pictures of such edges.

>> No.19570565

yeah, good idea. I discovered that I absolutely hate the blade shape, weight and balance of nakiris with a 10 dollar KIWI nakiri instead of a 150 dollar Jap knife.

>> No.19570572

Global became famous for their bolsterless shape back in the day, their steel has always been mediocre at best. Difficult to sharpen and doesnt hold an edge well. And they like to crack in two if you drop them.

>> No.19570602
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>> No.19570610

k tips are nice
i think i prefer the classic gyuto profile though, just ends up being what i reach for over my k stuff
i have that same nigara one, beaut of a knife

>> No.19570633

A kiwi nakiri is going to have a much different feel than a good Jap one.

>> No.19570658

Kiwi doesn't hold an edge for shit. It's trash even for trash knives.

>> No.19570664

Why are their knives cheap and shitty but their God damn Korean BBQ tongs are $50...jfc

>> No.19570675
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My daily driver is a Gesshin Ginga 210mm in white 2. I've never been quite as good as sharpening it as I was my Yoshikane stainless clad but I gifted that one to a friend. Been a bit of a regret of mine for a while but such is life.

>> No.19570692

I also feel like I've been getting a great edge on it recently with my Chosera 800 by they when I bump up to the Rika 3k I'm fucking the blade. I haven't flattened the Rika in a long time so I've decided to blame my tools instead of my skill and hope it works out after taking the dishing out of it.

>> No.19570712

Am I going to look like a dickhead with a 27cm gyuto?
I recently went from a 16cm santoku to a 20cm chef knife and the different is massive and I can no longer use my old knife anymore

>> No.19570720
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It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.19570741

I have two. They are awesome

>> No.19570838

Got that exact knife. Its OK. Miss my old santuko style Chicago Cutlery that wore out after 15 years

>> No.19570859

Shit like this is fine for getting the dings out of a blade, but they aren't really sharpeners. They're only straighteners. If you had a dull, straight blade, this wouldn't do shit.

>> No.19571021

...I still am using knives from my grandpa and I have some Chicago cultlery that I've been using for over 20 years and just upgraded... you either don't know how to sharpen/hone or you did some fucked up shit to your knife.

>> No.19571026

this is what you use on crap steel for an edge that last a day.
it's a cheap solution for shit metal that needs constant sharpening.

>> No.19571033

That patina is pretty fucking sick though man.

>> No.19571080

>$218 for a stamped blade and molded handle
Fuck that
What you just revealed is that you're fucking retarded. I'm sure you sharpen this on a pull through and your favorite dish is spaghetti.

>> No.19571084

This anon gets it, the only thing good Victorinox makes is paring knives and they're not even that good--they're good because they're cheap and easy to sharpen.

>> No.19571144

>Global became famous for their bolsterless shape back in the day

is that really what gave them a market advantage back then? Most western brands (victorinox, wusthof, zwilling for example) have always had stamped models that don't have bolsters.

>> No.19571651
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Stamped knives don't ramp into the handle like forged knives.

>> No.19571967

Got a few of those $5 Kiwi knives coming in the mail tomorrow and they better be shit otherwise Victorinox and chinkshit haters are going to seethe

>> No.19571973

They're great they just flex easily and get dull super quick

>> No.19571982

Who would pay $220 for that dogshit with no bolster? Pay another $80 and buy a fucking wusthof.

>> No.19571983

I'm expecting just to need to run them through a regular honing rod for a few seconds before and after using them at the least

>> No.19572383

While that's true, wusthof does have a line that are laser cut, which is just a fancy way of stamping.

>> No.19572609 [DELETED] 

you're a nigger retard

>> No.19573472

you're a nigger retard

>> No.19575334

Can I get advice?
I want decent basic knifes with wooden handles. (or metal)
I dont think I want carbon steel but I am not against it.
Western or Eastern are both fine.
What would you recommend and whats the minimum price I should expect to spend to get something decent?

>> No.19575497

>I dont think I want carbon steel but I am not against it.
Why would you not want carbon steel?
Usual rust resistent knives have some chrome, moly and maybe vanadium.
Around 100 dollars, maybe bit more. It's stable decent knife that will last you forever and that you can sharpen as you wish.
If you hate it that much you can also get zirconium dioxide knive which is double the price and impossible to sharpen with common tools

>> No.19575830
File: 27 KB, 900x900, ikea-365-chefs-knife-stainless-steel__0710374_pe727502_s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's this

>> No.19575839

Maybe I dont know enough, my understanding is that carbon steel is harder so it wont need to be sharpened as often but will need to be oiled to avoid rust and if it does get rusty I will need to clean that off, so I dont see that as an obviously better choice.

