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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19552567 No.19552567 [Reply] [Original]

If you could pass one food-related law in the US, what would it be? This could apply to anyone from farmers, slop manufacturers, restaurants, or the populace itself. It can also be a law repealing an existing law or regulation. Assume that it will last forever and it will be actually enforced.

>> No.19552572

Ban sugar. There you're welcome.

>> No.19552574

no more farm subsidies

>> No.19552583

ban fda or any federal involvement in food

>> No.19552706

I would institute a minimum price/calorie law which applies to all prepared food or raw ingredients sold to a consumer. The price of any food must be at least $0.65 per 100 calories, and selling calories to a consumer for a cheaper price than that will incur a fine proportional to the amount. This is calculated based on the poorest quintile spending an average of $13 a day on food, and it should be impossible for poor people to afford to become obese. This should force black people to start eating vegetables or else they will starve to death.

I am instituting this method rather than a flat calorie tax because I don't want to add costs to real food like steak or to gourmet cuisine. This only jacks up the price of sugar, oil, fast food, bread, soda, chips and snacks.
Farm subsidies keep our farms producing a surplus of food continuously, so that in the event of a war we will have enough capacity to feed ourselves. It's a national security measure. If you didn't subsidize American farming, we would eventually get all our food from China, and then if there was a war or if we got sanctioned we would all starve.

>> No.19552996

ban roundup usage

>> No.19553021
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Rapeseed, palm, corn, sunflower and soybean oils are banned from use in products intended for human consumption. Same goes for high fructose corn syrup. Anyone violating that law should be charged for willfully poisoning food and drink.

>> No.19553029

You've never even been to America.

>> No.19553030

A surplus of corn and soy. If you want to subsidize them how about soil investments so we are not fed nutrient depleted slop?

>> No.19553031

Outlaw hydrogenated food products.

>> No.19553037

Muslims have to eat a pulled pork with bacon sandwich once a day

>> No.19553057

All foods must contain a lot of lactose.

>> No.19553064

Little to no waste law. Figure it the fuck out.

>> No.19553065

Corn can be made into fuel for vehicles. Soy is a complete protein that can be used to feed both humans and livestock and is one of the only plants that contains every essential amino acid. In an emergency situation I don't think the estrogenic effect is as big of a deal as not starving to death.

>> No.19553069

You fucking beaner you take that back right now.

>> No.19553074

It's not haram if we're compelled, so this doesn't accomplish anything

>> No.19553108

>If you could pass one food-related law in the US, what would it be?
>This could apply to anyone from farmers, slop manufacturers, restaurants, or the populace itself.
I would make it illegal to refer to food as "slop" since no one between the ages of 8 and 80 can use that word without sounding like a retarded child.

>> No.19553115

You will eat ze bugs

>> No.19553119

a $0.19 banana is 100 calories, and whole grains and beans are cheaper. carrots would be too affordable for your rule. gtfo.

>> No.19553122
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90% marginal tax rate on earnings over $300,000 per year, which goes towards a $2000 UBI payment every month.

Call it the "Build Back Bigger Act".

>> No.19553123
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>> No.19553131

i get frozen Brussels sprouts cheaper than that. look up the energy content and you may be surprised

>> No.19553140

Regulate soda (and any drink with a certain amount of sugar [or artificial sweetener] per ounce) like alcohol. Not allowed for sale to children, restricted sale for adults.

>Farm subsidies keep our farms producing a surplus of food continuously, so that in the event of a war we will have enough capacity to feed ourselves. It's a national security measure.
This sounds like corn farmer propaganda. Why would they need to be continuously subsidized for all the decades we've gone without a major mobilization?

>> No.19553144


>> No.19553159

Chicken raisers must vaccinate their flocks against salmonella
EU already does this, so we know it's economical and it does help reduce salmonella cases

>> No.19553170

Nobody gives a fuck what the EU does. Europeans are fags.

>> No.19553193

Bananas are supposed to be a rare luxury. Humans aren't responsible enough to handle $0.19 bananas. You will pay $0.65 for a banana under my regime.

>> No.19553194

only straight white people are allowed to eat any and all foods.

>> No.19553201

>In an emergency situation I don't think the estrogenic effect is as big of a deal as not starving to death.
In an emergency situation is exactly when you least want estrogenic effects so your civilization can have a chance to avoid total death.

>> No.19553223

Ok, well the point of the law is to make calories expensive enough that poor people can't afford to be obese. If brussels sprouts can make you obese for less than $13/day then they're too cheap and the price needs to be raised.

> Why would they need to be continuously subsidized for all the decades we've gone without a major mobilization?
Because you can't just spin up food production at the drop of a hat. It takes a long time and a lot of money to convert people who don't farm into farmers, to convert undeveloped land into farms, to actually produce a crop from those farms, to build processing and distribution infrastructure, to process the crop into the edible form, and to distribute it to the stores where people can buy it. If you magically deleted 60% of the country's farms overnight, it would take a decade for the industry to recover. That's why we need to pay to keep the surplus capacity warmed up so it's actually ready to use next month. You might as well ask why we keep a standing army, weapons, and army reserve continuously subsidized for all the decades we've gone without WWIII.

>> No.19553227

My law would be that this guy can't put his experimental mRNA vax into my chicken.

>> No.19553231

Ban artificial flavouring

>> No.19553237

Why not just tariff foreign grain to keep it non-competitive instead of pumping money into the farming industry and encouraging waste, i think we already do that with beef

>> No.19553239

In my humble omnipotence, people with allergies will not be catered to. They must deal with the consequences.
however every place will still take the measures they do now to keep separate cutting boards and what not. you can't have your pizza baked in an oven where meat touched? too bad so sad you die, heres your bill.

