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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19549398 No.19549398 [Reply] [Original]

Is this "real" cheese?

>> No.19549407

Anything can be cheese if you’re drunk enough

>> No.19549410

>smegma on rivita

>> No.19549418

Are trans women women?

>> No.19549424

Yes :)

>> No.19549428

what makes them women?

>> No.19549431

god i fucking LOVE cis allies and chasers i fucking LOVE THEM

>> No.19549434

They say they are

>> No.19549441

>add mold to cheese
>it's still cheese
>add maggots to cheese
>it's still cheese
>add sodium citrate to cheese
>it is NOT cheese anymore


>> No.19549444

If someone says they are something, does that in and of itself make them that thing?

>> No.19549448

why yes im optimus prime, how can you tell

>> No.19549450

God I with you faggots would stop making the same fake threads every day.

>> No.19549454

american cheese is real cheese

>> No.19549528


>> No.19549680

yeah, if you're poor

>> No.19549690

autobots roll out!

>> No.19549694

*autogynephilies roll out!

>> No.19549695

0omg optimus is real how do i even

>> No.19549703

your laptop is actually alive and when youre not looking he transforms and laughs at what youve been wanking to like toy story

>> No.19549747

"cheese" aka a mix a of vegetable oils, emulsifiers, melting salts, artificial flavor and food coloring.

>> No.19549780

AGPs are repressing homosexual men

>> No.19549789


>> No.19549790

i am now you
you now believe trans women are not women
i said so

>> No.19551453

by the postmodern laws of subjective reality I must agree

>> No.19551781

why would men be women?

>> No.19551799

What an utterly childish mindframe.

>> No.19551800

I'm straight and they make my dick hard so they're women

>> No.19551806

Viagra would also make your dick hard. Is viagra a woman? If a machine forcefully stimulated your dick and got it hard, would that be a woman?

You're mentally ill and looking for ways to justify your illness.

>> No.19551810

Go back

>> No.19551817

Liking traps, futas, and trans girls is a channer tradition going back to at least 2008 if not the website's inception.

>> No.19551823

you are a closeted gay man attracted to crossdressing closeted gay men

>> No.19551827

When it was counter culture and funny
Now it's mainstream and fucking disgusting crime against humanity

>> No.19551834

Also you have to differentiate "liking" with laughing at troons for cutting off their dicks

>> No.19551839

I've actually done some experimenting and can say with 100% certainty that I'm not gay. Still like cute trans girls though.
So you're just a contrarian. Imagine being this easy to manipulate.

>> No.19551844

American cheese is just cheese with milk and sodium citrate added.

>> No.19551849

>Imagine being this easy to manipulate
This sorta sums up trannies honestly. They're completely worthless as people and know it, so they only kick they can get is from imagining that they have any shred of power or control over others. Like yeah okay "Francesca", you totally just manipulated me, wow you're so clever, now go get a job and move out of your parents house, they haven't wanted you there for 20 years but don't know what to do about you.

>> No.19551850

Says the troon enthusiast

>> No.19551852

2016 tourists

>> No.19551858

2016 was a long time ago, Anon

>> No.19551862

just because you can't admit to being gay doesn't mean you aren't

>> No.19551869
File: 132 KB, 1400x1050, the_matrix_4_morpheus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain

>> No.19552072


>> No.19552289
File: 30 KB, 320x220, 1681625705368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this cheese?

>> No.19552305

This board is fucking retarded lmao, how do you mentally ill faggots turn a question about cheese into trannies

>> No.19552307

and what is this?

>> No.19552337

being gay is not a mental illness

>> No.19552400

was it?

>> No.19552681

they've overstayed their welcome

>> No.19552918


>> No.19552961

No but it's closer to cheese than vegan cheese. At least it melts. Someone gave me some vegan cheese slices and it was repulsive even when put on a borger. Something really unsettling about "cheese" that just sweats and smells bad when warm instead of melting.

>> No.19552967

what does vegan cheese taste like?

>> No.19552972

Y'all are viewing the question the wrong way.
American cheese = real cheese
Kraft singles != real American cheese

>> No.19553011

Vaguely cheeselike but mostly flavorless, and it has an unpleasant dry and crumbly texture. That's despite it sweating moisture or oil or whatever when it's heated.