>> No.19575885

K-Sabatiers have wooden handles

>> No.19575940

>Maybe I dont know enough, my understanding is that carbon steel is harder
Carbon makes steel hard but brittle. There is some optimal middle ground that is good for a knife. Chrome actually makes steel harder too with larger number of carbon, since it builds chromium carbindes. But over 12% chrome makes it resistant against corrosion as well.
Typical knife steel is 15% chrome with some moly and vanadium (with vanadium its better but more expensive than without).
There isn't much benefit with pure carbon steel.
It also depends on the tempering procedure which is hard to know specifics of.
But if you want the utmost hardest knife, and this is main criteria for you, go for zirconia knife, since those are like 10 times as hard. Just don't drop em since they are brittle. They are also naturally resistent vs corrosion.
Another thing to know is, the harder the knife is, the more difficult is it to sharpen. You basically can'T sharpen zirconia knives for example.
Oiling a knife is for long time storage (not one day of not using it but much longer). As the air contains water and will corrode it slowly.

TL:DR: Just get a fucking chromium knive and dont bother about all this shit.

>> No.19575988

Mercer Renaissance 8" for Western
Fujiwara FKM Gyuto 210mm for Eastern
If you're European look for how much a wusthof ikon costs

>> No.19576005

No, u.
Fucking retarded ape

>> No.19576116

That's my knife too. Can't really go wrong with it.

>> No.19576303

MAC Pro 4 inch paring knife
Recently got one myself
Well built, sharp as fuck out of the box

>> No.19576332

Their 5.3 and 5.5 inch Petties are some of the best out there...especially for the price.

>> No.19576961
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it doesnt matter what knife you get, what matters is that you know how to sharpen it
if you are an absolute beginner with sharpening, get the worksharp professional precision adjust
the thing is idiot proof, and you WILL have the sharpest blade you ever had in your life
the only way to get something sharper is to go down the line on a bunch of diamond stones of increasing grit, and then finish on a strop with 3 micron "gunny juice"
but that requires you to hold the knife edge at the correct angle with no training wheels, and honestly it isnt as fun

>> No.19577431

I recently got some Lion Sabatier knives that are around 20 years old.
Only the chefs knife is actually one piece of steel with bolster, all the others are flat pieces of steel and have an aluminium bolster added on.
I tried looking at the Lion Sabatier knives available today and none seem to have that.
Should I assume these are fake/low quality?

>> No.19577859

I have some Kyocera knives that I use for fruit, veggies, and boneless meats and they're a dream.
It has been years and my fruit knife still glides right through tomatoes.

>> No.19578083

>It doesn't matter what knife you get
It absolutely does. Shit metal doesn't hold an edge and you can't get it as sharp. You put a good edge on a shit knife and you'll dull it in one meal prep. I hone my VG10 knives maybe once a week and sharpen maybe once a year, sometimes twice if I use a particular knife allot.
I have to sharpen my parents knives every week because they insist their stamped chinkshit is "good" and they are scared to use the VG10 knives I bought them so I wouldn't have to sharpen their shit literally every time I go over there.
Most people don't need to learn to sharpen--they need to learn to hone. You can pay some dude once a year to sharpen your shit but you almost never have to sharpen if you know how to hone and have good steel.

>> No.19578090

I have a powdermetal Miyabi paring knife that I've never ever sharpened and probably never will. It's sharper than most peoples entire knife collection and It'll probably never go dull in my lifetime since it only cuts fruit, vegetables and small seafood like shrimp and squid.

>> No.19578151

SG2 has good edge retention but it will still need sharpened.

>> No.19578847

Not on a paring knife used primarily for strawberries, garlic, ginger, turmeric and shrimp. I'm not some retard that uses a knife to slide ingredients around on a cutting board or who doesn't make sure organic ingredients have absolutely zero dirt. If it were a petty knife I'd agree but as a paring knife .. ok, I might have to hone it on a ceramic rod every decade or so.

>> No.19578874

So it's not something that ever touches the cutting board, got it.

>> No.19578892
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buy whatever you want it literally does not matter for a home cook

>> No.19578937

My petty knife cuts more in a week than your wit has cut in your lifetime.

>> No.19578942

>Buy shit
>Treat is like shit
>Don't bother learning how to use it
OK wallmart rep, thanks for telling us to keep buying garbage and to not take care of it.