>> No.19553244
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If we had a real war it would result in average testosterone levels of men doubling or tripling in a matter of months, and it wouldn't matter what you feed them. The real redpill on modern T levels is that it has nothing to do with drugs and chemicals in the environment. It has to do with the state of our culture. Men are spiritually caged, beaten down, and forced to learn from female teachers in school and in many cases even work for female managers. When the human brain observes that a woman is telling it what to do, it automatically assumes that the self must be a female as well, and that's why it suppresses its own testosterone production.

You doubt that this is true? When you release a pig into the forest, it literally grows hair and tusks. The environment (socially and contextually, not chemically) has a massive effect on gene expression, especially with regard to testosterone and aggression.

>> No.19553249

>If you could pass one food-related law in the US
No more tipping.

>> No.19553253

i'm a leo but spiritually i'm aquarius

>> No.19553255
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You don't get a say in what happens in America (despite being obsessed with America)

>> No.19553262

You can still do that. but it would still exist/come back in some form.

>> No.19553282

>the problem with today's society is that poor people simply have too much to eat
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.19553284

1. Tariffs are viewed as aggressive and rude by the other country
2. It's less favorable to the population. Everyone likes a bill that helps American farmers, but nobody likes a bill that prevents them from having stuff.
3. Tariffs increase food prices for the consumer, but farm subsidies decrease food prices for the consumer. America has the cheapest food in the world by a massive margin. Most Americans have no idea how unaffordable meat is in other countries. Canadians and Europeans eat like slaves.
4. Importing tons of food from other countries is huge political leverage because we can threaten to turn it off. Nobody wants to get on our bad side if we can say "ok then we won't buy your grain/meat"

>> No.19553293

i can't afford $13 a day wtf

>> No.19553307
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In America this is the problem, yes. To be specific, they eat too many calories which makes them obese. This is extremely expensive for the taxpayers to deal with, because the obese poors consume astronomical amounts of free emergency healthcare, compounded by the fact that poor people are too stupid to consume cheaper preventative care. They also threaten to undermine the national defense because we don't have a population that's capable of fighting in a war. They also look hideous and make the country ugly. When you go outside in America you're bombarded by scenes like this at every turn. In my opinion it's worse to look at than having a street that's covered in garbage and litter.

>> No.19553312

I guess you'll be losing weight then, my poor and obese friend

>> No.19553318

Why don't you just start your own site about your own culture that you can feel smug and superior about? Afraid it'll be shitty and lame and no fun? Afraid no one will actually post there?

>> No.19553329

Or is it more like he's afraid his own government will flag him and his social credit score will be fucked. It's why all these non-Americans flooded 4chan after 2020.

>> No.19553333

Force all companies to reduce the sugar in their products by 75%

>> No.19553338

I'm American, by "they" I'm referring to poor people, not Americans in general. In this country wealth is inversely related to obesity because poor people eat more and worse food than anyone else and because they're stupid and lack self-control. This wouldn't be a problem except that the rest of society is being forced to pay for the medical expense and aesthetic blight they incur.

>> No.19553370
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>they eat too many calories which makes them obese
That's how anybody becomes obese.
>this is extremely expensive for the taxpayers to deal with, because the obese poors consume astronomical amounts of free emergency healthcare
Are they eating the healthcare? What are you even talking about? 90% of the population can barely afford healthcare as it is. Maybe start by making healthcare easily accessible if you're so worried about people waiting until an emergency to seek medical attention.
>compounded by the fact that poor people are too stupid to consume cheaper preventative care
Now they're eating preventative care too? Again, it's not that they're too stupid; we simply don't invest in accessible preventative care in this country. You must have at least been a fan of Michelle Obama's school lunch program, right?
>they also threaten to undermine the national defense because we don't have a population that's capable of fighting in a war
I have no problem with lowering defense spending. If you're worried about your tax dollars you should really start there.
>they also look hideous and make the country ugly
A fat American in a $10,000 suit looks just as hideous as the Canadians in the image you posted.

>> No.19553423

t.farming welfare queen

all farmers are commie scum when they get gubberment gibs; but right wingers when it comes to anyone else getting it.

>> No.19553434
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>Maybe start by making healthcare easily accessible if you're so worried about people waiting until an emergency to seek medical attention. I>Compounded by the fact that poor people are too stupid
Poor people in America have free healthcare. I know you've been consuming a lot of foreign propaganda from TikTok and Reddit but the myth that poor people can't afford healthcare is completely fake. You can literally sign up for free healthcare right now if you make less than 150% of the poverty line. Also, if you go to any emergency room, even if you don't have insurance and you're completely broke, they're not allowed to deny you service. Then if you're poor you just don't have to pay.
> it's not that they're too stupid; we simply don't invest in accessible preventative care in this country.
Absolutely false. The resources are there and they don't utilize them because they're too stupid. You can literally look this up in 5 seconds but you don't because you got your opinion from foreign propaganda and don't care to change it.
> If you're worried about your tax dollars you should really start with defense spending.
Who says I wouldn't? OP asked for a food related law. You're literally so triggered that I insulted your pets (the stinking obese underclass) that you're now sputtering out completely unrelated talking points from your training videos like a short circuited bot. I'm surprised you didn't mention gun control in your reply too.

>> No.19553444

no more food sold to minorities of any kind.

>> No.19553466

Nutrition facts and ingredients list on all alcohols. Comparable to how all other foods and drinks are sold - But no guesswork or obfuscation on alcohols. Absurd this isn't the case.

>> No.19553469
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No ID checks when buying alcohol at self checkout. No ideological reason whatsoever. Just amusement at what would happen.

>> No.19553475

Ban artificial cherry flavoring, that shit is so gross

>> No.19553478

Probably nothing would happen honestly. I've been drinking as much as I wanted since age 15. It's trivially easy to pay the homeless to buy you alcohol. Most bums would do it for one cigarette.