>> No.19553240
File: 168 KB, 640x428, 1685391267805233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually using shitingles
Everyone who isn't a faggot about processed cheese knows exactly what kind to actually get (while you continue to seethe)

>> No.19553403

im not even american lol
how deluded do you have to be to think le drumpf is the source of anti tranny shit

>> No.19553454

>say someone is something
>that's what they are
based niggerfaggot

>> No.19554149


>> No.19554185
File: 143 KB, 800x533, roquefort-cheese-cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this 'real' cheese or just moldy shit we have been fooled to believing is 'real' cheese?

>> No.19554194
File: 26 KB, 518x443, limburger-cheese-block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real cheese?

>> No.19554213

too stinky

>> No.19554218

Same thing that makes you a man : wishful thinking.

>> No.19554223

To anyone wondering how you convert cheese into American "cheese".

>> No.19554241

People always say this. I don’t understand them. The more pungent cheeses are better.

>> No.19554249
File: 467 KB, 2592x1728, Amish Goat cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot's of cheese here, just go to the store
we have these all over ready to feed you and please you anything you could want or desire

>> No.19554269

Depends on personal preference.

>> No.19554278
File: 126 KB, 1500x1500, Tillamook cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People rave over this
It's good

>> No.19554327

Yes, it is real cheese. In fact, it's four cheeses in one.

>> No.19554907
File: 73 KB, 960x720, american cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real cheese if you think meatloaf or meatballs are real meat

>> No.19554958

Then why are gays still so miserable when they're living with all the rights that they could ever want?

>> No.19554989

Do Amerisharts not eat basic ass cheddar cheese? What the hell.

>> No.19555178

>add salt to a soup
>it's still soup
>add soy sauce to a soup
>it's still soup
>add plutonium-239 to a soup
>it's not a soup anymore

how the FUCK does this work anons

>> No.19555978
File: 131 KB, 648x484, 1560657551044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that...citric acid...with sodium molecules on it?
>aaaAAAAA i'm going insaaaaaneeeee

>> No.19555988

The more pungent it is the more limited its application

>> No.19556015
File: 46 KB, 638x479, DuyAcuhWwAIotyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being gay is not a mental illness
The DSM says you are wrong.

>> No.19556045

>50 years outdated
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.19556443

>implying that isnt just another troon
chasers don't exist

>> No.19556448

The new one says it's OK to cut your dick off I'm not sure it's the bastion of rationality you want it to be

>> No.19556454

DSM-5 is so fucking fake and gay they're not even using roman numerals anymore. I'll tolerate DSM-IV.

>> No.19556459

if it says sliced cheese, or cheese slices on the label it is made with cheese and is cheese.

if it says "cheese product" on the label it is not made with cheese.

>> No.19556464

>being gay is not a mental illness
yeah because going against natural biology and threatening the existence of your species is so normal.

>> No.19556470

I wouldn't continue this discussion further. A mod they hired from reddit will throw a tantrum and ban everyone if you point out their level of STDs, parasites, suicide, substance abuse, and pedophilia. No one likes the truth.

>> No.19556484

no anon, you'll be banned for discussing off-topic things in a thread about cheese. you and your ilk are eternally obsessed with things you hate and you love bringing them up and shitting up the place any chance you can

>> No.19557537

Romans never wrote IV.

>> No.19559034

>Is this "real"
idk anymore

>> No.19559517


Tell that to my ""straight"" boyfriend lol. He's Filipino and taught me how to cook adobo, I love him so much :)

>> No.19559521

racemixing is bad

>> No.19559526

race mixing doesn't apply to two dudes, anon

>> No.19559527

only if i find them attractive

>> No.19559577

yes it does
you are still lowering yourself to be with in inferior kind because you have issues yourself and darker races have lower standards for whites

>> No.19559583

no. retard.

>> No.19559590

>Take cheese
>Add chemical stabilizer
More like: Are trans men still women?

>> No.19559610

It's MADE from real cheese, but it is not real cheese itself.

>> No.19559612

trans men are women
trans women are men

>> No.19559654

>point out
*make up

>> No.19559694
File: 246 KB, 570x668, lmao faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy do i have news for you

>> No.19560476

what does that even mean?

