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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19563106 No.19563106 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a quack? There’s something so reddit-tier about the tone and cadence of his speech that repels me.

>> No.19563120

I didn't know nearsighted beavers could cook. (I have no idea what he cooks or why I would give a shit)

>> No.19563124

Fucking hate these YouTubers who talk too much and give all their gay science about food. Just give me the recipe.

>> No.19563156

idk watching youtubers is too much work to join in on hating them for being dysgenic, watching stuff is impossible in general i need my fingers stimulated at all times

>> No.19564030

>Tries to reinvent the wheel but is extremely insecure and sensible to criticism
>Elitist when he achieves something, dismissive when he fails
>Seasons his cutting board instead of his steak
>Extremely aggressive when replying to others
>Obsessed over soyence involved in cooking whilst illiterate grandmas cook orders of magnitude better than him

>> No.19564069

I think he's good
His recipes are very basic and simple and I've made a dozen of them to decent success

>> No.19564081

Just buy an ad Adam.

>> No.19564084

>why I fuck my kids, not my wife

>> No.19564093

this about sums him up, i cant wait for his seething, unhinged reply to this post on an upcoming video

>> No.19564096
File: 3.20 MB, 1502x1489, self serve ads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should buy an ad it's not like they have to be high quality or good

>> No.19564103
File: 674 KB, 1011x974, 1608234172041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19564116

>His recipes are very basic and simple
this, they're easy to replicate if it's your first time cooking something

>> No.19564157

Adam, I don't care what everybody else says, you are OK in my book

>> No.19564174

>Is he a quack?
He's an above average cook. His videos are annoying as fuck.

>> No.19564214

How do you even get into being a cuck?

>> No.19564251

I want to rape Adam with a chef's knife while deepfrying his head

>> No.19564257

wtf this dude got the coomer arm

>> No.19564264

He wants to be Alton Brown so bad

>> No.19564378

Gotta say I've tried some of his recipes and they are OK. There are better out there. For example, his all'assassina recipe. He recommends *not* burning it and uses chopped jalapeno peppers instead of chili flakes. Just retarded. His chana masala recipe was good.

>> No.19564409

Fuck off spamming this garbage. If we need to rangeban all of flyover USA to get the fag from shitting up the board every single day I say let's do it.

>> No.19564733

he comes across as a massive faggot but unfortunately it is kinda how I would be on camera so I try not to mind too much.
I don't really care for his recipes but do enjoy his other shit.

>> No.19564735

You have good instincts.

>> No.19564737

His wife is so fucking ugly with jacked up teeth! You can judge a man based on his wife.

>> No.19564740

Alton Brown was always a huge hack who was full of himself and insisted on cynical yet needlessly complicated cooking methods so it checks out.

>> No.19564751

>There’s something so reddit-tier about the tone and cadence of his speech that repels me
I'd almost say he was /ck/ personified. Shit takes, dumb elitist shit, retarded, and proud of it, and even some food gore.

He is essentially a redditor that is aping better left-wing YT cooking shows that have FAR higher production value while being a cooklet at the same time. He is also a /fit/ brainlet ranter too, so yeah, it is best to discard any cooking opinions you hear from him straight into the trash.

This post is very right, and doesn't even mention the thing I find most grating - he's wrong on a LOT of shit because of the Twitter-style "hot takes" on food/techniques. So he's a bad person to learn from, especially when YT has actual chefs that are far better to learn from.

>> No.19564761

This freak repels you yet you want me to see it?
What are you some kind of freak, I dont care about these morons, give me a positive reason as to why I should care about these types?

>> No.19564770

What I think that's funny is that you people are so full of youtube shit that you don't matter. You're fucking useless.

>> No.19564825

You freaks should consider that you suck up to these so called useless youtube freaks and revaluable your lives.

>> No.19564837

Hello Adam.

>> No.19564869

I've always liked that Alton disliked the use of "uni-taskers" in the kitchen