>> No.19553485

Not all kids are smart or socially competent enough to figure that out though

>> No.19553487

>no one can use that word without sounding like a retarded child.

that's the VHS slur

>> No.19553511

yes. all alcoholics start before the legal age. same with chain smokers too. the earlier you start a habit; the harder to change.
that is why fat children never get skinny. pigging out is what they consider normal. eating proper amounts of healthy food will always seem abnormal to them

>> No.19553515

I guess I didn't factor in how degenerate most of you are. Maybe next time.

>> No.19553518

your a glow nigger and now you've been drafted to fight in Ukraine. don't worry we will look after your boomer house and 401 k while your gone

>> No.19553544

Realistically though, alcohol is so easy to produce it's impossible to fully remove anyone's access to it.

>> No.19553555

>You can literally sign up for free healthcare right now if you make less than 150% of the poverty line

that's how they gate keep the gubberment gibs for the orcs. they deny the app for Caucasians

>> No.19553558

>I know you've been consuming a lot of foreign propaganda from TikTok and Reddit
Says the phone poster...
>the myth that poor people can't afford healthcare is completely fake
Did you even read the article you posted? You're literally talking about a temporary subsidy due to covid (which also virtually ended child hunger in the US until the Republicans said we can't have that). So...thanks Biden? You've obviously never had much experience with the medical system if you think ACA makes healthcare "free".
>f you go to any emergency room, even if you don't have insurance and you're completely broke, they're not allowed to deny you service
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>the resources are there and they don't utilize them because they're too stupid
>you can literally look this up in 5 seconds
I guess I'm also too stupid then. Humor me and give an example of this "accessible preventative care" you're talking about. It only takes 5 seconds so the the ROI when I admit I'm wrong should make it more than worth it.
>you're now sputtering out completely unrelated talking points
You're the one who brought up national defense. I literally quoted you directly in my reply.

>> No.19553574

>If you could pass one food-related law in the US, what would it be? This could apply to anyone from farmers, slop manufacturers, restaurants, or the populace itself. It can also be a law repealing an existing law or regulation. Assume that it will last forever and it will be actually enforced.
Wait, so you're saying that we can pass one law and it will be somehow magically enforced, causing everyone to follow it?
"Title 21 of the United States Code is hereby enforced."

>> No.19553594

Good luck collecting that when the smarty pants lawyers account their way into "being poor" like they always do. I bet Bezos could figure out a way to collect that 2k UBI with enough accounting.

>> No.19553625

spot on post.

>> No.19553671

only white people (DNA test verified) are allowed to grow, produce, package, transport, handle, prepare, serve, sell, and/or eat/consume/use food

what now JANNIES?

>> No.19553689
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>give me an example
Ok, here's the accessible preventative care that's available to me as a hypothetical minimum wage earner using my real location and age, using the calculator from:

I would qualify for $336 worth of healthcare subsidy per month which allows me to choose between 4 fully free healthcare plans and 5 pages worth of other cheap ones. The top option looks pretty accessible to me considering it's FREE. You fucking ignorant shithead.

>> No.19553691

>Committee is formed to determine who is or is not white
>OP discovers his 1/24th Jewish and 1/12 Italian heritage
>Is kicked off the food rationing list

>> No.19553692

>I bet Bezos could figure out a way to collect that 2k UBI with enough accounting
Lol. What do you think the "U" stands for in "UBI"? Obviously there'd need to be tax reform/wealth tax to avoid the ultra-wealthy from tax-dodging, but everyone - even Bezos - would receive the same 2K every month.

>> No.19553704

Let's just ban anyone who is more than 1/8th black or Jewish from receiving food then

>> No.19553705

i have cum gutters and i spend ~$6/day on whole plant ingredients that are too affordable by your arbitrary standards.

>> No.19553707
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>forces the ruling class to become farmers
I like the way you think.

>> No.19553735

>$50 office visits
>$25 generic drugs
>$3000 deductible
>$8850 oop
Lol. That's not even remotely "free". I don't think I've ever paid $50 for an office visit. That's prohibitively expensive for a lot of people, and I don't see anything about preventative care.
>hurr, just pay $50 before you get sick so that your doctor can tell you to eat healthier and exercise more

>> No.19553959

Ultra Processed Food Control Act:

>Ban marketing of ultra processed foods to children: no cartoon mascots, no ads on children's TV/apps/websites
>No UPF in schools, or sold within 500 feet of schools
>Label UPF like cigarettes: big fuckoff warning labels about the high levels of sugar, calories, salt, fat, etc
>Impose a tax on the sale of bulk UPF additives like sugar, this will not apply to consumer sales but will force industry to reformulate their products
>Ban high fructose corn syrup and other additives known to be especially harmful
>Phase out corn and soy subsidies, encourage farmer to grow a wide variety of fruits and veg instead
>Make cooking and nutrition classes mandatory for all high school students, provide funding to ensure good quality ingredients can be used in class

Save da keedz man

>> No.19554046

Ok, I would consider making an exception for people who aren't obese

>> No.19554084
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>> No.19554090

Execute all the jews.

>> No.19554112

beyond it literally not being worth his effort, the ultrarich are <1% of the population so you're talking about a <1% cost "overrun", even ignoring the U = universal point

>> No.19554113

Fruit company jew. No wonder your kind loved to bring war to south america in the past

>> No.19554114

Companies just release all the same foods made with honey instead of sugar and nothing changes

>> No.19554131

Stop putting glue on shit.

Just this past week I bought a case of sodas and some protein bars and both had globs of glue on the cans and bar packages.

Like seriously fuck off with your sloppy-ass production processes. That shit is just dystopian. I get that stuff comes in boxes and has to be sealed up with adhesives but im not trying to eat glue??