>> No.19560480

Its a mixture of cheeses, usually cheddar and cream cheese.

>> No.19560504

this is the one thing europe did right, cheese.
fuck craft singles, tastes like chalk

>> No.19560583

trans women are _______

>> No.19561454

anon couldn't have been more clear bro
you may need to go back to 1st grade

>> No.19561470

>Is this "real" cheese?
the stuff you get from the deli yes, the stuff from the dairy section that comes prepackaged no

>> No.19561488

its real cheese emulsified with oil and like... baking soda? bromine? i forget which.

>> No.19561491
File: 231 KB, 655x599, naked pepefrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take (mostly cheddar) cheese blend
>melt it
>put cheese dip in mold
>let it harden
>plastic package
Kraft singles are okay, but real government cheese was better. You kids wouldn't understand what the real deal was like.

>> No.19561660

no matter how many times i see someone use this phrase i will always be confused. the word trans implies altered from the original, how can it be a man or a woman?

>> No.19561756

>add sodium citrate
And wood chips
And rat droppings
And 50+ chemical preservatives
And foreign material that they don't have to cite on the ingredients list because of relaxed FDA restrictions


>> No.19561763

We do. I have a block of sharp cheddar and pepperjack in my fridge right now and I generally slice those with a cheese wire to lay across sandwiches or on top of a pasta dish to make a nice crust. I also have a high-dollar shaker of parmegiano reggiano and other cheeses I put on pizza and anything that tastes good with it on it. The point of the yellow processed "cheese" is that it melts very well and very easily, it's basically just a thin slice of velveeta in terms of texture. I keep a brick of singles in the fridge to give to my dogs as a treat occasionally or to throw in a bowl of ramen, occasionally I'll use it with other cheeses in a grilled cheese but you can't overdo it or else it gets gross.

It's technically not cheese hence why they're called singles or single slices. There's a few companies that make some that is technically real cheese but it's kinda shit because it doesn't melt as well. Its junkfood you're not supposed to eat often.

>> No.19562083

>Source: My ass

>> No.19562129

It's basically a block of oil and fat in a vaguely cheese-like color that tastes like a really shitty weak cheddar. It's not cheese. It does melt really well which makes it useful but it's terribly unhealthy, although not nearly as much as being from france and cooking everything in several sticks of butter for every meal.

>> No.19562493

Trans just means across. Like in chemistry if you have two functional groups separated by a double bond, it’s the cis isomer if they’re on the same side and the trans isomer if they’re on opposite sides.

>> No.19562549
File: 16 KB, 720x522, 1666500998059106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19563841

are you bragging about being on welfare?

>> No.19563880

define cheese

>> No.19563982

coagulated milk

>> No.19564009

something that melts and you can eat it

>> No.19566240

no, trans women are men

>> No.19566261
File: 190 KB, 328x328, 1691081951839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19566270

You are unironically retarded to try and argue that fucking sodium and citric acid are comparable to plutonium, lmfao.

>> No.19566299

>a machine forcefully stimulated your dick and got it hard
then that's a sex crime

>> No.19566453

you've been huffing each other's crotch gas for so long that you've become delusional

>> No.19566862

Another 4chan click bait thread.
So much since years.
Next clickbait thread will be milk. Then vegan and vegetarian, then japanese methods to get healthy. European food every now and then, ten all from beginning.
Its everytime the same.

>> No.19567120

poor baby

>> No.19567144

you are fake cheese

>> No.19568152

Welfare is based, the government overtly giving you something instead of taking

>> No.19568933

They have to take it from someone else first. Welfare means more taking and it wastes a lot of money compared to just letting things be because of the cost of managing welfare systems and the inefficiency.

>> No.19569040


Chuds are utterly obsessed with trannies and are physically incapable of going 5 minutes without thinking about them.

>> No.19569395

No, because sodium citrate isn't something naturally occurring in the cheese. Bleu can be naturally occurring and thus a cheese. However, you need to deliberately get flies and maggots, they're external to the cheese, so casu marzu is a cheese product, just like American cheese.

>> No.19569400

yes europoor

>> No.19569403

It stops being real cheese once it's been processed with chemicals and shit to turn it into those singles.

>> No.19570522

It's just cheese with sodium citrate.

>> No.19570926

No its fake