>> No.19578980
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i said buy whatever you want and you interpreted that as "shit" lmao cope and seethe cutlet my $40 viccy sees more action in a week than your redditcore santoku will see in a lifetime

>> No.19579020

>I am a prep cook at Mcdonalds
I don't use a Santoku for anything and I'm glad you've a pet name for your bosses' knives. I was talking about edge retention, something you clearly don't care about because someone else takes care of your knives for you, Carlos.

>> No.19579382

Should I get a 10" chef knife and a 6" petty knife or an 8" chef knife?

>> No.19579410

Do you currently have any?
I imagine a 10 inch knife might feel too big for some people.
Ideally you want to feel it before purchase, but if you have already own some then use those as a guideline for what you find comfortable.

>> No.19579420

Okay retard, all I'm hearing is you don't use your knives.

>> No.19579428

>Okay retard, all I'm hearing is you don't use your knives.
Oh snap! You just used your wit to tell him that you are ESL.
Badass, dude. Badass.

>> No.19579432

I have an 8" chef knife and a 2 inch petty
Looking to get something that is a bit harder than the chef knife, it's incredibly soft and shitty
People say 10" knives are something you learn and then you'll never look back

>> No.19579540

Oh but I do use them. Make lots of things for lots of people and they seem to ask me for more and more. I'm not sure what this has to do with me owning multiple supersteel knives and you speculating on their properties--owning none.

>> No.19579855

>This supersteel you see it never needs sharpened.
>*crushed a tomato, bruises herbs and hacks apart a roast*
>See? Had it for 5 years and it's as sharp as the day I bought it.

>> No.19580729

vg-10 is a stainless steel and thus is the shit metal you are talking about
i dont know what angle you sharpen your parents knives to, but i would recommend you go as steep as possible, especially if you say you are sharpening every week. my god man

>> No.19580748

NTA but I use victorinox too. I don't care about edge retention because I take care of my knives for me and its not a problem. hit it with 2-3 passes on the rod every time I pull it out, sharpen every month or 2/as needed (sharpening takes only a second, one pass thru each stage of the ol' Trizor XV)

>> No.19581298

I love how willing you are to make a fool of yourself. Tell me which powder metal knife you own, oh wait, you can't even afford one.
lol, keep making up stories to feel better about yourself,

>> No.19581299
File: 9 KB, 399x266, Chef---sChoice-Trizor-XV_20190731-210728_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Chef's Choice automatic sharpener?
They're diamond, preset angles and super easy to use, I only use victorinox fibrox so I don't care about grinding away too much material

>> No.19581303

You have the reading comprehension of an 8 year old.

>> No.19581307

>I hone before I cook because I love metal flakes in my food

>> No.19581699

Iron? In MY food?
Doesnt sound natural to me.

>> No.19581723
File: 265 KB, 1834x1060, PXL_20230808_190253342_exported_1393_1691521571706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 240mm SG2 kiritsuke from Nigara Hamono, retard.

>> No.19581730

Sharpening knives is fun. What, you people have Parkinson's or something?

>> No.19581821

no i have a job

>> No.19582463

Ive used this with a old set of Chicago cutlery knives for years and its been awesome. The third stage is ceramic so you can hone without grinding if you need to.

>> No.19582514

I finally upgraded my Chicago Cutlery after decades of use. I can't believe I waited so long.

>> No.19582533
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Idk what knife to get
I want something that is agile and thin

>> No.19582543

Munetoshi petty.

>> No.19582724

Carbon or stainless?

>> No.19583018

Nigara Hamono bunka

Depends on what you're looking for and the level of care you want to put into the knife. It's nice to have one or two of each imho

>> No.19583323

Why would you spend that when you can get a custom in Magnacut for only a bit more?

>> No.19584026

I am worried that if I got a carbon steel knife it would chip really easily or that wiping it dry would leave behind too much moisture.

>> No.19584187

If you get the SG2 blade it's all stainless. The aogami super blades are stainless clad so even then you only need to worry about the cutting edge.

>> No.19584216

Where do you buy kitchen knives? (I am in the UK)
There are no decent brick and mortar shops near me.
Looking at french and japanese knives online and there seems to be a lot of bullshit misleading marketing about 100 year old ancient samurai and knights.
I just want something forged by a skilled person to a decent standard and not some chinese stamped crap.

>> No.19584420

I don't live in the UK but a 60 second Google search gave me this website.