Even if, I assume the glue is ""food safe"" or whatever but that doesn't appease me...I'd prefer not to ingest the stuff or it be in close proximity to what I'm ingesting

>> No.19554140

If I were a fruit company jew I would want bananas to be market priced. The expensive banana would sell less and lose money for the banana company. The food industry as a whole needs to be making less money because people are too obese.

>> No.19554173

Groceries are already to expensive. Not everybody is a amerilard nigger

>> No.19554196

No sulfites

>> No.19554206

Every single thing you eat has sugar in it

>> No.19554211 [DELETED] 

Any advertising has to be realistically representative of the actual product sold.

No fluffing or doctoring or airbrushing or special one offs, no wax ice cream, no plastic patties, no dyes or colored lights. If the image on the package, building or television doesn't match what I get in my hands, you're liable.

>> No.19554216
File: 45 KB, 600x361, fastfoods-ads-vs-reality-burgerking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advertising has to be realistically representative of the actual product sold.

No fluffing or doctoring or airbrushing or special one offs, no wax ice cream, no plastic patties, no dyes or colored lights. If the image on the package, building or television doesn't match what I get in my hands, you're liable.

>> No.19554224

really stupid answer and a total waste of your free instant law
no one actually gets tricked by this shit and the law wouldn't actually change anything

>> No.19554277

One food law?
All cereals must include some form of shortening, to make them more filling, and be enriched with various vitamins and whatnot.

I like my cheerios, but would like them more if they had some tallow in them.

>> No.19554322

Everyone must submit to a blood test every year which measures if you've eaten any meat lately. If you fail the blood test (aka you're scientifically found to be a vegan) something bad will happen to you.

>> No.19554340

>If you could pass one food-related law in the US, what would it be?
Non-whites (aka people with non-white, non-european DNA greater than 1%) are banned from buying food.

>> No.19554749

It's a law that forces Nesquik to make buncha banana milk again exactly how it was before and never discontinue it again.

>> No.19554768

>When the human brain observes that a woman is telling it what to do, it automatically assumes that the self must be a female as well, and that's why it suppresses its own testosterone production
>source: it came to me in a dream

>When you release a pig into the forest, it literally grows hair and tusks
what a load of bullshit you delusional schizo fuck

>> No.19554777

Drive throughs and delivery.... Are.... Banned. If you want the food... Get fast casual at least.

>> No.19554781


>> No.19554817

High fat, sugar and salt tax above certain limit

>> No.19554837
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Damn that sandwich looks good.

>> No.19554853

Advertisements who fail to display healthy portions get slapped with a fine and an FDA warning

>> No.19554938

i would pass a law revoking all other food laws

>> No.19554945

outlaw tipping, not american but I can see that cancer making it's way to me eventually

>> No.19555035

All products must list both the country of origin for every ingredient, and also the name of the actual manufacturer or source where it was “created” (excluding the packaging stage).

>> No.19555138

Well it's true, what do you want me to tell you? The source is my intuition and intelligence. I have made a number of related observations, and based on my understanding of the systems at play, I have combined that information together and got new information out. Known facts include:
-If you put men in an environment with other men such as a sports team or male-only gym, the testosterone increases
-if you beat another man in a fight your testosterone increases
-men in leadership positions have higher testosterone than men in positions with less responsibility, and it's known that these two factors influence each other
From animals:
-if you release a pig into the forest, it grows hair and tusks. This is pretty well known and can also be googled, so the fact that you're so confidently calling it schizo suggests that you're not very intelligent or informed in general, and your ego might be getting in the way of that. Try being more willing to listen and learn when you come across information that you don't understand.
-mice in an overpopulated enclosure have less testosterone than ones that have enough space. They're also less interested in sex and less aggressive.
About society:
-testosterone has dropped 25-50% since the 1980s and chemicals in the water and obesity can't explain it
-compared to the average male in 1980, the average male in society today spends less time with other males, encounters fewer competitive situations, is more submissive, his behavior is more restricted, and he lives in a more overpopulated city and a smaller apartment with more roommates

If you feel that you don't have permission to combine these facts together into the obvious conclusion, you have my sincere pity.

>> No.19555187

take your meds you whackjob

>> No.19555217

Dude if you're that intellectually uncurious, why even waste time posting replies on this website? We're having a discussion here. Just go to Reddit and upvote pop science articles if that's all you want to see.

>> No.19555221

>in the US
only white ppl are allowed to eat food

>> No.19555235

>We're having a discussion here
no we aren't, you're posting unstable nonsense

>> No.19555238

I'm fascinated by "muh intuition" as a spiritual guide already but nowadays it's the compass of truth as well. Fringe health groups used to at least put enough effort into coming up with excuses of how their shit works, but nowadays it's full on "because I know it does" and that's that.
Enjoy the cult/MLM pussy tho, those bitches are plentiful and desperate. Good luck anon, I'm glad your parents vaccinated you and you're alive to shitpost today.

>> No.19555241

I hate my "fellow americans" and this country isn't america anymore so I don't want to intervene

But if I HAD to, everything needs lactose, low sugar, no hfcs, etc

>> No.19555263

I grew up on a farm, your point about pigs is solely because their livestock swine have their tusks trimmed, and they grow hair as a response to elemental exposure. Farm pigs live indoors and don't need protection from weather, so the coat doesn't grow. It's got absolutely nothing to do with reverting to some kind of "more masculine" state.

Your misinterpretation of that one point makes me think you've done the same thing for everything you've said: observed some innocuous natural process or a couple of vague lab trials, and made wild leaps of baseless logic to make them fit your strange, insecure narrative. Also, if you really stood by what you were saying, you'd support your points with actual evidence instead of telling people to go looking for it themselves. It just makes you look like you've got nothing and want to deflect by placing the onus on the person calling you out.

>> No.19555315

Banning food exports to Canada.
I don't like how our food security is being threatened by sourcing our food from that open-air retard farm. If they cut us off we'd be pretty screwed.

We'd have to find different places to buy tropical fruit from, but it's needed anyways.

>> No.19555320
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criminalize kosher slaughter

>> No.19555332

It’s pretty true. As soon as you step foot into a job especially a more office like job, testosterone decreases a lot. The moment u r hired and the moment of ur first orientation, I definitely notice it. Working in the west is horrible for a man’s health. Even the subway or drive to work, you are bombarded with news on radio or newspapers bashing your manhood. Imagine some shit on the radio bashing men, and the station is also played at work. Lmfao.

>> No.19555342

Makes sense. There’s something about “working” with females that is so not right. Many will disagree with this. Many enjoy working having female colleagues too. Those men have low t levels and/or betaness. They obviously disagree. We are born into a world already like this and it’s hard to pull people out the cave and to tell them having girls in every public space isn’t actually normal.

>> No.19555355

So sheltered hogs don’t grow tusks and a coating and non sheltered ones do. Are you a girl? Lol. That’s like men being at work have lower t and ones that aren’t have higher t. What the other anon says is still correct.

>> No.19555361

The “elemental exposure” you mentioned could be applied to the other anon too. The modern “elemental exposure” modern men face is too many girls everywhere and when always around them, t levels decrease. When men leave the “farm” aka modern society, he grows manlier.

>> No.19555376

It’s wasn’t a wild baseless logic thing he mentioned. Something tells me you are a girl. As much as girls “love” men, girls don’t like it when men collectively are masculine as it opposes the position girls have today. The entire society and the way girls are treated today and the way men treat girls and others is not the norm.

>> No.19555383

no more food delivery hehe

>> No.19555424
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What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't say "because I know it does." I literally hit the comment length limit trying to explain and justify my reasons for believing it. Just because I didn't do a scientific experiment where I picked up an American office worker and dropped him in Sudan and then measured his T level doesn't mean I can't have a reasoned and justifiable belief about what would happen if you did that. I know the mechanism by which it would happen, it's because testosterone level is influenced by social situations, because gene expression is influenced by the environment. We have tons and tons of "real science" demonstrating this effect in all sorts of contexts. I'm not even an anti-vaxxer.
They grow tusks and hair and have a different head and snout shape because of an epigenetic response to the different environment.
I think the other 3 replies you got are one samefag, but I do think he's right that you are probably a woman and I touched a nerve with what I said. That's why you're interpreting my basically innocuous and obvious point as being "strange and insecure." Obviously humans have different hormone levels in different environments. Girls even go through puberty earlier or later depending on whether they live with a stepfather or biological father.

>> No.19555447

You might be arguing with a girl. And telling the girl that society demasculinizes men isn’t something girls want men to know. Girls innately don’t like masculine men. They like betas.

>> No.19555486

That person (likely a woman) definitely isn't thinking on the level of "not wanting men to know" what I'm saying. She probably just finds it offensive and seems stupid because it's shockingly contrary to what types of ideas are allowed outside of this website.

I disagree that women innately don't like masculine men. I think that "betas," as you put it, just behave in a way that feminist ideology teaches that men should act, but what women are taught to like by their college and TikTok is actually the exact opposite of what they innately do like. Men are designed by natural selection to be exactly what women have sexually selected for hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.19555501

Okay girls do like masculine men, but masculine men would take away women’s rights and make them property and non legal persons. So this is why girls “don’t like” masculine men. In a legit masculine society, girls would lose their rights and every female is treated like a child.

>> No.19555508
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Too long didn't read

>> No.19555513

Anyone providing food to another person that brings them harm will be subject to equal harm.
It's what LAW was when it was originally created.

>> No.19555515

>Men are designed by natural selection to be exactly what women have sexually selected for hundreds of thousands of years.
not really true. For majority of civilization, girls are secondary citizens and treated as "less." its not really "less" but less as in well, because men start the country, men die in wars, men built the country and everything, so hence the girls are living in a mans world and girls have to act accordingly. It might be hard for u to grasp this concept. (i dont mean to say that offensively) But what we have now today, is very very very recent. Even in 1940s, all females were treated like children and acted accordingly. It is not "disrespect" or "belittling" females. When you are a guest, you act very respectful. Girls are guest in a mans world. In modern society, girls are taught and act like they are not guests, therefore, we have what we have today.
>Men are designed by natural selection to be exactly what women have sexually selected for hundreds of thousands of years.
this might be true,but at least less than 50 years ago, the men had 50% more testosterone to help keep the beta neediness in check. Majority of men will always be betamale providers, but at least, in the past, there was the T levels to help the man and the non-legal status of females to help these men.

>> No.19555517

Holy fuck the absolute retarded replies that don't understand basic nutrition.

>> No.19555522

>She probably just finds it offensive
definitely. girls find anything that can remove their rights and make them property offensive. being masculine contrasts females, which are weak. Therefore a masculine man, makes a girl look weak. Therefore, she, a modern female, finds it offensive.

>> No.19555526

>what women are taught to like by their college and
when colleges were at their peak and most respected and when real discoveries were made, colleges were all men professors and students.

>> No.19555527

These are the kind of absolute retards that end up in politics.

>> No.19555533

My law: you cannot eat any food that is not directly a part of your own culture, or you will be arrested for cultural appropriation.

>> No.19555534

>When the human brain observes that a woman is telling it what to do, it automatically assumes that the self must be a female as well, and that's why it suppresses its own testosterone production
>>source: it came to me in a dream
LMFAO. hes right though. when you have to work with females and a female colleague is telling the males what to do, it is very negative to a male.
>When you release a pig into the forest, it literally grows hair and tusks
>what a load of bullshit you delusional schizo fuck
it isnt though. didnt you read what the other anons said. You are either the same person arguing or you didnt bother checking the previous responses.

>> No.19555542

>It has to do with the state of our culture. Men are spiritually caged, beaten down, and forced to learn from female teachers in school and in many cases even work for female managers. When the human brain observes that a woman is telling it what to do, it automatically assumes that the self must be a female as well, and that's why it suppresses its own testosterone production.
This is true. Men rule over females. whether the female likes it or not. when men no longer rule over females, society collapses and the gods are angered because demonic things happen in society.

>> No.19555636

> For majority of civilization, girls are secondary citizens and treated as "less."
> Even in 1940s, all females were treated like children and acted accordingly. It is not "disrespect" or "belittling" females. When you are a guest, you act very respectful. Girls are guest in a mans world.
This isn't really true though, it's just a retcon pushed by feminists. They need you to think that women have been historically and currently oppressed so you agree to give them more power as well as feeling sad for them and trying to comfort them. But not only have they always had as much power as they do today, they've also always been using the same tactics. Feminism itself isn't even new, it's just a new academic face they have given to the ages-old female behavior of complaining, saying "woe is me", and manipulation to get what they want. They're masters of seduction and guile, and they are evolved to collect resources by tugging on the male heartstrings. It's been like this since the days of cavemen. Read any ancient primary sources and you'll see that real interactions between men and women were always the same as they are now. Try talking to your grandpa and ask him how women were when he was a kid, and how much power they really wielded in the home and in the community. This myth of men running around treating women like children and slaves before 60 years ago is completely absurd.

>> No.19555646

>treating women like children
>and slaves
no. this didnt happen but needs to.

>> No.19555650

Look at dubai, some black chick was chimping out and was arrested. Look at Afghanistan, girls arent allowed education. Sure theres always betamales that simp, but even then, its less than what is today. Its always mens fault. men need to rule over females. period.

>> No.19555656

girls were never oppressed but were just viewed as "less." like "be quiet, child, men are speaking." Majority of men will always have betaness in them and simping, but when society as a whole viewed girls as less than me, things are different.

>> No.19555660

a 1970s newspaper survey asked men if they spanked their wives and the men said yes.

>> No.19555667

Are you telling me that's a bad thing?

>> No.19555679

no, the other anon (>>19555636 ) isnt totally wrong. but as a society, girls were viewed as less than men. so weaker men can see this and act accordingly. when society sees girls as equals, the weaker men simp harder. So many things girls do would deserve a spanking. And its not always crazy things they do. Simply saying something dumb back then, a man would say "what a dumb femael thing to say" or "shut it, woman" but now as men, we have to listen and pretend she isnt stupid.

>> No.19555694

Girls didn’t actually hold power in home or community. Hence why the radio was so effective in brainwashing females. The way a girl is dressed in a society also reflects everything. Girls will do anything to show as much skin as possible. The dress code is the one of the ultimate test.

>> No.19555703

I can smell the brown poop covered hands that typed this post from here.

>> No.19555713

Females have been “oppressed” but not enough. Cyclically, we always end up with last stage feminism. It’s a cycle. And what girls wore reflects society and “female rights.” Girls really do view sleeping around as empowerment. When men don’t commit to girls with more than 1 body count, girls act accordingly. Or we can go full taliban and Middle East style and have many wives and female sex slaves. Should girls be allowed education?

>> No.19555743

The worst Jews are Reform though, most of them don't even keep Kosher and those who do just follow the no pork/shellfish/mixing meat and milk rules and don't care about actual Kosher certification.

>> No.19555769

repeal the volstead act
alcohol laws are so fucking retarded in the US

>> No.19556141

I see. I think of how my mom acts, who is more responsible than 90 percent of women, but even she acts like a child sometimes. She's never done anything that merited corporal punishment, but some of my sisters definitely deserve it.

>> No.19556167

Never that you know of

>> No.19556326

kill yourselves pseudo intelectual faggots

>> No.19556376

>Farm subsidies keep our farms producing a surplus of food continuously, so that in the event of a war we will have enough capacity to feed ourselves. It's a national security measure. If you didn't subsidize American farming, we would eventually get all our food from China, and then if there was a war or if we got sanctioned we would all starve.
huh...sounds a lot like communism. makes you think

>> No.19556416

No, it doesn't really.

>> No.19556456
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>various farming subsidies handed out to farms during wartime to bolster their output/help with any shortages
>after US wins war, subsidies never lifted, industries grow to expect federal subsidies on their balance sheets
>now at the point where there's so much competition from various countries that if subsidies are threatened in any way, farmers/lobbyist groups have a shitfit about it to Congress and the idea is completely dropped
May not be communism, but it definitely isn't capitalism if you need the federal government's teat to ward off international competition. Sounds socialist in nature...which isn't a bad thing, just that some of our sectors aren't as "free market" as we think they are. Several of these farms are probably only a few steps removed from being nationalized

>> No.19556461

Meant to reply to >>19556416

>> No.19556506

I don't think anyone thinks said sectors are as "free market" as the strawman you're replying to thinks they are. Who are you even trying to convince of what? What are you saying is good and what is bad?

>> No.19556520

Imitation foods are not allowed in any way, with very strict labeling rules for what isn't outright banned.

>> No.19556560

>They also look hideous and make the country ugly.
Just think of them as landwhales being fattened up for slaughter.

>> No.19557854

Ban soy oil or palm oil. Or legalize lung so we can have haggis. Or ban all kosher/halal slaughter (imports included).

>> No.19558531
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All food has to be kosher.

>> No.19558949

All dairy has now to be made of 100% female human milk. All women will induce lactation. Either by breeding or hormones and serve as Hu cows for half of their life.

>> No.19558956

>we would eventually get all our food from China,
Are you retarded?

>> No.19558981

>Regulate soda (and any drink with a certain amount of sugar [or artificial sweetener] per ounce) like alcohol. Not allowed for sale to children, restricted sale for adults.
Why haven't you moved past this nanny state mentality? Bitch we need more freedom, not less

>> No.19558986

It should be a criminal offence to mix ketchup and mayonnaise together.

>> No.19559107

>so this doesn't accomplish anything

>> No.19559110

>has to be
Says who

>> No.19559112

>Says who
see: >>19552567
>If you could pass one food-related law in the US, what would it be?
The US government says, that's who.

>> No.19559115

American farmers are no longer allowed to grow soybeans and tobacco, no importation of vegetables (fruit acceptable), and enough subsidies to keep that self sufficiency going
Local veggies or riot
Sick of tobacco fields and chink soybeans

>> No.19559121

>American farmers are no longer allowed to grow tobacco
Turkroach tobacco farm owner detected

>> No.19559209

You want us to smoke Chinese tobacco instead?
Tobacco is one of the last powerful industries not controlled by the Jews

>> No.19559218


>> No.19559243

>testosterone has dropped 25-50% since the 1980s and chemicals in the water and obesity can't explain it

>> No.19559296

When we invade it'll be renamed to Americour. Stars and stripes will be banned, Cardi B will be commissioned to write the new anthem, and all sidewalks and roads will be replaced with airport style people-movers that automatically run in reverse if fat people are detected.

>> No.19559325

touch grass

>> No.19560458

Burn every stalk of corn and convert the land to ranches for grass fed beef.

>> No.19561383
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>The source is my intuition and intelligence

>> No.19561483

yep fuck corn and fuck soy

>> No.19561515

NTA, but it's already a change. The point of the act isn't erasing candies, chips and cookies, it's basically ensuring that the eponymous ultra processed foods lose to their less salt, fat and sugar laden alternatives. If companies adapt, good for them.

>> No.19561524
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I wonder who is behind this post?

>> No.19561841

it's funny cause i'm actually a white european and i just know these posts were made by amerimutts

>> No.19561849

Hope you like corn.

>> No.19561854

If you are obese or your kids are obese you would be banned from buying food. A fixed amount of food would be delivered to you every week.

>> No.19561878


>> No.19561885

Ban corn syrup.

>> No.19561964

The phenotypic plasticity of one species does not mean a damn thing about another, unrelated species in an unrelated way. The real reason why your T is low is because you're a scared little bitch boy that spent his life growing up behind a computer screen instead of getting his knees scraped playing outside.

>> No.19562156

Women aren't allowed to eat carbs or sugar or anything that can make them fat.

And they can only have vodka straight.

>> No.19562229


>> No.19562233

They replace it with corn syrup.

>> No.19562235

Make the regulation that forces all milk produced to be pausturized have the exception of cheesemaking.
So that the Americans at least have a chance to make good cheeses like the Euros do.
This would mostly produce imitations but it would make the cheese situation alot better.

>> No.19562268

ban all food

>> No.19562313

They should just make pasteurization illegal so the immunocompromised can die off already

>> No.19562656

everyone must consume 1lb of bacon per year with no religious exceptions

>> No.19562667

Food rationing

Sugar, HFCS, goyslop, etc... Most of these problems don't address the primary concern, which is that in general Americans massively overeat. Just limit the average joe to a maximum of 2,500 calories (of course with exceptions allowed for people in certain industries e.g. soldiers and athletes) and that will solve most problems

>> No.19562697

>it's literally impossible for Americans to make cheese!!
boy you're retarded
I can't wait till yurofaggots get Judgement Of Paris'd over cheese as well as wine

>> No.19562895

Go to a normalfag site if you're such a fan of normality.

>> No.19562943

>girls find anything that can remove their rights and make them property offensive
What bizarre group, so different from us.

>> No.19563246

They can make cheese, its just limited by big dairy.

>> No.19563540

Ban all importing or exporting of food.

>> No.19564846

> If you could pass one food-related law in the US, what would it be?

I would levy a permanent 1% tax on all food purchases that went to my personal trust. You all enjoy the whatever the fuck your ideas were. This one's mine.

>> No.19564981


>> No.19565035

I'd create a good samaritan law that makes serving or selling food to the general public without a permit, inspection, or license legal as long as the other person knows you aren't adhering to strict food safety standards.

>But why?
I've read too many "charity shut down for feeding the homeless" news reports. Also for raw milk fans it would make that possible.

>> No.19565040

libs already kick up a shitfit about allowing sixteen year olds to sign employment contracts, you think a
>I promise not to sue A, I need food
clause is going to fly?

good idea though

>> No.19565627

You just made his argument for him.

>> No.19565656
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Ban all endocrine disruptors. Whether that's pesticides, packaging, or the food itself. Anything that's contributing to the worsening LGBT epidemic which is a disaster for humanity.

>> No.19566183

restrict all food and drink items to no more than 10 grams of sugar per serving (probably with some additional legislation to keep companies from just changing how much a serving is)
the obesity epidemic in america would disappear within the decade

>> No.19566197

>i want to remove all food safety standards
no thanks

>> No.19566206

you're insane
not one single country in the world could maintain that

>> No.19566213

sure they can you fat retard

>> No.19566234

what country are you from?

>> No.19566239

I dunno, what's your BMI you stupid deflecting nigger?

>> No.19566250

>what's your BMI
>I dunno
so shut the fuck up, turdie

>> No.19567576

>people who can't raise their own food starve.
Where's the problem?

>> No.19567584

corn syrup banned

>> No.19567610

not even the worst idea ITT

>> No.19567693
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Ban seed oils from human diet.
Ban the usage of seed oils from animal feed

Seed oils are used in animal feed as the scientifically fastest and cheapest way to fatten up animals. If sugar were truly more fattening than sneed oils, then farm animals would get fattened on sugar rather than seed oils.

This would effectively ban the production of s'oybean oil, which is a major, major crop, ironically because it is so effective at inducing obesity in animals, and yet this effect flows up the food chain into humans.

So I bought some shwarma today, and the arab salesguy was super pushy about adding sauce to it. So I asked him what's in the sauce, and he's like "every sauce has mayo". Like mayo is 99% so'ybean oil. I cannot handle that shit. Makes me lethargic.

>> No.19567853

limit EBT to real food. The rest will solve itself

>> No.19567857


>> No.19568140

>limit EBT to real food
>chips and soda are now shoplifted rather than purchased

>> No.19568166

When you raise taxes, you hurt the public by charging them more money to live and exist while the financially literate are either chased off by oppressive costs of business or simply evade the taxes through loopholes that the accountants they can afford to pay take advantage of.

>> No.19568189


Seed oils are cheaper than sugar you mongoloid

>> No.19568209

The destruction of the zoning system of land both affects the growth of sustenance and its sale, therefore I shall stretch it to be a "food-related law". Much change would come.

>> No.19568330

So what happens when we roast the bird? Do we get a dose of that vaccine? What's stopping them from injecting other vaccines into them?

Also ban grains and feedlots. 100% grassfed and finished meat pasture raise EVERY livestock including chicken's. No grains for the chicks either.

>> No.19568347

Junk food and fast food are pretty fuckin cheap and easy to get.

>> No.19569469
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>dying of salmonella to own the europeans

>> No.19569472

i cant even tell if this is parody anymore

>> No.19569483
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It's not too much, it's too much of unhealthy food.
Poors today are obese and, paradoxically, still malnourished.
Goyslop is a calorie bomb with almost no nutritional value, which is what he's targeting. 2600 kcal a day is the average requirement for a male .
Poors nowadays hit that in a shake with their meal alone.
For comparison, a fried egg is 85-120 kcal. 300g of chicken breast is about 500 kcal.

>> No.19569491

We eat meat, but i can confirm about meat prices
America has the advantage of having a shitload of grazing land.
I was shocked when I visited that meat cost about the same as in my country despite you guys having salaries at least 4x ours once taxes are accounted for

>> No.19569496

Nothing would happen
Everyone hear has tried alcohol by like 14 and there are plenty of places where they don't care and will sell you alcohol
t. europoor

>> No.19569685

Im not a American.. But.. There would or should be so many.
I think it would be a GOOD START (but that's even in Europe) to say: no additional sugar (sugar in all of it chemical forms or substitutes ). Would be at least a good start. That's not really a us only thing... Cause it IS a world-wide problem..

>> No.19569728

Preset package sizes and weights for consumer retail & ban products from artificially inflating the size of the boxes in relation to the product.
Every category has a specific number for the size of the package/contents.
>no, you will not sell 953ml of whatever liquid, you will sell 1 litre.
>no, you will not shrink a loaf of bread by 2 slices.
>you WILL sell eggs in dozens.
>packets of chips no longer allowed to be 70% air
>instant noodle pakets are 100 grams or 150 grams.
>chocolate bars are 75 grams. blocks are 350 grams, 500g or higher.
>you will NOT reduce the size of a packet of whatevers by 1.

>> No.19569733

Ban corn starch

>> No.19569742

>surplus of food continuously
A surplus of corn and soy. So when the war starts they'll poison us for real?

>> No.19569746

>packets of chips no longer allowed to be 70% air
>chips crushed in transport
well done, dipshit

>> No.19569748

If pringles can arrive with minimal, often zero, breakage, there's no excuse. Design a better box then.

>> No.19569754

Slop is plentiful and cheap. So poor people mostly eat slop. Which has little nutrition. Which leads to them not being satiated. Which leads to them eating more slop.

>> No.19569760

What about onions and fruit? What about corn, peas and carrots?

>> No.19569767

Pringles come in reinforced cardboard tubes, not chip bags; they're also formed into uniform shapes which is why they can come in such a tube without wasting volume to air

You can't achieve that with a natural potato chip because news flash: potatoes come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. also, a stronger box will be more costly.

>> No.19569769

either you raise your own food and live off a balanced and nutritious diet with no sugar, or you're a retard

>> No.19569772

>design a better box then
like I said. you can get rice crackers in little more than a flimsy plastic sleeve and they don't break.

>> No.19569775

rice crackers are a lot harder than potato chips you absolute mongoloid

>> No.19569777 [DELETED] 

>$0.65 per 100 calories
>a big mac meal is now more than $650
fucking lmao

>> No.19569799 [DELETED] 

>poorest quintile spending an average of $13 a day on food
>$0.65 per 100 calories
>average human needs 2,000 calories a day
>$1300 dollars a day for food
you've not thought this through

>> No.19569803

Back to school, kid

>> No.19569819

He's a leftist, don't bother trying to reason with him

>> No.19570052


>> No.19570347

>It's not haram if we're compelled, so this doesn't accomplish anything
Say Wallah. I bet you're a dirty Kuffar Hindu or Jew.

>> No.19570427

rescind this ban, and allow cheese made from unpasteurized milk.

>> No.19570462

Spotted the black person who washes their chicken instead of properly cooking it.

>> No.19570524

You forgot: ban the use and addition of fluoride to water, toothpaste, etc.

>> No.19570541

If we had a real war it would result in men being selected for courage, brotherhood, duty, devotion to country and family and a sense of justice, all being sent to die somewhere in East Asia. Like what happened the last two times we had a "real war"

>> No.19570596

Hotpocket tax of $66, make the Jannies suffer.

>> No.19570744

Ban HFCS in most applications, make Coke taste smooth again

>> No.19571262

Hmm, good point